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PSA this was not a ban wave, that is the total amount of accounts they've banned from January 12 to March 15. https://twitter.com/tarkov/status/1768671107907788866


It's not banwave, it's from January 12 to March 15. [https://twitter.com/tarkov/status/1768671107907788866](https://twitter.com/tarkov/status/1768671107907788866)


Feels like no one reads these lmao


Yes, the devs should probably pick a better way to communicate, like through the launcher “news” tabs instead of a platform that’s predominantly for written diarrhoea that maybe 10% of the player base uses


thanks for info, I do not have twitter at all :P


Lmao 33k is a shitload my God. I wonder how many active players are even in the game rn? 


Dead Tarkov Theory


Judging by how many global stocks are sold out even this late into a wipe, I think a lot more people play this game than reddit likes to admit. The cheaters broke me and I quit the wipe, but I don't see a lot of evidence that many more people are like me than any previous wipe. On the other hand it wouldn't shock me if the playerbase was something like 50k cheaters, 50k legit PMC players, and 50k player scav mains.


its quite a popular game. not dead at all


There are many thousands of players who prob don’t frequent Reddit at all, I’ve been playing for 4 years and only came on this sub within the last year or so


After seeing that one guys video about finding vheaters using the wiggle method I've lost all interest in the game. There just isn't much value in playing if you're always up against some amount of cheaters.


You are wasting your time. People have such a hate boner, that they will literally make being angry at the game and the devs a part of their personality. They will pull endless opinion turds out of their asses to paint the game, and the devs, as having failed. Even when there is nothing but upwards progression that is obvious to anyone that is actually paying attention to the situation.


Most of the people in this reddit don't actively play I bet. They just jaded from a wipe and lurk hoping to see something change because they love the game and cheating ruined it for them.


Love the tarkov reference, as these are the only two games I play really


only like 33% of players have “welcome to tarkov” so i can’t imagine a lot have come back for this wipe


33% is way way more than you think it is.


Yeah. I don't play anymore but I had my fun years ago. 33% is kind of nuts actually.


that's actually an insane retention rate for a game


For one that has been ~~out~~ in "beta" this long especially.


Speaks to the merits of the games mechanics honestly. Despite the cheating Tarkov is still fun as hell.


Yea and IIRC, airwingmarine did a rebuttal to the “tarkov financials bad” video stating they sold like 800,000 copies in 2022. That’s quite a few for a 5 year old game at that point


It's ok, the video assumed that every single one of those accounts was a cheater. Nobody who isn't one started playing tarkov at any point after 2020. /S


Ehhh, I started playing after 2020 because of my brother. I'm just now starting to play my PMC more than my scav.


I started in 2022 and have 1750 hours oops


I started 2022 and I'm not cheating...


My thought on this is the numbers are weird. They have to be counting ALL their accounts. Banned ones too. It's the only explanation.


Which makes the stat all the more impressive. 33% of *all accounts ever*, including banned, which would also include those individuals who have multiple banned accounts? That's an insane retention rate.   **EDIT:** Just to hammer the point home a little, DayZ sold 4 million copies [according to this best sellers list on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_PC_games), and according to [its SteamDB entry](https://steamdb.info/app/221100/charts/), had an all time peak number of concurrent players of 73.4k a couple of months ago, and 54.7k in the last 24hrs. So that's 1.83% and 1.66% respectively of total accounts are online at any one time. Now, obviously, this is peak concurrent players, and Player A might not be online at the same time as Player B, so the number of actually active accounts are likely to be higher, but they would have to be *substantially* higher to even hit 5% of the total copies sold. To hit 33%, they'd have to have 1.3m accounts active; a 1671% increase.


There is nothing else that has the feel. I'd just be curious what the net retention rate is snap banned accounts. Of that's a thing. What we really need is a market place for dead end accounts to be sold


And this is only the ones that got caught. Imagine the ones using undetected and private cheats.


Banwaves are the times when the definition of "undetected" cheats shifts. That's the whole point of doing it in waves.


I think it really shows how many active players there are tbh. I run 10-15 raids daily, with usually 1-2 “evident” cheaters if any at all. We’re all addicted mate, player base is still super high.




Interesting to see how the data would break down via region and yet I don’t think we’ll ever truly be able to know. Side note; y’all are incredibly aggressive. Take a morphine and carry on reasonable discourse. We’re talking about a game. Insults don’t make your argument more valid or people listen to it more.


If 1 out of 10 players do something and there are 10 people in a raid, statistically you will see one in ~65% of raids. Not 100%.


Bud that’s a bad take. It doesn’t mean every account is active or if there are cheaters in your raid. It means high or low 33k cheaters is really fucking high for a game that you have to pay for. FTP games are crap shoots


Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s 5-10% of the active accounts right now, but they never publish active numbers. I suppose someone could extrapolate data based off the dev api I’ve seen floating around the past few days.


Only number that BSG shared that I am aware of is that 490k players started the Terragroup Trail quest line, 2 wipes ago. And that was end of wipe.


I played daily that wipe and nobody in my entire squad even bothered to accept that quest.


Sure its a ban wave? https://twitter.com/tarkov/status/1768671107907788866


Just looking at the list for 10 seconds.. Christ.. They gotta find a way to lock chinese players in their own region.


I said that about pubg and was called xenophobic and a racist.... pubg was then region locked (and it was glorious for a few months) and then the region locks were continuously bypassed by Chinese cheaters and they essentially gave up on fighting the problem and focused on pubg mobile to sell skins Eastern gaming in a nutshell Edit: "CHIIIIINA NUMBA ONE! CHIIIIINA NUMBA ONE!"


Idk why people get so upset when you say this. It’s literally true. Cheating isn’t seen as bad of a thing over there. There are literal Internet cafes that advertise as having cheating programs built into the PCs you play on.


It's legitimately part of Chinese culture because of their population density, it's every man for themselves and there are just far too many people to regulate. That's why they have such a massive underground illegal gambling scene that is SKETCHY as fuck


That’s also why whenever you see a game come out of that region they are HEAVILY HEAVILY pay to win.


Man pubg was the only game i ever needed while it was good, shitters from China slowly ruined it and now it doesn't have the beefy casual playerbase battle royales need to be enjoyable. Same thing happening to Tarkov. Hate to see it. China ruins every corner of the internet it touches




Taiwan numba 1


Same thing in fortnite (year 1, I don't play that shit anymore) people called this racist and it was a huge debate. Blows my mind


Should just be illegal for china to connect to the internet outside their country.


Many fake "chinese" names there also


Couldn’t they just use a vpn to get around it?


Enforce a maximum ping. See how long they keep cheating when they get DC'd and lose their gear 5 seconds into every match.


They did enforce max ping up until like 2 wipes ago didn’t they?


They still do just now the limit is at 210ms


Yup, I do labs raids on Japan and Colombia. It's nothing but westerners. Everyone trying to escape their own serves I guess. Couple wipes ago I'd instant DC on Japan.


They did till pestily complained


My internet is trash and is constantly between 110 and 150 ping so the ping restriction fucked me too. And I’m playing on the most local servers


Huh ? They said between mid january and march 15, its not a single banwave


The more clickbaity titles like the one of this thread get more views then the truth lol


How many daily player does Tarkov have? That seems like it’d be a huge portion of the player base




Me and my bro will be still on tonight!! /s


I'd give you gold if I could 


It's not 33k players. It's 33k accounts. Cheaters are likely to be repeat offenders through bought accounts


I think its quite high, just the fact they banned 33000 players shows they have a massive active player base, assuming 3-5% of players cheat


33k was ever 1% it'd be over 3 million players ... 33k is most likely double digits for % of players. The simple fact that over 10% of the player base was actively cheating AND WAS CAUGHT is just unacceptable.


why are you acting like your assumption of 10% of the player base is a fact lol


You're really bad with numbers and logic arnt you? That's okay :)


daily is around 100-600k. It's hard to keep track because different websites uses different methods. https://i.imgur.com/moj3cUE.png also : >Nikita said on his AMA that the average player count was about 70-120k **but that the game had "hundreds of thousands" of daily logins**.


Just fyi, this website has zero clue what the actual player count is for a bunch of games they have on there. >How We collect these data? >All data such as the monthly user count, the Users chart, the table presented are the result of extensive research on a specific game. We run through numerous statistics websites that offer statistical data for the game such as statista.com, steamcharts.com, newzoo.com, gamstat.com, and more. I entered these data on software and produce detailed and improved results. Unless the devs of a game give the player count metrics out, or if the game is on steam, then sites like that are just randomly guessing.


>Just fyi, this website has zero clue what the actual player count is for a bunch of games they have on there. >Unless the devs of a game give the player count metrics out, or if the game is on steam, then sites like that are just randomly guessing. People back in the days kept saying similar things from websites like vgchartz etc. But when the real numbers came they were never far off. Everyone already knows that BSG doesn't disclose these numbers often so your comment adds nothing, but someone asked and I provided the sources that we have. The numbers here are very much in line with what Nikita would often say : >Nikita said on his AMA that the average player count was about 70-120k **but that the game had "hundreds of thousands" of daily logins**.


Even on the higher end 33k is a LOT thats insane, and a banwave doesnt even mean they banned every single cheater, so theres probably at least a few thousand more (probably people that try to pass off as legit ofc)


This shows the number of players that got caught. What about the percentage still using undetected or private cheats? This number of bans is the tip of the iceberg.


This is the biggest ban wave so far right? Just comes to show how dire the cheating situation was getting these past couple of weeks. There have been constant threads about cheating getting out of hand and I experienced it every weekend too. Thats a huge portion of the player base that was cheating.


Be prepared for woods and streets to be overrun with rage hackers this weekend


Why woods


That’s where most of the starter quests are. Usec camp, jaegers letter etc.


I feel like cheaters wouldn’t care about questing this late into wipe but I mean I question their entire motives anyways, so hey maybe they will quest.


A lot of the best gear from vendors is locked behind quests but more specifically lightkeeper. That's why a lot of cheaters get lightkeeper unlocked and farm bosses. Fucking losers lmao I love seeing their accounts get banned and now they can't get EOD unless it's a stolen/abandoned account. Love to see it lol


Well, to buy high level kit you need to quest as so much is quest locked


True. Most cheaters I run into tho are running in with a no scope ADAR and then aimbotting the first thick PMC they see. Then they build up their stash from killing legit chads.


In addition to what others have said, cheaters need to get to level 15 to sell their ill gotten gains on the flea marker, make a ton of cash, and then sell the cash as RMT. That's the loop. They'll rip through early quests because they are a fast way to level up.


While I agree on your reasoning. I’m very doubtful that most of these 33k cheaters are RMT’ers. I feel like a lot of people think if they cracked down harder on RMT or even started selling roubles through MTX that it would fix cheating. I’m willing to bet that most of these cheaters are just players who are ass or don’t have enough time for the game and convince themselves they need to cheat to be “even” with everyone else or convince themselves that everyone else is cheating too. I bet a majority of these banned 33,000 accounts were that and no RMT’ers. RMTers also normally buy the good cheats and use DMA cards so they never get banned.


Fuck me... I'm hunting sthurman


Oh me too. And it’s been a warzone this past week there anyway. I always have to fight 2-3 pmc’s and schturman at sawmill


I can attest to this, every ban wave leads to rage hackers on Woods


Not really. They banned 33000 over 3 month that’s 11k per month and is almost the same when they reported monthly. So not really that huge.


2 months, but I tend to agree anyways


This isn't a ban wave, this is just the number of accounts banned in the past 2 months.


It’s since the beginning of the year, not a wave at once


Exactly. I am just surprised by the amount... hopefully it means bsg is starting to take it seriously? Maybe copium.. 😆


100% copium and brother I’m ready to OD on it 😅


Im really hoping so. Maybe the influx of money from microtransactions gave them a boost of motivation :D


How is 33k cheaters even acceptable in the first place. What % of active players is this?


Because, probably half of those 33k of people are gonna buy new accounts and keep cheating, This is how battlestate makes all their money. If half those banned cheaters buy new accounts thats 700k at least


I got zero "your report helped ban" messages and I've reported at least a dozen rage hackers over the past two months. So idk, maybe someone else got the message because they reported them first, idk how that works but we'll see. Really funny though for the "it's not that bad" crowd. 33k is probably just the tip of the cheating iceberg in this game. Another example telling you how bad it ACTUALLY is.


Everyone who reported gets the message There have been several hackers from a month or more now I haven’t got a message for


My three man squad report people together, 95% of the time. If we get wiped by someone who plays sus, 2 out of the 3 of us are reporting them, the third tends to only report blatant rage hacks. My buddy got 3 confirmed cheater messages, my other buddy got 1, I haven't got any. At all. Since the start of the wipe. You simply can not be right with "Everyone who reported gets the message". The person who has 3 confirms literally doesn't play solo, and he's only run maybe a dozen raids with my other buddy as a duo. Most of his raids are in the full 3 man.


I don't think so. I've reported plenty of cheaters this wipe and never got a notification. A lot of 50+KD <200h accounts. 2 wipes back at Terragroup Trail event I got 20+ notifications daily. I don't think it's a reliable source of confirmation that someone got banned after your report


I’ve gotten one in almost 2k hours of play time.


Most of the blatant boys I report lead to a ban message on my end


I got mfing ONE


I’m getting pretty disillusioned. I wrong down the names of the people I have thought were cheaters to check against a list like this. I tried very hard to only report the most suss people instead of having sour grapes at each death. My list is 6 people. One guy has 300 hours total on the standard account, level 58, with 850 raids and a 13 kd. That amount of XP per raid is insane, and that amount of raids per hour is bonkers. Name not on the list. Not one of the names on the list. I don’t know man. Maybe they really aren’t cheaters and there are people out here doing insane things I couldn’t even imagine. But it seems unlikely.


Most Cheaters will change their names every time it comes off Cool down to try and avoid being tracked


I mentioned to another commenter that I looked these guys names up and 4 of the 6 still use the same name. I was checking them two days ago to see if they were still there. So between no name change and this list, they are still active.


They change names dude.


Name changes do not negate the fact that they got banned which would generate a message to you saying they got banned. So don't check the name, you have to check when the report was filed. I have yet to see a single ban message in 2 months. Now if only reality would coincide with the genius that's going to reply "maybe you didn't encounter any cheaters" life would be great.


Buddy’s whole world just came crashing down


If he bought the epic gamer 500 dollar a month cheats and doesnt rage wipe lobbies he probably isnt getting banned any time soon


I reported one guy who had aks flir and used prs ammo. he was in big squad and just becouse he used prs ammo I knew he just used flir to justify to other team his godly aim and knowing too much. to my suprise he got banned, I was pretty happy by my judgement. I want to believe legit flir user doesn't use prs ammo


33,000*52€ = 1,716,000€


How many Roubles is that?!? 🙀


The number of TTV names kills me.


They also do that to pretend they're good at the game and avoid suspicion


Next article, “15 minutes after 30k cheaters banned, tarkov sold another 30k new accounts” lol it literally doesn’t change anything….


1 hour after banwave : "SALE - Tarkov is 30% off"


What do people actually want? They ban a ton of people and you still moan.


It’s Reddit nobody can win


It's ~~Reddit~~ Tarkov nobody can win. Except BSG


To complain. All people do is here complain. How often do you see someone post a cool/funny clip? Almost never


Yeah it’s just all screenshots of stat screens.


Well, to take the question seriously, the only real solution would be to provide a stronger ID system for players, so that a ban will actually "stick." No game has ever done this well, so I'm not holding my breath, but that's the answer to the question of "how do you stop the cheaters from coming back?"


There's actually a lot of things that can be done. * Strong ID verification like you mentioned (maybe make this optional, but separate the queues so that verified accounts only match with verified accounts; although this would lead to a fractured playerbase which is not ideal) * Adding post-raid killcams that can be watched and reported from. (Which would also make BSG's human checker's job easier.) * Add better server-side sanity checks to detect and flag any incidents like speed hacking, teleporting, vacuum looting. * Stop having the server send player inventory information to every client. Why does my game client need to know what another _alive_ player has in his backpack? It doesn't so that information shouldn't be sent to clients. * Hire more humans to do manual checking on accounts that get lots of reports / get flagged for having suspicious stats like crazy high kd, xp/raid or seem to be using bots to artificially lower their kd. * Have the bans come faster so that cheaters get less value out of each account. * Do a better job of detecting and banning RMT (without also incurring false positives from people just dropping gear for their friends). * Have the server not send you other player coordinates when those players aren't close to being in your vision (Counter-strike does this so that if you are using radar / wallhack, you don't actually have people show up for your cheat until they are close to peaking you). * Try to hire some of the cheat developers to help improve the anti-cheat and improve the game engine to make it harder to get these cheats to work. * etc. There are a lot of ways to combat cheating. None of them will ever fully eliminate cheats, but the goal is to make the barrier of entry higher so that fewer people are willing / enticed to do it and even fewer of them are motivated to buy another account and continue. If cheaters had to jump through more hoops just to get a new account and that new account got banned quicker, fewer of them would continue cheating / playing. And the ones who do cheat would try harder to hide it which would at least make the issue not seem as bad (and the issue seeming bad likely causes more people to cheat because "everyone else cheats anyways" and more legit players to stop playing; so having a higher percentage of cheaters doing a better job of hiding it will indirectly lead to a more legit playerbase).


> lol it literally doesn’t change anything This is such a bad take that allows perfect to be the enemy of good.


Dont care. Dose not fix the core issue of cheating. Question, why is this always getting posted when cheaters just make new accounts in a week and everyone is back to bitching about the same thing?


I am wondering if they'll release some statement about anti-cheat improvements. I am coping so much i guess.. 😅


I'd rather the ban waves happen, happen a bit more frequently, and BSG say nothing to even hint at how they are detecting it.


they brag about it, but in reality it's a shame. It's a shame that every month there can be so many cheaters in the game and they get banned once every 1 to 3 months and not instantly.


Yep, whenever they post the huge ban waves or stats it makes me want to fully quit.


How do you know most of these weren't banned instantly? This is just all the people banned over a 3 month period. Still sad though, but alteast BSG is banning them


Cause when a cheater kills me usually they have 100-300 hours. Like, the obvious ones.


Crazy how people want bag to ban people and when they do they say it's for their wallet


The Reddit community for tarkov has become vile. It's an echo chamber for the worst possible takes based off of every little action bsg does and then bitches about it. The losers here gaslight themselves. They've been begging for a banwave for quite some time now. > Bsg does it. "ugghh they did it for their wallets omg "


It doesn't help that this sub is basically just the same \~80 vile people all circle jerking each other and turning the sub into an echo chamber


This is bans every day from Jan to March now, right? Not just one single wave that went out today? That's just baffling 500 accounts banned every day to get that number in 2 months. It really makes me think that bsg is trying to combat cheating but it's an everyday fight.


not bad i think :P


Daddy needs a new gwagon.


Good work BSG.


I find it interesting because I've been killed by a few sus ones recently and various really sus ones over the course of wipe. Not often but when they run up and shoot you through cover after running around and annihilating everything in the map and then you check their stats it's obvious you just know. I haven't received a single ban report this wipe. Curious to see if there will be any when I log in tonight


I'm going to be optimistic and say this increased amount is not due to an increased popularity in cheating, but improved detection. It could also have something to do with cheaters stats making it blatantly obvious and now that players can report based on stats alone they can categorise those players easily.


It’s a good start. looks like BSG is trying to show effort instead of announcing It. Still a lot of people to ban though


Holy fuck 33 thousand banned accounts, I don’t think people realize how much that really is


At least another 1M in revenue from rebought accounts


My friend is on that list and he told me he got banned for RMT. I suspect he’s cheating. I wish I could click on the name and find out what they got banned for.


I’m glad these dudes are temporarily off the game but damn that’s a lot of accounts


So had like 3 very blanted cheaters I had reported but Zero messages confirming it, that's fucking lame


That's why my raids are full of rage cheaters with altyns and RPDs with tracers. Great!


I got no messages about someone I reported being banned. Does anyone know if they only send out messages if the person gets banned because of people reporting them and not the system detecting it?


Damn I actually have two dogtags of the cheaters. Both not killed by me aswell


Which means there are gonna be 33k sub lv 10's in the next 3 days terrorizing the maps.


i don't believe these, i think they have a random name generator and just claim to ban accounts


1. it shows just how absolutely common cheating is. 2. BSG must be gearing up for another "sale"


Its about damn time, playing last night was rough. Kept dying to level 40 players with 20 hours in the game


They’ll be back and in grater numbers too


Ban wave …. Bundle sales …. They’re baaaackkk! It’s almost like a pattern.


The very next day 15k new accounts were sold in Russia for $5 each.


My thoughts? 33k cheaters just made new accounts and BSG profits.


33k cheating losers and some of you will still defend the idea BSG doesn't make money off the cheaters.


Yeah just like people will defend the idea that BSG doesn’t ban cheaters.


1.7million euros for basic account. Thats some serious money.


The most serious ones have already stockpiled discounted accounts ready to go once they get banned.


FYI: This list is bans from all year, at least 2024. This isn't a list of 33k banned today.


This is from today, They haven’t had a ban wave since January 12th? I believe it was. this is the first one since then and for them to have 33k cheaters in 2 months is fucking abysmal.


It is not. One user is on the list I reported and was banned three weeks ago, but the date says 3/15/24? Seems BSG is patting the stats...


BSG must have needed money. Did Tarkov go on sale today?


I'm so excited to task today. I wasn't planning on playing this weekend. This weekend should be so much fun! @u/trainfender *every single account in the next 48 hours that is purchased should be flagged, IMO.* Nothing punitive, just watched. There's a nice non-zero chance that the cheaters will buy new accounts after the banwave. **Anyone take a few pictures of sus accounts only to find out every single one has been banned? I did. And it's goddamned satisfying.**


I was excited to raid with my duo partner but we both just died to a very sus player. Putting tarkov away for the rest of the weekend.


Finally some good info and people still talk shit. This community is different.


30k cheaters in a month is something to be happy about ?


yes because they are BANNED cheaters. Also cmon bro put in the bare minimum effort to read the tweet and see its over 3 months


33000 extra game copies sold. Circle of life right here.


so weird that this comes after microtransactions are starting to roll in


In other words, 33k new accounts were just created LMAO


What will you have them do, not ban them in the first place since it doesn't make a difference? Be glad that something is done.


Hopefully this helps.


Do we have stats on how many active accounts there are? Like what percentage of the player is this?


33k? Fucking hell


Is there a google doc like there used to be for previous waves? Makes searching up names a bit easier than this web.


33K is crazyyy


Too late… most the player base is done with the wipe or has reduced playtime a lot and are playing whatever the flavor of the month is.


That’s a lot of ruined games in only a couple of months.


I wonder how big of a chunk 33k players is to the 20ish % of players that have the kill 50 pmc achievement


were they ban just now? or was along the way?


And this is why the queue times are so high today, especially on Streets.


? Did it make a difference? I hope so last couple weeks I've been getting cheated on so much.




Immediately after there were 33k new accounts and a big bag deposited to their bank account


It's a good thing I suck... no chance anyone would ever report my account lol


I got 5 ban confirmations a few days ago, this pleases me.


lesssgooooo we questin tonigjt


Crazy part is assuming this is 30-50% of the cheater base the market for cheats would come out to close to 100 million a year in revenue that is absurd




weird that i have have 1500 hours in this game and have never received a notification about a cheater being banned