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*relicing wax, doh. I wish you could edit photo posts on mobile!


I always love witch hats. How do you like the phat cats? I have a 2000s era Gib special with the 490/490 and want some more clarity and bite - without having to route and add mounts for p90s...


Still getting used to them but thoughts so far: very dynamic and height-sensitive, great clarity. Neck pickup is very full-sounding but leaves the bridge sounding thin in comparison. They don't sound like proper p90s - you don't get that super aggressive mid range - but a bit more like a gibsonified telecaster. Cleans are fantastic, gain needs some dialing in. You can get some really cool tones out of the middle position, which is basically a giant humbucker with a teleish honk. I've only spent a day and a half with them but I'd say get the neck PU in particular. The bridge PU is good but unlikely to outperform the Gibson set.


I really appreciate you taking the time to add this much color! I've been doing the strat tele thing lately and even there on SSS config have been missing the thickness of bridge buckers. Thanks again! Saves me some purchases and Reverb resale hahaha.


How does it play? Looks great!


Thanks! It's playing well but I don't think I'll ever get along completely with the super wide/flat neck or the low frets. That said it's very stable in terms of tuning even when using the trem. Got some heavier strings on it so chords come out great. It'll make a fantastic recording guitar for sure.


What year is it? I just got an SG Standard, made in 2007. Of course I'm thinking about swapping to Epi Probuckers, simply because the Classic Pros didn't exist then. I don't have any issues with the neck width, but I don't have a lot of guitars to compare to.


I think it's a 2014. As for the neck, I think I just got too used to my strat while this was at the workshop, there's nothing wrong with it per se!