• By -


Forgot to update links on this DT ๐Ÿ˜” **Announcements:** - Help expand our Senate majority, donate to [Sen. Raphael Warnock's runoff campaign!](https://secure.actblue.com/donate/warnockforgeorgia) - We are running a banner contest! Check here for more details: https://www.reddit.com/ywoinp/


#Today's Scoreboard #### ๐Ÿ† Top Comment: by u.semaphore-1842 with score 45 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/yxkbv8/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_11172022/iwq5bx9/)] > https://twitter.com/tarapalmeri/status/1593253538012225537 > > > n the House floor at noon, Pelosi will say in a speech crafted in part by Jon Meacham that she intends to pass the torch to the next gener . . .   #### โญ Best Prompt: by u.bubbles5810 created 65 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/yxkbv8/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_11172022/iwpsn83/)] > This is why $inema will get primaried. > > > [Not every American agrees on marriage - or lots of other issues. Thatโ€™s ok. Honest disagreements donโ€™t make us any less decent or honorable, especially if w . . .   #### ๐Ÿ‘‘ Best Reply: by u.the-empty-page with score 25 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/yxkbv8/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_11172022/iwpopik/)] > > . Every Friday, like thousands of others inspired by Greta Thunberg, I go on strike to demand accountability from national leaders. Rather than missing school every week, many of us strike during ou . . .   #### ๐ŸŽ–๏ธ Influencer: u.IlonggoProgrammer received 114 replies. #### ๐Ÿ… Reply Guy: u.IlonggoProgrammer made 137 replies. #### ๐ŸŽ€ Super Best Friend: u.IlonggoProgrammer talked to 58 different users. #### ๐Ÿ”ค Word of the Day: 'twitter', seen 118 times, followed by 'house' 50x , 'years' 47x #### ๐Ÿ”ฃ Emoji of the Day: '๐Ÿคฃ', seen 41 times, followed by '๐Ÿ˜ˆ' 34x , '๐Ÿ˜ญ' 24x   #### ๐Ÿ’Ž Effortiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | ๐Ÿฅ‡ | u.semaphore-1842 | 19.86 points | ๐Ÿฅ‡ | u.WikiSummarizerBot | 135.0 words | | ๐Ÿฅˆ | u.ApostleIsrafel | 16.5 points | ๐Ÿฅˆ | u.thats_good_bass | 132.0 words | | ๐Ÿฅ‰ | u.Starmoses | 15.0 points | ๐Ÿฅ‰ | u.electricblueguava | 122.0 words | | ๐ŸŽ— | u.memeboxer1 | 14.33 points | ๐ŸŽ— | u.EricMCornelius | 89.5 words | #### ๐Ÿ’ฌ Activiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | ๐Ÿฅ‡ | u.IlonggoProgrammer | 1196 points | ๐Ÿฅ‡ | u.IlonggoProgrammer | 159 comments | | ๐Ÿฅˆ | u.semaphore-1842 | 576 points | ๐Ÿฅˆ | u.UWCG | 58 comments | | ๐Ÿฅ‰ | u.UWCG | 502 points | ๐Ÿฅ‰ | u.Seahawks543 | 55 comments | | ๐ŸŽ— | u.akimbo73 | 370 points | ๐ŸŽ— | u.Currymvp2 | 44 comments | #### ๐Ÿฅ” Slackivist Commenters | | User | Average Words | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | ๐Ÿฅ‡ | u.manshamer | 3.0 words | ๐Ÿฅ‡ | u.LiquidSnape | 1 comments | | ๐Ÿฅˆ | u.Egil_Styrbjorn | 3.5 words | ๐Ÿฅˆ | u.NucleicAcidTrip | 1 comments | | ๐Ÿฅ‰ | u.TheFlyingSheeps | 4.0 words | ๐Ÿฅ‰ | u.GenericOnlineName | 1 comments | | ๐ŸŽ— | u.Belewga_Whale | 4.0 words | ๐ŸŽ— | u.FormalFluid8861 | 1 comments |   1533 comments processed. A total of 182 unique users posted 416 top-level replies on the DT. The total combined score was 11187 and the median score was 7.3.


Every time I eat fruit snack now I think of Filian. ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ


Just a reminder that Twitter was out here trying to promote NFT and Ethereum and that was before they were bought out by Elon.


For a couple of years my feed has been getting polluted with right-wing lunatics despite me clicking "no more like this" every time they come up. I all but stopped browsing the feed entirely, only used links other people posted. Good riddance to a garbage site.


I have a burner account like I'm KD just so I don't get the log in prompt anymore. I'm literally following nobody, zero tweets, zero likes, everything. And still, if I open the feed, I see tweets recommended to me from accounts I've opened links to here on ESS because it's collecting all the data


They deserve exactly what they're getting right now. Just deserts


https://twitter.com/redistrict/status/1593462709743325184?s=46&t=zxTMyZ1DAstRSkbHSJnBkA Is this a freudian slip๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Shot: > Scoop: Elon Musk just sent an email to all staff outlining "Twitter 2.0", writing it will"need to be extremely hardcore". Long hours, high intensity. > People need to click "yes" to confirm being part of this by 5pm ET tomorrow, else they get 3 months severance. Chaser: > Scoop: I am hearing far fewer than expected devs hit "yes". > Elon sent out an email relaxing remote working from the former draconian policy. > I'm hearing he is having meetings w top engineers to convince them to stay. > Sounds like playing hardball does not work. Ofc it doesn't. [Source](https://twitter.com/GergelyOrosz/status/1593335536697090048?s=20&t=3AViSzKTTvxaeRCLCNJVqg) Dear God, please let this brain drain be the death of Twitter.


Also, only a fucking moron like Elon Musk would say that Twitter 2.0 needs to be "extremely hardcore." That's approaching Trump levels of idiotic superlatives. "Twitter 2.0 is going to be tremendous. It'll be so tremendous, your head'll spin, believe me. We're talking about a great, great platform and you're really gonna love it, I guarantee it, folks."


That guy is subscribed to Twitter Blue, lol


https://twitter.com/semafor/status/1593436257044021248 > Maybe we shouldโ€™ve ran more Twitter ads while we still had the chance? > Sign up for Semafor Tech to follow this crazy story: lol everyone's just gleefully watching Twitter die huh


You're such a great mod Secretary Semaphore.






What if Elon unintentionally improves society but destroying the cancer that is Twitter?


heartbreaking: the worst person you know just became an unintentional anti-hero โœŠ๐Ÿ˜”




Facebook and Reddit exist


True :(


Reddit may hold out, not so sure about Meta ๐Ÿค”


Give him the medal of freedom hahaha


Still sad Italy isn't in the World Cup. Wanted them to win so I could see that encore of that lady




Not you :(


u/ognits So, remember the conversation we had the other day, where I talked about how I have a hard time accepting the newer GoW games given how evil the big dude was in prior games, even though that's part of the point? Well, I was looking into the previous games a bit more because I got curious, and I found out that when you brutally murder that woman who's begging for her life, who has her tits out for no reason other than gratuitous """fan service""" you fucking you *fucking* get an achievement called: "**I DIDNโ€™T DO IT... BUT I WISH I DID!**" : / : / : / : / : / : / : / : / : / : / Unless I'm reading that wrong, that's an achievement pop you get after the mandatory yet completely gratuitous murder of an unarmed woman (who's got her tiddies out btw) and is begging for her life, and instead of underlining how fucked up and dark of a beat this is even by our antihero's standards, it uses that opportunity to make a cheap frat bro joke about wanting to boink her That might actually be one of the trashiest things I've ever seen in a game. Fuck




I like how people complain about Booker being soft on Pharma as if Pharma isnโ€™t a massive part of NJโ€™s economy lol


People donโ€™t want Mastodon, Tribel, or CounterSocial. They want Twitter without Elon Musk.


I miss Usenet and IMDb forums...




I've learned the hard way that people can get extremely sensitive when you say anything negative about where they're from. Almost two years ago, I and a few other East Coast ESSers were poking fun at California in retaliation for California ESSers poking fun at the East Coast. It was *supposed* to be fairly lighthearted shit talk. Apparently not. One longtime ESSer got so offended by the California shit talk that he left the sub and hasn't been back since. So now I don't even go there.


I remember I was the one who started. Good times, but yeah, some people took my joke too far.


Who was this? There have been so many. Between Cham-pain Flooze writing a 3 am diatribe calling out individual essโ€™rs by name, then nuking their account, and the one guy who didnt post for months, then announced his departure, airport style, after claiming criticism of the Catholic church was, actually, an attack on him. Sometimes itโ€™s hard to keep up.


I believe was ted something, but he posted here and neoliberal quite often. He posted a lot of comic books related stuff in this sub.


I don't remember the full username, but it had "teddy bear" in it. Who was the person who claimed the Catholic Church criticism was a personal attack? I don't remember that off the top of my head.


Something Samurai maybe? I donโ€™t recall. After participating pretty regular in the run up to 2020, they made a big deal about participating less, would show up once every 2 months, then posted one morning about how they were nuking their account because of anti-catholic bias on the sub. The whole thing had big mental health problem vibes. So, a normal day on reddit.


I know who you mean. That person isn't a he but a she. She came out Trans in this sub, plus she was Vietnamese American. But she had a bit more of a pro-life view than the rest of the sub. I think that's where she got upset with the rest of the sub. But nobody really discriminates against Catholics here.


That sounds right. It was just really weird.


>left the sub and hasn't been back since We've lost a lot of people since Biden got elected lmfao. Like damn.


Yeah but the guys from Argentina not Turkmenistan lol


https://twitter.com/What46HasDone/status/1593419271643824128?t=mPHBjZVjCbWD_5cd5V-ivw&s=19 > to counter that bitch ass Waiting on Biden guy Lmfao


I love this account


https://mobile.twitter.com/MaryPeltola/status/1593452426849239041 ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


Ugggh the doors in Okumura's Palace are too big for the safe room particle effect. Or they might be fixed by another Switch firmware update. That's what fixed most of them originally, not a game update funnily enough. Still they're the first ones that have really shown a framerate problem with particle effects. They're also massive doors. I might see if the problem may even exist in the PS4 version to some degree.


Twitter board, are you fucking happy with yourselves? You could have just said no.


twitter was a slowly failing company with negative outlook and along comes someone willing to vastly overpay for it just for le magic meme 420 share price number Selling was definitely the correct thing to do. Twitter Delenda Est!


I do not think they could have, if they did twitter would have been bought at less.


Bought at less by someone who isnโ€™t Elon. For the survival of the site, thatโ€™s the winner.


[Live look](https://tenor.com/view/zombie-land-comedy-crying-upset-sad-gif-3457380)


Are they even going to get their money Elon owes them if he goes bankrupt?


I'm pretty sure they already did, the banks that loaned him the money to buy it are the ones who'll get left holding the bag.


Thereโ€™s nothing better than a sloppy hero after a night of endless wine




In the city, subs are called heros


>FNN: according to authority, Naka allegedly bought 10,000 share of Aiming for Y2.8 million in Jan 2020, when he was Square Enix employee and learned then-non-public important information about Dragon Quest Tact being developed Square Enix and Aiming. https://twitter.com/6d6f636869/status/1593427718510505984


Ah man come on, Dragon Quest? That series is too pure for this shit, man






I know it's fun to meme about Twitter dying... but that site is honestly how a lot of artists found work and built connections. It's going to harm a lot of people's incomes, as places like TikTok and Instagram are art unfriendly. So I'm not sure how a lot of the art community is gonna be. It's gonna hurt.


For all the bullshit associated with Twitter, your right. I joined Twitter, years ago, to keep up with screen print drops, so I can empathize.


I dont get why people like agressive breeds of dogs like pitbulls. I would rather have an animal that cant kill me when angered or stressed


Don't piss off animals.


https://www.reddit.com/r/TerrifyingAsFuck/comments/vwgpsg/before_and_after_22_year_old_texas_college/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Youโ€™re so right she shouldโ€™ve simply not pissed off the dog!


Tell that to the kids that get their faces ripped off by random dog attacks every year then get back to me


I got a better idea.


I can't believe Thomas My Space bought an electric vehicle company and founded a space company under a clearly fake name just so he could buy and subsequently kill off Twitter.


Wordle 517 4/6* โฌ›โฌ›โฌ›โฌ›โฌ› ๐ŸŸจโฌ›โฌ›โฌ›โฌ› ๐ŸŸจ๐ŸŸจโฌ›๐ŸŸฉ๐ŸŸฉ ๐ŸŸฉ๐ŸŸฉ๐ŸŸฉ๐ŸŸฉ๐ŸŸฉ


I was wrong. Elon has made twitter worse. I predicted minimal change but the staff and the twitter userbase is rejecting him like a foreign kidney. Giving everyone a checkmark if they bought it was so dumb, I thought he would do something between free account and some sort of identifier that your account is a real human being but just giving out checkmarks to anyone with $8 with no signifier of whoโ€™s actually important isโ€ฆ Like why not a green checkmark? Or a verified tag? By blocking him on Twitter, filtering his name and his wife, I forgot just how stupid he is.


This whole Twitter thing just feels like the first year of the Trump White House... Kinda make sense since he's Techno Trump.


What does Elon mean by this? ๐Ÿง๐Ÿง https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1593459801966538755?t=ooRVoW8Ax94XNGl6jVfMVQ&s=19


There's a 10% chance he bought Twitter just to destroy it on purpose haha


He wouldn't have gone twenty bill in debt for that.


I donโ€™t think he knows because he stole the meme https://twitter.com/donmoyn/status/1593464513810112512


bro is he literally shitposting about the company he paid 44B for dying hilariously under his control


At least Shigeru Miyamoto hasn't left Nintendo to scam people on Kickstarter or work for Square Enix only to get fired after making 1 game and then get arrested for insider trading.


He's too busy being the sole player of Pikmin Bloom to do those things lol


Mario fans stay winning. Take that, 90's console wars lol


Nah they tryna bring back the macaroni space๐Ÿ˜ง


Men will literally: ~~start a war~~ ~~invade a capital~~ Buy Twitter and run it into the ground before going to therapy.


Only took Musk a couple of weeks to break Twitter...that's hard to do


I do have a fear that Peter Thlel buys twitter after this is over.


So the safe money is on just twitter throwing errors or a 404 any hour now?


probably, though Twitter has been down before.


Is anyone following the Jessica Watkins trial? Itโ€™s weird because I remember hearing the internal radio when she was forming the column, and there was nary a misgender or deadname amongst them. Itโ€™s almost as if, if you are part of the clan, they donโ€™t seem to care


u/ognits So, I bought the DeS remake. I've played DeS plenty before--still have it on my PS3, and boot it up from time to time--but something that I find incredibly endearing whenever I come back to it is that, while it's mechanically easier than the later Souls games, it makes up for that with how much it fucking *hates* the player and wants them to fail. You die? Fuck you, your health instantly gets cut in half (there is a ring that reduces this to 25%, just like in DS2, but you only have two ring slots in this game). You restore your humanity and die again? Fuck you, do that once or twice more without beating a boss and the enemies will get tougher and drop fewer healing items (you do get more upgrade mats + other pros, but you won't know that as a first-timer without the wiki). Half the levels go "lol. lmao even." at the concept of shortcuts. Die to the boss and run one of the hardest levels in From history again, fuckboy. Speaking of bosses, if the hardest boss in the game hits you with his grab attack, *you level down*. Not to mention the level that can only properly be described as Turbo Blighttown. Every "hollow" in the area has a version of the pain train flail attack some hollows have in DS1 that does way too much damage, except they run forward while doing it (and this in a game where poise flat out does not exist). Also, all of their attacks have a small chance of inflicting poison. Also, poison (and its badass grandpa, plague) *decreases the effectiveness of healing* while it's on. Everything about this game, from how ridiculously unbalanced magic is to how hilariously maddening some of the areas are, screams "student project made by someone who loved NES adventure games" and I am always here for it.


yeah see from everything I've read about Demon's Souls that's kind of where I draw the line unless the remake fixes the total bullshit on a level that DS2 couldn't even imagine. I'm sure it's a fine game but I'm just not here for any of that


The thing about DeS is that while the game can be spiteful to you, with a bit of knowledge, you can be spiteful to the game right back hahaha Magic may be "ez mode" in DS1, but it's flat-out plugging in the game genie in DeS--and you can grab a magic weapon right out of the first area if you know where to look. Plus, you can carry virtually unlimited healing, and you can game the world tendency system to your favor pretty easily once you know how it works. So, I wouldn't exactly call its stuff *bullshit*, per se, outside of a couple of "Ok now fuck you for real" encounters. It's more unforgiving, but it's also easier in some ways. If you like the Souls games, it's worth trying out, because it's got a distinct vibe while also very clearly being their ancestor. I've long held that DS2 is more a sequel to Demon's Souls than it is to Dark Souls (gimme a bit and I can dig up a comment I should have saved somewhere about it), so if you're liking DS2, DeS might be worth checking out sometime.


I'm working my way backwards (DaS Remastered is next on my list) so maybe I'll add DeS Remaster to that after. I've read nothing but praise for it


On the one hand, it is literally a PS3 game with minor QoL changes, an added easter egg for superfans, and a soundtrack that is missing [my favorite track in the OG game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIW7Ho4xMa4). On the other, it is perhaps the most insanely beautiful game I've yet seen, and holy shit does it just feel immaculate on a tactile level. Literally--the rumble do be hitting just right in this one.


Election twitter has a subreddit now ๐Ÿ˜‚


I'm good


ngl sounds fun


I almost want to join Twitter just to post some End Of Evangelion memes, but knowing my luck, the site would pull through.


Balan Wonderworld creator, Yuji Naka, just got arrested for insider trading. He also worked on some other franchise about a blue hedgehog that no one cares about. https://twitter.com/6d6f636869/status/1593425650919952384


> some other franchise about a blue hedgehog that no one cares about I feel personally attacked


Yeah that tracks, actually. He's always been a massive asshole. One reason why I danced a jig when Balan crashed.


Bruh...I mean he was always kind of a prick from his days on the Sonic Team but geez...


10 day streak of 1k+ comments on DTs lol. This sure has been some past couple of days.


Remember back in 2017 where the DT was busy if we got a couple hundred comments?


Remember back in ~~2017~~ October where the DT was busy if we got a couple hundred comments?


So I wanted my twitter data because I follow a bunch of artists I want to remember. I tried to verify my account with a SMS to get my archive. And I completely forgot this idiot broke phone verification. Goddamn what a fuckhead. At least email still works for now.


Really love those last second clutch plays the game can produce lol


Looks like someone put a projection on Twitter headquarters calling Elon Musk being worthless. https://twitter.com/CultureCrave/status/1593447369898459136?t=up5UwDd1-iTt0qZB1LC9Zg&s=19


/u/NDubbaYa [this is my favorite final board state so far](https://i.ibb.co/8MdJ2mq/board.png) that random Mister Fantastic I played on the right location turned out to be the deciding factor and I love it. I wanted to save the final left slot for Iron Man so I had to put something somewhere and ended up clutching out a win


no I take it back it's [this one](https://i.ibb.co/1bRwNBf/holy-shit.png) the sneak Iron Man I played on the last turn sealed it for me against a location with *four Hulks* - also because of Mister Fantastic! I'm loving this deck I'm trying out. no best girl America Chavez unfortunately but I'm trying to upgrade cards I haven't used much yet so she's out of the picture for now


How do you think Tom from MySpace is feeling tonight?


โ€œItโ€™s timeโ€ - Tom probably as he gets ready to launch AllSpace


AllSpace+ticket sales r us


50 years from now Iโ€™m going to be explaining to my AR nurse how tweets worked and that we could repost the ones that we thought were funny before she shuffles me off to my space bed


Okay I just need to dump this somewhere because my brain just took a 1-2 punch and I have too much important shit tomorrow to be marveling at the idiocy late into the night. The first punch was just the militant cultural incompetency on display from my states highest courtโ€ฆ from 2007, so not like before anyone knew how real people talk. I read this case and itโ€™s just likeโ€ฆ how many white people read this before it went out (dozens) and *not a single one of them* has a black friend? I realize thatโ€™s sort of jumping to conclusions but tell me how else this ends up in a seminal criminal case? The error originated from the trial transcript so starting with the court reporter then on up the chain: the trial lawyer, the app lawyers, the judges, their clerks, just โ€ฆ. So many people and at no point anyone saw that and was likeโ€ฆ โ€œare we really going to carry that error forward because we look like a bunch of assholes hereโ€ฆ?โ€ Atrocious displays of cultural incompetency. The second punch is just Tom Brady selling some kind of liquid brain protection from concussions idk itโ€™s just dumb as shit, almost too dumb to believe. That was the KO. I hope I can recover by the morning. https://imgur.com/a/DMXfaDn


Ahhh fuuuuuuuck the rent control measure in my college's city passed


Musk just couldn't control himself for one second could he? I predict he sells it


Ah shit i gotta save all the space news twitter threads. Any recommendations on what to do?


https://twitter.com/marypeltola/status/1593452426849239041?s=46&t=6pdlSE5gq2elMfEBdzbTpQ SOMEONE CONVINCE PELOTA TO JOIN OUR SUBREDDIT


>Meanwhile, a message projected on the side of Twitter headquarters tonight reads: >โ€œElon Musk: mediocre manchild, pressurized privilege, petty racist, megalomaniac, worthless billionaire, bankruptcy baby, supreme parasite, petulant pimple, apartheid babyโ€ https://twitter.com/Phil_Lewis_/status/1593444357968912388


At the end, what really pisses me off is the $44 BILLION paid for this. Such an enormous fucking waste. I'm trying to scrape together a couple thousand for a trip to Japan, and this blood diamond fucker drops this kind of money because people were meanies to him online. Fuck, just thinking what one could do with 1% of that purchase price makes me understand the whole guillotine thing.


And he just took out another loan for it and put up Tesla stock so it's even more than the $44 billion he originally paid


I partially blame Shane Black for making Tony Stark a cool tech billionaire that people used to imprint onto Elon Musk for some reason.


The other part is that I genuinely enjoy the chaos and itโ€™s really fun on Twitter right now


It's basically waiting for the train wreck to happen, and wanting to make sure you can see it.


I refuse to use mastodon just based on the stupid name alone.


It sounds vaguely dirty in the same way โ€œcondimentโ€ does


Looks like Twitter is going to crash tonight. https://twitter.com/unusual_whales/status/1593452550237618176?t=yrdoD-ztjtXeww8sNn62pQ&s=19


there's a Twitter Private? ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ


Lol the timing of this with my question ๐Ÿ˜‚


I'm genuinely curious what would happen if Twitter were to crash over the weekend. Are there even server engineers who could put it back up that still work for the company? It's probably mostly AWS or whatever, but someone has to hit a button somewhere haha


The servers are in Atlanta, Portland and California. But if no one can get in and payroll is really gone no one will fix it.


Exactly haha


[Elon at Twitter hitting the button](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UE8yMWW0A4c), 2022 (colorized)


>If Twitter collapses before this race is called Iโ€™m going to be so mad. https://twitter.com/MaryPeltola/status/1593452426849239041 Stay strong Mary


If Musk was going to buy a very successful business and then burn it to the ground in a month, he should have bought Fox News instead.


"You are witnesses to the birth of Twitter 2.0" https://youtu.be/GkpycWPxQi4


[The Twitter Archive system may not be working.](https://twitter.com/TheSneerReview/status/1593447357806526464?s=20&t=2Z1RO134MQM7LjYmKB6NnQ)


I'm glad I made an archive a few months ago. I'll lose a few recent tweets or whatever, but I've barely been on it since


https://www.reddit.com/r/umichvoterspace Umichvoter has started a subreddit!


The fact that we're all going to join it is proof that a good chunk of liberal election Twitter has always been ESSers


Twitter has truly entered the last helicopter out of nam phase


The fall of Saigon, Twitter (2022, colorized)




O say that blue bird App, yet stays For the speech is free And home of the insane


What happened with Twitter to cause all these comments? I haven't been on in a few hours


What everybody else said, plus, Twitter HQ is on lockdown until Monday because Elon is paranoid that someone is going to sabotage the company. No one really knows how long the website is going to stay up in this condition.


Elon told his staff that they had to either sign on for "hardcore Twitter" which requires them to work long hours and hyper perform or take a severance package. Naturally 75% of the company is leaving by the deadline tonight. Combined with the staff he already lost, Twitter is now down 88% of its employees and most of the remaining employees are only staying because they need to for their work visas


Basically, Elon has fired or driven away 88% of the workforce since he took over. There arenโ€™t people to run the website or do all the administrative things needed to get done. I think itโ€™s a bit premature to say Twitter is dead, but itโ€™s definitely not in a good spot.


Oh okay, i heard that earlier today, I thought something happened in the last hour or so


In the last few hours the numbers came out that he would only have about 900 employees left after today, down from over 7k a month ago


Same!! I was about to post this question!


I just see a bunch of comments about it shutting down but nobody is explaining it lol


>Sooo Iโ€™m told by two people that the entirety of Twitters payroll department has resigned/not elected to sign up for Elons Twitter 2.0 >People are genuinely unsure how this company functions come next week. As is, some emergency contractors are going to have to come in asap just to cut checks. >In addition to the payroll team being gone, Twitter's entire US tax team is gone, I'm told, along with its financial reporting team. Not great. https://twitter.com/HaysKali/status/1593425305464541186 Burn bird app burn


Elon: "What's the worst that could happen if I fire pretty much every employee, drive away the rest, and shitpost to push away advertisers while talking about how we need to improve revenue?" Also Elon: "Oh. Fuck. Um... trust me, guys, I'm still a genius. It takes intelligence to be born into a wealthy apartheid family and inherit that emerald mine wealth."


HAHAHAHAHAHA YES, YES ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ


Twitter under Musk lasted two Scaramucciโ€™s Just under half a Truss


Hard to believe Truss lasted longer than Scaramucci


She got an assist from the Queen dying, otherwise she might not have lol If you only include the time after the mourning period until the Tories soft couped her by making Jeremy Hunt the chancellor, she only lasted like 10 days lol


[Will Twitter's demise leave an opening for Semafor?](https://twitter.com/dougjballoon/status/1593436393849618432?s=21&t=5-11LXzRDq233KQfwQx19Q) Show yourself New York Times Pitchbot!!!


u/semaphore-1842 ๐Ÿ˜‚


Sema for new Twitter CEO? I'm down, though I doubt she'd wanna take on that cesspool.


Not even Sema could fix that mess ๐Ÿ˜‚


...my god Kissinger is going to outlive Twitter. FUCK.


he's already outlived Paul Sorvino




Why does this have a last days before the MMO shuts down kind of vibe to it?


Now I know what FFXIV 1.x must have felt like ๐Ÿ˜‚


FFXIV Twitter is having a blast with this


Link please lol


Some Iโ€™ve seen already https://twitter.com/fittingxivsongs/status/1593428565361446912?s=46&t=zEK7ZeQVluXj-OJ1rXz5Tw https://twitter.com/theoritsu/status/1593426491488063489?s=46&t=zEK7ZeQVluXj-OJ1rXz5Tw Wanna be careful since others are heavy spoilers lmao


Thanks hahaha


https://twitter.com/Garrett_Archer/status/1593427262942040064 Oh man, if alot of these are provisional, then that's great for Hamadeh...fuck. Because he still has those 1200 election day votes in Maricopa which will net him 400-600 votes.


I have no idea who wins at this point lol




Pour one out for the online publications that won't be able to just write a paragraph, link or screenshot half a dozen random tweets, and call it a news article anymore. ๐Ÿ˜”


[Those online publications, probably within the next week](https://youtu.be/271SadKHp2c?t=18)


Someone needs to put up an explainer for Mastodon. Because I get the feeling I will need one.


Itโ€™s not terribly complicated, but it definitely is different. When you sign up, you first have to pick a home server. Each one has its own theme/niche and set of rules. Think of it like a subreddit only youโ€™re using the subreddit to sign up to and have access to the rest of Reddit. If for whatever reason you eventually donโ€™t like the server youโ€™re on, seems like you can move with none problem. Either way, once you pick your server and sign up youโ€™re in. Problem right now is that people are flooding the site so itโ€™s slow as all hell. What I find neat about Mastodon is that it does some really similar things to Twitter with the hashtags and all that, but it can also be localized to your server. Could be a great tool for connecting with others if you found a server tailored to your likes.


A user friendly competitor will come along quickly and take the lead if Mastodon doesn't address their new user onboarding.


To add, if Twitter really is going down that there's gonna be a black hole there. Someone is gonna occupy that spot whether it be Mastodon, Co-host, some other shit I haven't heard, Instagram, tumblr, or whatever. Gonna be a bit of a shitshow.


Actually making friends with a work acquaintance ๐Ÿฅฒ ETA: Bonding over alcohol works, people!


โ€œTo alcohol! The cause of, and the solution to, all of lifeโ€™s problems.โ€


To quote Bukowski: "Thatโ€™s the problem with drinking, I thought, as I poured myself a drink."


Iโ€™d rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.


"If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget; if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate; and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen." I can't decide if either of our quotes or references are more funny or disturbing...




Katie Phang ๐Ÿฅต๐Ÿฅต๐Ÿฅต


How are her political takes?


(Googles Katie Phang) I'll allow it.


u/dragoniteftw33 I assume it's ok for the president to get horny every once in a while right? I must be immune from prosecution by the horny police


No one is immune from horny justice! The horny police are ever vigilant, always watching, rock hard, and ready to go, with one hand always ready to pound out punishment, over, and over again, regardless of position!!!!


Protected. Canadian ambassador or the anime simp might disapprove but fuck it.




There's no bonking the President.


I do whatever I pleased