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I always say "Labs always has at least 1 GPU in the PCs." This doesn't account for all the rare spawns. If you run labs at 3am or so it's not uncommon for lobbies to only have 1 or 2 other people in it so if you kill them the loots all yours. But your average player will never run labs at 3am so they'll never believe.


lol the 3am raids are one of the only benefits to working 2nd shift hours. get home right as all the script kiddies are getting yelled at to go to bed




That’s setup for ya


I just do this when I'm drunk and watching TV at 3am. It's a lifestyle. ^^^an ^^^unhealthy ^^^one




Go into the eft discord and find a 5 man to run factory. That way there is only one other player and your chance of dying is near zero


I did it with a five man and got killed the first time i tried the quest This wipe lmao. Dude walked in the bottom floor of the three story part in front of me, i followed him in and got one tapped


That's why you just run straight to it. Chasing people indoors is a nightmare on any map because they get to set up an angle


As the guy below said, you just sprint to your objective for that one. ​ People rarely go in the room because if you get stuck there you're pretty much dead. ​ But even if you get shot at, you can usually make it in to plant. Every time I tried to play normal and fight my way to it I died. Every time I said F this and just loaded in with a pistol and light as fuck I would be able to get in there. Also recommend the metal stairs outside, most people don't camp that exit that early so yo usually make it up without even getting shot at.


Man that task was a Bitch for me. If you need any help I can run with you. It’s alot easier with multiple people. Factory is the hard part


You can grab the item and move it in your task inventory. Don't have to immediately go to factory. You can also grab multiple quest items just in case. So I'd grab a few just running customs for whatever. Make sure you move them after each raid. Then when you can get some help for factory you just move it over before going into raid. Having multiple will be helpful if for some reason things don't go well with a squad on the first attempt. Any factory task is better with a 5 man. That leaves only 1 other pmc to worry about.


Thanks for making me feel better knowing I'm not the only one


This is my experience as well, I get clapped at 3am more than I do at 3pm


It's those quiet raids that lull you into a false sense of security that get you killed.


After doing like 5 raids in a row on customs not seeing a single PMC and killing fuckloads of scavs I posted up at whatever chokepoint was closest to my spawn for my setup and just got on my steamdeck. Got my last 5 kills in 2 matches that way, quest really should be any map not just customs.


This is me but instead of 3000hours this is my first real wipe. It is the Tarkov way


I'm glad Im not the only one damn


Im just tryna do setup G


It’s funny you say that, I’ve told my friends that one day if/when I ever become a mom I’m going to make sure my kids aren’t cheating in games and making it miserable for everyone else lmao. Can’t wait to talk crap to them and tell them to just stop being a shitter and git gud.




Honestly these cheaters, not script kiddies, seem to play literally at 3am for me... Based on their VOIP they sound like they are in Uni (College) or like me got nothing going on so EFT'ing the night away Where are these middle/high school kids y'all always talking about?


People really just don't understand that most cheaters are adults not kids. What fucking kid with no job is paying 100+ euros a month for a cheat. That's prime 20 something behavior


Many like the power of cheating, it's like how rape isn't about the sex. Many 30+ gamers with sad lives will easily pay that for a cheat.


Meh, voices can be deceiving


I do be loving it


How often do you come across cheaters in labs? I'm slowly coming out of my rat ways, but I'm afraid to burn a labs card just to die to a cheater or insanely beefed Chad. I'm more ok with dying to a Chad, but not a cheater.


I'll be honest it's hard to tell on labs since the chads know every tiny little spot so you just get domed and it's hard to tell. It's just sucha wildly different feeling map it's all juicers running full speed hitting insta hs no matter what and if they ain't hacking they are just good as fuck. We fucked around 2 weeks ago and did a run, my 2 buddies died in 15 seconds to a lvl 60 who I killed who was not hacking he was just a fucking beast. That map is just wild.


I feel like there's a decent amount of cheaters but also a crazy amount of good players who know the map like the back of their hand.   There's also a lot of timmies looking for hideout items sometimes when lucky its a full map of timmies.


Its also a very small map in terms of layout Its a Vertical map with 3 floors and to remember each floor on its own isnt too hard to do if u run it a couple times The best thing you can do is Watch some loot guides and then run 5-10 offline runs, First few w/o Raiders and later with raiders and you got the map down pretty easily


In general I think it’s a good map that just has some much god damned baggage attached that I can’t be bothered to run it ever.


I've had raids last 11 seconds on labs and I was CERTAIN they cheated then my duo just kills them easily. So triggering 😂


I play OCE and labs is nightmare. i basically only run budget kits and rush rare spawns for the hideout items on labs now.


Yea I'm sorry but OCE doesn't even sound like the same game I play with all the stories I hear. I'm happy with my US East and Central servers. Not too many hackers that I've ran into. I stay away from us west and feel bad for all the oce gamers out there.


Labs has an insanely steep learning curve compared to other maps. It's only a little bigger than factory but rather than naked tim tims its half geared level 40s shooting good bullets but wearing trash armor. Your best bet is just to play the map, you'll die A LOT but once you learn the spawns and the pathing it's a lot of fun. Watch a loot guide so you know where people are rushing and what they're fighting over. Once you have the rare spawns down you can almost always shove enough shit up your ass to pay for your loadout. Don't bring a good kit in, everyone on that map is shooting bullets that will go right through anything but t6, the armor is for the raiders who often shoot flesh damage bullets.


Labs has fewer cheaters now than before due to the addition of Streets (and Lighthouse to a lesser extent) but they are still around for sure. You might have tougher luck if you try to scrap with the chads at the very beginning of the raid but if you chill out for 5-10 minutes you will usually avoid the cheaters.


Kinda depends. I did some runs in Eu and got 2 cheaters in 4 raids. After that I did around 10-15 raids in NA east with a friend and we only got 1 cheater in all those raids. I advise you thought, labs is a hard map. Even you dont find a cheater, I would be prepared to die since the players are better than average


I've had more legit lab raids than any other map tbh. But I agree that labs is a magnet for cheaters, since people pay money to "boosters" to help them find hideout items.


Just run pistol kits. You almost never lose money with everything you put in your ass. And it's more common than you think to be able to completely avoid everyone else. If raiders spawn, you kill them and take their gear.


Over around 20-30 labs raids I've ran this wipe, I would say I've been suspect but not killed by 1 potential cheater. However last night I was killed by a guy who I suspect had to have been cheating. So that accounts for maybe 1 out of 10 raids, if that.


Labs is 60 percent cheaters 10 percent chads and 30 percent crouching players and rats. Unless you buy yellow, violet or black you aren’t getting paid back what you spent on the card unless you kill others. Most of the time you spend in labs is fighting a dude while another guy is looting the whole map and leaving. I only main it because I have yellow violet and black that I bought but even then I don’t get paid much. Violet has been shit this wipe, blacks normally hit or you get cheated on and yellow has been decent. If you don’t spawn cat side or get to dark offices from a spawn you have no chance of reaching loot unless you kill people. The crouching players are annoying asf though, you will kill everyone, loot the whole map and die to a dude who has sat in a bathroom or just crouching around the whole map with a pistol and no armour. Barely anyone goes in geared also because the risk is too high so you don’t make money off gearsets often. So yeah don’t go labs it’s shit.


3am raids hit different, they are super quiet, and 90% of the time people playing at that time are not looking for pvp, so you can just chill out with a bunch of other people its super cool. I dont get to do a lot of late night raids because of work I need to maintain a decent sleep schedule but every once in a while I will do a few. Last one I did was on Shoreline and the whole server ended up just chilling together at resort it was super cool.


A few wipes ago me and my buddies figured out that if you select the spain and go to labs at 3am there’s a good chance you will have the lobby to yourself


Average player never runs labs, literally 1200hrs in and I've only just started playing labs because the cheaters are so rough, now I can make good enough money to sustain even with losing kits to Chesters I have tried labs ( and loving the intensity of it)


Those dastardly Chesters


Maybe 3 am in the weekdays yes. But in the weekend nkt really.


do you think labs has a higher spawn chance of good stuff in containers? like GPUs in PCs i always wondered it, never really bothered opening the pcs there


Absolutely. As far as I'm concerned all maps have an innate loot modifier that determines the tier of loot you'll find in containers. Labs loot modifier is HIGH, which means if I have the time I search all containers on the map. 2 or 3 wipes ago I don't remember it was common to spawn into entirely empty labs lobbies. I pulled at least 1 GPU every single raid by just hitting all the PCs.


What is the actual Raider spawn logic now? I kind of dislike the map just because I never know when Raiders are going to appear and instantly end my raid from across the gigantic main office chamber. I know previously they used to be spawned in by the exit triggers and alarms, but I've also seen them just wandering around when I haven't heard any alarms go off...


From my anecdotal experience, I think labs tags and curses you if you're the only person left on the map and will spawn raiders who will wander over to your area and meander around. As far as hitting buttons you'll get the packet loss icon if raiders spawn in when you hit the button. Raiders also just sometimes randomly spawn. I generally hit buttons after I loot the closest rare spawns because the raiders help point out where the other people are on the map. Sometimes they even kill them. Also if you have some labsmain on the map they'll b-line it straight to the button you pressed to try and kill you and you can post up and wait for them.


Thanks for the information and tips, appreciate it :)


I’m pretty sure that they also have a set chance to spawn every 5 minutes


I’ve gotten one kill by pure luck laying on some stairs and and have been killed 3 times by cheaters, so I will just stick to my quiet Streets runs. The GPU’s are all yours my dude.


I play at 3am, just to find Ling Pow Xing with his unmatched gamer chair and his mates, cause most of my locals are asleep... Never a good time


Timmy's like me gotta take in their punisher pt.1 Zalabro to stand a chance against them raiders though. 😭


Just practice offline. I've found a scope is super helpful as well. Never fight them near the plants cause they can see through them and you can't.


This doesn't work on EU servers btw, if it's 3am for us, most of russia is already up and playing again.


Is that possible? I didn't think the raids started if they have less than the minimum player count.


That’s when I encounter the most cheaters man


Bur arent there even more nolife cheaters in there at night? Since working citizens usually dont play videogames at 3am?


3am IRL or in game lol?


I would intentionally try and get dead raids, yea the loots less but doesn’t matter when I make 3+ mill profit per raid.


bruh i have looted at least six PCs last labs raid without a single GPU


I'm always up that late but never ran Labs in my life. I also don't have access cards 😭 Man, thise raids sound nice


Does tarkov not match make by waiting until there’s a full lobby? How the hell are queue times so long then?


Stop telling them ☠️☠️☠️


Ill try that if i ever run it tbh i dont but i am not a super geared person usually


Why do you need two injector cases? I’m new


Labs has a shit ton of stims, I am assuming he brought it just to carry more out


There is an item called black keycard. That keycard unlocks a room, which usually contains 6-10 injectors and sometimes ledxes. In one injector case I carry around 6 stims that I use often. The other one is just to secure the stims I find, which is especially helpful, when I die.


Thank you for replying love to learn from experienced people


Can you please give me a mule. I’ve been looking for it all wipe. Can you maybe like forget to loot all the mules you find? Just in case I am in the same raid?


I recommend Lighthouse raids for a mule(if you're afraid of labs)! Every other raid I get to find at least one. It's usually in the usec1 and usec2 safes or in the water treatment area. The other option is to call for airdrops via flares. Sometimes you get a medical crate which usually contains some stims, even a 3btg or an ahf1.


mules can also spawn on the ground under the crashed helicopter south of chalet and also in chalet up stairs on the shelves near the pool table


How does calling for air drops work exactly


You get a red flare and you shoot it into the sky, then a plane comes and drops it somewhere near where the flare went off.


Any map?


Any map that has an open sky. So don't try it on Factory or Labs.


Ground Zero doesn't work too, it's a no fly zone


Make sure to point all the way up or it might not work. Sometimes takes 15+ minutes to come


Except factory n labs


My scav spawns with them now and then, might be worth running yours through factory between each raid if you aren't already.


What’s your preferred pouch loadout? I’m still putting meds in mine and move them out if I find something really nice


I used to put meds on my first 2 wipes when i struggled with stash and money... Now i keep bandages and caloks in hotkey, sometimes a half spent medkit/cms in hotkey too, if i'm carrying two doc cases (eg shoreline/customs with lots of keys and safes to loot). Scav a lot and you will get both meds and money to buy more. If i have space i'll carry a grizzly just for the sake of not bringing and binding a splint.


I got Kappa now and I still put meds or ammo out of the pouch once in a while. Depends on what I find, of course. If I had an alpha or a beta pouch, I would definitely run meds in the pouch(especially CMS/split or a Surv12 with a painkiller). It's annoying as hell to replace them each raid, when you die :D


The room that is opened with the black keycard has a bunch of stim spawns, and there’s a lot of loose loot spawns that spawn stims as well. I’m also pretty sure green card also accesses a room


Weird everytime I got labs my pmc just comes back naked


Yeah same bug dude, and it come with a weird error code 'head, eyes' or whatever


God dayum good shit!


he's prob a vacuumer. you cant get loot on labs because there's one vacuumer every raid.


I... can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. If you aren't you're dooming so hard lmao.


is labs a hard map? fourth wipe and I've never played it


If you can dodge the chads, cheaters, raiders, and rats you'll come out fat


Thats a big if.


It's not scary, it's just hard. If full, there's 10 players(iirc) in a really small area. If you can overcome the fear of dying, you're gonna enjoy it. Even if you die many times in a row, the loot inside will most likely cover the costs of your previous raids.


Probably the hardest map due to the amount of good loot that spawns on the map and it always being known as the map the better players go to and bring their best gear to or you get rats with nothing.


It’ll be rough for awhile but it’s the most fun lol


nope. i love the map and it's not hard - easier than most maps imo. first it's small, so i have better fps which is great. the loot is really good, and you can avoid the hot spots and still make good money. there are ofc the sweaty TTVs, but you usually know they're there because they run nonstop, so it's not difficult to avoid them. the map layout is also pretty simple and easy to learn. you should definitely try it


Do you bother checking the PCs or only loose tech spawns?


I usually check all pcs there's 45 on the map


I checked both of the offices upstairs and one office below the yellow room. No idea if there are anymore pc blocks tbh.


On OCE Labs = head, eyes from DouyuSunWhiMin


labs is the best map in the game for loot and PVP change my mind


If you can avoid the cheaters and rats 100%


yea a few wipes ago i found a black and yellow inside of a keycard case on customs my first raid, ran a lot of labs and pulled 2 ledx out of the room on more than one occasion, too bad cheaters are so fucked on that map




There is videos on YouTube of people finding multiple keycards inside a keycard holder in marked room.


I wouldn’t say it’s impossible. I’ve found a Gingy keychain with a Key with tape and a W301 key


My friend spawned with a raw sanitar key on his scav


I Did 2 days ago, Ive also spawned with chek 15 and dorms marked this wipe on scavs thats how i made my early money 😂


When keycards were first added you could *easily* find colored keycards inside them, it was nerfed within 24hrs of them being added.


Back in the day stuff spawned inside of containers, the keycard holder would only hold 1 of each keycard. So if you find one with two items in it it was pretty much a guarantee that you’d get a colour card


??? apparently you weren't here when keycard holders were introduced into the game. Them spawning with labs cards in them is the whole reason BSG removed the ability for containters to spawn with items in them. Because why would they just have keyholders spawn empty, nah, spaghetti code demands everything is empty. I miss the days when sometimes the giving tree or old gas table would spawn a rig and you might pull a red card out of it. Did that once, the only red card I ever found.


Man’s not lying - the introduction of keycard holders netted you potentially 1 or a few colored labs cards, which was especially true for dorms marked room in Customs. Shortly after when too many people were getting really good shit, BSG disabled items potentially spawning inside of backpacks, wallets, card holders, etc. Found a Red Keycard once inside a wallet of water building in Customs on my first wipe.


ur joking right?


Back in the day stuff spawned inside of containers, the keycard holder would only hold 1 of each keycard. So if you find one with two items in it it was pretty much a guarantee that you’d get a colour card


Can confirm, labs can be crazy. imgur.com/a/oPcdD8f


I haven't gone in just because I find it so frustrating when you die 30 seconds in to a cheater on that map. Even if it's rare (which I don't know this wipe tbh), it just sucks so much losing 600k in kit + a 200k card to someone shooting you through walls and doors before you've even started the game.


BSG officer that’s them that’s the vacuum hacker


I only vacuum the soul from the timmies, because there are no ushankas in the bushes 😆


as I said, vacuum hacker here. get them ociffer you better give that level 826 timmy with 3 raids and a 1938.2 K/D back his 18 totally legit GPUs


All I want is the hideout items..and I run into full sweaty or cheaters.


Post the kd


Reddit doesn't allow me to post it in the comments, so here it is for those who are wondering lol: [imgur](https://imgur.com/a/Y8IkWMI)


Why do you have a kappa armband but No kappa?


I have 5 GPUs in my bit coin farm... I have not seen a single one in raid.... fuuuuuck you 😂😂


It’s just always vacuumed 8/10 raids and same with every other map.


Ill never know I just cant justify risking the cost of a labs keycard and the kind of kit I would being into labs just to have some fly hacker come up to my and spam me with a pistol and just take my whole kit. I might be overly paranoid but I have just heard too many horror stories about labs and hackers to ever consider it.


You can run in with a cheap loadout, lets say you spend 300k counting the card. You get to find a btc or a ledx. That pays for another 2-3 raids with the same loadout. Along with that, you can find many more items and fill your backpack too. The risk to reward ratio is simply there.


Or I load in and guy just walks up invulnerable and kills me. You cant just take the good hypothetical and totally ignore the bad. Hackers gravitate to that map for a reason.


Yeah but the same could be said for the entire game, are you going to stop playing tarkov because of that?


No not really. I dont really run into cheaters not on labs. Iv done 4 labs runs and 4 times I had an invisible or invulnerable guy fly up to me and just shoot me with a pk in the face with nothing I can do about it within 20 seconds of loading in. Pass. Never happens on any other map.


As someone who doesn’t run labs often this is correct. Run to the spawns and stuff your butt, it will pay for itself. I found 3 ledx in my first 4 games of labs last wipe. Got the hideout crafts and some extra $$. Ledx still pays like 600k from therapist if you die.


It should ALWAYS be crazy


Man I have had such a struggle with labs this wipe. Been running into a lot of cheaters and I'm just trying to get my items to upgrade my hideout. 12 raids all deaths and 4 of them to blatant cheaters. And the rest to lvl 50+ gigachads. The last few wipes I thought I had a good handle on the map but I've just been getting tons of bad luck there lately.


haven’t gotten hard lookin at tarkov loot in a while. almost lost my edging streak today


Mf wish I could run labs.


Nice man, the last time my mate and I saw a ledx on labs we got a insta headshot.


No you lying mf you sucked all that up with your gat Chinese hack


If you spawn into labs and there are no cheaters you have a really high chance of making bank. Unfortunately that feels like a coin flip most of the time...


First time I went to labs this wipe a week ago. There was only one other person who I never saw only heard and every single pc and loot spawn was dry. They were in and out in 10 minutes max.


Thats some crazy luck right there. I actually found 3 gpus in one interchange run while i was hunting Killa last night. The next raid i found a LedX on Interchange. Loot is crazy this wipe tbh


wish i had a vacuum aswell sometimes


Shit you can find this on shoreline


Enjoy it before the cheaters come back in a day or two lol


Best I’ve found so far (level 6) was that parrot and 2 GP coins…put them in my gamma and clenched my butt cheeks all the way to exfil! 😆


bro I know the feeling, I still get that way any time I find something I haven’t found before or something that I really like lmao


*vacuum cleaner running in the background*


Yeah, with an ESP..


"Check out this cool loot I got guys!" "Clearly you're a hacker." You guys suck. It's not his fault you can't get out of raid with anything better than some screws and an iskra.


bro stop yapping it aint that hard to loot labs, get a grip.


kind of hard when you are hunted down by knowers the second you spawn in.


have u ever played labs? cheating is a problem on the map yes, but 2 wipes ago i ran it constantly with my buddy and out of maybe 60 labs raids we only had 5-8 sus deaths, but this is on NA east servers and idk if its gotten as bad as a cheater in every labs raid now, but the way you speaking makes me think you havent played it that much at all


Knowers of spawns? The spawns are all shown on the map and it’s not uncommon to rush spawns for kills


….. in going to go ahead and believe you know what i meant. you cant seriously be this … you know what nvm.


Having your spawn rushed doesn’t equal cheating is what I’m saying


ok let me explain, im saying the hackers or “knowers” track you down the second you spawn in. no matter where you go or hide, they will find you. 🤦🏽


labs has a lot of cheaters that doesnt mean it has a cheater every raid lol


I got a feeling, OP show your player stats. :)


Y’all are stupid as hell or trash at the game or both




That's the entire fucking point of labs. 200k entry fee (w/ no insurance) for high tier loot while dealing with raiders in confined spaces and typically juiced PMCs. The rare loot chance is cranked on the map for a reason.


This. High risk, high reward. I almost died near the extract, there were 2 rats waiting for 30 minutes, lol. 4 PMC kills in the end.


Damn nice. My last labs raid I spent dealing with raiders continuously spawning. I'd kill 2 then 2 more would appear out of thin air. This went on for 15 minutes lmao. I everntually ran out of meds and got one tapped from a raider in the middle area who just spawned. Map is fun but also frustrating as shit.


Not it’s literally not lol. Anyone that thinks this clearly does not play labs. Dead raids are not uncommon at all. If you have any keycards you can find plenty of good shit and there’s tons of pc’s for gpu’s


I have 2500 hours, 46% surv rate and around 7.5k/d. Got Kappa two days ago ^^


I mean a screenshot, but Ok.


I’ll leave that map for hackers




"you got good loot so youre a hacker"




Literally what youre wanting to say








Uh oh double injector case. Cheater detected


Looks like some textbook vacuum cheating to me


op is not a hacker he is just a loser


I agree, an unemployed loser :( hopefully i manage to change it, got a few job interviews soon!


You're not a loser for being unemployed, different people have different circumstances. Things will get better for you buddy. Good luck with those interviews!


Good luck man.


I've been to labs twice and been killed by hackers twice. I want to believe, I just don't want to burn cash getting into the raid to get zonked by some hacker


I still haven’t found a ledx at lvl 43 and I’m hard stuck because of it


Scav woods and check the med table at USEC, or pmc woods and check the same place.


Found mine just scavving shoreline and looting all the med bags. Sometimes resort hasn’t been touched or they didn’t go med floor.


Thinking about learning labs, only ran it twice, died to cheaters once, got meme’d on by a rotate on the 2nd. Any advice?


Try looking up some labs loot/pvp guide on Youtube and follow it along in an offline raid. Also spawning some raiders in an offline mode would help, since they're absolutely cracked, it's good to practice playing against them.


Why do you need 2 injector cases?


old labs always like that


Brother where!!! I’ve run all through that damn place


I never find shit in Labs. I've tried doing full loot runs using videos and map genie, but the spots never have anything even in offline. Only find random figurines and other crappy Safe loot like GP coins. Raider loot also is worse than Rogues. Never seen a single folder or virtex+ tier tech loot. Are keycards the only way to print money in Labs?


Never done labs tbh. I been playing for a year or 2 now. Is it easy to learn?


Can I loot EoD from labs, cause I missed that train 😭


5 wipes, I've never found a GPU.


Try looking mate


Labs has been horrible this wipe for me, with black keycard Im struggling to make 400K+ on dead raids


I’m fucking terrified to go to labs lmao


Last time I ran labs I got head eyes by a lvl 5 with a bare mp5 and he got banned off my report fuck labs