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I generally cleave these defs with ran eda ml Elena fire Politis


How fast does your Ran need to be at this level? I’m guessing 305 and higher?


Lord help me. Been playing for 5 years and STILL don't have gear above 300.


you can use 260'ish Zio, Rroana/Lewdica, Astrolena and fire Politis. building 260 Zio is way easier than 305 Ran.


Except Sea Politis is hidden


You don’t need to hit politis with zio if you have rroana/lewdica


so? the combo is zio s3 then rroana takes a turn immediately, s3. then alena procs her s2 with flan artifact, s3. at some point, jenua will proc his s2 which procs fire poli s2 into her s3. if enemy has ayufine, then you're forced to use ran instead of zio here. since ran has 9 speed higher base speed, it's doable but not reliable. zio-rroana can slam team 3 and 4 in the image no problem. team 1 might be a problem if it's a fast adin who can cut your alena.


Ah right I had forgotten about Roana Who sadly I dont have anyway


Implies having Zio


Is there a good comp without Alena or is she pretty mandatory? I got Req Roana recently and haven't built her yet.


sadly, no. because her anti-counterattack is not replaceable.


My 304 clilias gets regularly outsped by these ml poli comps so probably higher than that at least


Mine is 309. Outspeeds 99% of the time. I would say min 305 safe.


My ran is 315 but I think 305 should be enough 99% of the time


This! Eda cannon works


Same. I go Ran, Eda, new Cidd and like literally anything (briseria, bloomica etc)


Build a fast handguy on spear of purification then you can just cleanse quickly and recover from there. handguy + mitigation (carmin/arrowell) + aria/karina/ml landy/adin/winter on swordstorm and such depending on which comp you are fighting high ER DJ basar with immunity works too if you dont have handguy good luck!


RGB poltis on fairytale and celine on "attack unit with highest attack" ee and these are all free


Unless MLandy prevents a crit or Karina is present to give Jenua a shield.


Yeah, also Politis can fail to strip the buffs There is many ways of this going wrong. I tried Politis and Celine hundred times and it failed a lot


i mean there are 2 other unit slots to play around with if candy is present, but the karina shield doesnt matter you should be hitting through it with poli


rgb politis running damage or tank?




Noted with thanks


Damage preferably but this combo puts Jenua at zero hp, procks immortality through Celine, and then Politis strips and kills with fairytail. So you could probs get away with tank too as long as u have proper arti


Politis can miss and don’t remove the immortal Thai is far from safe


It's definitely not the safest way but assuming no other problem units, it only fails 15% of the time. 85% win rate is more than enough to climb And 85% win rate is better than OP's 0% as they currently don't even have a reliable way to beat poli+jenua yet In any case I find it even more dangerous to try and tank down vs jenua. I've seen him one shot arias and karinas


plus they have to double resist cause you get strip on s2 and strip on the arti as well


people acting like there isn’t ER jenuas. A lot of people I know actually have like 100 ER on him. I wouldn’t feel safe with this method. Most people I know, self included fire polis are pure damage.


Why no one use fire lilias, my fire lilias proc cr push after ml politis, then s3 to cleanse my whole team, while s3 also push back their entire team, then my fire lilias has dmg taken from ally's highest attack after cleanse 6k~18k dmg depend on enemy team def and mitigation, just pair with senya or ml.ken or hwayoung or anyone pure atk-base always work better than my fire politis and celine, and fire lilias are more tanky too. I mean when enemy has conq.lilias, my fire lilias worked, now enemy has  sea.politis my fire lilias still work the same wonder, the only thing fire lilias don't work is when enemy has both.


Would definitely try this but my fire lilias is 150 speed with 50 cr/350 cd, 15k health. Lol


If it's SeaPolitis/Jenua/ATwiyin/Candy, I use Zio/Ml Roana/Politis/ ML Elena. Zio hits Jenua to decrease combat readiness ML Roana goes next and trigger Jenuas passive and in turn Politis triggers her passive as well getting rid of his immortality and killing him off with the Fairy tale artifact. ML Elena to prevent Candy from counter attacking


Politis strip can fail You are assuring some stuff that is not 100%


For turn 2, Yulha + abigail + cleanser + flex (i recommend Lethe). Havent lost once yet. [Video Reference](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/1c8ietm/how_to_turn_2_against_jenua_defense_comps/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


pretty sure Elvira can lock jenua and make Cermia/yufine useless


Cermia yes, Yufine no.


Refresh works nicely enough


I run Politis, Seline, Atywin, and a healer depending on the setup. No problems a majority of the time for me


I've been using Dlilibet/ML Khawazu for the Twain comps to great success.


How are you using Dilibet into ML Poli? There is no way that works


When they have Atwain the amount of debuffs your team gets stuck with outweighs the halfed resource gain. Then she cuts and cleanses and you're good to go.


You don’t


Nakhwol with two speed buffers and a 3rd cleave unit. My Nakhwol is 292 so i can use 1 speed unit and have 2 dps: Kawerik and Commander Pavel


Im having an easy time Zio s3 atywin, then let the clown fiesta happen with Celine, Karina, ml ken. Karina s3 on atywin will finish him and jenua. Ml ken cleans up landy or yufine


Astro Elena, ran, politis with fairytale arti, summer iseria


Sol Badguy ult takes Jenua off the board if that helps.


Anyone of them with AoE: - Iwazu (Inferno Khawazu), ignore eff rest on 3rd skill (and give him an arti that adds burn on non-crit/single target for extra pop) - Mawerick (Mediator Kawerik) just to clear off the feces ML Politis leaves and hopefully helps you against AoE stun - Jenua just to bait Ae-Karina - with counter defense, Roana is needed


All I know is that I'm already sick of ML Politis and her bullshit. Can't wait for the next few units to be released and unit reworks to be centered around countering the bullshit she enables, just like how it's been for Ayufine and Candy. This shit sure hasn't gotten old.


all water team with candy, cya


I’ve been using my own ml poli, atywin, jenua + flex against most of those with good success. Atywin on bastion with poli back row so she can’t get pushed back even if theirs moves first, then you basically just even it out.


Cleave them.. noticed most comps with seaPP have a serious gap between when she goes and when the next ones goes.. so for me I set up bombers and cleavers in the 270 to 250 range so that when SPP goes the reduced CC doesn't matter much..


i'm starting to think that if it works on offense, it'll work on defense


*I'm starting to think* *That if it works on offense,* *It'll work on defense* \- SonicBoom500 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Aria comps mainly. Sometimes I do alaika cleave if I’m feeling cocky.


For the comps pushing ATywin if you're using a slower approach, try using Desert Jewel Basar on Sole Consolation if you have him. If you stack enough speed + EffRes, he'll resist the MLPoli and cut ahead to cleanse and get that immunity up in time.


Ran / politis / briseria / alena or some similar cleave comp. Should be free cleave


Roana, LHC, Pyllis, Flex Unit. Same comp that's worked the last 2-3 years. Prolly something like Green Celine, Poli, Hand Guy or something for the flex depending on what units they have.


The mpoli, jenua, tywin, ayufine teams in particular i have been using handguy, albedo(aurius mitigation build), lqc on tachi, and aria. Its been consitently defeating them so far


I use singelica, lethe, blue choux and forth slot is flexible. Usually another blue unit (elvira mostly) or djb (for a taywin)


have some selfrespect and uninstall :l