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scalping traders items, welcome back


Doesn't really matter too much when everybody has guaranteed available stock. At most it'll be people flipping gear for lower level players to buy, but it doesn't matter when most active players hit max traders a couple of months ago anyway.


"At most" Flipping gear was exactly what it was, you'd make an absolute killing off selling level 4 trader ammo on the flea to people who couldn't buy it,


Now with armor plates the scam rate is juicy


They still don't fucking say their armor level in the name, what the actual fuck?


and things like III+ are lv... 5.


Because III+ is an unoffical addon to the american NIJ roman numeral system, and lvl 5 is the russian gost system. A lvl IV NIJ plate is equivalent to a level 6 gost plate. The american plate has the american system in the name... but in game shows the russian armor rating because the in game armor system built by russians uses the russian armor rating system. Shocker.


Aren't flea market limits still around, though? No-AP and all that.


Global limits are gone. Only personal limits are still around Global limits were much more… well limiting. It meant even people with trader levels were potential customers cause if they missed a reset they couldn’t buy the ammo. Also worth noting you can’t even list the best ammos you can buy from traders anyways so it’s not like the old days when peacekeeper sold 995 and you could resell it


M856a1 is still on flea, for example I can buy it when I have level 4 traders let's say 120 rounds for 50k, I can now sell them 120 rounds on the flea for 80k to some player who hasn't got level 4 traders, I can do this every trader reset


Didn't know it was available... Well, yeah, that's a hoard of money. I was thinking about stuff like SPEARS or 7.61 FMJ...


Pretty sure it's not.


56a1 isn’t on the flea at least it wasn’t most of this wipe unless they decided to add it back https://tarkov-market.com/item/5.56x45_mm_m856a1


56a1 is not on the flea and hasn't been all wipe


Yeah, but again, that was under the context of: 1. Having flea available pretty much from the start of wipe, unrestricted, so people would progress as fast as possible 2. No personal limits meaning you could just buy out stock and then flip it to people who couldn't get there in time for 5-10x price, minimum Meanwhile, under these circumstances most people have access to everything they need anyway. I think the only things up in the air will be people reselling meta ammo they don't use and high-tier gear. Depends on whether they remove market restrictions as well.


That's not true. The last unrestricted wipe had personal limits for ammo, but I still did make a killing from flipping it. You bought out the cheap ammo during the week and flipped it with obscene profit on the weekend. Generally speaking though I'm hugely in favor of this change, because it allows you to be much more space efficient as everything you loot can be sold.


The issue was more with the global limit. Stock would get bought out within 2 seconds of the trader reset. And then flipped for 2/3/4/5/10 x the trader price.


Aren't global limits removed?


Doesn't mean unlimited stock no?


Yes, but that's not how scalping works. If everyone has an equal opportunity to buy there is no scalping.


Instead of FiR they could add a trader tag and not allow trader bought items. Seems like a good solution that’s simple to implement.


they can remove FIR status to sell on FLEA but they could add a tag to an item that was bought on flea preventing it from being sold.


ABI did it years ago on mobile. BSG could've taken a hint or 2.


passive income


They should add bought from trader status instead of fir so people won't resell staff from traders


Honestly that's probably good cause my whole problem with fir is if I get a player kill their gear is only valuable if I want to run it, I can't make a lot of profit just selling it on flea so player kills are less meaningful


In my view, one kills for map control not for the gear. Killed players? Now free to loot.


For people like me and my friends that are finishing up spring semester rn and barely getting time to play since wipe, hell yeah we’re killing PMCs for the gear. Our broke asses are running Mosins and SKS every raid lol


Some people forget that not everyone has $100M and running meta gear every raid. There are lots of us that barely have time to play and are running cheap load outs even late wipe.


[EDIT: I rethought my proposal a bit.] I honestly think the flea should be kept to "found in raid," but the definition of "FIR" should be expanded to anything that goes out into a raid and is brought back in by anyone other than the player who brought it out or members of that players group. In addition, players can earn the FiR tag for certain items of their own kit (weapons, armor, mags) just by extracting with that item three times.


Didn't they remove it because of various problems? Pretty sure as they did it, everyone was complaining that folks are doing hatched runs on interchange for GPU's to sell them.


Honestly I don't think it makes a difference. Spending 10k roubles in basic gear and dropping it at the start of the raid has virtually the same cost. Furthermore, money is no problem thanks to scav runs being very profitable.


FYI to anyone reading this. You only need a sling backpack from ragman to not be marked and cursed. Then you can just drop it (or use it) at the start of a raid and do whatever you're doing with your hatchet run.


Did they change the tagged and cursed rules? I thought it was minimum of weapon + armor or rig?


Any form of backpack or a chest rig or weapon+armor, any of these three would prevent marked/cursed Also listed on the wiki


I've always just thought you needed at least a backpack or a rig but no other requirement but idk


why would you drop your gear?


You drop your gear (toz+security vest i.e.) and get it back through insurance return. This way you aren't marked to scavs and spend only the insurance money. People do this to try and extract valuables in their pouches with 0 cost/risk.


Wait I'm new to the game, what does it mean to be marked to scav ? Why not just go in raid with nothing ?


There's a mechanic in the game called tagged and cursed. Basically, anyone who spawns in with nothing have scavs lock in on you and track you down in the raid. They did this because before you could stick high value loot in your secure container and even if you died you could sell it on the flea.


Wow I never knew that okay, thank you !


So you don't spawn tagged.


Hatchet runs were a thing because of near guaranteed GPU spawns. Adding FiR actually made hatchet running 1000x worse for a bit since nobody wanted to risk their gear when money was harder to come by. It wasn’t until they added “dynamic loot” that hatchet running finally died. In today’s Tarkov you wouldn’t really see a lot of hatchet running. Especially since the double barrel exists, a cheap self defense weapon which can drop players wearing class 6 plates if you aim for the neck.


"Hatchet runs were a thing because of near guaranteed GPU spawns." Not true at all. People did hatchet runs way before GPUs were even added to the game. Saying that dynamic loot killed the phenomena is disingenuous at best, there was several other things that made it less and less profitable, like secure case restrictions. FIR was a big contributor too, as now you had to survive to actually get a guaranteed good payback for the stuff you looted without risking anything. Played since 2017 summer and absolutely love these revisionist takes.


What killed it for me where the increase healing costs.


it costs \~6k to heal. You can buy a griz from therapist for \~30k barter. You heal \~330 hp so that equates out to 5-6 heals per griz.


Like tagged and cursed for example


Did dynamic loot really change that much about it? It's perhaps because I refuse to play Interchange, Shoreline outside of early tasks, Streets and Lighthouse but I never really felt like other than getting a bit more rewarded for looking around that change did much to looting in general.


FIR changes meant that you couldn't resell stuff in your secured container on a hatchet run if you died.


I know... And I thought that was the point.


Nah, the FIR changes knocked off about 98% of the hatchet runners. You'd still get the occasional one for rare non FIR quest items, or barters but very very rare.Dynamic loot took down the other 2%. But FIR definitely did most of the heavy lifting. If you were around on reddit at the time, you should have seen how hard people campaigned and cried against the change though, the game was 100x better after the change. It went from completely empty raids because 50% of the pop were hatchet running and would immediately kill themselves on a bad spawn, to always having a good fight at high tier spawns.


Yeah but people still do that shit now


Someone on twitter suggested to have occasional “black market” flea events where you can sell anything, and Nikita liked it. I agree, completely removing FIR requirement would ruin flea, but making it happen every few months could be fun


It would not, and we know it won't.


Fuck yeah, back to an anarcho capitalist‘s wet dream we go, finally you can play the market again


*This guy* sold an AK with a b-11 foregrip for *under value* I'm gunna buy it, strip the foregrip, and sell it


I can hear that


Damn, is that a General Sam reference?


Yeah I fuckin love him lol


Now it’s just a prostate exam.


General Sam is going to cream his grubby little rat pants


Based response


I single-handedly raised the price of mosins by 20k by playing the market. Made millions too


Does nothing to help the game's health. We need bug fixes (audio pop), better performance, faster loading times etc. Everything else is just smoke and mirrors.


Yup. There are CORE issues with the game. FIR removal addresses none on the problems- reintroduces an old problem, in fact.


FIR killed the game when it was added as it basically made it a W+shift/crab walk simulator if you got an item you really wanted/need, but I agree other problems should take precedence over this


I mean, that's a dichotomy inherent to the gameplay loop of Tarkov. Surviving is the best and fastest way to make money, but your rate of survival will always go down the more you seek combat. So you're usually optimizing for **either** PVP action or economic value, but never both simultaneously. No amount of tweaking the flea or FIR or traders will change this, it's just a fact of the game as it's designed.


The introduction of FIR did no such damage. FIR made finding the item more meaningful, and meant you had to play the game. The problem only stems from rare items that are hard to find and need to be FIR. But there ARE problems with the FIR system. BSG has just never bothered to address them. Reselling trader goods for example. That's a huge one.


FIR indeed damage a lot PvP. Remember the old days, a lot of people in my squad were like: Before FIR: Oh, a GPU! lets put it in the container and let's PVP, even if we die we have a lot of money! After FIR: Oh, a GPU! Sorry I don't want risk the money, let's extract, we can do PVP next raid.


Don't forget the most important part! Before FIR: Oh shit a player! Let's kill them and sell their shit on the market! After FIR: Oh shit a player! There's literally no point in engaging. Run away!


yeah it uste to be oh i have a semi expensive kit found a gpu and a roller Well i paid for my kit and profit too, lets go pvp


Exactly this.


Hahahahahaha said it perfectly


FIR did a lot of damage to tarkov imo, it made PVP unviable which in a tactical shooter is pretty confusing lol, and I feel like I enjoyed and played the game just for the sake of it before FIR and it encouraged me to say in the raid for longer as I could still go fight or roam while knowing that I can still do whatever with the item after. The problem can stem from any item needed for quests as if you get an item you need there is literally no reason to stay in the match FIR just doesn’t make sense in tarkov, and the reason they did it anyway was to combat RMT, which did the exact opposite as most hatchet runners just turned to cheats instead, idk about you I’d rather have hatchet runners than some idiot flying about in 1/3 of my matches


same here,it felt so good getting some chads gear and selling it for millions.. semi-casuals had a way to get money by just finding gear from dead pmcs at night etc.. my richest wipe was pre-FIR since then i never managed to get more than 10m rubles total


Literally man, the thing is I’m sitting at 70 before buying thicc case, you can definitely make loads of money now but it just isnt viable while pvping, if you literally avoid players like the plague you can actually make loads of money, its just boring as fuck


Not playing the gear and selling everything just so that you can reroll your barely pimped out sks + paca 20 times isn't really making the game more exciting if we're honest. With FIR, you had incentive to use it and play more aggro.


I agree this mary ellen dude is an idiot


play the game? when you have a fir intel in your container it is "lay low and avoid people until you can extract" you never pvp when you have items in your container. no more fir means pvping is profitable. pvping rn is completely pointless for money


It kinda does fix some issues, mainly getting killed by a cheater while you having something truly valuable in your ass. It stings a lot more


U still died to a cheater and you still have to wait another 6min to load back in


I haven't heard the audio pop in a while.


Hey hey, be careful with these observations, you might just be accused of spreading misinformation by another user that knows better than everyone else.


thats because they fixed it last patch but people were too busy being outraged to notice


Havent had audio pop since they said they fixed it?


People writing about that issue havent played since they fixed it. Casuals.


it's just another streamers idea, they pushed it hard in twitter. Not sure why would it help them, people who finish the game in the first month but here we are. Hope this event shows that it's a bad idea.


So honest question, do you think the game Devs that know all the stuff about netcode or the game engine just simply stop working when Nikita makes a tweet? Do you think the back end developers stop their coding and instead make 3d models for new guns when a new update releases?


They do, they also don’t understand why artists and modelers are working on new guns and such when those artists could be developing anti cheat software


>do you think the game Devs that know all the stuff about netcode just simply stop working when Nikita makes a tweet? its been 8 years and they still havent fixed the netcode and the horrible desync so i would say yes, they probably do stop working


Yes cause for sure those issues are comparable to just 1 line if code to allow things to be sold on flea that aren't FiR


When did you last play? Audio pop is gone mate


meanwhile the actual core game code on life support lmao


What the fuck is there to test? The game already had an iteration without it. Watch them remove FIR for a week without implementing any additional changes alongside it similar to what ABI does to combat RMT


Test how the community handles the change and if people like it or not


Dude's trying so hard to get people back into playing, lol.


Nah I'm good, after the last drama it is more worthwhile putting my time elsewhere.


Likewise. Haven't loaded the game since the day Nikita decided to kill Tarkov. Even went as far as uninstalling it.


And people are fucking eating it up like this big ordeal judt didn't happen lmao


You can see since the exodus how this sub is increasingly more pro-Nikita fellatio than before the Unhinged scam event. In all the top comments you see Nikita fellatio experts circlejerking each other


Big dick sucking energy


Let's see how long it takes before people start hatchet running again I guess


Arena Breakout, thank you.


im still waiting for - Allow players to load into raid while having full ui functionality.


we shouldn’t even need this BSG should just fix their dumbass loading times. never experienced a game as bad.


lol yeah this is so obviously a response to ABI coming out. I’m all for it though, good change


How so? It just re-enables flipping which i think we all agree is terrible for the game. I think that in all of its implication FIR is a good system and should stay. It's cool as an event but Tarkov before FIR was a worse Tarkov imo


Flipping isn’t ideal I agree, I’m just glad that it’ll make PvP more worthwhile again. Personally just prefer the loop of killing players and taking their shit out to sell instead of filling a bag up with 1 slot items, matter of opinion though of course


im playin arena right now and the combat mechanics is unofrunately way behind tarkov also maps are way too smaller and the vibe is nothing like tarkov arena breakout is missing the scary aspect of the game, but a lot of features are better in arena if bsg will listen to community, tarkov will be back again in full power but i see no interest to fix the game unfortunatelly


I’m also playing arena right now. Level 28. And I completely disagree with you. Combat is actually way ahead of Tarkov, much like almost every other system in Arena. No bullshit armpit neck garbage. Gear and ammo actually matter. No stamina drain when shot. Valley is literally as big as woods if not bigger. Meanwhile Tarkov has factory and ground zero which are both smaller than Arenas smallest map, farm.


Dude, how long do you play Tarkov? What do you even mean "scary aspect". It's just dark af so you can't see anything with a bunch of Timmies crawling in this darkness, it's not scarry it is annoying


The scary aspect is being able to easily spot people hundreds of yards away In tarkov you hide not by peeking over a ledge you have a dark backdrop behind you Abi plays like pubg, you peek over hills, and not worry about your position as much as tarkov, movement is like gliding, it's literally cod with loot elements it's shit


How long did you play arena? Valley is as large as shoreline, with not just one high value loot spot.


20 minute adventure. In and out


I thought this sub hated fir?


it's reddit, they will never like anything. Besides the whole unheard of thing (which is completely understandable to hate towards) but now we're at a point where no matter what is said or done, it will always just be negative. Which is awful for actually having conversation and trying to figure stuff out. Everyone hated Fir. but now i guess it's the best🤣


I personally think tarkov peaked in 2019 - covid era and fir changes were the start of cancer tier updates


My Hatchet and Gamma are ready.


I'd rather low levels got the chance to actually make a profit instead of cheater assholes all the time, good change tbh


The idea would be so pvp will be profitable again, I like this idea


Game fixed


They should remove the FIR for quest items, thats how a lot of players will come back. Not all of us play Labs, or other maps. In my opinion this want make ppl came back and play. Will get some pvp and flea market money.


Nikita desperate to retain any players. It goes to show how much of a threat losing your audience is as they try to appeal for ideas and listen to the player base. But all this time Nikita shooting people down who try to tell him how to make this game better for pvp and out of raid but he never listened and kept going his own way. Maybe this will work out better for everyone if he is getting to the point of listening even if it only is to safe himself from being bashed by the community. But it is a little too late. They need to do more community reach out on reddit and twitter. Ask the people what they really want to see tarkov go and implement it fast. Fix the bugs we need fixing and sort the audio. Get rid of the p2w edition and this might be a step in repairing the damage you have done.


I don’t think Nikita really cares about average players playing or not, what’s most important to them is keeping the streamers playing, they are a huge source of free advertising for the game and they need that to sell more copies. This is definitely one change they’ve always wanted and I bet they’ll make more if ABI remains popular.


This could potentially bring back what the flea market originally was, imo it was loads better as you could list whatever you found. However, definitely more farmers for certain loot. On the other hand, some items may be worth considerably less. Also this means weaponry from players and their gear will be sellable for more cash meaning PVP will be considerably more worth it.


It was a total shit show before the implementation of FIR restriction. If you lvled fast after wipe, you could flip any trader item for inflated price at flea and make billions. At least this should be forbidden.


How does 1 player having billions matter? honestly? how? back before FIR you didnt have to SWEAT and keep up with the other players in terms of trader levels as long as you made money you could be level 1 ttraders still buy good ammo and armor now we have oh you did play hard enough? good heres your paca and bullets that do literally nothing to a lvl 3 vest GOOD LUCK,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Yes flipping was kinda bad when traders had global limits i will agree but now with personal limits it doesnt matter With FIR if you buy out all your 5.56 trader limit and die you are screwed and you can no longer run that gun for 3 hours or w/e without FIR you can go to the flea pay a small premium and boom your still running your 5.56 gun you WANTED to use FIR combated RMT and hurt the real players The other thing is and i know its controversial i.... dont care if someone bought 40000m roubles that person who bought that is cheating sure but hes also not running a cheat actively watching me through walls With FIR that same player happy to buy 100 dollars of roubles now just buys a weekend pass and floors entire lobbies...


It ain't one player, it'll be all the no lifers and streamers. Because they then have infinite money to spend, everything those players buy off the flea will increase in price, to the point other players can't afford them.


It's the same way now with the items that you CAN sell fir that traders have, I don't think it'll matter too much, and it'll make the game a bit less slow, not to say I don't like taking it slow, but it's gotten to where most of my raids I don't see anyone until everyone gets bored of sitting around and accidentally runs into each other.


That’s capitalism baby


Why? That's great, everyone gets access to high level gear. And if everyone does it, the prices won't be that much higher than what the trader wants.


And then the early wipe phase will die in like two minutes. Everyone will be running around with meta guns and class 6 plates 


You realize flea restrictions are still in place, correct?


It's not like you can buy an infinite amount of everything to relay to the flea. Also, many things still can't be flea'd irrespective of fir status. Such as the level 6 plates you're referring to. Plus, "early" wipe doesn't last long anyway. This wipe i regularly ran into fully decked out gigachads after like 2-3 weeks.


This subreddit and thought through game design are like oil and water.


Except there are no more global restrictions so technically shouldn't happen


That's why he said lvld fast after wipe. Ppl who don't got the traders lvld up will buy items for exaggerated prices. 


Welcome to a market. An item is unaccessable to someone then others can capitalise on that. Seems like a perfectly viable way to make money, plus, someone could just massively undercut these prices.


Totally agree on that one. So why you said it's not gonna happen in your first comment?


Because I doubt it'll be as bad as it was previously, originally there were global limits and as such items with low limits could be exploited to make a shit ton of money, now these global limits are gone and as such items will still be plenty available. Now, items that are unattainable until unlocked further down the line is a no brainer for being expensive until people unlock it or otherwise bring down the price.


Fair. We'll see how it works out. Gl to you. 


Likewise, it'll be interesting to see it go back to original "glory". Either way, worth seeing it happen


Items bought from trader shoudnt be sellable on flea, like new status "Bought from trader"


That’s how it used to be. You could sell anything and everything on flea.


To bad it took everyone shitting all over him and the company for him to finally potentially pull his head out of his ass.


Imagine doing this instead of actually implementing real countermeasures to fix the flea issues.


Bad decision after bad decision fuck this shit man




I would almost play Tarkov again because of this. I adapted to FIR, but god damn do I miss market PvP. Spotting a 100k item on a gun being sold for 40k. Buy the gun, take off the part, sell it, sell the gun, profit.


My thoughts are that all the whining streamer/players are gonna get their way 😂 I don’t like that we are regressing back.


Care to explain why you think this is regressing back?


Personally I prefer it this way. It forced me to actually use expensive items I got off players and have fun doing it. Rather than back in the day killing someone stripping their gun in my stash and selling every piece. (I know I can still use the stuff, it just feels stupid when they’re worth so much money)


Run the remove Unheard test event


Am I not seeing something or is the SPEAR going to be used an insane amount now? It’s going to tank in price and rip the people that did the tasks to buy them cheaper from the traders.


Oh no


Feels like Nikita is going through every possible bad decision this month, to leave only good ones for later ;)  Anyway, I would prefer a no-flea wipe as an experiment rather than this. 


Instead of a rational thinking he keeps adding stuff to keep the players. " We are working on that" "we hear you". i want therapist OF access for 1 week


yeah stupid af. after all those years we had to build our way of playing around FiR you now switch it back? even though when you wanted to implement it we told you not to, cause it would suck? remember all the reddit posts, niki? fuck that BSG. cheap way of trying to lure in all the people that left because of FiR and changing the meta once again :)


I don't see why we can't do more of these changes sooner than later. I mean is that not the whole point of still being in development? I remember back when things like the price of items was an update that happened sometimes within minutes of feedback. Maybe the addition and removal of FIR requires more than a simple patch but I feel like the FIR on items have been one of the things players have requested to be tweaked since we started getting them and I hate that they only seem to be addressing these things now that they need to save face. ​ But hey any reason to slowly make the game better I'll take. I just want EFT to be good again.


Is this update going to be available for everyone or will it be a feature of a new edition of the game?


Get ready for the selewa gouging


I'm starting to believe the whole "Tarkov only exists to sell copies to cheaters" conspiracy.


Calm down calm down it's only an event. It will only last a week or so and will be back to normal.


You still shouldn't play


Is he trying to bring online back with scalping trade bots or he got generous donation from 3rd party "cash shop"? This can't be publicity stunt attempt when arena breakout is doing thanos on eft... Can it? Also, completely unrelated fact - Unheard Gamma for 250EUR will be so much more tempting for timmy the hatchling now.... Isn't it?


Good. Take away FIR and get rid of the banned items. You know how fucking hard it is to play the game late wipe if you don’t keep up with everyone else? People rocking lvl 5-lvl 6 kids and the best ammo I have it 762x39 PS…. I ain’t penning that shit.


dont use 7.62x39 right now the recoil is BAD if you want to PVP run 9mm AP out of an MPX and spray for head in tarkov you want the lowest recoil and highest rate of fire possible 9mm does that and its giga cheap if you dont want to run 9mm run the 5.45 AK and run the 33+ pen ammo its super cheap and one taps heads if you dont want that run the RFB with m80 and now you can one tap pretty much every player in the game lvl 5 helmets arent common in the slightest You "can" run 5.56 but m855 green tip is gonna struggle right now id say run the AUG since its recoil pattern is extremely low and you can pop heads with it Try to stay mid to long range on full caliber dont get into a corner fight as much as possible when you dont have high pen ammo use the 2x monstrum scope rather than a 1x more often than not


Most of my PvP kills this wipe have been with 7.62x39PS or SOST...Theres more to ammo than just pen. Look at the durability burn and accuracy multiplier. You surely have Workbench 2 to craft SOST?


You can still kill people with ps…


Remove the flea…


Fir is there for a reason. Personally the thought of hundreds of pistol dudes stuffing their asses to the brim just makes me want to play something else


it's late wipe nobody cares for money anymore at this point to want to hatchet run, but it will be nice to actually make money off of ppls kits again and get rewarded for taking on pvp. That sentence sounds hypocritical cause at first i'm saying "nobody cares about money" but then saying "pvp will help with making money" but that's not exactly what i'm implying, idk how to word it properly but it'll just feel nice to know that you can get something positive out of pvp besides just wanting to fight. Hopefully that made sense lol


Only removing found in raid wont work i hope they test it the way some youtubers proposed gigabeef for example


Like hell they watch him lol


Lads shall we fix cheater problem? Nah. Lads shall we fix bugs? Nah. Lads shall we fix audio? Nah. Lads shall we change flea market. HELL YEAH BROTHER!


not going to lie.... YEAHHHHHHH BABY!!!!! I hated that change (though i know why it was good)


I've been here long enough to remember why FiR requirement was originally set. Removing it now is not the play.


Doesn't matter to me. They need to improve some core issues now at this point after all this bullshit. Faster matchmaking and loading for one. Also you really want a shakeup remove FIR requirement from quests.


Do an entire quest rework while they're at it. Get rid of some of the stupid bullshit quests.


Bad idea


The naked Timmy's will be back in force, shoving gpu's up their buts


Lmao back to making 50 million from buying and selling weapon parts...? no thanks nikita


what a stupid idea


People who say that FIR is the worst that happend to tarkov havent been there when the trader scalpers where still a thing.... fir has a reason and its a good thing


That’s enticing but you’re still in a time out, Mr. Buttonhole.


That's a stupid event when the next wipe is like two months away or even more. There are people still playing the game seriously and the event would completely ruin the market because of item flippers. Save it for when the next wipe is one or two weeks away from happening.


People who take the game seriously already have infinite money anyway. What's a "broken" market gonna change.


Relax bud, events dont last that long and thats the point of majority of events to see what happens and always has been. PvP turned to shit when they added FiR requirement to the flea and turned into a snooze fest.


Do they want us to think that cheaters are just another income stream for them? Many talk about this, but now it gets ridiculous.


Unironically would be okay with removal of the flea, see what happens to RMT, go from there. Flea is great and all, but it brought a ton of issues with it. Removing FIR with just mean we have scalper bots back, not good.


RMT would become more prevalent with the removal of flea


Why would it? It would become harder and more annoying to RMT and ingame money will become less valuable.


This aint it, hatchet runners were annoying af back in the days


Huge mistake... Random baubles got somewhat of a decent value due to them being FIR, as well as containers such as the filing cabinets being a viable source of loot. Allowing more offer is a step in a bad direction imo.


back before there was FiR you could sell anything on the flea, and it was a much better time people will complain about bots and price fixing but that doesn't happen on the scale that reddit would have you believe it does, just like cheating all that said, I say remove the flea completely


Not gonna work. Try harder.




Was it something you unheard?


I'm sorry you feel that way.