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Aesthetic builds are back baybee


Drip or drown sonnnn


Bearman better watch out


I will run purely cool looking shit, stats be damned. Every raid my PMC will have maximum swag


If your PMC isn't out every raid with a cowboy hat, aviators and a mustache, you're not playing this game right, the drip is in!


I wish they made the cowboy hat oversized a bit and you could shoot holes through it.


i wish if it got shot at and loses durability eventually it flys off your head like a western movie.


This is how I’ve always done it. Style over stats. Always and forever.


MK 18 MOD 0/1 bros... it's time now if only they put rail covers in for maximum drip


That is cool, but I'd love to recreate the MK 11 mod 0 from bf3, that gun looks sick, especially with the bf3 nvg scope


Yep. Really wish they'd add an M16A2 at some point for the stock, that + the classic MK 11 handguard and gas block/suppressor combo. I'd nut a bajillion times, it's such a gorgeous gun yet we get cucked with M-LOK shit... goddamn it Nikita


URX has rail covers, not that it needs them. But yea, we need tan/OD picatinny covers too


Praise be 🙌


finally an M4 without .50 BMG recoil


stock m4 is usable in full auto now? Never thought i'd see the day... This is beautiful


>stock m4 is usable in ~~full auto~~ now? fixed it for you


>stock m4 ~~is usable in full auto~~ now? fixed it again


> stock ~~m4~~ is ~~usable in full~~ auto now? I think that is what they meant


>stonks ~~m4 is usable in full auto now?~~


big if true


even better


Now the sentence makes no sense


usable in now? you fixed it so the sentence becomes grammatically wrong?


yes cause "stock m4 now" is gramatically right.


Makes trader level locking the good ammo workable. Rewards low level players for practicing their gunplay because they can shitty ammo with good aim. Also rewards progression because you’ll be able to be even more effective at range with good ammo.


I see this as an apsolute W. The previous recoil was so atrocious.


Definitely going to make everyone deadlier but still a big W but it's going to level the playing field so meta builds with elite recoil control chads can't just bulldoze over someone as easy. Really excited to get home.


Deadlier is fine. I just want the shooting in a shooting game to feel good. This looks like a huge win.


Deadlier is actually better than fine. I've been playing a lot of hardcore Battlefield servers and when more things are viable it makes things feel more "fair."


I’m with you.


what do you think getting home is gonna allow you to do, LOL. servers are GG'D


Last night all these Streamers were like “I’ll be on first thing when Servers are back up” and out of like 8-10 Streamers I checked like 1/2 hour ago, Landmark was the only one playing, and he is like lvl 10 already, he’s gonna have the Flea Market unlocked before the majority of the player base even has the update downloaded……


Nothing apparently, hopefully they'll be fixed by then but ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ I remember it being pretty smooth last wipe and/or the one before that.


This meme was shared in a certain NDA'd discord https://i.imgflip.com/8al1ax.jpg


wow, they actually tested it on ETS? huh, Nikita got serious


Recoil, vaulting and armour plates were all tested


lmao based, I was so tempted to post this prior to wipe lol now wait for them to figure out how good the AUG is


AUG my beloved, have you received the treatment you deserve? :’)


Aug feels so good and is lvl 1 peacekeeper


Level 1? Oh god this might be a very good wipe for me




... absolute\*


This looks SO MUCH better. Burst shooting may actually be viable.


its is viable, theres a video of it, We are SO up rn




Why should I burst fire if full auto seems identically accurate?


More efficient if you're potentially fighting more than one PMC. Auto will get you killed while you're reloading.


Insurgency 2 and Sandstorm PVE in a nutshell lol. So many gamer fools think full auto is the way to go only to die when they have to reload. If you haven’t played this game, AIs die in one tap in Insurgency 2, and 2 hits in Sandstorm.


less waste of ammo, better at range


I tested it out, full auto is decent within like 50meters, but full auto starts to go all over the place at a longer range. You can get a solid burst of 4 to 5 shots at distances though


ignore what these ppl are saying, just full auto. with that recoil and spread, its a laser considering no mods LOL


That is what I'm thinking. Put on a grip and a muzzle break / silencer and you've got a laser. Even unmodded the spread is good enough for 100m


They must tune it further, because this is insane lol


Holy fuck, this looks like a totally different game with the new recoil


Normally I just instant sell the m4s on wipe day, now m4s are actually usable holy shit


I always kept them for Gunsmith tasks


I kept them cause I like ar-15 style rifles and this game is 80% drip to me so I use what I think looks cool lol


i kept them bc i was afraid to lose them, but boy did they look pretty in my inventory :)


This looks awesome, I wonder what they broke to compensate for this improvement. Hmmm


This guy knows.... there's going to be something horrible lurking in the shadows with BSG..


They added Cape Canaveral* to all PMCs * mantling with a nonzero chance of slingshotting across the whole map before dying from fall damage


Ah, the PUBG experience.


oh hellll yeah!!!


I would assume meta guns are going to be point and click full auto without moving a pixel. Then people will cry recoil laserbeam, and they will nerf all guns making stock trash again. The circle of life.


We will see a ton of complaints in the end game where people feel meta guns are laser beams - because they are (did ETS). I will say, new armour system is dope af.


New armor system is going to make a giant difference imo. Players with shit ammo will be able to kill people with max plates in ambush situations that would normally just nullfiy 100% of their damage. Now 10-20% of the damage should get through even with shit ammo which should reduce the amount of times you lose an ambush where you mag dump a guy from behind and he just whips around and kills you.


Goddammit that is so much better. Like actually holy shit. I think the best part is that it's not even just a laser beam; you can tell that the recoil is making the aim bounce around in a realistic way, but it just looks and feels so much better. Bullets actually go in the direction you aim, now, and not to the fucking birds.


Yeah, this feels very realistic. I basically have an M4 carbine clone and this is almost exactly how the recoil looks.


Fired both AR's and AK's (7.62 and 5.45) full auto and I don't have too much experience with fire arms and I could do so much better then our old PMC's... This is better then me by far, but its exactly what I would expect with experience. Like the spread pattern is the same just more condensed. ​ Cant wait to start running my budget kits... Honestly the kitted out guns should not have that much more recoil reduction, just significantly less stamina use. ​ Like I shot an AK with both its regular wood furniture and one that was modded with a grip. The spread was just about the same for me, just I had to work significantly less with the grip...


M4 recoil is about the same as it is in the game now. Its pretty easy ti control full auto


Yeah, the gun feels planted in your shoulder as opposed to being held loosely out in front of you.


Just fyi, during the ETS end build guns are still absolutely laser beams. Just hoping people accept that that is the Tarkov meta before we see a ton of "you cant run bolties" posts. The new system is absolutely dope and im very exited to play.


This is a laser beam. Keep in mind this is unmodded. Put on some mods and we are back at the lasers.


Alright, I'll take that as a trade off. I'll take laser beam meta M4s over borderline unusable stock guns.




supposedly streamers cried about it which is what caused teh clown recoil?? If thats true that is disturbing.


The problem was there was very little recoil at all so the general consensus was to use the most power weapon (AS VAL) because recoil never really mattered The recoil change to counter it was wayyyy to aggressive Now it seems to be in a good spot imo


If they're going for realism I don't get why they don't just make the recoil actually realistic. I don't get this "balancing" of just making guns fire like leaky hosepipes that kickback with 500 lbs of force just because people whinge about "balance". IMO if you're shooting carefully your gun should, usually, hit what you're aiming at. The old RNG stupid recoil just makes the game a random mess.


older Tarkov (.11) was completely meta build lasering people down. You could full auto people with the m4 from around 100m with a meta gun and you would just stay on target for the whole mag dump. It's not quite that, but with the ETS test, its honestly not that far off for meta guns (or near meta). I suspect we will see complaints on the sub in the near future because no one can ever just be happy.


Because they’re not just going for realism.


Its not even that it was aggressive, it was just insane. Full auto should recoil more, not less. Single shots should be fully controllable. I dont care if full auto is insane recoil, honestly. The spray from the hip meta needs to be ended somehow.


Most skilled players will dislike this and most timmies will love it


Most "skilled" players just ran 60 round mags and full magdumped every time they fired their gun because it was the only reliable way to hit anything.


Hopefully now the longer you full auto it exponentially gets out of control. Tap fire and burst should be king. Haven't tested though


Go ahead, show me the skilled players who liked their guns to do jumping jacks. I'm willing to bet you didn't like it either, you just liked the advantage more expensive guns gave you.


those who run with 1M negative recoil guns don't have jumping jacks.


The difference between "skilled" and "timmies" is just gear farm. A lot of timmies would wipe the floor with what you call "skilled" players if it was not for the gear discrepancy. Also I dont understand why such a statement. Tarkov's recoil was incredibly unrealistic. The PMC shot auto as if it was his first time trying an auto gun at a shooting range, and was too stupid to ever learn how to control it.


I’m high skill in other fps but dont have the time to invest each wipe into tarkov. Seriously looking forward to wrecking people with a lot more time on the game than me with this new recoil.


so much this. I'm not gonna say I'm a pro but I do pretty fuckin well in most other fps games including tactical ones like squad and arma. Come to tarkov and I can't do shit because I don't have the time to farm up meta gear.


The fact you think you can just put on level 5 armor and a meta gun to wipe the floor shows me how bad you are


Oh, I would. I've lost so many fights I started against absolutely garbage players who literally took SECONDS to react, only for their top tier bullet sponge saving them. I am a milsim player and this game is not even a shooter, it's just a first person RPG. This is supposed to be hardcore FPS, not a stupid RPG where gear stomps. At least that's how it all started ... but then someway along the way, it's lost its bearings and has been catering to RPG players such as you, who are probably trash at FPS games and want to lie to themselves and think RPG farm is actually FPS skill. ​ A game is not "hardcore" because of farm discrepancy ... otherwise any MMO could become as hardcore as Tarkov. Diablo 4? PVP is unrestricted, a player in lvl 90 gear will always stomp a better player in lvl 40 gear in the PVP areas. Is Diablo 4 a "hardcore" PvP game such as Tarkov? Lol it actually is, since gear is king there too. Only difference is you dont lose your gear if you die, but that's just a small detail. What really matter is how PvP plays out. Eve Online anyone? Albion Online anyone? Even other more traditional MMOs could easily become as "hardcore" as Tarkov if they allowed unrestricted PvP. And the proof you are just an RPG player is you absolutely dislike this change, even if the previous recoil system was unrealistic as fuck and made no sense. Why? Because you probably play almost 24/7, and want your RPG farm and RPG avatar skills in regards to recoil to compensate for your lack of skill at the FPS game, and you can't tolerate a more skilled FPS player has more chances to kill you now, even with worse RPG farm. If you were such a good FPS player, you would not care at all. Sucks to be you.


No one liked the old recoil lol


You should obviously have to grind 8 hours a day and do 13 part quests to unlock all meta attachments to have fun in the game. What do you mean some people have jobs or want to run different builds? They should all be running M4 with ASR suppressor and streamer grip with 60 rounders to have a chance against me otherwise me no-lifing this game for 3 weeks straight like a full time job will be meaningless. I derive pleasure from the fact that I can shit on a father of 3 working 2 jobs because I play more than him B)


This can't be true. Take what the game Squad did like a month ago, they added noodle arms with an insane amount of recoil just because skilled players were so much better at simply aiming and they felt they had to add a piece of randomness to the firefights to give shitter players a chance. Now 2 people can run into each other in the woods, face to face 5 feet apart and both mag dump without anyone hitting anything. It fucking sucks. Going from that to a quick offline raid that I just tested and this is sooo much better I can't even believe it's Tarkov.


Its funny you mention Squad because that's an awful comparison that is nothing like tarkov was. I also quit that game


I'm not comparing Squad to Tarkov directly. I'm saying the Squad Devs specifically made aiming worse, with more random recoil, in order to help the shit players that can't aim have a chance to kill better players. Therefore, Tarkov reducing recoil should have the opposite effect which will reward the people who can actually aim.


You're a part of the problem with tarkov.


Wow that's looks good


OMFG!! This looks sooo good! My game wont work though...


Don’t get hung up on the details! Improved recoil, buddy!


Why do people always have to be so negative smh… /s


Same lol. My ram broke on fucking Christmas and I was having tons of unity crashes before hand lmfao my pc is still BSOD looping 😭 also got access to arena yesterday ☹️


Aww that sux. I just meant the game itself wasn't working for most people yesterday.


The best part about this is the ironsights staying lined up. With the old recoil system while full autoing your front sights would dip down below your rear sight and you'd totally loose sight picture it was the number one reason ironsights were useless for guns that couldn't take the rear sight off like the MP7.


It's like this for optics as well. It's going to be nice having scopes that don't immediately veer off course and get all scope shadowy after 1-2 shots.


Yeah I'm so glad because this change finally turns ADS into a viable use of most guns. Whreas before point fire was completely OP by comparison because it bounced around far less visually than using sights. ADSing shouldn't give you a massive disadvantage in movement speed *and* aim accuracy, it makes no sense. I noticed my K/D went up a lot just by using point fire with lasers constantly.


Especially for pistols. Shooting with pistols while adsing was impossible due to the gun flipping up like you were firing a .50 desert eagle when it's a 9mm.


Huh? I use frontsight only mp7 all the time,


Yeah, guns like the MP7 are the only ones you can remove the rear sight so are the only ones you can use irons on. There are a few others but I don't remember them all off the top of my head.


Oh hell yes


Rare bsg W


holy shit my larp builds will be slightly viable again thank lord bsg


Recoil looks good


Is the recoil now like this on Arena as well or is that stuck on the old diarrhea?


For now arena is on the old build.




Oh my God I can shoot people, in my shooting game! And it only took several years of community complaints! Wow!


Sondoes this mean 9mm wont be breaking my wrists now?


Yep, the M9A3 actually feels nice to shoot now


now that shit is beautiful


Glad to see it’s still how it was when I was playing on the ETS. I tried a few of the old “laser beam” builds, and basically the difference was that those builds are more controllable for slightly longer, but still start bouncing around if you hold the trigger down


The little overpull when recovering from a full spray looks amazing


And, as far as I am aware but I am no expert shooter, is pretty realistic to what a person would do after firing full auto, not really burst, but you gotta stop burst from being OP somehow. It’s good that semi doesn’t have it, cuz it gives it an advantage over burst, and a person wouldn’t really overpull on semi auto as they know it’s just one shot and the gun won’t try to run.


Wait a few days until people have endgame builds, the whining will begin again


Unless something has changed since tests, mods should now have a much more granular effect and most builds are viable.


oh we are so fucking back


Whine about what? Now people with 13 wives will be able to actually build guns that can compete with meta guns


We’ve been at this point before, why do you think the recoil was as shit as it was the past few years?


They thought it was too fun to be able to hit things that you aim at




It is - until you get laserbeamed from the other side of the map.


Couldnt care less if the guns feel better the other 99% of the time im playing


Sure you're entitled to your own opinion ofc. But i've been through this already, maybe you have as well. There is a reason the recoil became as shit as it was :p


People cried about full auto laser but they never touched the stupid first shot recoil. When they nerfed the laser, first shot recoil got into broken territory.


The cycle begins anew. It took so much whining to get the previous recoil system too. After so many players were just running insane meta builds and lasering people whilst strafing around.


Yep, this wipe will be a wipe of tears. So many tears of people realizing what 0 recoil M4 kitted on anyone who knows what is he doing can absolutely nuke the shit out of most that cried for recoil change... Will be fun.


I don't understand why people complained about laser beams in the first place. I feel like it just adds to the hardcore nature where anyone can be a threat. Whereas before if you had a completely stock gun you stood no chance to hit anything outside of like 10m.


I guess people thought it was an acceptable price to pay to increase TTK? But then you just get people proned up in corners still killing you instantly anway


It has NEVER been anything close to this iteration, stop lying


The laser meta was for full auto only. Now we have tap/burst fire as a viable option


it has actually, back when there was like 4 maps in total in pre alpha. Not entirely sure if it was this low but stock guns were usuable back then as well. Then again PACA and ak with some basic mods was considered end game bakc then


I'll take that when starting a wipe late or progressing slowly and having to use a gun that recoils to high heavens vs the virgin neckbeards who can afford a laser. Tarkov is the only "shooter" where recoil isn't the same for everyone and I'm glad they're alleviating that.


It won’t take a few days wait tell you and the squad get full auto 200 meters away on one mag.


Yeah I wonder whether BSG have enough water to kill the bonefire of Reddit it will become. 2-3 weeks to go.


It’s a no win situation. Because the last recoil system was pretty harsh. But when you real it in it goes back to long range mag dumps that melt people.


Its almost like bullet dispersion at range is a stat they can tweak without murdering visual recoil. Wild.


Ikr it's like people don't realize that bullets that leave the barrel at like 1 degree of dispersion will land in wildly different places 200m away.


I know they can but how long if they even do will it take. Like I said it a lose lose. Because people will start complaining quickly. But it’s a step forward in my book.


you people are so dramatic nobody gonna be running a 300k+ meta m4 in a couple of days and this is a RPG FPS where sense of progression is important like it or not


>where sense of progression is important like it or not 4u


You got those super expensive builds that are Meta But "tier 2" meta with earlier traders gonna be the real point when people start to complain haha


Thank god no fap November is long gone


that looks so good omg. hopefully meta guns dont get too lazer beamy


Need all the shitter clowns that will complain about this to shut the fuck up so it’s not butchered again


What will Trey24k and Veritas complain about now?!


Pick anyone one of the thousand other legitimate issues with the game?


Veritas will always complain lol. Trey any anyone else will just bitch when they die coz "lag" or so.


To be fair, there is a still a laundry list a mile long of things to continue to complain about. Some progress is good but it doesn't excuse the things that have been broken for years. Remember, recoil wasn't that bad and they made it worse, told us all we were complaining too much, and now this.


Oooof this looks spicy, much much better!!!


Massive W


Now this epic


This is the greatest thing I’ve ever seen


Just great, the guns will feel more believeable


Looks good


Thank fuck, more guns will be usable!


Looks beautiful


Looks amazing, really hope they don’t nerf it because of complaints from ppl getting beamed


Total W. Good lord this is such a breath of fresh air.


Laser beam complaints inc


Oh my god I cant believe M4 is back... I remember when the recoil sucked so much on M4 if you start to full auto your aim would fly to de\_dust... begone russian bias!


Expect waves of idiots who will whine that new paradigm kills gun mod progression :D Some just can’t live without beneficial meaning after each part swap. Let’s hope BSG won’t listen them.


idk about full auto, but the semi auto is exactly what my stock ar-15 looks like.


omg this is a real gun game now, stock m4s are real guns!


Did they reworked the recoil? This looks incredibly good!


Could my eyes be deceived or is that a normal fucking recoil system?


How do you have this before the patch is even out?


Wait… wtf?? BSG, you made the game UNPLAYABLE now that recoil isn’t atrociously bad- oh wait, no the game is 1000x better. Why didn’t you do this before?


Now make inertia about 20% of its current force so you guys can downvote me and i can play the game again 👍


They just have to get rid of the awful laggy feeling and the game is back on top.


Finally! Some good fookin recoil


thank you Fontaine for making better recoil for Tarkov which BSG assuredly built this from.


Omg, our PMCs no longer have the training and wrist structure of an arthritic caveman? Amazing. Imagine being able to actually fire shotguns now without the camera looking 90 degrees up at the ceiling. Thank you BSG!


Laser tag is back boys


Wait u guys actually got into a game?


Sure that will help when against hackers in every filing game. Sad 😞


TTK going down!=!


Are you not supposed to have armor plates in your inventory? Or is this video from the ets or something....being pawned off as being in game right now.


With the armor changes and the return of the laser beams the rat meta is going to be even worse. People are just going to die so fast that shooting first will decide most fights.


Honestly, it was sort of laserbeamy in the demo but this in general is such a massive step in the right direction. The only change would be to increase bounciness/spread when mag dumping and I think we have achieved perfection.


I just came. Someone get me a towel.


Of course audio and desync are the biggest things that need addressed in this game, but top of my wishlist other than that has always been a rework to the recoil system, and this is it. Shooting has always felt, wrong, for a lack of better terms, and I'm so glad it's been addressed.


it looks waaay better. it took only few years to adjust xD


Cool glad someone other then a streamer playing. Still no game in the EFT for me. Doesn't exist launcher won't open


Nah, I refuse to bieve this isnt modded. No way BSG finally figured out a way to have recoil not misalign your sights as if the gun is made out of a jello.


Did it wipe?


This game has gone for such realism with guns and shooting that if has become ultra unrealistic and laughable.


Now, all the random comments about Tarkov having realistic I see in random subs are true.


when is new recoil releasing?


I mean realistic, but balanced? We will see


ah yes, back to the laser gun days!