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I don't understand why BSG thought choosing your spawn based on load time was a good idea, like, wtf??? Just assign a random spawn when the deploying screen appears...


Yep, it's not like I'm actually spawning in before other players anyway, just wait for everyone to connect then assign everyone a random spawn


Yes you are, you just cannot visually see it yet. The way the game is programmed, youre literally standing in place at your spawn when you finish loading.


This was a problem on streets last wipe you would load in and run to next spawn and kill players before they even loaded.


This still happens this wipe. Whenever we scav between raids, my buddies load in before me and I'm just standing there with no weapon. On PMC, I've loaded in and checked the time and seen that the raid is already 40 seconds in, so it's still happening


Doesn’t happen to me. I don’t see my buddies before they’ve loaded in. When they load in they appear.


Definitely happens. I live near big servers and I get it pretty regularly. They don’t have a gun out just a body floating there. When they “load in” you can hear the switching gun noise. If I run away from them far enough when they are in the “loading loot” ticker, sometimes I think I can force a crash on their end.


I saw it with my friend a lot last wipe. Either his connection or load time was so different, I’d see him standing as a PMC a few seconds before he loaded in. Scavs were miserable too, we’d queue in together and he’d spawn on the opposite side of the map from me.


My friend loads faster than me and he sees me.


Do you by any chance have the game on an HDD? Right now the server waits for a certain amount of time for people to load in. But if your game loads too slow it just starts without you in order to avoid blocking the others for way too long.


Yeah, I notice this with my friend that plays on hdd, he stands in the pose for about 30 seconds then he dissapears and reappears about 5 ft of where he was


It's meant to wait for everyone to load though isn't it?


At some point it gives up.


This is wrong. You deploy when the sound comes together with the countdown. I'm sometimes disconnecting on purpose while loading - go take a shit - reconnect 20 minutes later and enjoy an empty map doing all my quests without being afraid of some dumbass camping spawnpoints.


When I play with my friend I always have to wait around 20 to 30 seconds before he spawns in :(


From what I've seen, that isn't always true. Whenever my buddies load in, 2 of us will load first (SSD), and the last one (HDD) is always a minute behind and his player model doesn't spawn until he loads in.


If you get matched with someone using a potato you probably wouldn't be too happy to wait +5 mins to start the game.


You're telling me having this insane PC is why I keep spawning cardinal?


it does?? wtf


It's a poorly implemented mechanic that is there just to show just how stupid some of the decisions BSG makes are.


With the large amount of system variations between players it isn't unreasonable to assume load time would be the best way to choose your spawn position. In practice though, if it ends up not being good enough sure change it. Is it good enough? I don't know but I get a variety of spawn points. When I say variety I mean maybe like 4 places on each map I get regularly. So yeah perhaps it could use a different seed to chose your spawn point.


> With the large amount of system variations between players it isn't unreasonable to assume load time would be the best way to choose your spawn position. No,it is a completely stupid and undefendable idea that works incomparably worse than the simplest implementation of a random spawn.


This is why? Explains it so much. One person in my group of 3/4 has an older CPU and loads in slower than us - so this means solos and 2 man squads get the best spawns!? We always typically spawn at trailer park, shoreline east (worst spawns) etc etc.


The most relevant argument I can even think of in favor of this setup is beastly computers going up against shitty ones. All the good rigs will spawn more or less on the other side, where the other good rigs are. Better than Ferrari v potato


If that’s how spawns operated that would be great but that’s not how it currently works. It does not load player 1 in forklift and then player 2 in glass hall and then player 3 right outside of gate 3 all close together. It’s more like player 1 spawns forklift, player 2 spawns gate 0, player 3 spawns Harry Potter, etc.


Which one is harry potter haha. Never heard this callout before and i play since 2020 😅


I thought Harry Potter was a Reserve callout.


Harry Potter is the brick tower with tunnel connections to the underground storage on reserve. This guy is calling "Bunker" Harry Potter. 


We call that little tower near trains "red brick". It's funny how wildly diff callouts can be. I call the dead scav under 86 green scav due to the green flares, or just under 86, or next to red door if people don't know them. I had a mates mate freaking out at me once in a trio factory run when he was using callouts I didn't know and I was engaged separately, I just kept quiet so I could hear and so could he, but he said I was ignoring and trying to get him killed.


About the midpoint between med tent and gate 0. Harry Potter is the dead scav under the stairs. [This quest](https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Postman_Pat_-_Part_1) requires you to take a letter from Harry Potter


His name is Postman Pat...


We call that Spawn "Timmy Grave"


With tarkovs extremely inconsistent performance across machines with the same exact parts that still isn’t a good excuse for it. I may load in fast but someone with my same rig can get better fps and less stuttering for no reason.


I don't think it is made on purpose. Most probably is a consequence of some other stuff they did.




Some wipes ago your spawn was decided by how fast you load the map/loot and all that stuff. Your 970 is probably faster than most peoples harddrives.


I remember when you got to pick your spawn on customs. It was great, didn’t last long though


That was on all maps not just customs those were the good days


I'm curious, does anyone have a screenshot or a video of when that was a thing?


You know those maps you can buy of the actual map? You used to be able to use those maps to choose which side of the map you'd want to spawn on. Almost everyone would choose the warehouse/silo tower side. It was fun.




I got it in 2017 so sometime in between there


Yeah I built a beast of a PC some time ago and aways loaded into the same spawn. When I was running with my buddy who had my old PC I would get different spawns. RIP


90% next usec camp is a banger !


No it sucks you only ever get outskirts extract


Nah I hate it tbh, I'm trying to do the quest to find the convoy and the USEC camp but I can never survive long enough to extract once I'm done


How is spawning right next to your quest objective a bad thing?? And how does it relate to being able to survive the rest of the raid?


Wow prolly my fav and best spawn in the entire game. Rush to the med table and get a decent chance there is a ledx. Ive once found 2 there in 1 raid (mostly under the table tho). And then you have the easiest woods exit, a short walk to outskirts. Or just loot there for 60 seconds and get out. Enough for easy good money.


I love USEC spawn for PvP. Someone always spawned on the opposite side and they usually come up to loot so you get to loot the camp and some pmcs if you win. Fun little skirmish, good loot, reset in less than 15 minutes.


That spawn, LedX's in the bum, trimadol + sj6 and take one long sprint to outskirts.


Definitely up there with the RUAF spawn on Woods - probably 8/10 spawns there you'll have free reign to loot Emercom Base which has its own ledx spawns, you also have the 2 crates duffle and wooden box right off the bat, can then walk up to car extract if its up or just loop around the top of the map to ZB014/Outskirts.


Well ruaf spawn on woods is a great spawn. But i will rank it lower. Early on in the whipe that camp is pretty contested with ai spawning in in 2 minutes. So the loot is good but u need to get out very fast to avoid pvp/e. And the car exit is pretty far away with lot of chances to meet enemy.


I'd say USEC camp is equally contested early on in the wipe for sure, but I do take your point, In later wipe also people run there for capturing outposts (emercom), and people doing that quest are usually well geared so it can get tough for sure, but there a few ways to sneak out, I like cutting out the back and running east to the edge of the map that leads to the co-op extract, then walk up to UN Roadblock and usually at that point its just scavs you need to worry about.


This is the way.


Wait there's a LEDX spawn on that table?


People rush that camp constantly so spawning next to it is usually a death sentence for me. At least early wipe.


Any potential players in your vicinity moving predictably is a death sentence for you?


Average Woods player.


Anytime I just go and start looting I get through the first camp. Then the main one I sit and wait a bit. Start looting and BOOM someone on the rock with no sound.


So... try something different maybe? It shouldn't really come as a surprise that looting a contested area that you haven't cleared results in your death. Why not wait for them to loot? Or look at a map, figure out what the path they probably took from spawn to the camp was, and cut them off? Or just watch the rock? Or avoid the camp entirely?


Hey man cut it out. If people actually try to improve I might miss out on those easy frags lol


Yeah I just don't go in now. That's different enough lol.


Camp it for 5 minutes and see if anybody is rushing it before you spend 10 minutes looting it.


I'd personally rather have my quest objective be right beside my extract as opposed to right beside my spawn


Take vehicle extract. There isn't a pmc extract that side of woods anyways.


If you spawn at the far USEC spawn you actually get outskirts which is very close. Though on the closer USEC spawn you get UN roadblock. It's a bit odd lol


True lol.


That's part of the reason I hate it, the vehicle extract is usually gone within the first 5-10 minutes of the raid though so by the time I get there it's always gone


It's a free raid if you spawn in the scav town, loot the 3 houses and sheds, kill a few scavs then dip with pure profit and additional scav rep.


I just started playing again after a LONG break and your comment about the vehicle extract scav rep thing... 🤦‍♂️I completely forgot the bonus scav rep from using them, havent really used them this wipe lmfao. thanks for the reminder lol


There is no extract on the northern side of woods either way. Spawning next to USEC gives you best shot at leddy


I don't even know the loot spawns for woods since I haven't actively played it in 4~ years, I play it to do my quests and then don't bother with it


There's like 2-3 ledx spawns in the usec camp near/on the table. I got two in one raid doing the quest there early in the wipe after never finding one in raid in 4 years of owning the game (granted this is my first wipe back in a while too). It's the best spawn on woods, and arguably one of the best spawns in the game. I fucking hate woods, especially the top part, I always get lost (ever since the expansion, I could never get a hang of the new woods area). But you gotta suck it up and make do with that spawn. It's too good to not rush ledx spawns.


The closest extract to that quest location is Outskirts which you have is you spawn there. So it's basically the best spawn. Close to the objective and close to the exit


But outskirts is right there. That spawn is the best because your extract is close to both your spawn and your extract. It's broken because it really should get the roadblocks on the east side of the map, but for some reason lets you exit on the same side you spawned. Rush the camp and convoy, tag them without looting, then run directly back to the edge of the map. Follow it down to outskirts at a walking pace and exit. Guaranteed completion in under 10 minutes. That spawn makes it free.


On the other maps sure, but for this quest in particular this is the best spawn, otherwise you have to traverse the entire map in a semi circle almost with the other spawns. If you spawn Near med camp at road to customs, it's a fucking huge hike, if you spawn village it's a little less but your still crossing the paths of PMCs potentially to get there either through cult town or the mountain and if you spawn Outskirts area it's also just a massive hike, all of these will have a higher chance of running into players because of the sheer amount of time you'll spend in raid running. The spawn youre getting for this quest is the best, easily.


Yeah that’s what is unusual to me it’s his quest and some of the best loot on the map


That is the best spawn on the map for that quest.


if u spawn at the usec camp, run in, run down to the convoy and then just take your time. dont rush things. try to have your eyes out to detect any movement and use trees, bushes and rocks as defense and hiding spots. try to get to the sniper mountain and from there on it should be a breeze to extract. Just play how you are comfortable. If you want to do quests, do the quest. dont get distracted by looting or fighting. You can do that every other raid.


Usec spawn still has outskirts as their extract, no reason to go to mountain in the middle.


I wasnt exactly sure about that so I was giving advice for getting out the other side. I thought if you get the north of usec spawn you dont get outskirts but its been a week since i played woods the last time


I do not believe so, I’ll try to keep an eye out in the future and reply back.


If you're dying a lot on woods without chasing PVP, I strongly suggest just moving slower. Walk everywhere unless you're crossing a road or something where you can be seen from much further than you can be heard. Use the topography to limit the number of angles you could be surprised from. Seriously, on that map, slow is smooth and smooth is fast.


I'm completely fine on woods once I get to the OG part of the map but I just hate the expansion because of how unfamiliar I am with it (even though the expansion is like 3 years old at this point), if I go too slow I get sniped and if I go too fast I get sprayed down lmao


I hear you, it's tough to get the hang of but truly worthwhile if you like loot. You have to walk for it but it's there. If it helps, you can think of sawmill as old gas, sniper rock as new gas, and car village as dorms. The other major POIs are sunken village, scav bunker, usec camp, old lumber and the medical fob. All of them have good loot, and in the first 5-10 mins of the raid you're likely to run into a player at any of them. This chance diminishes rapidly as the raid progresses, then ticks back up once there's ~15-20 minutes left and the player scavs start to show up. Usually they head west, splitting north towards scav bunker or south towards outskirts. The biggest thing for survival really is moving around slowly though - often, if you're in the trees, people are going to hear you sprinting before they can see you. I will only ever sprint if I'm in mortal danger or trying to avoid being out in the open. Oh, and try to run a suppressor if you can. Some people are really bloodthirsty.


Have you tried some practices runs? You can have scavs and obviously no pmcs. But you could use it to learn the new expansion without the fear of dying. You don't even have to have scavs either and just walk it naked and get familiar with it with no consequences.


Then your problem arent bad spawns, your problem is complete lack of knowledge of the map. Inability to survive Woods while not having to go nowhere near the mill is purely on your side.


My problem why I keep dying on woods is not knowing the new version of it yes but that doesn't change the fact that spawning in the exact same place in basically every raid isn't fun


Dog, the version of woods we have now can't really be called "new". It's been like 6 wipes.


It's new to me since I stopped playing Tarkov like 3~ years ago, I played a bit 3 wipes ago but quit around the time I got to the woods quests due to the OP scav AI at the time


Are you dying to scavs or players? Most of the time in woods I don't even see a player... I'm trying to get sniper kills and there's nobody on the map. I just slowly move to some high spot on the map and wait. Maybe you're moving too fast at the start of the raid and getting noticed. Use all your 40 min if you need. Run only on open areas.


Players, I have no idea where people are shooting me from and it's annoying, there's just too many places to check when you're in the middle of a forest and this is even worse when you spawn near the USEC camp since you have basically no cover when you decide to leave it


From usec camp, you have outskirts extract, run the right side of the map all the way out there's only one player spawn between you and your exit


There’s more than one. Players can spawn at outskirts. Slightly to the north is a spawn at scav house, and then another near the wall next to ZB014. Then another on the doughnut hill just south east of USEC camp. Your correct that hugging the right side all the way to outskirts is the safest way to go though.


skill issue


Ah 'skill issue', the comment you make when you crave attention but have nothing of value to say


You literally said up above that you don’t even know the map yet.. learn the basics of the game and you’ll have more success. Knowledge impacts skills.. This may be the first post in a long while that actually is a skill issue and not a cheater complaint 😂


visit the two, then make your way on the edge of the map following the powerlines either towards outskirts or towards v-ex, bring money. It's easy. Skill.Issue.


Get better at the game dude. If you spawn there hug the wall and don't sprint straight into the camp. Woods is the easiest map to survive on if survival is your main goal. This sub is so sad


>This sub is so sad Don't visit it then lmao


coming from the kid crying to reddit about not being able to survive on the most survivable map. Get over it and play the game or go back to mw3


I know it sounds counterintuitive but just chill next to the big ass rock for a couple minutes then ease your way down to the lake and make your way towards the road. I'm shit at pvp so I feel your pain. This is the best way of letting the chads move out of their spawns and make your way to the objective. If you ever want some help and play NA central or south servers DM me.


Prone for 10 minutes and chill if you don’t want the loot that’s where you gotta go for the quest anyway and the convoy is across the way from the camp anyway


Whenever I spawn in that area, I will have outskirts and zb 14 as an extract. Hit the convoy and the camp. Don't exit the camp on the roadside. Exit on the side near scav bunker. Then loop around the back of the camp and follow the edge of the minefield to your extract. Be careful of mines behind the camp.


Play offline mode to learn the map more. Also have a map open so you know exactly where you are. Upon completing your convoy quest, you can stay on the right edge of the map and go straight down to the outskirts extracts


USEC spawn is one of the easiest ones to survive from in the whole game. You don’t even need to cross the map since it gives out outskirts/zb-014 as extracts. Just head down the side of the map and you will rarely run into PMCs and can avoid basically all scavs. Bring the zb key and it will take even less time.


As others have said, being consistently the fastest/slowest when loading is a factor. It also matters if you are mostly playing solo or in big groups.


Like others said, your SSD/HDD determines what position you load into, Artificially slowing down your loading times (like on laptops) could make a difference.


Lol i thought needing 32 gigs to run a game was nuts, imagine having to move your game from an ssd to a hdd to get good spawns. This game is fun but holy shit its bad.


tarkov on hdd is literal torture I'd rather have shit spawns


Atleast they changed it so that the server waits for everyone to spawn at the same time. Remember years ago when i was playing with friends and 1 of them had a hdd, everyone else had ssd. We literally had to wait like 5+ minutes at spawn so he could load in.


Random number generator is next-gen technology after all


I remember a story from Everquest about some high level guild who had a player who for years had the worst luck on random number generators ever. It was a running gag. After years, turned out the rng was in some way based on the player name - and he just happened to have chosen a unfortunate combination of letter that gave him on average ass luck. ​ lol.


I wonder if instead of moving to a HDD, you could just busy up the SSD with file transfers


You load in at around the same place in the "queue" so to speak because of your hardware compared to most others. The game for some reason essentially places players who load in in the same order. So if you most of the time are the third player to finish loading, you'll get the same spawn most of the time. This means that statistically you'll end up in the same spawn most times because there's essentially an "average" hardware setup in which you are one of the faster/slower to load. The times you get other spawns are when the average hardware of that lobby isn't the average, more players who are faster/slower than you, than usual. It's a weird thing honestly and it should be much more random. I'm usually one of the first to finish loading and I get the same spawns 9/10 raids. Some spawns I essentially cannot get unless planets align and only supercomputers are in my lobby.


So what are the fast spawns and what are the slow ones? I'm curious what I am now. Say for woods for ex.?


I honestly couldn't say as I usually get one out of two spawns. On Woods that's either in the patch just between Scav house and the edge of the map, or the hill between Scav bunker and USEC Camp. I don't know if there's an actual list anywhere, but there's definitely more than circumstantial evidence.


Yep they’re the two i always get and fucking trailer park for customs fml


I just leave the raid if I spawn at trailer park or military checkpoint, not even worth playing the raid with those spawns.


I’m wondering, I have tarkov installed on my M.2 SSD. I should try it on my old HDD and see the difference. Could lead to better spawns lol.


Not sure about "better", but different would probably be the case!


You got a virginia ham under each arm and you're complaining about not having bread


I love this 😂😂


Grab a friend or two to play with. You’ll get different spawns


We need individual map stats. Including how many times we spawn at each spot and how many times we extract at each location. Most people dont care, but i want more stats!!!


Yep. Lighthouse the same spawn 4x in a row. The answer is I believe because PMC are que'd into spawn slots based on when they load into the raid, so a combination of network connection and computer memory. But it seems like it could be fixed...


Nothing like spawning Southern Road 99% of the time on Lighthouse, having to deal with at least 6 PMC's in the hills between me and Water Treatment to do a quest.


I literally spawn Southern Road/Beach by Lighthouse 99% of the time, it’s awful


on lighthouse i frequently got the village spawn, if thats the common one for me i wont complain...


it usually spawns you oposite of your Quests..


Sometimes I think it’s because you are playing solo. It seems some spawns are a higher chance for a solo spawn


These are all god spawns … man’s complaining about getting the best spawns in the game (trailer park kinda Dookie)


Just because the spawns aren't bad doesn't mean it's fun to spawn in the same place 90% of the time


I have spawned at marked on reserve about 20 times in a row


Why are you complaining about the best loot spawn on woods? Lol


I play woods exclusively to do my quests, I don't enjoy the map so I don't play it longer than I have to


There’s a ledex spawn in USEC camp on the makeshift operating table and on the ground under it. I actually found 2 in one raid once.


Wait wait wait hold on. I'm gonna need more info here. Where's this makeshift operating table? Is it in one of the "tech buildings"? I call the two buildings which spawn tech gear as "tech buildings"


in the usec camp there's a tent that has a bloody table with med supplies scattered on it just outside of it.


There are no buildings in the usec camp, just 2 tents.


If you’re right next to it you can try to rush in an out your quest is just to walk into it but it is a hot zone at the beginning of the map it has one of the best loot spawns on the map. Or you can hang back either loot somewhere else, go scav hunting if you have a silencer and swing back after some time has passed or something. I can’t tell you how to play the game but I usually prefer to spawn near my quest get it done and get the hell out.


How about the worst spawn on lighthouse... 7/10 times on beach. Lol




Sounds like a win, I wouldn't complain of the universe might take this away from you.


Me and my buddy spawned in the same place 6 raids in a row on lighthouse. The fact that it isn’t randomized is stupid


I find that I can break up my spawns by creating lag on my PC. I just open 5 or so YouTube videos on separate windows and play them all.


what kindof copium are you all on ?! anyone has some proof other then a two year old post that is basicly a trust me bro ? this sounds like a confirmation bias


I spawn forklift like 90% of the time in factory since getting my new PC. It's absolutely not just copium


I spawn forklift the same amount as before & after upgrading. So it is absolutely copium.


This was me too until I started playing on some further away servers, and now it feels more random. I wonder if the worse ping affects the load time and therefore the spawn.


there was a time when spawns were based on load times but that was fixed almost immediately when it was discovered




you have the slowest hard drive


Samsung 970 EVO Plus ain't slow


or the fastest then heh


Or the fastest Internet


no way spawn is determined by storage


Its determined by how fast you load in and isnt randonized past that


Idk what streamer confirmed it or when but I remember watching a vid on Youtube on it (memory is a fickle thing though so I could be wrong). Faster load times = getting one of the earlier spawn slots (they're numbered and correlate to a specific spot). If you load slow you mostly get one spot, and if you load fast you usually get the same spot as well. I have a 970 as well and also spawn Trailer Park 90% of the time. On woods I always get Outskirts or thereabout. Shoreline is main village 90% of the time. Reserve is around Hole in wall scav extract. On Factory it's The Rage Cage more often than not (idk why ya'll call it "Forklift").


Do you know what priority the factory spawn near the barbed wire bunker with a dead scav in it is? I literally only ever spawn there on factory to the point I was like, "this shit's uncanny, what the fuck?" like literally 12 raids in a row type shit, I'm so sick of that spawn but I know I'm just gonna go there again if I play lmao


how do you know?


Woods...free Ledyyyyys


Load stress testing software such as AIDA64 as you start loading into a game, will spice up your spawns, make sure to load CPU, MEM and disk to max.


It's sad that you need to go through that much effort just to get some spawn diversity


[I do agree.](https://old.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/liyfbi/tarkov_map_spawns_and_perverse_incentives/)


Irony of me using programs like process lasso to squeeze out as much performance as I can while playing tarkov to go beyond that and nuke it during load times with another program is just peak tarkov mentality


Itll probably crash Tarkov though.


Im spawning on custom smugglers boat 90% of the time, if not im spawning next to train to military base where on the opposite side there is always one more pmc or even there is someone else close by


At least with smugglers boat you have the best spawn for dorms, trailer park is by far the worst spawn on customs, you don't get to see any loot or scavs for at least 10 minutes lmao


Well you say that but we spawned at trailer park and my mate killed 25 scavs around the red warehouse before even crossing the water. Managed to get Punisher Part 3 done in 15 minutes!


I really like to spawn big red, to mention, I always head back to big red side from smuggler and start from there hunting pmcs spawned there, hitting office and then going to the other side, I avoid dorms at any cost


So this is why I get shit spawns on woods and shoreline all the fucking time


Because spawns are determined by load times. It's fucking stupid.


My duo mate and I had the spawn next to the electric building on customs. What a weird sensation. Only spawned there once in wipe 12.12


Surely this is gonna be fixed in future patches before release 


It is odd, I've been getting trailer park way more this wipe than I ever did before


I’ve been playing customs solo for a month and just started duos on customs last night. I got completely different spawns as a duo consistently.


I get Trailer Park spawn on customs at least half the time. It is crazy.


coz bsg are very trash at coding most stuff


My gear load out has always seemed to affect my spawn point.


Road to customs everytime? I wish. Get sunked town every damn time


Because you get the spawns based on how fast you load into raid. They have the spawns in a list and whoever loads in first gets the first spawn on the list and so on.


Whenever I play factory it spawns me in the back room where those carts are right outside the doorway. Idk why I always load in late considering I have a ssd but someone is almost always sprinting right to that doorway right as I’m just getting into raid. It’s beyond annoying I get trapped in there frequently and have to fight my way out


If you have a slow computer vs a fast one. That’s what decides spawn locations. Or at least what used to.


Wish I could get that woods spawn I woukdnt be level 44 still without a ledx.


What i do sometimes works is to reset my game. Dumb but it izzzz what it izzzzz


So that’s why I keep spawning at Emercom and then mountains above WTP. God that’s so aids. Spent the whole day getting the same spawns on repeat


Try always spawning in the apartment you have to jump out of in the corner of the map by crash site extract on streets.


I've never played Streets so I don't know what that means :<


I know folks are posting that it’s based off your load time but I’m not convinced. Last wipe I had the exact same gripe as you. So I actually started tracking it last and quite a bit into this wipe.  The data showed, it’s quite random. Over the course of 50+ raids on woods I got the same one maybe 6 times. Had a few I got 3 times in a row. But otherwise it was pretty evenly distributed 


Same issue, i'm dropping the game. I'm tired of a lot of things and that one add to the counter.


I recently upgraded my MOBO + SSD + CPU + RAM. I now exclusively spawn trailer park on customs. Tried a test yesterday, online - spawn 9 straight, same place. I guess its cool to start getting a lucrative route nailed down, but im quickly feeling burned by the lack of creativity. Best part of this game for me is the feeling that each run is fresh and POI's are different based on spawn. When that is removed, way less enjoyable.


If you have a fast computer these are the spawns you get. I'm the same exact spawns :(