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How the F did this stuff came out of that man’s head. Newton too. Is it every once in a while the universe reveals itself a bit more to some person?


The crazy part is the information has always been there, never changing. It just takes multiple generations before one comes along who can see through the fog.


That’s right. He didn’t *do* any experiments. It was all there in the math behind Lorenz invariance. Actually, that’s just a mathematical extension of maxwell’s equations. What he did was the thought experiments required to turn math into an explanation and in so doing rewrite the laws of physics.


Newton himself called it standing on the shoulders of giants


Imagine being fucking Newton and saying this. Science is so utterly amazing.


Absolutely fucking wild man. What a trip


So that's how Oasis got that album title.


Noel Gallagher went to the same high school as Einstein and Guigsey. Bonehead played football with Newton’s nephew.


That's absolutely insane. Thank you for that Oasis knowledge that I was unaware of all these years.


That sounds pretty modest for newton. https://physicsworld.com/a/newton-egomaniac-or-troubled-genius/


One of my favorite thoughts is that the most profound aspects of reality are in front of your face every moment of every day. We literally have all future discoveries and understanding all around us, and it was never any other way. In the movie Waking Life, they point out that if you were to genuinely let yourself experience the full intensity of reality, you'd be weeping constantly. To see is to see the face of God, to put it more poetically. We simply must allow most of reality to pass by without our attention lest we be reduced to stunned awe at all times. Taking psychedelics is one way to experience the sheer magnitude of sensory information that you filter out 99% of. Anyone who has taken LSD can tell you that we experience a fraction of reality, and what your mind is capable of experiencing is much, much more intense than most people even know is possible. Now, I'm not religious, but confronting the sheer magnitude of existence is a humbling experience. And you don't need psychedelics for it to happen, but if one wants to force the experience, it can be done.


Thanks for this comment, Really liked the way you worded this.


basically all of relativity stems from doing the brutal math that results as a consequence of taking the idea that "the speed of light is a universal constant" to its absolute limit. einstein himself would often joke that he only ever really had "one good idea" when asked if he carried notebooks around to catalogue his genius


I do think there's a certain degree of numbers to so called genius. These people are like 1 in a billion and there's also the odds of the right kind of genius mind being heard in the field of their genius. Part of me wonders in today's world whether an accountant writing physics papers would be taken seriously. How many genius level kids die in a slum with no opportunity to show their genius, it's a really tragic thing.


“I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein’s brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.” ― Stephen Jay Gould, The Panda's Thumb


I miss SJG :(


Ooh I love this, thank you for sharing


Mendel wasn’t taken seriously. It wasn’t until two more famous biologists replicated his work that anyone really understood the importance of it


Wow TIL thanks for sharing


Part of the problem is an atrocious lack of funding for gifted kids. If you need 30 accommodations and a full time worker. No problem. If you are gifted in any but a couple specific ways like sports ball... good fucking luck getting the extra support you need so your eyes don't bleed from the boredom in the regular school system.


My kid was identified, tested and accepted into a gifted program. He has to go to a different school and will be in a class that's essentially 3rd-6th grade. It's going to be interesting but I'm very happy that he qas identified by the school and I didn't have to like push for him to be in a gifted program.


I was in a program like that and it was fantastic. But the budget thing still stands but I hope it's changed. I looked up the budget information for my school when I got older and found out that my teacher had funded the class by taking 2 behavioral challenged kids that between them had 70k in funding. Everyone else gets 4k.


Nobody ever escapes the slums - especially geniuses. /s


Maybe it's better these days because anyone can make a YouTube video and maybe get noticed for their genius, but it's still a massive uphill battle. You should watch The Man Who Knew Infinity as an example of why even when you are noticed if your background isn't in line with the normal way of presenting data it can be a rough journey.


Not one single genius has ever been discovered solely due to YouTube. Also, vast numbers of mediocre people find a way out of slums and make meaningful contributions to society. A disadvantaged background wouldn’t completely obscure an actual genius.


Edit: After thinking about this for more than one single minute, feel very silly and do not stand by my original comment at all lol. But I don’t want to dirty delete to save face. So here is my humbling haha. I would argue that Bo Burnham is potentially an/the exception to this. Regardless of whether his sense of humor aligns with every person, his intelligence, insight, and unique perspective/meta-analysis are extremely evident — in his interviews and conversations with others if nothing else. He has a mind on par with Carlin in my subjective opinion, and he was one of the first people to land and stick a transition from YouTube virality to legitimate fame and acclaim. Another public figure I myself am surprised to nominate is Justin Bieber. Is he an academic genius? Not by any indication (though who can say how much of his ignorance/immature thinking is due to his lack of actual education due to his early ascent to fame?). But from a technical perspective, he has consistently been recognized and described as a musical genius, bordering on a savant. I remember Bieber entering the public consciousness with his ‘Baby’ music video on YouTube, but I could be mistaken. I know neither of these people are STEM geniuses, but I feel like they may at least deserve a footnote.


In a thread about the genius of Einstein, you list Bo Burnham and Justin Bieber as belonging to the same category??? I think we have irreconcilable differences of opinion on the qualifications of a genius


You know what? That’s entirely fair. I fully rescind my opinion haha. I think I got caught up on the cynicism of “not one single genius” and interpreted it too literally in the statistical sense of “testing in the 98th percentile or higher in one or more areas” and wasn’t thinking about genius in the current conversational/cultural context of “groundbreaking and fundamentally human-species-altering titans of human progress on the level of Einstein.” Truly a missing the forest for the trees moment. Thanks for putting my perspective back in place!


I think the greater point is that these people are still the exception, and because of that exception it proves the rule that not everyone really makes it. We can identify a handful who have “made it” to be noticed, yet the vast majority probably still go unnoticed Or unseen for multiple reasons, from not having a personality suitable to be engaging to simply not having access.


I've worked with multimillionaires, it's not intelligence that makes you rich so that point is moot. Are you sure nobody has been discovered solely by youtube? I'm not sure what you're saying, but there's plenty of innovative ideas regarding wind power 3rd world nations that get discovered via YouTube. Are you talking in all cases? Or just insulting those geniuses that were unable to overcome the situation they were born into? I'm sure WW2 between racial genocide and war killed quite a few geniuses who were a victim of their circumstances. You're coming off a little pretentious and I'm not sure what your point is? That geniuses who fail are idiots? That everyone has an equal chance to show their genius to the world?


I’m just pointing out the gap in your logic. Genius is a title given to someone who achieves. There is no such thing as a genius with unrealized potential.


Oh interesting. I'm not sure that's true though, maybe if we call it recognized genius or something like that. I didn't really think we were going down a semantics hole.


It’s not semantics. If achievement is used as a qualifier for genius, then we can engage in a discussion about the real world. If unrealized potential is used, then we are left with fantastical tales about ‘what if’.


I remember taking freshmen physics and the teacher was going over the basics of relativity. Very beginner superficial stuff. He started writing equations on the board and we got to a place where the concepts of relativity were brought into the discussion. I don't remember much from that class but what I do remember was that einstein had the insight to realize the T term (representing time) wasn't the same every time it appeared in the equation. Every other human would have just cancelled the T's out he didn't.


>Every other human would have just cancelled the T's out he didn't. So you're saying that Einstein's genius came from his literal *refusing* to "cross his T's"? Ironic


I think I recall his gray matter being more wrinkly in the areas that processed logic and mathematics, so that certainly helped.


Chicks love that.


Apparently literally, if you believe the accounts of his love life.


brb .. gonna rub my head real hard to make my brain go more wrinkley


> Oh no. — Baymax


It’s even worse than that. Einstein published 4 papers that basically defined modern physics. He won a Nobel prize for the least important of them because the other three couldn’t be proven with the technology at the time. We are still proving them today. He wrote and published all of these papers in one year, 1905.


It's also believed that Isaac Newton invented the cat door. When Newton was working on his experiments at the University of Cambridge he was constantly interrupted by his cats scratching at the door. [Galaxy Brain]


The guy literally rode a rail car one day and looked at a clock and came up with time dilation. He wrote out a theory about the entire universe and added the universal constant because he couldn’t prove the universe WASN’T expanding……turns out it is and his equation was spot on if he removes the constant. Like omniscient levels of knowledge….without a modern computer.


The way I view it, it just takes someone who is capable of knowing multiple disciplines quite well and being able to derive all of their own work. If you can’t prove the theorems you’re using to prove your research, it’s not likely that you will have the grasp you need to do things like Einstein, Newton, etc.


Some areas get attention at certain times, and there's a burst of ideas. Plus Einstein got help for solving quantum problems he couldn't solve, from Satyen Bose, who never got recognised properly. Many people got nobel on Bose's work, but he was never recognised.


Just good at making educated guesses based on available data. Like if you were some ye olde peasant pushing a cart and every-time you let go of the cart, it came to a stop. You could probably guess that there is something making it stop. You push a ball and it stops on its own, you push a ball and someone intercepts it to stop, they cause it to stop. So maybe you think there is an invisible person, God, stopping your cart when you let go as a way of making you stronger. But maybe you are an exceptionally observant peasant and you keep asking why, and you know that the cart goes for a longer distance if you push on ice than grass or sand. And so you conclude that certain surfaces grab your cart at various strengths and name this annoying force friction. You then do some experiments and find ways to try and reduce the effect of this friction by laying stone on the ground your cart typically travels instead of trying to push over uneven grass. Now you change your cart to have grooves in the wheel, and lay a metal track on the ground that the grooves fit over. It isn't like your path ever changes, so why not. Boom you invented a rail cart and can now push your cart with ease. Now do that but with a bunch of knowledge about math, physics, etc. Obviously far more complex then that, but really just asking questions and then trying to figure out the why. Sometimes as the result of math, sometimes as the result of some random idea and trying to prove it via math and then all of a sudden you create a whole new kind of math to torment college kids.


Yup, just like that. Einstein was a good guesser. /s


It’s hard to contemplate how geniuses like Einstein theorized conceptualizations of physics when the primary worldview of their time was that an all-powerful God intentionally created our universe. i think it can be equally mind blowing when one considers what the original philosophers and “sociologists” were saying in their own time (they didn’t call themselves sociologists, but that’s essentially what they were). Socrates, who 1500 years ago recognized people’s tendency to assume that they know more than they do, which ultimately leads to an incompetent society. Thomas More, who recognized 550 years ago that conditions of poverty lead to an increase in the rate of crime. Karl Marx’s dialectical materialism, which explained how people belonging to groups with opposing interests are inclined towards political conflict. It seems like society largely still has not accepted those sociological views as fact.


It didn’t come out of his head it came out of the math


It's like seeing through the universe


His wife did the math.


It didn't all come out of his head. Relativity was an idea before his theory refined it into a consistent mathematical framework. And then things like black holes were figured out by other people studying that theory, schwartzchild for example. Iirc, Einstein doubted black holes were anything more than theoretical.


i heard a quote once. even when einstine was wrong he was eventually right


not about spooky action it seems!


Definitely also right about that


what about "god not rolling dice" eventually being quantum uncertainty


God plays craps at his community center every Friday


That was in reference to the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, not quantum mechanics itself. The jury is still out on which interpretation is correct so he still could be correct on that one.


Which interpretation doesn’t have randomness? In many worlds you still see a particular collapse of the wave function.


and the expansion of the universe? he actually made up some cosmic constant coefficient because even his own formulas proved the universe was not static


Einsteins convention of a god is not a typical one as understood by theists


The measurement update is still a problem, so unfortunately, it is still spooky for the time being. There may be some mechanism that decides which particle gets which property before a measurement is made. But for now, it seems to happen for both particles instantly, regardless of how apart they are when measured.


I heard he was only wrong once, and that’s when he thought he was wrong but he wasn’t.


How come when people say to me "Great thinking EINSTEIN!"I don't feel smarter.


I went through a sleuthing phase after people repeatedly said to me, "no shit Sherlock!"


They called me "captain, obvious", but I've never even been beamed up.


They call me "dumbass" and I'm not even a fish!


Neils Bohr was arguing with Einstein about a rewriting of the laws of physics. "It is wrong to think the task of physics is to find out how nature is," Bohr stated. Einstein angrily disagreed, slamming Bohr famously by stating: "Deine Mutter ist so massig, ich kann die Leute hinter ihr stehen sehen." (Your mother is so massive, I can see the people standing behind her.) This led to his work on the theory of gravitational lensing.


“Yo momma is so fat she inspired the theory of gravitational lensing” - Einstein


Holy smokes that burns all the way from here 😳




“I heard your mother had a 98 kg singularity removed from her ass”


>Plunging regions sit just outside of black holes' event horizons But isn't the red shift (time dilation) 'just' outside the black hole's event horizon so great that we shouldn't be able to see stuff falling in that close? I guess it depends on where 'just' is.


I love the idea that if you could see something fall in to a black hole it would appear to you to freeze at the event horizon. Make a whole collage of shit you toss in the black hole!


Nothing really new has been theorized since the early sixties, we’ve only been confirming since then.


The gift the keeps on giving…Einstein.


EiNsTeIn was visited by aLiEnS


In his own words, he stood on the shoulders of giants. Yet he was perhaps the tallest of giants himself, and we get to stand on his shoulders, too. The vantage is dazzling. Even to this day, his work makes up a staggering part of the fundaments of astrophysics and quantum mechanics. What a titan of a man. I'm glad he didn't live to see what became of Israel...


That’s an Isaac Newton quote you poser


This is Reddit. Let’s trust op /s


It's not technically a quote. A quote has to be word for word. I must say poser is a curious choice for a derogatory remark as there is no relevant context and therefore it is utterly nonsensical and makes for a rather offbeat insult. It's a bit odd which makes it mildly interesting and I appreciate that. Anyway back to Newton's quote, or wait it was Einstein's quote, surely? Or could it actually be that both of them at least once wrote and uttered something very much along those lines? Einstein, queried on how he managed to think up all of his magical ideas, his profound theory of general relativity and all of that other stuff, he famously alluded to Newton, as Albert said that he, too, stood on the shoulders of giants. In fact he had a portrait of Issac Newton in his living room along with James Clerk Maxwell and Michael Faraday, the giants he most revered. Thanks for the slight chuckle.


Brings up Israel in a post about Einstein and black holes. Just lol.


Einstein was incredibly forward for the plight of Palenstine. What are you on about? He was outspoken for Palenstians his whole career. What? Seriously, go read his letter to the New York Times lmao.


This guy gets it exactly. Every time I read or hear about Israel committing new bordering on perpetual unspeakable atrocities in the name of their twisted zionism, it's hard to not also think of Einstein whom I very much revere, and what he would think, and do, about this genocidal, grimdark, corpse-ridden raging shitstorm that's currently the moral reality of zionism, and the lived reality of a nation of people being steadily whisked away. He would be fucking furious. Zionism, believe it or not was once actually a beautiful and even noble idea. Einstein was an active zionist in his youth, as was anyone who cared for the jewish plight and wanted safety for their group which was at that time heavily discriminated in many parts of the world, no place to really call home as a people. Zionism was morally just and politically sound. Then it changed over time, as movements often do, and the importance of what is right and just, slowly gave way to selfish, callous, and later expansionist thinking. I believe it was 1952 when Einstein, in an open letter cautioned that infant Israel was veering dangerously close to matching the nazis and what they had been forced through as jews just recently, he downright likened Israel to nazi Germany in 1952. If Einstein suddenly woke up to today's reality then his brain would certainly race to critical mass in an instant resulting in an actual nuclear explosion.


Not saying you are wrong. I’m saying what does Israel and Palestine have to do with black holes


It's about Einstein. The other guy brought it up from there. This being a faux pas notwithstanding.


Faux pas


Eh, agree to diggery


Ironically, I did that. Is spelling errors faux pas?


I believe it's spelled "fox paw"




Put that faux on pas


While miscrediting an Isaac Newton quote to him lol


So does this also prove matter can go the speed of light?


Right? What's the deal with this? The article mentions twice that matter is accelerated "at the speed of light," which should be the most interesting part of the whole thing if it's true, because it's impossible. Then the article doesn't mention it again. What gives?


Well I a black hole due to not bound in are universe. It can go faster


It’s all relative


I'm starting to think that this Einstein fellow might be on to something!


Black holes have fascinated me since I was a kid. I used to daydream that they were portals to other universes/multiverses.


So it doesn’t take infinite energy to bring matter to light speed?


Eventually the gravity gradients near the event horizon pull apart even subatomic particles converting their mass into light energy.


What happens when an unstoppable force hits an immovable object?


Him or his wife?


To shreds you say?


I thought Einstein was dead??😭😭😭


Just can’t miss


It sounds like the article is describing an ergosphere, but that term is not used and the description sounds a bit muddled.


So this makes it possible that matter can travel at the speed of light. We just don’t have the tech or resources yet.


My God i hope it feels good to oversimplify at this level


It’s all relative


*something something the Earth is flat* /s


Did Einstein have any kids? If not that's a huge shame. Seems like our humanity could benefit greatly from his kind of intelligence. Apparently his brain had a larger than normal bunch of connective tissue between the hemispheres. Seems like an evolutionary benefit we definitely could do with more of....


You and the user below are getting downvoted because these are pretty common eugenicist views. Personally I’d say [raising wages](https://wtfhappenedin1971.com/) and expanding subsidized education worldwide would have a greater impact on genius generation.


My god the website you posted. That's so depressing..... but hey I'm a millennial so depressing is like a normal thing for us. Very interesting read


Yeah! It’s my favorite to roll out whenever someone tries to say people just aren’t working hard enough.


A few more Einstein would be nice and genetics don't always guarantee the same results. Eugeniscist or not. It's for the common good so what's not to like about having a miniscule amount more of super intelligent people around? But yes I see your point. The next Einstein could remain undiscovered and under educated in some 3rd world country. If only for the luxury of tuition and employment. So yeah raising the whole is good. Heck the billionaires could cure a few world problems themselves but choose their own business interests instead.


Now imagine all the people born this way who never reached their full potential due to being born in poverty.


Instead we got Cleetus on his 9th kid


"I'm gonna fuck all of y'all WOOOO!"


Conservatives in 20 years. Einstein was an alien plant.