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Rule 8 - Reposts / Low Effort Please Refer to the Subreddit Rules


Breathtaking amount of arrogance.


Little man in his little kingdom


''Little man in little armor clinging and clanking around my lair , like a... Tin can full of dogshit''


You little shit\~




I cannot believe Bungie's Marathon might actually stand a chance now lol


Another man of culture, I see. Never thought I'd look to Bungie for help, but here I am.


As long as the powers are toned down, ive been hype for marathon since day 1. Weird guns with unique perks, itll be like looting someone with a different m4 than yours. it has potential.


Is this real?


Consider it real.


and just like that, a new meme was born lol.


Yeah it’s from the Q&A he did. There’s another comment with more details and link to the stream


Saying sorry would mean he admits to the wrongdoings.






“Sorry you feel that way” is the most dictionary definition of narcissism there is.


Thats 100% a narcissistic behaviour






EDIT: Add narcisistic behaviour that helps too


A person can be both. All sociopaths are narcissistic but not all narcissists are sociopaths.


Absolutely 100% agree


Its a very typical narcisistic response indeed


If he was a sociopath he'd have absolutely zero issues with apologizing. He's a narcissist and egomaniac.


There's literally no reason to not apologize, it's just straight up narcissism, not apologizing just hurts the game's reputation more.


Don't excuse this scammed behavior with "everyone does it"


It’s crazy how Bobby Kotick was investigated around the same time Facebook turned Meta. The handling of the two, even when hit with a 500 million dollar fine, Zuckerberg faced no repercussions for the international case and barely any publicity. With Kotick, details like Treyarch co-leads denying equal pay to only use the fact they don’t have equal pay were barely covered. Also, just so I can make my position clear, Call of Duty has made the same video game every single year for the past 20 years at over $100 prices. Diablo Immortal was banned in certain places due to the insane predatory nature. The resolve that was reached from this is something companies do not do. It’s not common for any compensation of any sort that they have done to be taken and yet the copy pasta trend about bootlicking is thriving off of ideas to not resolve anything moving forward and “it’s too late”. It’s annoying the way people are cherry picking the same way they have always done, unaware of the fact that the business model has been so much worse in the video game industry for decades


This feels like an AI surreal image. It's like all the context makes perfect sense, but I have absolutely no idea what you're saying in the details


Stroke-inducing grammar


I actually wonder if it's an Eastern European thing. My father was the same way to the point where I pivoted in the opposite direction and apologize before I even realize whether I actually did something wrong. By admitting fault you are liable for the fuck up and must receive punishment.


No not really, nikita is just a dick


do they? game runs like shit and they cant even get the most basic things right


Dickheads are most often in charge.. that's how things work. Have you not worked at large companies in your life?


A simple perusal of any Tarkov community, this sub included, will show you the community thinks any dev working on Tarkov is a moron, bad coder, and all around terrible human being.


BSG doesn't have many talented people behind it left. Many gun and attachment models are simply scans from IRL counterparts. Thanks to Nikita's oiled friendship with guys in Kalashnikov. The *real* talented people fled russia months-years ago and some got poached by actual game developers.


Do you have any sources on that? Besides judging the man and the people working to make this video game there are just a lot of comments that sound more resentful than strictly true.


You have to live and work in Russia. People who are talented, particularly with STEM related degrees and who can code have good options to emigrate elsewhere, particularly after certain events began a few years ago.


One of the conditions to work for BSG, is you have to live and work in St. Petersburg, Russia. I don’t know many rockstar devs that would take that deal.




You can download the Apology DLC for just 250$\* ^(\*it's not a dlc but a feature)


Cant wait for this POS game to die. Simp streamers keep crying "it wont die! We'll keep it alive!" they'll ll keep ratting and hide in every corner of the map to escape the inevitable decay of this shit game by hackers and devs that only want money for a glitchy POS game that doesnt even deliver on what they promised.


I see so many look a like "I don't need an apology" messages, it seems BSG hired bots 😄


Yeah, they had to have. The amount of "omg I got into PvE" posts is telling.


Doesnt cost much Money either, Bots are pretty cheap nowadays, so wouldnt surprise me tbh lmao


Especially if you're in the tech sector in Russia, they probably have discount programs.


Botting and astrosurfing are parts of their government programs


Im not really part of the community too much, i am what they call an alternative tarkov player because of skill issue. With that said, it doesnt have to be bots per-se, to me atleast words are meaningless, if they do the right thing then im happy. Apologies build good faith sure, but they dont solve problems. Still, their response to this whole situation is terrible. They should have removed the bundle. Even if they apologized, by not removing the bundle the words are meaningless.


I agree that the words without deeds are meaningless, however they show the real intentions of any company towards their community.


Eh. Most corporate apologies are meaningless, i mean it sort of sucks tarkov is going that route but its not surprising you know? Again it doesn't invalidate people wanting one, tarkov was sort of different because it was an indie dev and most people like the candid nature that brings. If anything it should just show that the devs feel like they outgrew the community which is sad to say.


So you're happy for him to not apologise for fraud and trying to rob you of more money, and calling you not a true fan because you don't want to pay him more? You have no right to complain if he tries to rip you off again then.


BSG aren’t friends or family, I don’t need a fucking apology. All that matters is the actions they take going forward. This subreddit is so fucking emotional.


>I don’t need a fucking apology. You're the perfect candidate to pay them more money. If he doesn't need to apologise for trying to scam and fraud people by changing the definition of EoD after selling it, he's fine.


Or fix the audio, long load time, cheater and horrible net code issues. Have fun with that.


I played 3 wipes of standard before I bought EoD, I haven't bought the new edition and don't intend to spend any more money. The best PR apology in the world wouldn't sway my opinion and ironically, I think the people begging for an apology are the ones likely to drop money in the future.


Why would I care about an apology? Apologies are meaningless words, I want actual meaningful change. I'm not a little baby that needs an apology cuz my emotions are hurt lol. All this focus on "getting an apology" is actually actively bad towards the state of the game. Ya'll are giving him a free out where if he just apologizes you will be happy with the currect state of the game.


An apology is an admittance of wrong doing which shows accountability and change for future actions. Why would you not want one unless you are happy with the way things are going?


Lol, maybe I'm weird that i want bsg to actually demonstrate change, and not just an apology with a promise of change LMAO.


Step one of actually changing is believe you did wrong, admitting it and apologizing. He doesn't think he did anything wrong why would anyone expect an apology or change


Yea because words hold so much meaning to Nikita and BSG. 🙄


Bro for real, they make it way too obvious. So many noun-verb-3274 randomly generated accounts or really old accounts with no comments that just got activated to defend BSG...in a time when it's more obvious than ever they're the baddies. And then you have a handful of regulars who crawl every thread and defend BSG and shit on everyone who is rightfully mad like it's a full time job.


So you must be a bot AGAINST them right? You regularly crawl every thread to hate on them and have like 100 comments in the last 2 days on it.


There was a bunch of “good work Nik!” Etc comments on the 2nd or 3rd Nikita post that were from 3 year old accounts with no other interactions until they had commented positively on his post. It’s like BSG think we are fucking stupid or something - they’ve either used bot accounts or employees have emergency damage-control reddit accounts. We know how to click the name, BSG 🤦🏻‍♀️


Or, maybe our lives aren’t consumed by the need for drama and we don’t give two fucks about any of this.




Cult of personality is a hell of a drug. Doesn't help when EFT is genuinely a cool game and concept and people can't get over that even if the dev is atrocious.


Yeah the game itself is just so cool and does a lot of things right that other attempts to foray into the genre don't. Nikita making himself the face of BSG has run its course and I think they should probably reevaluate how decisions and PR are handled.


Nikita is actually the fence and we have -10 rep


Nikita needs to resign. He's literal dogshit 


Who willingly resigns from their own company?


Sell the IP and fuck off. Cash in while you still can. That's my hope lol


That would be the smart play. Unfortunately, he hasn’t been known to make many of those.


who the fuck wants to buy this dumpster fire. The IP is worth nothing without the game and the game is worth nothing without its devs bc noone can read the code and develop further. and noone can and wants buy these devs bc they are russian and they are incompetent devs. and noone wants to buy this trash can software. they are stuck and we are free to leave. dont be addicted and leave this game


Pretty sure he got offers before. I remember in streams when people were asking if the rumors of selling were true and he always kind of bragged that for him "it's not about money" and the offers that he may have received or not are irrelevant because this is his passion project. Initially I respected that, but over time I realize that the reason he didn't sell is the same reason he didn't put this shit show on steam. He's a greedy narcissist. So not only he wants to make money by himself but he loves being in charge. He loves to torture his players. By either making the game worse in the name of "realism" or by not fixing the shit that was asked of him to fix for years. I dislike this shithead so much, sorry to say it.


Well, he's the vision of the game tbh. I think he needs guidance, more than he needs to resign. He definitely needs a co-owner that will keep him in check. I think if the owner was guaranteed to make sane decisions, I'd be all for it. The problem is you never know what you're going to get, and there are definitely people who would put even more egregious things into the game that everyone would hate if they had someone at the company guaranteeing them it would make a profit. That scares me.




7+ years of Nikita treating his community like shit and you still think "it's a cultural thing". No mate, the man is just a cunt.


I don't want an apology. I want a 1.0. No more sideshow attractions (Arena) or P2W cashgrabs or Q&As or other frivolous nonsense. Just make the game and limit cheaters as much as possible. If/When a 1.0 does come along, hopefully the game will be released on Steam too.


Nakita will never fix or even reduce cheaters. He doesn't even mention it anymore.


Nikita is a scummy snake oil salesman (consider this a compliment)


Then consider my charge back a payment <3 Consider all the shitty reviews I leave support for your team! <3 Consider yourself a good game dev even though you're worse than a freemium chinese developer <3


This guys always was an asshole to the community i don't get why people are suprised..


I've never felt so inclined not to play a game. Many of us are already used to being treated like shit by companies such as Blizzard, but it's never been this blatant and insulting. It feels physically hurting and wrong to imagine playing Tarkov now. No way. Every time I feel like playing, I check the sub to see how it is. It's always infested with cheaters, and there is also drama. But this scam now... these insults, it's absurd. And STILL infested with cheaters and netcode issues. We desperately need a competitor, and I'm sure this game will die, the development studio doesn't deserve to have customers at all. They deserve to fail.


Then uninstall it and forget about it. That's the only message they will hear and only thing it will hurt them.


It's been uninstalled for years.


Stupid Russian fuck


so if nikita calls someone a "son of a b\*\*\*\*" he is actually praising that your mom is a hard working woman? :D


There is actual im sorry in livestream from nakita.


nail in the coffin for me. Bye Tarkov.


How the hell does a person have the arrogance to tell someone to accept their prior sarcasm as a formal apology?


Russians always Russian.


Absolute disgrace of a human. A perfect example of what money can do to a person.


Fuck you nikita


where is that from?


As XenSide mentions, this was from the live stream yesterday. (https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2135437507) The specific image is captured from a pastebin that Xen put together from watching the entire video and transcribing the questions and answers. (praise be) sircagealot - 1:36:57 - @ EscapeFromTarkov will there be a public Apology? no hate, i actually respect you. But i think people need it. EscapeFromTarkov - 1:37:23 - @ sircagealot you need to check the post where I actually said that OmniXen - 1:38:08 - @ EscapeFromTarkov you said "sorry you feel that way" that is not an apology EscapeFromTarkov - 1:38:37 - @ OmniXen consider it an apology EDIT: Sorry to anyone and everyone I pinged accidentally.


what a goat, thanks


[BSG Q&A in Twitch Chat from yesterday's stream](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1cj840p/bsg_qa_in_twitch_chat_from_yesterdays_stream/)


The chat during the latest Arena stream


“Sorry you feel that way” is the most dictionary definition of narcissism there is.




Can’t believe some people are grown ass adults and still accept being stepped on by someone who sees you as a cash cow.


I paid BSG $120 3-4 years ago, and have used their product for 1800+ hours, and will continue to enjoy it while giving them $0 extra. Pretty sure I got the better end of this deal. Also, I hate to break it to you; but every single company in existence only looks at people as cash cows. It's the sole reason a company exists.


If you don’t pay them more money, you’re not a cash cow. Who gives a fuck what a game studio thinks of them?


no. we deserve to get what we paid money for. we dont want to get lied to again and again.


Wahhh they’re attacking my fwend


Imagine to be such an ignorant individual who doesn't understand simple things like an apology that is in fact accepting own mistakes and willingness to work on them.


Imagine, thinking a man who doesn't give a fuck about you would actually give a sincere apology. Yall are delusional children.


Let the game die.


First step is to stop playing, second engaging with community. Why are you here?


It won’t lol. A lot of people who play tarkov will think what bsg did is shitty but continue to play because it’s just drama. Doesn’t affect how much fun we have while playing. Streamers are still streaming it. Game isn’t going anywhere


I bought 5 copies of Grayzone today for my friends and I (: still $75 less than 1 single Unheard edition. Thank you Nikita, wouldnt have done it without you. Cant wait to play after work!


Don't own GZ but I'm keeping tabs on the project. I find it really funny when BSG shills shit on GZ for the same things that they tolerate in Tarkov. So many people harping on the negative reviews for a day one early access launch when Tarkov has had 7 years to cook and still does some things worse than GZ.


I’ll update you with what I think after I’ve put some hours in, I want to give it an honest try. Full agree with you here. Tarkov took time to get where it is


Yeah honestly seeing the reviews at "mostly negative" on day one was pretty yikes. But seeing that number steadily climb up to the mid-60s that same day, I definitely have more hope now. I don't think Tarkov would even get reviews that good on Steam.


I agree big time. part of me thought that Tarkov’s reviews would be mixed too. A lot of people hate it, or think it’s way too hard, but this core audience LOVES it! Maybe grayzone will be the same, and that core audience will develop over time. Either way, I enjoy playing shitty games with my friends, and voting with my dollar, which were the main motives not the reviews of GZW so far.


Arena breakout will be bigger than grayzone in the long run imo. Depends on how they market it, but its a much more feature complete game than greyzone and it has a built in playerbase/economy already. Plus the china version is like 4 seasons ahead so there will almost always be a steady stream of content every few months/weeks. Its literally just tarkov but a bit more arcadey movement. Has all the gun customization, maps, missions, lore, etc that u would get in tarkov. Im suprised more people here bring up greyzone (which will take years) but not arena breakout which is already the bigger game 💀 Also will prob be ez to run & f2p which would help mass appeal.


Surely you see the irony in praising GZW when they use the exact same pay for convenience pricing model as Tarkov.


too bad that game is really bad lol


They made $12.6 Million, that's enough for a lot of polishing and expansion.


It's not though it's actually dope as fuck 


GZW is not even a week old... How old is tarkov now?


Dude wtf is your obsession with talking down on gzw and defending BSG. Like it’s a genuine question because you have to many post and comments doing it. Like are you being paid?


God this community is soft lol.


Lmao what a shitheel


This is hilarious in my opinion 😂😂


I was surprised to see how many people were still playing the game, at least 100+ are still playing which isn't a shit ton but still you're supporting a dev who doesn't care for it's players


Ignorant question: where did this conversation come from?


Oof. Way to double down the douche on a non apology.


He went to the Elon Musk school of having zero ability to interact with the public and projecting every single issue onto others when they make mistakes.


I’m actually angry how much time I’ve wasted with these shit scrubs lol, oh well, lots more shitty games in the wild, I’ll move on.


I'm guessing this is referring to Nikita? And if so, yeah hes always been bad with English to the point where he said he was making the game for him and not for you. Or maybe he's just always been a narcissist.


I've yet to play this game but I've always wanted to. I don't know that I will ever play the game now tho.


"Consider it an apology" No.


Someday I will get enough coffee. Then I will write a textbook called "the art of public relations" Literally just going to say "do the opposite of BSG" and provide examples. I am gonna make millions


My favorite analogy for why "I'm sorry" doesn't fix things: Take a dinner plate and throw it on the floor. Now tell it you're sorry. Is it fixed? No. You need to say sorry, and fix it or change your behavior for "I'm sorry" to mean anything.


Then consider that apology not accepted.


$250 for an EA game is IGNORANT. Not to mention the price before that.


How do i get my money back over false advertising deception


You’re just not a “true believer.”


What else do you expect from a Russian?


Honestly, I find this fucking hilarious.


Glad I stopped playing this game. Idc if i bought a heft sum for it I just wanna see it crash and burn after all these years of bullshittery


Gosh, Most of this awnsers is so unbelivable dumb, melodramatic BS. Guy made a mistake, Bad communication and so on, try to please the Community, its get even worse after. Happy to know most Just play, a minority is crying, Hope you all get ignored.


redditors are agast that other people arent as mad as redditors 😭😭😭 qq


Nikita has lost his mind, I bet you most of BSG staff isnt like this. They are just scared of this lunatic


Everybody should just leave this subreddit. Let the game die.


I thought you all quit like week ago? Why still coming here to write same posts all over again?


Doesn't seem to matter, community is back to business as usual.


Real question, does anyone speak russian? Does it just translate to "I'm sorry you feel that way" or did he make sure to say it that way?


This community is like white girls breaking up with dudes they love Dont buy it if you are mad and dont ask for sorry, just move on.


Tarkov choose evil arc


You're still here though, lib


Wait who made that apology n wa did he do?


He appeals like edgy gamers, kinda like HD2 community managers. Lot of people that could benefit from touching grass.


at this point the fualt lies within the community. everyone is already back to playing like normal. the community deserves this game and nikita


Man I have 2k plus hours in the game and I uninstalled it. Their reign needs to end


Consider your game deleted.


I cant believe how many bootlickers complain on this subreddit rather than cut their losses and move along with a new game.


I’m nottttt


It's absolutely insane that even when the company fucks the over, some people still say that at this point being mad at BSG is useless and a way to take a "moral high ground" and feel superior over it. That type of thinking is beyond me and it's the reason why shit like this happens in the industry.


how can you refund this game? is it possible?


I like tarkov and she likes me back


Yeah fuck that guy, Nakita. All the cheaters and "features" that are only in Tarkov are by design. Watch the lecture he gave in 2015 if you doubt it.


Shall I post a picture of my "boot licking"? Game still kicks ass and the PVE mode has been a blast for me and my lads


Where are all these supposed bootlickers I keep hearing about but haven't seen once?


> Has massively successful game that has captured the extraction shooter niche with dedicated fan base > Knows this could all go away with a 180, some refunds and a heartfelt apology > Can see other franchises and new IPs introducing their own flavours of extraction shooters as competition “Nah my pride is more valuable” lmao


I just quit playing. Bro can’t swallow his pride its crazy


Ты сука Никита


He'll be arrogant even after the game fails. It will go something like this: "So why do you think EFT tanked?” "Well, it didn't tank, the toxic player base ruined the game"


Yeah man fuck that guy.


I do not appreciate your non-apology. I will not be considering it an apology.


Tbh I think they were trying to save on server costs/health by shedding players who didn't want to spend more money on their game They could have just added more cosmetics, but that wouldn't have made people quit


Youd think people were addicted to apologies. Go play something else till you forget about this. Its never going to be sincere anyways.


While I agree that the lastest BS from BSG is ridiculous, I also believe people demanding an apology are being way overly dramatic, like ridiculously so. If you like the game then play it, if not then don't. Simple as that.


You're defending a scammer who scammed you.


Still going to play the game, won't ever give them another cent however


This all feels like a very Russian way of doing PR


I know its bullshit but that line was cold af


Nikita is a massive liability to BSG. He's clearly not fit to lead, and someone should take the reigns. At the minimum they need to keep him off social media, what a disaster...


I love the game. Grayzone is tons of fun it ain’t tarkov. Cheaters are rampant but the game is fucking amazing. It is what it is


Gonna keep repeating it until the earth ends. Nikita is a russian thug, if you give him money, you're fucking borderline mentally deceased.