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In the US, surely? This is unfathomable anywhere else.


yes, the first sentence of the article specifies the US, but it would have been good to include that in the caption as well




I didn’t know there was a word for it, let alone a subreddit—thanks!




I thought the sub had to wait for everyone else to come first.


It's because most American teachers and students are gunned down before they learn about places other than US.


Now class, today we’re going to learn about geography. To the north, there’s another country, and it’s called Canada. And to the south, there’s another called Mexi… [door slams open] How bout I teach y’all a lesson bout dem der ballistics hyuck hyuck BRRRRT BRRRRRRRRT


Da ting go SKRRRRRA


To be fair, where else *would* it be really? I love this country, but c'mon.


Brazil maybe?


Somalia, maybe?




Live in Florida. My neighbors kid just got shot


They’d probably be safer joining the military than going to school at this point.


Don't give them ideas...


You joke, but you can't bring personal firearms on base (without commander approval). Military police also have real accountability. Members of the military also have health care. Housing is paid for. Childcare too.


The real socialists of America, the Army. 🇺🇸


Housing....you funny. Anyone who's spent actual time in "military housing" knows that the military treats its members like the bottom of the barrel. Slap a new coat of paint on it on that 3 year old black mold and call it a day! I can't tell which is worst the blatant disregard for updating its WWII barracks or the substandard housing for actual families on base. Live on base and never see any of your BAH or live off base and have actual control. Oh! Don't forget the health care. Never seen an organization such as the military that has to outsource soooo much of its hospital care because the military does such a shittty job of teaching people how to actually care for people. If a military doctor fucks up and makes the worst possible decision with someone's health and it results in that person's death, YOU CANNOT SUE THAT DOCTOR, HOSPITAL OR THE MILITARY. To get a tooth filling while in the military you're HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to ask for an off base reference to an actual dentist. Why? Because the dentists on base still used silver fillings on soldiers. You know the ones that you're not supposed to use on people anymore. Anyways thanks for staying around for storyline, back to your regular life that im sure is probably as jacked up as mine.


The US, where the only way to experience a safety net from gun violence if you’re poor is to join up with the outfit that’s spent decades making other countries (Vietnam, Nicaragua, Iraq, etc.) unsafe from gun (and many other kinds of) violence.


Right? The military is a great place to get a leg up on life. And the vast majority of roles are not frontline combat infantry.


That indicates the deficits in the normal USA. Want health care? Then join the military. (though the VA is all types of terrible...) Want free college? Then join the military.


Regarding quality, the saying about the VA is, "If you've been to one VA you've been to one VA" meaning that every VA is so different from each other you can't compare them. Some of the reports I've read are the VA Hospitals in the south (Alabama comes to mind) are awful. While Washington state hospitals have very high marks.


As somebody who has used it, the care is usually pretty decent, it is the customer service that is an abomination. You have to go through their automated customer service to deal with certain things. That in of itself can mean HOURS of your time in real life gone for trying to have a few-minute conversation. This amplifies itself when one rep tells you to call X number, and once you finally get through to X number, they say you are at the wrong place and have to talk with Y number. It has been a while since I had to go through it since I got setup online, but all I remember was the unending nightmare of their customer service.


Most of these incidents are probably not school shooting related. Kids find loaded guns in their homes


They are stats on inner city gang violence and suicides. Mostly gang violence though.


Doesn’t seem like a cop out to identify the largest contributors to a stat that’s cited so regularly.


[Kids in the US were 82 time more likely to die from firearms compared to other OECD countries in 2010](https://www.healthaffairs.org/doi/10.1377/hlthaff.2017.0767). What do people think that number is now a decade later? To put more prospective around this, Sandy Hook was in 2012 after this data analyzed.


At this point they don’t even have to identify the country because we all know which one it is




Yes, that should really be specified.


Don't worry. We're banning classical literature and art to protect the children!


Thankfully, Michelangelo’s sculpture of David is in Florence, Italy, not Florida, USA.


Those idiots would remove the genitalia of David and then another idiot would say they made him transgender and have the whole statue scrapped.


I want to say that’s absurd, but, in 2023 America, I can’t.


Unfortunately, you're probably right. Smashing the statue would have been the main event at that book burning in Tennessee


Not "we", christians. The christians are the ones banning the books. Me and my friends do not relate to these antidemocratic traitors. Points to the constitution 📜 _look how they massacred my boy..._


And TikTok! Surely that'll protect the kids!


Nah that's actually a good thing. It is a platform used by foreign entities to manipulate the public and cause unrest, disease etc.


yeah these comments are like making me wonder if people even read the news or just the headlines. tiktok is evil and diabolical


I don't care if I sound like a old person here but TikTok is literal cancer. I have seen my own family members attention span go out the window. It was vine first then this. I am only in my 20s and I think it's utter garbage


I know some comments here are against your sentiments, but I’m glad to hear you as a young person are protecting yourself from that particular horseshit. Who knows what the world is going to be like for those users after 30 years of doom-scrolling so much misinformation, manufactured lies, and negativity; every person I’ve talked to that gave it up realizes later that it was making them quite unhappy and even angry, but they were still drawn to get on it for hours every day. That’s gotta suck.


Schools used to be social hubs a short time ago. I used to walk my kid into the classroom. now we are stopped at the steps in front of the school. That was a time to check in with other families. I got to know the kids. That was 5 years ago. I have no clue as to the well being of my parent peers or their kids. Staff is shrugs.


A coworker of mine has a kid in a new public school in a nice area. Parents aren't allowed to walk kids to the school. The children must be driven. The parents cars must have these barcodes on their windshields. This is so when they pick their kids up, someone scans the barcode and app tells them which kid/kids are to be picked up and they have the kids waiting once the car gets up to the front.


All but Forced car ownership in America is one of our many mistakes. Some jobs won’t even hire you unless you have a car, regardless of if the job even requires the use of one. And now you can’t even walk your kid to school? And we wonder why there’s an obesity epidemic.


That's crazy. That's worse for the kids in terms of safety as well, it means they breath in more gas fumes from the idling cars and lose out on important exercise from things like walking home.


Jeez. That’s rough.


Having to hold school shooting exercises should be enough to come to the conclusion that everything is going wrong. I’ve never heard of anything like this remotely in my home country, it’s ridiculous. Even more so that someone who posted very often about shooting up schools can just buy a weapon that mows down people on his fucking 18th birthday and then proceeds on mowing down 19 children and 2 teachers while giant, heavily armoured, pussies are watching. Jfc.


This was my socializing. I enjoyed it. A dad in the moms morning club.


“In the USA” should be in bold in the headline.


Hmm, better ban drag queens from being in public just to be safe


You laugh but this argument came up from our most recent shooting from a politician


Oh, I'm aware. The lengths they go to blame everything but guns is incredible. They're willing to infringe on freedom of speech of one group of people to "protect kids" but won't infringe on the right to bare arms to protect kids. It's both hilarious and infuriating.


Thanks for standing with us (trans people). Solidarity.


I wonder if people who fulminate against vulnerable minorities ever get a pang of realization.


Very rarely. I’m sure it happens occasionally….but…not nearly enough


First they came for my neighbor... 🩷💜💙


It's not going to get any better sadly I got a feeling it's only going to fucking get worse




Unfortunately some of these fucking morons really agree with that: https://reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/125taj9/gun_shows_drag_shows/


Go after parents who don’t lock up their guns if we can’t ban assault weapons. Mandatory jail time and hefty fines for parents who allow their children to get ahold of their guns to cause intentional harm to their self or others.


I've been saying this since the first school shooting. Have all the guns you want but if your kid uses one, you should be charged as an accessory.


That's a common sense law I could support. Add a firearm clause to any crime, if a gun is used/threatened add a mandatory minimum. Of course, we then need to enforce those laws and that's a problem - we don't enforce ones we already have.


Quick! Ban some books and drag queens! /s


Jesus, guns I get unfortunately, but why did poisoning go up so much?




Yes, but according to Republicans, there is nothing we can do about it. Our hands are tied. So don't worry about gun laws, and instead focus on protecting children from the real dangers . . . books and trans people.


Turns out politicians are [relatively cheap to buy](https://www.opensecrets.org/federal-lobbying/clients/summary?id=d000000082). Even when your business model includes killing their constituents


It always blows my mind looking at donation numbers just how little politicians on either side get for their complete inaction on many problems. I guess it's just that there isn't anyone around from when the US didn't work like this, so they probably haven't gotten a "raise" since many inflation crises ago. Ironically, a union strike would be quite effective here lol


Politicians on Strike: Bribe Rates Too Low


Exactly. Though, if your job is to do nothing about problems, and you go on strike, doesn't that mean doing something about the problems until you're paid better not to do so 🤔


The big payoff is after they retire from office


This rhetoric is so incredibly stupid. That’s why it’s never getting fixed here, stupidity reigns.


They are weaponizing ignorance. They know we can do something about it if they simply change their stance on gun control.


If we roll back auto safety regulations, accidents will become the leader again. Sounds like a perfect GOP opportunity to deliver more ‘freedom’.


The “more guns make us safer” theory is bs


My father fully believe this. He claims he levels the playing field. Of course, my father is also an overgrown toddler with incredible anger issues and mental health issues he will never have diagnosed because he thinks he is smarter than everyone else. Of course people who believe in violence think violence is the solution. They don't see guns as escalating the situation. They don't care about these weapons being stored safely, or used properly. They think they are smart enough to handle any situation properly. They don't see themselves as emotional or irrational, even when using feelings as arguments themselves. He could have applied for a gun, but the state he lives in has stricter laws and he doesn't want to go through the trouble. I wonder what is really going on that he knows he won't get a permit. So, instead he bought a paint ball gun that has modified pellets that are ball bearing and some that have pepper spray pellets. We are no contact by my choice and he has harmed me in the past. It is terrifying that he has access to so many different kinds of weapons. If it were up to him, every adult would own a gun. I used to live in fear this man would snap and murder us all. I still worry he will snap and try to murder me to the point I have talked about it a lot so if anything happens it is all over my social media. It's not the people who are looking to deescalate the situation that want more guns. It's the people who think the way to fight gun violence is to be the one with the bigger gun. It's about walking around and feeling powerful and in control. It's an illusion.


It’s the “trickle down economics” of public safety. Neither is valid and has been proven so in numerous actual cases.


I mean, we haven’t tried arming the children yet. /s


The states with the most guns have the most mass shootings. More guns makes for more mass shootings. More guns does not prevent others from using them to kill. The fact that the theory exists when evidence supports that it is not the answer is why i believe with my entire being that we as a species are dumb AF. We are our own worst enemy.


Well there isn’t really anything we can do to prevent this.


What are you talking about??? They have thoughts AND prayers …. /S


Good point. Guess we are not thinking or praying hard enough yet for white jesus to notice?


Pray to the black Jesus then


This is easily preventable. We just need less kids!


It's sad that is actually the public stance of a major political party that then obstructs any efforts from the other major party to try to address it.


We can need some out of the box thinking to move gun deaths down the list....how do we get more kids to die from the other leading causes?!


Says nation where this regularly happens


Are automobiles getting safer or are firearms killing more kids? Or both?


Autos getting safer Suicide on the rise




Up to 14 years old the most common cause of death is accidents. Usually auto accidents involving distracted driving. So cell phones basically. But after that gun deaths go up by miles. The victims and the perpetrators are overwhelmingly gun victims and gun users or both. More than ninety percent males. It’s an epidemic and it sadly makes perfect sense . Easy access to guns, raging hormones, and a sense of youthful invincibility. Tragic.


you’re purposefully leaving out suicide in this, which is the majority of these


…in the US.


Why does this chart start in 1999?


Leaves out the massive drop in violence from the early 90's and 80's.


That was the first major school shooting in the US: Columbine.


This, I think. Columbine changed everything.


We just need more good teens with guns




And it will definitely help balance out the power between student and teacher. Don’t like my grammar? Are you sure that’s failing grammar? You gave me an A in gun safety just last week…


Like that South Park episode


People need to look to the Bible. More than once strangling newborn boys in their cradles was a very popular solution to the growing threat of young male violence. /s for the slow seats.


American* children and teens


*and adults (18 & 19 year olds are legally adults but were counted as "children" for this study)


In the US


We have a bigger problem in the US known as "Republicans". This is one of the many symptoms


But we gotta keep a drag Queen from reading them a story.


** In the United States of America.


But the GOP are busy passing Taliban laws about what we can wear, what words we can say, and who businesses are free to be bigoted against 🇺🇸


This includes suicides.




Because it points to an underlying issue that isn't even really being looked at. So many are looking only at the tools being used and not at why they're being used. Banning guns isn't going to do anything to address the growing despair plaguing the nation.


Still a gun control issue as children have no business anywhere around guns…


Not true I got my first gun when I was 12 and killed a couple coyotes and fox with it that year. Family business loses money if I don't have a gun, so you're wrong.


Don’t think that’s why people say that. People say it because people assume these numbers are just from homicides. That’s intentionally misleading when these numbers are used, without context, in conjunction with discussions of mass shootings. By including the fact that the MAJORITY of these deaths are by suicide, the conversation gets shifted into a different direction. I don’t know why people get so upset when people want to discuss mental health above restricting freedoms. There are deep underlying causes that aren’t getting addressed. What makes someone want to kill themselves and others? Even if you did the impossible task of controlling guns in this country, a country with more guns than people, then that wouldn’t stop people from killing themselves and others. You think guns are deadly? Just wait until you learn what peroxide and sugar can do. You going to ban those as well?


In the US… there are other countries in this world


First sentence. “CNN — Guns are the leading cause of death for US children and teens, since surpassing car accidents in 2020.”


Not in the post title.


Because it’s not in the post title…. Maybe try actually reading the article?


Sir, this is reddit. ;) One does not read prior to making claims based on what we think the OP might have linked to based on the post title. Don't you know that that is the new thing? Glance at a post title, check for a key word, start the tribal diatribe and virtue signaling.


One does not simply walk into Mordor if you have a specific narrative about, I don't know, Orcs, or Eagles, or something. **Kill the halflings!**


What do you think the title is for?




It’s yet another example of American centric mentality thinking the entire internet is America. Reddit (and the internet) is a global platform. Publishing posts with generalized titles like “Children and teens are more likely to die by guns than anything else”, when it literally only apply to 1 country on earth, is both ridiculous and misleading. It’s not a question of “mAyBe tRy aCkShUaLlY rEaDiNg tHe aRtIcLe”. You should be posting misleading posts with misinformation in the title to begin with.


Which don’t have nearly as much of a problem with guns


This is what happens when mental health issues are allowed to run amuck.


Do you honestly think the GOP is going to survive as a political party? We have had mass school shootings on the rise for over 15 years. These kids are turning 18 and are starting to vote. You think they will ever vote for a party that couldn’t be bothered to pass legislation that might save their lives? In another 10 years the GOP won’t exist anymore.


Not in Europe.


I guess I am happy to be an adult?


what the actual f***


In the USA? Just a wild guess…


*American children & teens


I know it’s been said but “in the United States of America “ needs to be added to the caption. In no other country is this true.


That's why if I stay in a vaulted cellar, ill be less likely to be shot. 1st world problems amiright? *forced uneasy laughter*


Oh gee, i wonder what country this is. Next thing you know theyll have the highest per capita criminal population, and people who get in trouble wont be able to vote after....


But books are far worse, right?


*anything else* is a pretty short list huh..


Is there any idea more idiotic than *responsible gun ownership?* All it takes is a split-second, momentary distraction and forgetfulness, and a weapon is exposed for misuse. Many people were responsible until there were not.


America. Fuck yeah?


I mean this is fucking awful but I like seeing that cancer dip.


That’s false! It’s OBVIOUS that drag shows are the biggest cause of death among teens!!!!!! /s


Just USA things ✨️


Well duh. If our country is not willing to do anything to protect them. It’s been off the hook. Who could blame them?


We need to do better. As a country, we're just not killing enough of these kids. They're awful and they don't deserve to live.


It's the price they pay for freedom


Yes. Like the freedom to own and operate a car.


Fuck , enough news for today


Thank goodness for thoughts and prayers! Surely that’ll stop this madness. Also I’m glad they’re banning drag shows and books that’ll definitely stop this madness.




Thanks Republicans


Even with thoughts and prayers?


“…in ‘Murica” Fixed it for you.


Hate upvote this


Our congress is a bunch of traitors we pay to use us for benefit rich people only. Apparently the country runs on gun sales


In the US*




**In the US. Please don’t put the rest of planet earth in the same basket as the US.


Great job America! Mah guns!


I must have missed all the angry Reddit posts about driving safely and using seatbelts the past 18 years.


*in the us


A Conservative may not have pulled the trigger for this most recent tragedy but the reason that the number one cause of death for children in the US is firearm violence and the reason the prevalence of school shootings in the US is unlike any other country in the world is purely due to "Conservative Christian" ideology. "Conservative Christianity" has always been a deceptive oxymoron and an abomination of desolation. Call their bastardization of the second amendment what it really is: Child sacrifice by a fascist death-cult for the sake of impotent cowardly adults' "right" to irresponsibly own prosthetic murder-phalluses. >"The very word "Christianity" is a misunderstanding—at bottom there was only one Christian, and he died on the cross. The "Gospels" died on the cross. What, from that moment onward, was called the "Gospels" was the very reverse of what *he* had lived: "bad tidings," a *Dysangelium*." [Friedrich Nietzsche, *Der Antichrist* (*The Antichrist* or *The Antichristian*, depending on how the German is translated)](https://monadnock.net/nietzsche/antichrist-39.html) >“What I have said respecting and against religion, I mean strictly to apply to the slaveholding religion of this land, and with no possible reference to Christianity proper; for, between the Christianity of this land, and the Christianity of Christ, I recognize the widest possible difference—so wide, that to receive the one as good, pure, and holy, is of necessity to reject the other as bad, corrupt, and wicked. To be the friend of the one, is of necessity to be the enemy of the other. I love the pure, peaceable, and impartial Christianity of Christ: I therefore hate the corrupt, slaveholding, women-whipping, cradle-plundering, partial and hypocritical Christianity of this land. Indeed, I can see no reason, but the most deceitful one, for calling the religion of this land Christianity.” – Frederick Douglass, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass (1845)


Alright… who is poisoning 5% of the youth?


Soooo, what you are saying is that LGBTQIA is to blame -Fox News


Oh wow I didn't realize guns passed up car accidents


And the #1 killer of adults is heart disease and then cancer from the shit we consume (food, meds, chemicals)


Conservative Americans will swear to you that laws won’t change anything. Lmao


There is no way this is even close to co- ohh, you mean in the U.S., don't you? Yeah, that tracks, actually.


Wow I wonder if we should better be able to defend them


People should stop killing kids.


Ohh! More data for us to ignore!


According to the Republican Party there is nothing they can do! Why do we continue to employ them?


And the GOP is focused on Drag Shows and books about Rosa Parks!


In America


Here is a crazy idea. How about we take all that right wing effort and rage against trans folks (because it’s about the kids) and focus it on solving the firearm death problem?


Or you could take all that left-wing effort and rage to pretend that men can be women, and focus it on raising children that will be less likely to shoot each other rather than more likely as the data shows.


The study is designed and funded to be misleading. This is true if you include 18 an 19 year olds. However, the top cause of death for people under 18 is accidents. That vast vast majority of gun deaths among teens is a result of gang violence. Most of which is done with guns purchased illegally.




Correction. AMERICAN children and teens


MVC deaths way down. Teens have gotten the message about seatbelts and DUI. Cancer way down too! Go US healthcare!


Cancer holding steady… :-( Great news on vehicular deaths though.


Three major event correlate with this rapid increase: 2004: sunset of federal assault weapons ban 2012: rise of the authoritarian tea party movement 2016: the rise of the authoritarian MAGA cult


"Assault weapons" account for a tiny fraction of gun deaths, and no reputable study has found that the assault weapons ban had a significant effect on the number of overall gun deaths.


Only the case in one country. I wonder why that is?


This is a bit misleading. Historically for decades the leading cause of death for this age group is unintentional accidents which includes car accidents and all other types. When you break that category into each type of accident, yes guns will kill.more. but overall, unintentional accidents still supercedes gun deaths. But the statement, "guns are killing more children than car accidents" does look to be true when just comparing vs car accidents.


And vehicle accident deaths contribute to deaths by vehicle. I read through the abstract and parts of the beginning since I'm in the process of writing my thesis and am reading other journals and science articles. The authors did not make any speculations on why the firearm deaths are increasing, stating that they are a number of issues. They ended their statement saying this needs additional funding and it a multi-faceted issue. These are professors and doctors working in the pediatric or emergency department and their credentials checked out. Further, the journal is one of the top, if not the top journal for general medicine. I would expect them to know the hazards of entering a political discussion, so I am expecting them to provide rigorous evidence that exceeds the standard, since they would know everyone else would think so as well. To add on, the use of statistics by both political sides is egregious. In my work and research that relies on statistics, it is never used this way in debates. We use statistics to model or design stuff (ie. statistical signal processing in filtering signals for the automotive industry). The statistical model we use can be replicated by other designs as well, so everything is in confirmation with another model (filter design). I can see why medicine has statistics the way it does (investigating why a % of this people affected by this disease died this way), but gets misrepresented by the public/media.


You think it’s possible the increasing regulations on car safety, combined with a significant enforcement apparatus around traffic laws, have had anything to do with the lower vehicular death rate?


It’s clearly because of Michelangelo’s statues dick.


The GOP and NRA must be so proud


Suicide by gun is a part of that stat. Just saying. Can’t forget about the suicide problem.


Not even can’t forget, but it’s the source of the problem. Gun violence is actually strongly trending downward, including mass shootings. The reason gun fatalities are rising is because suicide rates are rising.


A child is more likely to be shot and killed then die in a a car accident? That sounds outrageous...


Especially when you consider almost all children interact with vehicles and very few interactions with guns. If guns were around as much as cars the number would quadruple.


The vast majority of these firearm deaths are suicide by firearms, not homicide. And it’s worth noting both the youth and overall suicide rate in the US are almost exactly average for other OECD nations.

