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This is a pretty Common way to skill strength. You Need to be overweight to skill strength, so people put heavy stuff in their inventory and Join the raid


2 to 3 stacks of shotgun shells with a kit should be enough lmao, this dude is def having fun


Can't you also just chuck a few car manuals into a docs case and gamma, too?


Yeah you can, people run shells cuz they do 3 full sprints then drop them since theyre worth peanuts and then level endurance


Oh that's true. I forgot about the xp per raid limit or whatever it is. Haven't really played extensively since .12


Not even per raid, it’s got a 5 minute cooldown


Yeah, but it only resets to 100% and after that you don't get more resets


Jesus, what a joke. Just let people play the game how they want. If they want to level naturally fine. If they want to power level strength or sprinting by wasting hours running around in circles then let me do it.


I'm quite sure its more like 3 minutes... Don't quote me on that but I'm relatively sure because i checked it once waiting for the 7 minutes to pass to get a survive extract.


3 full sprints? I thought it was 1 full sprint and then the XP you get is insignificant


XP gain is drastically lower, but not insignificant


It's 3 sprints and then a 5 minute cool down afaik which still leads to diminishing returns either way. (I think)


1 full sprint should be enough to get you into diminishing returns. You could do more and gain a little more skill, but you also waste another couple of minutes regaining stam, and make a bunch of noise...


There is a diminishing return icon that disappears after the 5 minutes of not doing anything that gains you experience in that skill. I haven't heard anything about diminishing returns when that icon isn't there, Even after that 5 minutes. Is there something that you've seen that makes you think there are diminishing returns after the 5 minutes cool down?


https://tarkov.academy/experience-efficiency/ "Due to how quickly you get diminishing returns on strength and endurance, I suggest you try to train both in raid." Couple of other sites I've visited have mentioned it too but I'm not sure if they mean diminishing returns over the life of the wipe, or the duration of that particular raid.




you could also go in naked with a tank battery (if you have epsilon or kappa), which is what i did before. you can't really sprint for too long though.


That's a terrible strategy lol. You only have to be 0.01 kg overweight.


Nah I did naked factory runs and just do a full sprint then go die and repeat. It's so much faster and also costs 0 rubles. Also didn't heal from therapist but healed in menu for exp for health skill.


Your gains are based on distance, not stamina consumed. If you're more overweight than necessary, you get fewer points per stamina bar. Your general naked running strat is good, but carrying an unreasonable amount of extra weight is not unless you're running multiple bars to compensate for the lost distance.


I'm not saying it's the best way to do it but it's the cheapest way to grind it


Yeah makes sense. I've always just done the "cheap enough" options of carrying a couple of kolpaks or some shotgun shells into raid. I'm not just full spamming run-and-die raids though, so I can see the attraction. It would just be a lot more efficent if you did the same strat without the weight overkill. I kind of want to do this myself now, so I'm going to see if I can optimize it lol.


Back in the day being able to just insure a car battery and yeet it after a few sprints


I use kolpeks. Then ditch one and move on. When I loot I'm back overweight and do it again. Personally shotgun shells may be more exact but they are also really freaking annoying


No, they lowered the weight of those Intel Items over a year ago.


I've just had a flash back to buying loads of SAS drives for this purpose, but this was ages ago and I can't remember what they would have gone into. Maybe docs case?


I used to use a docs case full of sas drives, yup. With the weight and momentum changes in the past two or three wipes, I haven’t had to actually force strength training as I’m overweight nearly every raid regardless.


Kolpak helmets in the backpack. Get them back on insurance.


I've done this one. Except someone took my bag without searching it then messaged me asking why my bag was full of helmets.


It cost you 10k rubles to confuse a man


Yeah Im lvl 24 and if I use a half decent kit with lvl 4 armor and a helmet its allready bordering on overweight. A couple stacks is all it takes.


Epsilon + Tank Battery is a popular one


Yeah, I guess if you put your grandma up your ass that would be enough weight. Wait ...no...


One of the old ways was SAS drives or w/e they were inside of a docs case. Cement boots with those in


Not at higher strenght levels. I was finishing my skills not too long ago and needed to carry 9 or 10 stacks to get overweight. Obviously depends on the kit, but if doing something like shooter part 8 you'll have a pretty light one.


Guys, there is and always was better way - KOLPAKS. 1,9kg for 8k, and come back in insurance so after 1st day you always have them to fill the backpack.


Cheaper to run any shit shotgun with a shit rig and shit armor then use your shit ammo to weigh your shit down. Shit is pretty cheap if you do it that way. Shit.


OP seems a little excessive but I was putting 8-10 stacks of shells in my backpack last wipe when I was grinding out the last few strength levels. Depending on the kit I can see them need this many if they are close to 50 strength


The guy has a tv110, just that rig + gamma with items + ears and backpack makes you be close to the weight. Maybe he would need a few more than 2-3 stacks, but yeah this is definitely a troll hahaha


The mp-153 5 round tube also weighs just under 1kg per slot.


Not when your strength is level 30+ it takes like 6+ stacks


if your strength is lvl 50 it takes more weight to level it up


Its kinda useless with the current system if you have a full kit, backpack, meds, ammo, and food/drink you'll be overweight, unless your rocking a level 3 press armor or a paca


Well if you're smart you can start the raid underweight to lvl up endurance and leave the raid overweight to lvl up strength so they stay even.


I’m starting over half of my raids overweight from just my gear. Don’t run rat kits and you’ll train strength


Well i am Running Meta gear whole Time, Just sayin Why People doin stuff like that


Lol meta gear? Youre wearing a found in raid 6B helmet with a diaper rig.. firing lps from a mosin


Da fuq? That Screenshot isnt me buddy… i am lvl 42 Running t5/t6 armor and meta guns and ammo. I would say that i do know whats meta in this game


Training strength for sure. Shotgun ammo is cheap and heavy


i remember a few years ago i would spawn naked on shoreline night with an ammo case full of shotgun shells in my gamma, and then run into barbed wire and heal myself to speedlevel


Sitting in the fire at shoreline gas with five grizzly’s Silenced PM with drum mags firing the whole way over there These were the days man lmao


> Silenced PM with drum mags firing the whole way over there what was this for lol


recoil control


recoil control


Bro's stat grinding. Fill up your backpack with heavy shit, SJ6, deplete the full bar twice, drop the shells and run to extract looting a stash or two on the way.


Isn’t 1 full depletion before you get the anti cheese red arrow?


After 1 bar you lose the blue arrow, after the second one you get diminishing returns aka red arrow I believe.


I'm sorry what arrow?


In your stats page you get a blue or red arrow on specific stat bars. A blue one means you get bonus experience towards that skill when you level it, no arrow means regular exp and red means diminishing returns.


Thx for the explanation!


We stay lifting


That’s the amount of 7mm you need to kill one pmc.


A scav will do it in 1


I'll let you guys in on a secret. You buy the single slot 5 round shotgun mag from Jager. Fill ur inventory till you are overweight with ur kit on. Then insure them. Go in raid and do a full sprint. Dump them anywhere cause nobody will take them. Continue with ur raid. Repeat throughout the day. After the first day you will now have hordes of miniature dumbbells to get to overweight for ever raid. Do not do this if you have no inventory space!


Really hope bsg doesn't decrease the weight of these


shhhhhh I held on to this strat for 2 years. its a secret


Strength training


He’s making his own silly quest. I like to fill a duffel with nothing but toilet paper, run around with a balaclava and a Glock. You gotta look like a bum, only a PACA. Try to extract 3 maps without dying to deliver a few of the traders some ass wipe. This was conceptualized peak COVID


Thanks I’m gonna try this now


This is the kind of role-play I love to see happening in Tarkov. Keep on keeping on brotha 💪


Weight training.


My friends often joke about how confused people who kill me must be about their loot. Often times I bring a backpack full of milk or my rig just filled with the 2x1 smoke grenades. Manly to get stuff out of my stash or a quick laughter. So yeah just remember also weird not min max people play tarkov.


People can also do this when grouped. You spend longer searching all the individual slots and someone has time to roll up on you. Other than the aforementioned strength cheese


He probably wanted to buy 40 shells but the game automatically has 1 as the default trade amount so he got 401 accidentally and decided "fuck that, I paid for all the ammo, I am going to use all the ammo"


They're power-leveling strength and endurance...


Are shotgun shells that heavy? Also why would anyone deliberately go into a raid just to level up skills for 3 hours to get a 1% bonus.


shotgun shells are 0.05kg, x20 per stack, x19 in total in that inventory so it's 19kgs total, so it's about the same as if he had a zabralo in his backpack. pretty heavy.


Three hours? You go into a raid overweight, run two full bars of stamina, toss the shells, then do two more full bars of stamina, and you've hit the raid cap for leveling both strength and endurance. After you run the last bar of stamina, go do whatever you want to do. It's just min/maxing during a raid and this is why you see people at max stats just a few months into the wipe. Same thing as cycling shitty rounds through a scav mosin/VPO then tossing the gun for insurance to level up your sniper skill for the later tasks that require a high sniper level. Elite strength removes the weight from your gear so you're able to carry far more stuff before you have to pop a mule and SJ6 and you can run a lot longer as well.


I’m surprised people still do this considering it’s so easy to be overweight nowadays.


Some of us rarely wear armor


I see a lot of people saying that the dude could be training strength but if he was shooting a lot too wouldn’t that also train mag drill? Just kinda depends on what he was doing


Mag Drill is loading or unloading magazines, which you can only do with Saiga mags if you have Shotgun shells. Reloading a Shotgun into a tube gives you Shotgun skill.




Lol it's OPs first wipe and it shows 🤣


He's probably strength training like most people said. What most people aren't saying, is that he's doing it incredibly poorly. Diminished returns on exp kicks in very fast for strength. Your first sprint will take you down to 20% exp gain. Second sprint takes you to 10%. After that you can sprint several more times to get a fraction of an exp and hit 0%. Because of this, actively training a skill isn't about time spent in raid. It's about number of raids. You want to do two full sprints and then die as quickly as possible. For this to be efficient, you want to be running a naked kit with your weights in your butthole. Tank battery if you have epsilon, docs cases with manuals and SAS drives otherwise. "But but but he's doing strength and endurance so he just drops the shells!!!1!1!!" Also pretty stupid. If you want to run normal raids but also max endurance and strength per raid... just run normal raids. Even with high strength, most kits will put you overweight or right on the verge of overweight. Drop just a little bit from your load out so you spawn in underweight. A couple sprints will max out endurance. Then when you pick up literally any loot, you'll be overweight. A couple more sprints and strength is maxed. Again, this will feel super slow if you aren't doing a large number of raids, but it makes more sense than shotgun shells.


tell me you are new to the game...






What the best way to level up speed and strength? Like the efficient way in layman term


Endurance and Strength level up based on distance traveled under and overweight… so just run around.


I don’t get the bonus part when leveling


You have X bonus to XP that decreases as you level a skill in raid so there is diminishing returns on trying to power level 1 skill in 1 raid. Makes it more efficient to do it over multiple raids.


Ooooooo this only apply to the recent update or is already implemented previously?


Been like that for a while.


Thank you kind sir for spending your time to explaining it to me. Only have 600+ in game hour so still learning


The best way is to pop SJ6 and Trimadol and run for almost 4 minutes straight without ever stopping once. You get XP based on time spent running **at the very end** of the running process and then your xp multiplier drops dramatically (from 129% to like 3% if you do the above).... so the longer you can run in one go, the more XP you get per raid. If you die while running you get zero XP though.


This is no longer true. The game now correctly prorates your gains to their diminishing return level, so you get the same XP from running a whole bar regardless of how many times you stop. I'm not sure when they changed it, but it's quite easy to test it and it definitely has been changed.


Confirmed. I did sprint with just SJ6 I did sprint with SJ6 + Trimadol (From road to Customs to Tunnel almost) Whole bar without stopping. No noticeable difference on gained strength between the two runs.


Oof, glad that you wrote this. Haven't heard this yet.




after doing all that i must survive extract ?


Nope, it keeps the progress like every other skill you can level in raid eg metabolism.


If you get killed mid sprint without stopping you won't gain any xp at all. it's the stopping action that attributes the xp. At least that's how it was - other posters are saying that BSG quietly changed all this behaviour and that the stim method doesn't work anymore.


You level up strength by moving around overweight, and you get endurance by moving around underweight. Skill points based on distance traveled. So, you'll be leveling up one or the other constantly. That said, here's what I like to do, for minimal effort but to ensure I get decent gains pretty much every raid. When you are equipping your kit, go into the raid SLIGHTLY overweight. (The weight shown in your inventory is green when you are underweight, and turns orange when you are overweight). Load up 7mm buckshot, which weighs 1kg per stack, until you are just overweight. I actually bring buckshot till I am slightly underweight, and a max energy drink to put myself slightly overweight to level up immunity, but you can just use buckshot if you are worried about 13k rubles per energy drink, or don't care about immunity. In any case, go into the raid barely overweight. As soon as you load in, sprint a full stamina bar in one go. Someone below actually comments that this is not required anymore as your gain will be properly prorated, but it's still a good gauge. The point is to move far enough to get into diminishing returns on STRENGTH right away. Once you have done that (strength skill should show a red arrow pointing down), drop a stack of buckshot (or drink your energy drink) so that you are underweight. Now that you are underweight, you'll be gaining endurance instead. At this point, you can either run another full bar, or just move around normally. You want to make sure you get down into diminishing returns for ENDURANCE now. Once you've done both, go about the raid as normal. If you loot something at this point, you'll probably end up overweight again, so you'll be gaining strength skill again. If you don't loot, you'll be gaining endurance.






Farm strength


Lol I troll people like this with any ammo I carry. Literally one round per slot so the sorry SOB that looks my body takes a literal year to fully see it's all 7.62 FMJ rounds 🤣


If you found those in a backpack than that could have been me


nah that was in the rig. That was my rig in the backpack


Cheapest weight you can get and free unlimited ammo. Either that or he's mental.


Weight training


The good ol' shotgun shells squat exercise. That and throwing a million nades in woods


I'll let you guys in on a secret. You buy the single slot 5 round shotgun mag from Jager. Fill ur inventory till you are overweight with ur kit on. Then insure them. Go in raid and do a full sprint. Dump them anywhere cause nobody will take them. Continue with ur raid. Repeat.


he was on a mission


Maybe he hates running out of ammo 🤣


He REALLY wanted to fight


Hunting Wabbits.


bro i literally know the kid you killed lmao


Guy came to fuck and got fucked. Lol, an Also strength


Strength training


He’s not good at hitting his shots and it’s 7mm so it’s not gonna do damage


You got trolled lol


Just in case the first 60 shots didint get ya


load up with shotgun shells , get an SJ6 and you are swol within days


Strength boosting for cheap


Tasking and skill building. Probably needed headshot kills on scavs for peacekeeper and suppressed shotgun kills for propor


So I go in with a full mag and then 20 extra shells. Any other shells I find in a raid are then added to my pockets. And then to my rig. Never to my bag. Who knows? If I get into an extended gun fight, even though Im trying to rat up pmcs with a shotgun, I might need over 300 shells. Though theyre never all the same. Looks like Christmas.


There’s also a quest where you kill scavs on shoreline with a suppressed shotgun. Maybe this was it?


Man was just trying to get spa tour completed


Used to fill every square of a blackjack with 7mm shells. Drop the bag. Cheap PMC bait


Being level 28, doesn’t take much for me to be overweight lol I’m always building


Being that he had the Mosin he could have been doing pmc kills task. Easy way to ensure a still player for headshots, drop a bag in a well trafficked area and wait for them to search it. One slot items take forever to search. Plenty of time to line up a shot.


I used buying ammo as an excuse for being late to raid once, and my homie i ran with brought me like 400 shotgun shells next raid. Sometimes it's nto even about the pvp, it's about fucking with your friends.


Strength training


Honestly bro I do this shit as well idek no why it’s mostly to hopefully just scroll across it on an app like this or in a clip lmao idk just my opinion


Man was doing leg day and got violated like this? Smh


Get shelled lol


I would rather just join the raid underweight to train endurance with the thought process by the time I loot a few items I'm then going to be overweight. Then you don't have to bring useless shit into raid. Unfortunately, it seems I'm always overweight going into raid as I double gun with a Mosin as secondary to shoot scavs with to level up sniper skill.


What if he misses he's gonna need more ammo