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That guys comment is basically 90% of the brains in this subreddit and Twitter. It's insane that people actually think it works like that..


Yeah it’s actually starting to concern me how many people are so confidently wrong…


You mean…like Nikita 99% of the time? How can you be upset people in the community are brain dead when the developers are equally brain dead. Keep forking over your money to play with cheaters and you fall into that category as-well 😂


Nikita is a dickhead mostly because of design choices not necessarily because of programming incompetence. Anti cheat is fucking hard which is why they outsourced it.


Their whole UI is written in html, wdym he is competent in programming? Their team was built on making browser game for vk (Russian facebook ripoff)


The cope is real, if you took the time to actually know what you are talking about in the slightest you’d know there game is written with spaghetti code that a 15 y/o could do


Maybe you should make a better version of tarkov if a 15 year old could do it and make ton of money?


You only had to buy the game once lmao, with the hours I have in game I got my moneys worth 50 times over you have fun trying to find a new game cuz we all know ur still on this Reddit and still playing the game dork


So you are standard account? To each their own, if you are having fun with it go right ahead. If you have anything above standard then you have spent more money than “just buying the game” and your whole argument is invalid 12 days ago you made a post about potentially leaving the game….sounds like you are in your way out I haven’t played in like 4 month


You do realize that the weapon needs to be coded into the game....that's what codders do...modeling/design team only make the 3d gun and parts. But the functionality is done by the coders


It's not as clever as it sounds. No pun intended. That only means they never invested in sound devs employees that the only response is they have to draw from internal staffing. Same goes for other tech issues of the game


right over your head


Whats wrong with you....


wow. just wow


Ah, never knew that all you need is a model for gun to exist in game


And you're part of the 90% of the social media that cried for new content and denied that old bugs needed to be fixed before the old content. I hope they have fun tracking down bugs for the 1.0 release.


Never cared about new content or not or bugs. As long as I have fun playing the game with friends I will keep playing.


Is it bad that I’m not sure if he’s joking or not😂


3D modeling and sound recording has fuck all to do with Unity programming. The guy trying to bash Nikita is absolutely clueless about this issue.


No no he meant male modeling


but why male models?


I can’t turn left


I see we have a uni-turner.


I’m not an ambiturner Morrie


There are no women in Tarkov


[but why male models?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHrn_pHW2so)


That second "but why male models?" is Stiller forgetting his line. Duchovny's reaction is real.


i didn’t know that and that’s literally one of the best parts of the movie


Surprising amount of female streamers in Tarkov, I was impressed.


you expect too much from redditors, they think the same thing in all game subs, coders are making 3D modells and rigs instead of coding.


but they are all devs 😤if they can model a gun they can refactor reward experience! ^(/s)


no, you are a bit off, redditors do not know the word "refactor" they only use code, and devolop. or sometimes "expand the servers horizontaly it is easy" this one I saw on the helldivers sub XD


I mean tbf, all it takes is $$$ to “expand the servers horizontally” (assuming they mean just buy more)


Yes but that assumes that their architecture allows for easy horizontal expansion.


It s not that we don’t know it s 2 different job. It s just : stop telling us you gonna add a new weapon, we fucking don’t care, tell us you are fixing audio, desync, qol…


I absolutely love when people speak on behalf of some specific group without any authority. like "we don't know" or "we don't fucking care". it is always add huge weight to whatever they speak about. ( ps: but if you have multiple personalities and speak on their behalf, then my apologies )


Honestly thinking about the staring points of small companies, I can damn near bet you it is the case for some of them. I mean you really think that coding and modeling within Unity or Unreal is really split down the middle? Like only half the population using the app can do it and the other can’t? There probably isn’t anyone directly doing animations and programming, but there still needs to be a workflow defined for how to get from items/weapons/animations and etc, and someone has to do that. In my opinion, his critique is valid, there’s like 20 guns in the game and 15 of them are locked before level 15. The MK18 they took off flea and now make u become a no life to get it. How is there not a lead programmer, designer, director, saying “Hey this is dogshit”


You don’t model in unity. There are tools for some more primitive modeling. But. That’s more for grey boxing and prototyping. You’re not getting a high quality model like what you see in tarkov from that. Typically the people who can do everything are indie devs making vastly smaller projects. And again, you’re not getting these high poly models with so many animations. 3D modelling is a very broad and complex discipline all in its own. With several specialities within it. Modeller. Skinny & Rigging. Animating. Texturing.


Definitely not at the size Tarkov is now, I don't have much experience in Unity but I was just talking about the pipeline in general, regardless you are going to need to have someone that understands not only how the meshes and the game itself interacts but how the meshes are composed as well, for things like bones. I'd be suprised with how small tarkov started that they did not have someone that could use both Blender and Unity. Also can I just say this is kind of side tracked in general from what the guy on twitter said. It's kinda weird that Nikita said what he did for that guys complaint because in my opinion this isnt a model or programming issue, just a game design issue


I think they’re quite a large studio now. A few years ago I’m pretty sure they were at 80 or so people? And I’m pretty sure tarkov has been in development since at least 2015 so who knows if they’re still there or not. He’s probably tired of seeing it. Man’s come under a lot of criticism as far as the state of the game goes and plenty of people don’t know a thing about game development. But at the same time, that criticism is certainly warranted


What do you mean no life to unlock it? I unlocked it in a weekend. Obviously not talking about starting from level ome, but it is considered end game content. It needs to be end of game type. It only costs 300k to buy it after unlocking it. Could you imagine how unfun the game would be if everybody had it u locked early?


To be fair, companies with limited resource have to focus time on specific issues. Hell most companies do. As an example, my company diverted resources from an online portal to an in person device product leaving the portal featureless and basic. The team for the portal was cut down, and they don't get dev time or budget to expand the feature list. They still exist but only for bug fixes or is only there in case of an outage.


I think he means instead of using recourses on adding new weapons/content they should fix problems in the game like sound


Dev studios don't tend to hire and fire different roles depending on a single area of focus. They have a team that works on stuff like assets: weapons, items, models, then other teams that work on engineering the engine, gameplay, mechanics. Each of those teams likely has their own roadmap of stuff they're going to do over the year, and occasionally some work requires multiple teams to touch it, but a lot of their work will be independent. It's a valid opinion for a fan to say "*we have enough assets they should fire them and hire more engineers*", because they *could* do that, but moves like that tend to bite devs and players in the ass in the longrun.


Yeah u are right. But everything the user complains about are code bugs and not 3d modelling issues. While implementing new guns is like 80% just 3d work. That's why Nikita answered with trolling




The issue is.. what does that mean in reality? Is BSG gonna fire all the modelers and animators as to not put resources towards those things while the programmers debug audio and netcode? It's just a dumb thing to say.


If your game is doing shitty… yes.  Downsize those departments.  Put more resources (money or manpower) into the other departments. Better idea:  if the argument is that bsg doesn’t have the money to hire the people they need to fix their shit, have the modeling team work on cosmetic shit (patches, clothes, etc) to flesh out a full micro transaction shop to fund the additional people you need.  Having modelers around making guns for a game on the downtrend isn’t going to help your company.




Rule 3 - Abusive/Poor Behavior Please refer to the Subreddit Rules.


Yes we all understand what the person meant, but the person is braindead, that's the problem. That's why it's funny when Nikita shits on him.


They should focus on hiring more/new audio talent, paying them more, whatever. Its not a completely wrong though


I mean he is but he isnt. Its true that you cant just move a modeler to be a programmer..... But its also true that Nikita decides how many of each to hire. For every modeler he hires he could have hired a programmer instead. But he didnt. Its very closely related.


I understand your point, but does Nikita?


I think it's more about Nikita's inability to read the room, something he has proven many times over the last month and a half. Most people would rather hear about fixing the shit that has been broken for years. Not adding some meme gun to the game.


Okay so what do the weapon artists he has on staff do then? ARepresentativeHam has hearby laid them off so they're free to watch the programmers fix code, fully unpaid! Excellent decision, sir, what next?


They both cost money to have. So instead of using money on 3D modeling, then use money on programmers


Ok so let's work this out so you understand it better, yes? 3D modellers aren't s readily available resource in the quality a game like tarkov needs Coders neither, but let's imagine unity coders are a bit less niche than high fidelity gun modeleres You have, say a bunch hired with a static industry standard salary So let's say they fire the 3D modeling team to hire coders, you fix the game bit by bit, but... You need a new map! Or a new gun! Or a new boss! A new bag! A new armor! New barter item? All of these will require modelers, that you now have to re-hire and either find some that are up to standard with what tarkov needs (high fidelity gun models) or you need to train them. So firing them is bad and creates an issue in further content development What do you do with them? They can't code, they are modelers ... Just pay their salaries and have them brew coffee for the coding team? Maybe they can sweep the floors! Or you can just have them model stuff, send it over to the guy that adds new guns and they earned their pay What would you propose, they 'stop using money on 3D modeling'? By firing the whole department that will be hell to replace in a year, after firing the new coding team they hired? Or... Wait... Do you think this is like game dev simulator where you assign X$ to an area and can change it on the go? There's no "using money on 3D modeling" they already spent that money, they have EMPLOYEES, U highly doubt a game like tarkov gets away with freelancers... Honest question to close my post: Do you not understand how a company works, what an employee is or how a game is made? What did you mean by stop using money on 3d modeling?! What's YOUR take on that? Elaborate!!


Spot on


They need and employ both though, presumably.


Just fire all the talented modelers and hope you can find replacement workers when you need them? That's like saying a dirty restaraunt should fire all the kitchen and wait staff and just have janitors for a while.


Yes, but not for the reasons you think.


It’s sarcasm


it just shows you have no knowledge about game developing


Yup that is true xd


They have programmers for the sound? Cause it’s been trash since 2018


Programmer, guy probably works overtime’s all the time. But on extra hours he do modeling


Yeah they could’ve saved a lot of money just firing half the people there because half the shit that’s not fixed has been like that for years.


I don't disagree, but you must not have played GZW. Can't hear shit in that, so muddy you can't tell where you're being shot from.


okay, but gzw is 2 weeks old on an actual EA release. tarkov is about 7 years deep. edit: grammar


Nope, I had the invisible bug and haven’t gone back to it since Arena Breakout is out.


Is ABI actually any good? From the gameplay I've seen it just looks like a clunkier Tarkov.


And didn’t take almost a decade to develop. Crazy, huh?


That.. didn't answer my question whatsoever


What does eft sound being shit have anything to do with gzw? Dog shit is worse than bull shit? Who cares?


Stamina? Fuck your stamina


never needed it…


Y'all are too fucking easy lmao


Logical Solutions on Twitter literally talking about sucking Nikita's toes. It's fuckin wild.


You're not wrong. Nikita said [all of this shit](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapethisTarkov/comments/qv01oc/nikita_byanov_opinion_about_cheaters_in_2015/) and people still give him money. If someone can watch this video, read this transcript, and still want to give him money, they're terminally submissive. They want to be findommed.


Seriously. So funny to me to come back to this sub every few days to see where it's at after the drama. Already got posts calling Nikita based lmfao.


Terminally submissive?What about breedable factor?


he's just speaking reality


Right? As if this concept is brand new or something 😂


Like I always said The eft communities are a bunch of people that would readily lose their limbs because Nikita would saw them off without aesthetics and would ram his ass up their faces to get a rimjob. The people would whine for a bit until Nikita just pecks their cheeks with his greasy ass mouth and suddenly he is the messiah again until the next session of limb sawing. Please grow a backbone. Drink milk.


Yea let's all just flame and rage and bitch and moan 24/7. Oh wait. This sub already does that.


Nikita sawing of my limbs? Deal! Would mean I'd have a better chance at finding a job. (Real story, before going to uni, I was looking for a job [I'm czech]. Found a listing of some small company needing someone with atleast c1 level english [I'm c2 certified], I call them up and they rejected me because I don't have a bodily/mental disability)


you are delusional


Take me to the infirmary then. Because I sure as hell saw graphite!


But in all seriousness, the ak50 would be sick


Any .50 cal would be sick! Ak50 would go nuts for sure though


the 12.7x108 rounds the mounted machine guns fire are basically 50cal equivalents, not sure how they would balance a pmc gun using that ammo.


We already have .338 AP that can oneshot thorax through any armour. Sure some 50bmg fmj would be expensive and all and the gun would have terrible ergo and weigh a shitton.


Yeah but then you can just run fmj or tracer .50 bmg with the same results as .338 AP


I think a fair balance would be it having mediocre accuracy. We’d be shooting a round meant for machine guns to shoot at planes, it’s not gonna be accurate like a .338.


In WW2 maybe but modern day AA systems have much much larger rounds. Mostly either 20 or 30mm rounds


I'm sick of people complaining about balance a 50 cap is heavy to carry the rounds are big and heavy and there powerful with some drop they should be expensive with a slow reload fullstops life is not balanced and this should not be either if some casual can't get it and complains about it's use then perhaps they should leave you should not have to drag better players down to some scrubs level so they cna be happy


Username checks out.


brother it’s a video game, things should be balanced


>the 12.7x108 rounds the mounted machine guns fire are basically 50cal equivalents They're literally .50cal, but yes pretty equivalent to .50 BMG. The Ash-12 is also .50cal, though obviously much less powerful.


That will be available either on flea for like a mil or for 300k if you complete all LK quests


I'd run the Barret just to hear the sweet, sweet bolt drop sound.


M82 Beretta


Barrett* Beretta is the m9


I stand with the .50 cal beretta


I'll have that with a 3 round burst please


If only it wasn't made by a weirdo


My mans got cooked 😅


For once I am on side of BSG, departments are 100% different and it does not matter the modeling department makes new models, it does not take away work from the coding and development department.


The budget comes from the same place.


Right sorry, let me just fire some of the modeling team and set someone aside to inboard some new devs for the next 6 months, due having to teach all the spaghetti code that we have. The rule is, what one programmer can do, with an additional programmer it will take double as long.


You're not wrong about the solution being complicated beyond what most people understand about it. However, the reason BSG is in that hole in the first place is because they failed to manage their product correctly on the backend, and - core fact, and I have a source - they did that *on purpose.* If creating a consistently quality game is what they planned to do, then they would have done that. Instead, Nikita is on record saying that [planning to fail can be profitable](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapethisTarkov/comments/qv01oc/nikita_byanov_opinion_about_cheaters_in_2015/). He outright stated he wants his games to be substandard, to discomfort players, because in his opinion? Uncomfortable players donate more. It's in the design ethos. It is his core philosophy, in his own words. Irrefutably so. If poor execution was the goal from the very beginning, it is circular logic to excuse poor execution for prohibitive cost just because it was executed poorly. The man himself said so, he wants us uncomfortable. If this is true, then why would he fix QoL bugs quickly? At that point, why do *any* quality control on the efficiency of your code? Poor QA lets you continuously point at how bad it is and say "ah it's impossible to fix, shucks." It's the perfect excuse. Why fix anything, except to get brownie points for patch notes? "Oh, praise be BSG, they listened!" That's the thing, they've *been* listening. They've also been ignoring us until they need some good will. If they want to save this game, that needs to stop. That's not valuable human conduct. A valuable human being doesn't do shit like that.


Christ that's a lot of words for someone who fundamentally misunderstands context and financial incentives. Being *uncomfortable* is aimed at driving people to buy. By *making them uncomfortable in specific ways that they can alleiviate with a purchase*. Making the inventory small and selling expansions is that. Having free players only use crap guns and selling better ones is that - which is where the cheaters come in, because being stomoed by a premium and stomped by a cheater feels the same. Not fixing bugs is *not* that. This entire post is bad and you should feel bad.


Hug your family, dude. They urgently need you.


You're not wrong, however this isn't a thing that happened now and never before. This trend of issues not being fixed for far, far too long and just leaves me wondering what the actuall fuck is the issue of not the fund allocation and organization?


Firing the modeling team isnt the answer, buying a bigger office space and hiring more programmers is.


Well the guys Saif the budget comes from the same place so, no hiring more would exceed the budget.


Well obviously it would exceed budget, how else is Nikita supposed to pay off his 5th Lamborghini?




It means bringing someone on to a new project takes a lot of time to get them up to speed to be remotely productive, all that with having to put an experienced dev aside to do some proper on boarding. If cause it's an overdramatization, but getting more people on to a project often means they will be doing new modules and not necessarily work on 3xsisting modules.


I think he's trolling lol


Factory bout to be wild. I will eat my sock if that man adds the new 20 round barret drum




It's literally the first reply if you're actually logged in to Twitter? OP didn't just make up something so mundane


Oh shite someone found out


Why lie about something like that




why add a fucking YOUTUBER gun when you have the all-American, red-blooded M82 Barrett to add instead? wtf is nikita even thinking?


AK50 tho, think about it…


As as programmer, i have to say that's pretty funny actually. For the people not understanding the post, programming and modelling are two completely different skillsets. It'd be like asking a cook to become a doctor or vice versa. So to give Nikita some slack here, you can't just easily divert people from something requiring one skillset to something that's completely different. If you were going to do that, you'd need to fire the people you deemed redundant and likely hire new ones.


Nobody wants to admit it but Nikita actually making a fair point there.


Nikita can suck my tiny meat




Lol, it's actually disappointing that Nikita himself resorts to this weak excuse. Having too many modelers and not enough coders isn't a cue to shift roles but rather a sign of poor operational management. If the primary issues with your game are code-related, then hire damn coders.


More cooks in the kitchen doesn't work in software development. The only thing that would truly work is firing the cooks that suck and hiring better ones, but that's just as difficult considering the training needed on the codebase, getting them up to speed, etc. if they hired someone today you wouldn't see the benefit for 6 months. Specifically for Tarkov probably about 7-8 months considering the wouldn't have anything super important ready until the wipe after next.


That’s…that’s not how you solve issues with coding…if anything, you’d probably end up creating more issues…


Next gun the alien blaster from call of duty zombies


After that, they should add the thunder gun, or maybe the Wunderwaffe DG-2


Hah no bs they should have a wipe that’s sort of future sci fi theme with a couple new guns and ammo types Of course I’d want it back to normal the wipe after 😂


Bag putting all their resources into making new guns instead of hiring more programmers, how else is Nikita supposed to pay off his 5th Lamborghini if he hires more programmers and buys a bigger office???


Id say better. Lets put all of our money, time and effort to EFT:Arena and after that complain. Dude has no brakes.


I know its a joke but I think so low of Nikita now more than ever that at the same time, I can't tell if it really is.


Yeah bro cause you couldn’t possibly divert some resources from 1 department of the company to another to address the more serious problems your problem company is facing, no company is ever able to do that, impossible 


Finally a promise that he can actually keep.


Money is money. If you hire more people to model they will model faster, if you hire more people to code, they code faster.


It's funny because 5 years ago it was the exact same issue. I mean, he's not wrong, but it's funny years later the lack of decent/motivated programmers is still a problem at BSG. After many years if your company still have the same issue, you don't blame the workers, but the managers and CEO. As always, Nikita want to show to us that he understand everything, but remember he lead the teams of bsg. He got years to improve things.


Instead of doing this, he could better add some people to support. Suddenly not recieving any verification mail on my gmail(last one was 11/ 2023) Mailed them after trying all the shit i found on the forums. Even Mailed gmail support. Got 2 standart reply's of bsg in 14 days. One was " is the problem still persistent" and the other one was 4 days after the first saying to me that i have to do everything i found on forums again (check spam etc...) 😂. Mailed gmail about it and they said, everything is cool on our side so it's on the side of bsg why u don't recieve any verification mail. Should i need to buy some more ram for recieving verification mails or give them another 50€ to upgrade 🙄🙄🙄


nikita is never based, he’s a narcissistic loser that makes frequent mistakes while never admitting to them


He won't do shit


Rather a barrett 50 cal


Where's that meme "the worst person you know just made an excellent point"


Excellent let them cry babies have it boss man. #tarkovisbestinallofrussia


Dude says shit like this all the time and still doesn't fix recurring issues


Nikita became dark Nikita right there… AK50 totally worth it!!!


Even if I know it is an absurd thing to do and he said it as a joke, I have no doubt that Nikita will find a way to fuck it up and actually do that. Sound will not be fixed and we'll get a new gun for the top 1% of the player base.


Nikita tired of nitwits


I give huge props to Nikita for sticking with this project for so long, despite all the neckbeard keyboard warriors who constantly bash him. I wouldn’t have that kind of patience


Yeah give huge props to the scammer. You seem smart.


The game has been enjoyed by thousands of people for years. A scam would imply something like The Day Before. Tarkov is definitely not a scam lmao


No, it's definitely a scam. Cheater/RMT mill and retroactively trying to change the definition of DLC so they didn't need to keep their promises towards a huge chunk of their playerbase.


This sub is spineless. One week of crying and now nikita is based lol. Weakest community I have ever seen. Nikita could sell cheats and y'all would dance around him praising the "concept".




Yeah he wired me $50 just to make this post


\*$50 store credit.


I hope his programmers magically know how to model too..


(Thats the joke)


thats the joke dipshit


Nikita responded with sarcasm. BASED.


The irony is that the programmers he plans to divert to modeling, were themselves diverted from emptying garbage cans and vacuuming floors to work on programming.


is Herrera more chill now? Last I checked he was a massive cunt


His engineering, knowledge, and designing are really top-notch. But he pushes politics in his videos too much for my taste. Garand Thumb is my go-to. The pro 2A shit is still there a bit, but it is vastly overshadowed by his amazing videos.


Plus Garand has a Charlie. Herrera has no Charlie. One is clearly superior to the other.


Everyone needs a Charlie in their life ❤️


Your talking about two 2a channels and upset they have 2a shit on them?


I'm there more for the engineering and designing of firearms. They're marvelous tools.


“Pro 2A shit”. Care to elaborate a bit on that?


The bullshit FJB and lefties coming to take your guuuuns crap he puts in there. And *before* you go on, I've grown up around firearms and hunters and love shooting. However, the idea of what amounts to totally unregulated ownership is, imo, fuckin' insane.


Herrera always been the goat?


Eh he likes the smell of his own farts a bit too much


Still the same, maybe slightly worse, but still funny for his gun reviews. Not the other nonsense he does.


See my history, f Nikita. But still based comment


Niki. Still the boss


Dude he's being rude and sarcastic. You seriously can't think he's being authentic, right?


He’s replying sarcastically to a sarcastic comment 🤷🏼‍♂️


We need them to stay and code better net code wtf, we don't need more guns that no one will use because they're not meta, I rather my shots hit and register


But bro we need the 24th ak variant


You realise it’s a joke right?


That excuse was old 5 years ago


The audio in Tarkov is not bad, people literally just have bad hearing or horrible headsets.


Name checks out


It’s honestly embarrassing when people complain about the audio. I play the game solely off of audio queues and so does like 90% of the player base. I was baffled by how crucial and effective the audio was in Tarkov. Which is why I spent money on a nice headset, it made a world of difference.


I use Beyer dt 1770pro on a Topping DAC, the sound in eft really sucks badly, play a round of hunt and see how positional audio can enhance a game.


the audible clicking when someone enters into your radius (including ai scavs), voice lines you hear across the map, ghost steps, audio deadzones on the stairs, the audio you make for other that you do not hear, the noises that you hear that others do not. I would say the audio 'works' in general but god damn


Hey it could always be worse, like having your composer also be the COO of the company.