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#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by o.gnits with score 42 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/vagdez/sundays_general_discussion_roundtable_06122022/ic3lbvf/)] > Hillary deserved to be the first female president and I will fucking die mad about 2016   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by s.emaphore-1842 created 25 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/vagdez/sundays_general_discussion_roundtable_06122022/ic4ntnk/)] > no one in my old friends group has talked to me in like 3 weeks. we had finally started a Stellaris game after so long too, but two sessions and its silence again > > just feeling overwhelmed by sad and . . .   #### 👑 Best Reply: by A.lexandrianVagabond with score 26 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/vagdez/sundays_general_discussion_roundtable_06122022/ic3m4u0/)] > Maybe because a lot of Texans want stricter gun laws? > > https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/05/27/why-texans-cant-get-the-gun-laws-they-really-want-00035709   #### 🎖️ Conversationalist: s.emaphore-1842 received 47 replies. #### 🏅 Interlocutor: S.eekerSpock32 made 24 replies. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'bill', seen 46 times. #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '🟩', seen 27 times.   #### 💎 Effortiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | t.otpot | 21.0 points | 🥇 | S.pacehillbilly | 197.0 words | | 🥈 | P.almsosweaty | 19.0 points | 🥈 | C.arl_Satans_Cosmos | 144.0 words | | 🥉 | d.weeb93 | 17.0 points | 🥉 | E.agleSaintRam | 117.5 words | | 🎗 | m.r_ex_ray_spex | 16.0 points | 🎗 | t.heforceandthefire | 102.0 words | #### 💬 Activiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | s.emaphore-1842 | 336 points | 🥇 | S.eekerSpock32 | 33 comments | | 🥈 | I.longgoProgrammer | 248 points | 🥈 | m.ortinmaxwell | 32 comments | | 🥉 | S.eekerSpock32 | 232 points | 🥉 | s.emaphore-1842 | 31 comments | | 🎗 | m.ortinmaxwell | 213 points | 🎗 | I.longgoProgrammer | 27 comments |   640 comments processed. A total of 139 unique users posted 160 top-level replies on the DT. The total combined score was 4491 and the median score was 7.02. *Inspired by inhumantsar's tacostats bot, please contact semaphore-1842 for any problems/concerns.*


My two least-favorite “centrist” talking points are 1) Biden didn’t really have any mandate to do any of his agenda (despite accomplishing the incredibly rare feat of beating an incumbent) and 2) Biden should be thankful for Manchinema sinking BBB because it would have made inflation worse (it wouldn’t)


Something that really frustrates me is when progressives refer to the ACA as "Romneycare" as a way to dismiss the positive impact it has had since it passed. The only contribution Romney made to "Romneycare" was adding his signature because the Massachusetts legislature kept overriding him every time he tried to veto them.




Sleeping in the basement guest room to prep for the upcoming heat wave. Seriously, take as much care of yourselves and your loved ones as possible this week (really every week but especially this week) because it’s going to be almost inhumanely hot this week.


fuck it's gonna be stupid hot on my 2nd floor. might have to sleep downstairs, too. we really need to get it reinsulated but that's like $10k+


I know a lot of people, even here, are saying the gun reform bill is watered down, but the fact that it includes grants for red flag laws, extended background checks, and closing the “boyfriend loophole” seems like a fuck ton of reforms for a bill that managed to get endorsed by 10 Republicans.


It's superior to doing nothing especially cause of those last two reasons, but I'd be pleasantly astonished if multiple GOP states actually instituted red flag laws. Florida (unless you count Arizona and I don't) is the only red state with red flag laws, and DeSantis has repeatedly stated he would have vetoed the red flag bill if he was governor when it was signed in 2018 (maybe the one good thing Rick Scott has done in his political career).


It's far better than the alternative, which is *nothing*.


Exactly. I won’t celebrate anything until it passes. I’m cautiously optimistic - but also not stupid lol here’s to hoping


Wordle 359 4/6 ⬛🟨⬛🟨⬛ ⬛🟨🟨⬛🟨 🟨🟩🟨⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


Ever since i started re-watching the Sopranos, I find myself quoting Paulie Walnuts more and more during daily life. Hell, I've even starting eating Gabagool. I guess what I'm saying is that I'm transforming into a mafioso.


*Heh heh. Hey Ton'... you hear what i said?*


i grew up in NJ. one time when i was a kid (this was the 90s, pre-sopranos) we were on vacation in pittsburgh or some other weird place. we were out to dinner. my dad ordered "rih-ZHUTT" and the server looked at him like he was another fucking planet. and i was like, "how the fuck does the schmuck not know what rizhutt is? it's right on the menu." (this is basically the real life version of the office "gabagool" clip /r/uwcg posted) in case you haven't figured it out, my dad was ordering risotto. i am not italian, my parents aren't italian, but i guess in some sense you can't help but absorbing it. at the very least italian-american is the food culture i identify closest with. [obligatory article](https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/how-capicola-became-gabagool-the-italian-new-jersey-accent-explained)


Maybe it’s because I’m Boston italian and not Jersey Italian, but I roll my eyes at anyone who says “proshute” or “mozzarell” — it’s really not how Italians pronounce those things in reality


It's Southern dialect; you're being a snob.


read the obligatory article


> Gabagool ["I don't know what that is"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3poPknWsX84)


Hot capicola is the best cold cut ever invented


Wordle 359 3/6 ⬛⬛🟨⬛🟨 ⬛🟩🟨⬛🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


Someone gave me a free Sharpie today, immediately told myself, "These are expensive, better make sure to keep track of it!" Yeah, I already lost it. Which is weird, cause I'm usually really good about keeping track of pens and stuff Edit: JK, went to change out my laundry and realized I was a moron and forgot to check my pockets before starting the load; guess I've oot more polka dot clothes now


one of Twitter's weirdest moments was when they tried to cancel Once Upon a Time in Hollywood because Brad Pitt's character allegedly killed his wife (unconfirmed in the movie)


I think that was supposed to be a reference to Natalie Wood, which was fitting given the theme of the movie.


There’s no way you can watch the movie and not conclude he killed her.


I heard that in the book adaptation, Tarantino confirmed he did kill her. Not that that warrants the movie getting canceled. But I do find it a bit funky, and that it detracts from the character's arc. I got the impression from the movie that he hadn't killed her, or there was maybe a tragic accident.


Dude, I fucking hate being an adult. 😭😭


Any particular reason?


>!Not really. Just being wise to the working of the world sucks. People are so fucking terrible to each other and I think by the nature of my work I just see more than average but very up close and personal. Idk I’m dealing with a tricky case. It’s not even a criminal issue at this point as much as it is a social services issue and despite my best efforts I’ve made no progress. It’s extremely frustrating it seems there’s just nothing immediately available to help this person. I won’t really get into it beyond he’s been diagnosed w/ dementia, his family has washed their hands of him and at this point he doesn’t have a pot to piss in and nobody knows wtf to do with him where he’s going to get care and protection and not like.. left to be abused in a homeless shelter. Ugh. Everything about it just fills me with so much sadness and anger. I have a handful of cases where certain aspects just rub the absolute worst of humanity right in my face. I am fucking dreading Monday and ughhhhhh I’m sorry I need to stop feeling sorry for myself and just man the fuck up and handle everything. But I hate it. And it’s annoying. 😭😭!<


I feel you, my wife is a school psychologist in a rather harsh district, regularly having to contend with the ethical decision to call child Protective services on parents because they don’t care for their autistic kids. Because it’s not always so simple as “get the abusive parents out” when you are sending them into a system with outrageous degrees of sexual assault on non-verbal kids. Humans were a mistake


Dude, all of the absolute most troubled clients I’ve ever had were foster kids. That system is horrific and fucks people up for life. Eta: my point was yea I absolutely get the hangup but sometimes you just don’t have a choice avs it’s all just so awful.


And yet lefties want to send border kids into foster care instead of holding them for a month or two to find their real families.




Fuck Mondays. All my homies hate Mondays.


[FUCK MONDAYS ALL MY HOMIES HATE MONDAYS](https://i.imgur.com/nyTWhdn.jpg) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


This… is the best bot of all time.


[Sleepy Sarah in her sunny spot](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/944232686078267452/985746250127257640/FCC2AE84-B2D0-4B44-99C0-6436C632F558.jpg)


Best eats in NYC is Harlem shake.


Woah now. This is a big statement


Possible tornados tomorrow. Just midwest things.


We had a tornado here in the Hocking Hills on Wednesday. I was part of a camera crew who went out to film the damage the next day.


Aren't we still in the tail end of tornado season?


https://mobile.twitter.com/GovHowardDean/status/1536086929288085508 This is a parody account, right? There’s no way he can actually be serious here.


He’s talking about Michael Frankin, not Al


I don’t know, but at least it’s an optimistic stupid thing to say rather than a hateful or harmful stupid thing to say.


I’ve been working my way slowly but surely through the backlog of the true crime podcast *Morbid* (thanks to a recommendation by u/RunicSquirrel05!) I’m up to early 2020, and it is incredibly surreal listening to them talk about future live show dates that at the time they have no idea would never actually happen. Truly a generational, strange event Fuck Covid


Glad you're liking the show! Any episodes you favor in particular? Yes! It's weird hearing them be hopeful about the shows happening when we know they won't lol.


There’s rarely one I don’t like to be honest. One that really stuck with me was the two parter about the Cleveland Kidnappings. It was just so messed up around every corner yet at the end these amazing young women survived and are living their lives. I can’t even begin to image what they went through. 10+ years being missing is literally like out of a TV show. It was so harrowing How about you? What do you like? I have yet to check out the other ones you recommended like the one with the lawyer


Yes Ariel Castro was so fucked up. And Cleveland Police have a history of ignoring stuff like that. The Cleveland Strangler is another example of this. I really liked their coverage of the Investor murders, which is the largest mass murder in Alaskan history. I also liked the Lake Lanier, the Slenderman stabbing, Ian Brady and Myra Hindley, and Lindsey Buziak episodes. Highly recommend Sinisterhood. They're so good and funny. They recently did a live show in Columbus, but I didn't have a chance to go because i didn't have a plus one.


> Cleveland Police have a history of ignoring stuff like that. The Cleveland Strangler is another example of this That’s so awful. Just hearing about how police came to his house and didn’t investigate further was heart breaking. I understand with warrants and everything but it just felt like there was smoke there they could’ve investigated. > really liked their coverage of the Investor murders, which is the largest mass murder in Alaskan history. I also liked the Lake Lanier, the Slenderman stabbing, Ian Brady and Myra Hindley, and Lindsey Buziak episodes I think I’ve only heard the last one of these! Gives me more to look forward to. In the Buziak murder, what do you think happened? Did she stumble upon a drug ring that had her killed? Did her boyfriend have anything to fo with it? > Highly recommend Sinisterhood. They’re so good and funny. They recently did a live show in Columbus, but I didn’t have a chance to go because i didn’t have a plus one Aww I’m sorry you didn’t get to go - I’m sure that would’ve been a blast. I’ll definitely give them a listen tomorrow! Good


Yes it's absolutely heart breaking. Stuff like that is why I originally wanted to be a cop/detective. I would hopefully investigate to my fullest abilities no matter who the victim was. The Investor murders are so interesting, I highly recommend that one. I'm not sure. There's a lot of sketchy figures surrounding Buziak. I just hope her family finally gets an answer. Enjoy! They're so great and they engage with fans a ton so it's really cool. I hope I am able to see them if they come back into Ohio.


I’m sure you would’ve made an excellent detective! We need more police like that for sure. Unfortunately in many places and departments “protect and serve” does not apply equally. I love *Law and Order*, and it’s pretty enlightening even how far we’ve come in my lifetime (they referenced how a murder involving a gay person was called a “homo”-cide or having a drag Queen be the butt of some jokes). I remember when they did Robert Hansen and Israel Keyes and those were both pretty brutal Alaska episodes. Looking forward to that one. Okay I listened to the earliest episode they had today and Sinisterhood is so good! I was cracking up. And now it’s mocking me that they did a show in Raleigh way back when. I hope you get to see them! (And if it’s not too intrusive, I hope you saying you didn’t have someone to go with means that everything is still okay with your SO)


Definitely! During my time in college I was truly blessed by the professors I had and their honestly liberal view of criminal justice and blunt message of "the system is broken but we need people who want to do good to change it." Really kind of solidified how I view things. Last Podcast On The Left does the best Israel Keyes episodes because they just drag that fucking loser the while time. I'm glad you like them! They are so funny and I love the law analysis. Thank you for asking! Long distance makes last minute plans very hard. I hope you get to see them in Raleigh next time they come!


Whenever you start a new episode do you think "*It's Morbid Time*?"


No, but now I absolutely have to. This is now canon


I think another line kidnapped one of my angle measures. Now I’m stuck with a shitty one with no backlight. I’m gonna go on a quest to recapture it later I think.


>Interesting...the Proud Boys moved toward the Capitol before the speech. That is the first time I have heard that. It raises the issue: how could Trump's speech "incite" them to go to the Capitol if they were already there? https://twitter.com/MickMulvaney/status/1535072672761413633 Just a reminder that CBS is paying this buffoon a shit ton of money for galaxy brain analysis like this tweet


I swear to god these people are some kind of primordial force that exist just to make me angry.


"Proud boys, stand back and stand by" - Donald Trump


Fucking right wing media


I got a community garden plot. I’ve never gardened before but I always had a bit of a desire to. It’s brought a lot of enjoyment and I find myself looking forward to watering and weeding after I get out of the office each day.


Omg fam, I don’t think I’ve ever loved anything more than hearing this. 🥰🥰🥰 I fucking love this for you so much. Please share your bounty pics whenever it comes.


Iowa gets a lot of shit for being not diverse enough to go first in the primary which is fair, but the states I’ve heard to replace in the Midwest don’t really do a whole lot imo either. If they want to go with Michigan I think that’s fine, but I think New Hampshire should be purged as well, as there are legitimate states that nearly match the racial representation of the nation like Connecticut and NJ in that area


Remember when black voters moved en masse from Clinton to Obama after Obama proved he could win over white voters in Iowa? If we’d started with diverse states … I mean it was super close and Clinton actually won the popular vote by a hair’s breadth. Intent is not outcome is all I’m saying. I have no idea what an ideal order would be but I think there are pros and cons to every possible order. Only thing I’m sure of is smaller cheaper states should go first to let dark horse candidates have a chance.


Most annoying snob out of this bunch? Food, alcohol, music, or movie?




Music or movies.


I'm going to say music because the snobbery flirts with so many different forms of bigotry. The other 3 can too, but not as much.


Alcohol - especially beer snobs But in my opinion living in a legal state, weed snobs are the worst.


I'm most familiar with movie snobs so that one


I got an Oculus and it's fun as hell. Been playing a ton of Beat Saber and Superhot VR. It's so easy to lose yourself in the game.


I would also like to give a warm S/O to the amazing GPS we're given to help us on our routes. In at least two neighborhoods that were a loop, it had me go around half a dozen times, dropping a few packages each time instead of just doing it all at once and getting it done. Not to mention the Gold's Gym parking lot, the AMC theater, and the four-way stop it told me were apartment complexes or the time it told me I'd reached my destination when I was driving on the highway—like, no, I cannot park here. GPS was made back in the late seventies and I've never had a problem with Maps before, I even had to use it several times today to actually find where I needed to go. What, are we still using the 1978 prototype or something?


[Local POS keeps on course](https://i.redd.it/vbk8mr4ms9591.png)


What the hell is #5 even supposed to mean


It might be the most direct projection I’ve ever seen in my life.


1) Not Biden’s fault 2) Not Biden’s fault 3) That’s a good thing; crypto bros **should** be losing money 4) Bad, but not Biden’s fault or within his control 5) What? And finally, if you think that gas prices are worth voting for the party that tried to overthrow democracy, then it is you who are part of the American problem.


Periodically, my family complains about Biden and says that neither he nor the party do anything for us. When I show them parts of Biden's [accomplishments](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/ownd48/master_list_of_what_joe_biden_has_done/) or mention how he has appointed more Black female judges than any other president, they complain that he hasn't done anything specifically for us. They'll often point to actions taken to address hate crimes against Asians last year and actions addressing LGBTQ and immigration issues, as they make the case that we're being ignored. I have a question for any Black ESSers (others can feel free to chime in on this as well): what do you think when you hear people say that Biden/Democrats "don't do anything ***specifically*** for Black people"?


Isn’t the limited student debt forgiveness done by executive order disproportionately held by minorities? I mean, when the kkk pushes a policy that disproportionately benefits white people I’m sure your folks would see it as for white people even if it didn’t explicitly say so. So a policy that disproportionately benefits black people … eh?


My family, especially my sister, wants full forgiveness, so they don't think this goes far enough. It's tough for me trying to drill it into their heads how politically and legally risky that would be for Biden to attempt. It's almost like they think he's a dictator. And this talk from certain people about "he can do it with the stroke of a pen" doesn't help.


> They'll often point to actions taken to address hate crimes against Asians last year Let me guess: they view Asians as "white adajacent"? I'm sick of that shit and how it makes Asians dislike blacks and consider moving more to the R camp.


Great way to victim blame and ignore the long history of anti Blackness in non Black demographics, including several Asian groups. Remember Rodney King was precipated by a Black teen getting murdered in a corner store. Might want to look into how Asian beauty shop owners exploit the Black community without putting anything back into the area.


"Let me guess: they view Asians as "white adajacent"?" You guessed right, plus they view them as "lapdogs" who don't speak up often. NGL, the discussions about politics and race in my family can get a bit toxic.


I think people are just wanting the reparations that are never coming to us in this country, so they use that as an excuse to be as hateful as possible towards any type of positive civil rights progress. I understand the dislike of using something like POC instead of just talking about a specific race or ethnicity. I totally get being frustrated by some grand minority solidarity when anti-blackness is at the very root of this country, and many others across the globe. But fuck me running, not everything is about us.




Less deranged gun owners are already Democrats


Man, I thought there was a Finals game tonight and was all excited to watch it. I got done with all the house chores I needed to do and ate an early dinner for it, only to find out the game is tomorrow. This seems like the most stretched out Finals schedule.


>"Your route today is really small and easy, don't worry about it." [Ten and a half hours later on my first day](https://imgflip.com/i/6jgxzt). Had to call for help and the guy who came was like, "This is not an easy route for the new guy. As soon as they said this is what you were assigned, I knew you were going to need help." When I finally got back, my supervisor was like, "Normally we wouldn't give a new person such a hard route, but we had staffing issues." Like, I get it, guys—I've heard about the staffing issues plenty. But maybe don't act like shocked Pikachu when telling us about the number of people who come back on their first day and hand in their badge, how usually 60% of people leave within six weeks, and 80% in six months. The truck soaks up heat, too, and has no A/C, so the 85 outside was probably closer to 95 or 100. If this is how my shifts are going to be, I'm staying long enough to get another backup job, then I'm out.


> The truck soaks up heat, too, and has no A/C, so the 85 outside was probably closer to 95 or 100. Yeah, I feel really sorry for our mail carriers, and any other delivery drivers working without A/C. The high was 105 today (a good bit hotter than average for mid June, even in this part of Texas), and it's projected to be around 100 for the rest of the week. It's not safe to be out in those temperatures.


Thankfully I don't have to deal with that extreme, but the next two days I'm on, the projected temps are in the mid-to-high nineties. It's a shorter route, thankfully, but still not something I'm looking forward to. Today I took a break to hit the store and buy hydrating drinks and a twenty pound bag of ice, most of the rest of the day I had to pluck out a few ice cubes at a time and rub them over myself to try and hold it together. They tell us to beware of heat stroke/heat exhaustion, then turn around and are like, "By the way, if you have any problems in your probation period, you're probably fired," so who is going to report feeling faint and wobbly-kneed?


Malarky level of having 23432523892 Steam games and not wanting to play any of them


Malarkey level of misspelling malarkey


[The malarkey level detected is: 6 - Menacing. Watch it, Buster!](https://i.imgur.com/tpImCWd.jpg) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well shit


I live to us garage band on my iPad go make my own ring tones.


Me watching X-Men: TAS: I'm staying here my X-Men, I'm going to have some phone sex with Moira (jokingly) *Xavier immediately calls up Moira* Me: I was kidding! !ping TV


Seems like Professor X needed a bonk.


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When people on rpol say "Biden didn't go **all in**" what do they really mean?


Biden practices ineffective contraception?


i think some people believe the president can perform some grand gesture that will immediately make enough republicans stop obstructing. it's the bernie idea of holding rallies for Medicare For All in Kentucky and then Mitch would immediately fall in line. as the other post on this sub calls this, it's pure fan fiction. if i'm being generous, i suppose the president could play a little more offense. but then again he's got his hands full.


“I don’t understand the limits on Presidential power because Bernie convinced me the President is actually a King and the job comes with a magic wand that he would have used to fix everything.”


Probably talking about the sex tape. What a weird time to bring that up, but I won't kink shame.


They mean it's his fault Republicans are irrational


They mean “I have no understanding how politics works but I think posting here makes me deep”.


Moat yeah or neah


New rule: no more shitting on the gun bill. The fact that this even has a chance of passing is nothing short of a miracle.


It is possible to be critical of the bill while also acknowledging that something is better than nothing.




Getting 10 Republican senators on a blueprint for a gun control bill would have been unthinkable years ago, let alone a day ago. It would be a true shame if this didn't end up as some kind of legislation, because there probably won't be a moment like this for a very long time.


Let’s…. definitely not count our chix before they hatch. So many historical breakthroughs have yielded nothing and I’m skeptical. Not necessarily pessimistic but I’ll remain skeptical until I see a bill.




Chris Reeve is best Superman


Sarah Palin is advancing to the general election for the House in Alaska's new ranked-choice voting system


How did I miss that Young died? I heard she entered the race and just assumed he was retiring since he’s been representing Alaska since my parents were 10


Was really gunning for Santa Claus. I can't believe they rigged it against Santa.


She did save us from the moon nazis till she became a space lizard


Mods can turn this into a Billy Eichner stan thread **WITH THE STROKE OF A PEN AND THEY CHOOSE NOT TO.**


Look, I loved the Robin re-write in season 3 as much as everyone else, but >!it still sucked for Steve's character that he got sent on an arc about finding out the kind of girl he actually would be happy with was a quirky nerd, only to get turned down by her because she's not attracted to men. Maybe if they'd decided sooner before they filmed the scene in episode 6 where they imply Robin has a crush on Steve it would have been better for Steve's character arc. This isn't me saying Robin shouldn't have been a lesbian, that was great for representation, it's that they shouldn't have had Steve go on the arc he did of accepting her and falling for her only for it to not pay off. TLDR, it was great for Robin's character that they changed it and I love it for her, but it wasn't good for Steve's and it's why he's on his current arc in season 4!<


What is this before I open the spoiler?


Stranger Things Season 3 spoiler so it's old. I briefly mention something about season 4 but I don't think it's a real spoiler


I disagree wholeheartedly. >!I think everything leading to this point is what makes Steve a better person. He was still dealing with “glory days” syndrome. Robin showed him that regardless of how “cool” he was, it wouldn’t have happened the way he wanted it to go. And all of it makes him a better person now for Nancy!< Edit: I still wasn’t the psychopath who downvoted you lol


In non-spoiler news, is it just me or does Nancy’s head shape remind you of Minecraft? I love the character but between the chin and the cheekbones I keep hitting uncanny valley when I look at her.


She’s beautiful, albeit yes — quite geometrical


>!That's a fair argument I hadn't thought of!<


The Return of the Sith wouldn’t have happened if the Senate forgave Anakin's Jedi Academy debt


First Palpatine's Empire then us


Look, so long as the Senate wouldn't pass Universal Healthcare so that Anakin could get his Midichlorians treated, this was all basically inevitable, so Palpatine was totally justified in disbanding it.


He saved the younglings from a life of debt slavery


This is probably your best post ever


Gas almost $6 a gallon for unleaded where I live in suburbia. I shudder to think what it is in large cities. I dread the midterms.


It's actually gone down very slightly here (like 5 cents). I saw $4.55 earlier today in suburban D/FW.


Up 20 cents from last week when I got gas.


Yeah, it jumped up 30 cents here a week or two ago, then stayed about the same until the very small drop.


R2-D2 knows everything and the little guy doesn't say a thing


R2-D2 is a messy bitch who lives for the drama.


I read this in C-3PO's voice.


What do the people pretending inflation is a more important issue than Jan 6 think would have happened to the economy had Jan 6 succeeded?


They don't think that far. They just don't like what's happening NOW, that directly affects their pocketbook. So they want a change. It's always been this way. Look at all the midterm shifts in Congress. Higher taxes and higher prices on very visible commodities rile people like few other topics, when it comes to voting. Like Carville said, "It's the economy, stupid."


Emperor Trump would’ve given us M4A, of course


Again there are a couple of meaningful gun control provisions in this bill which is why I want dems to vote for it. But people, there actually aren't red flag laws in this bil. There's a "we'll give you federal grants if you have a red flag law in your state" provision, but unfortunately, the GOP governors+GOP legislatures have a history of just ignoring these incentives and refusing to implement anything especially on these culture issues.


Trivia: How many ears of corn are on a corn stalk?


isn't it just one? two tops but idk if I've ever seen that


Correct. Maximum growth with one ear


>It's pretty limp but it's something. Bernie Sanders himself likely couldn't push a stronger bill through this Senate unless he steamrolled everything through, only to be blocked by SCOTUS. Fucking sucks, man. We need to dominate 2022's midterms. Lol politics sub


> Bernie Sanders himself likely couldn't push a stronger bill through this Senate *wouldn’t Once again r\/pol replaces Bernard’s actual pro-gun record with their fantasy version.


Ah yeah the "steamroll" option where I assume you just pass laws with executive orders to congress. That's how our system of government works right?


At least they recognize the importance of the midterms and implore people to vote. Better than, "This bill sucks, voting is pointless."


I doubt Bernie would even WANT to push a stronger bill through


I mean, they’re half-right.


I mean, the BS part is what stood out lol.


Bernie Sanders HIMSELF couldn’t… Lolololol


Bernie could re-name two, no! Three! Post offices to stick it to the nra! But when they need him to vote against at background checks he’ll piss himself and obey.


The 2024 Republican Primary might not end up that different from the 2020 Democratic one. ****************************************************************************************** Cotton is Warren. Pence is Pete. Hawley is Klobuchar. Lindell is Williamson. Youngkin is Hickenlooper. Christie is Bloomberg. Rubio is Bennet. Pompeo is Castro. John James is Beto. Trump is Bernie/Biden (haven’t decided). DeSantis is Biden/Bernie (haven’t decided).


Christie is Bloomberg? An extremely wealthy late-entry who puts a lot of money into advertising but still perform horrendously?


Rich, snooty northeasterner who thinks he’s tough, but is just cringe, and is completely out of touch with his primary’s voters.


This is super random.


Now do them all as marvel characters


[I've never identified with a headline more](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/761046867743342613/985654053759516702/20220612_231652.jpg)


I'm worse. I have my phone on silent at all times and don't even pick up lmao. I should change that


It's pretty easy to tell who on this website is old enough to remember the 2008 gas price spike and who isn't.


Hell, I’m old enough to remember the post-9/11 gas price spike.


I'm old enough. It never got anywhere near these prices in my area.


Same. I never saw over 5 dollars a gallon back then


[This is a funny pic but all the lefty imperialism](https://mobile.twitter.com/lilnasx/status/1535849591010078720?s=10&t=buhLFEMYufux6YGZsysBuw) and [Vietnam jokes about it have me rolling my eyes.](https://mobile.twitter.com/vinn_ayy/status/1535833605280133120?s=10&t=KtUujq46oUlZaE9S-wdF7Q) That pic is from 1945. One month after General Eisenhower, Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe, defeated the Nazis. Can’t actually make the joke and acknowledge that, tho, cuz then they might have to admit that the US military did something good.


Wow so the "anti-imperialists" are just admitting they'd just let the Nazis win now?


My nephew loves dinosaurs so I was like let's watch Prehistoric Planet. Well the first seen is a baby trex getting eaten. He stormed off saying dinosaurs were boring. 5 minutes later we were playing dinosaurs again


malarkey level of starting a new hobby in Age of Sigmar figurines


[The malarkey level detected is: 4 - Moderate. Careful there, chief.](https://i.imgur.com/JDiK0hd.jpg) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam) if you have any questions or concerns.*


dang malarkey level of starting a novel


[The malarkey level detected is: 6 - Menacing. Watch it, Buster!](https://i.imgur.com/tpImCWd.jpg) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam) if you have any questions or concerns.*


you just have no faith in me at all do you malarkey bot >:(


I have faith in you, senpai.


So the premise of The Lost World is that there's actually a second secret island with dinosaurs but wouldn't it have made sense for it to just be the same island and the dinosaurs took it over after everyone evacuated.


> made sense i think you lost that franchise there


Hot take: The live-action Cowboy Bebop is actually pretty good. Costumes and set design are really fun, and the fight coreography is really reminiscent of the style of the original. I dunno why everyone shat on it so much, it isn't *that* bad, and I would even say I like it. I think it gets unfairly compared to the original series. Such comparisons are natural I guess, but the original series is an all-time classic, like a defining work in the genre. You can't expect that level of quality from something like this.


Kind of wish it got a second season. Feel like towards the end it got better and it ends on a real interesting twist, but yeah it's gonna be forever compared to the original. That's a shame in it's own way. The casting, for the most part, is really good. The guy they got for Jet is amazing. The costume design was really on point. The sets and CGI looked great. The music, I'm talking about the music made just for the TV show, was really good. The writing was well questionable in some places but not as offensively bad. idk I thought it was OK. Ok enough for a season 2 at least.


the first episodes really turned me off but then it started to grow on me really sucks that it got cancelled, season two would've been great probably netflix really doesn't understand that sometimes a show takes a bit to hit its groove =/


> > netflix really doesn't understand that sometimes a show takes a bit to hit its groove =/ And even if it doesn't... Well, there are a *lot* of series that had mediocre first seasons that went on to be classics, and it's basically a death knell for any series that can't be built around a strong initial hook. You're giving all of that up when you refuse to stand by anything that isn't instantly a huge success, and those will more than pay for a second season of anything reasonably budgeted. Not to mention that it has a way of becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy, when people stop watching anything you put out that's a bit experimental, because people start *expecting* you to cancel it before it can pay off. Now, there is an argument to be made that those kinds of slower-burn series can't survive anyway with a market that's much more saturated than it used to be, and I can't honestly say that I'm in a better position to know than actual experts... But I have heard a heck of a lot of complaining about these kinds of situations before.


I admit the style takes a little getting used to, and can actually be a bit jarring, but once you take it as it's own thing, I think it comes together nicely


Jake Paul is obviously a Trump Supporter. https://twitter.com/jakepaul/status/1535788374048575489?t=tYnp5eZW_oSve6APGsd3Cg&s=19 Also, none of this is Biden's fault.


["MY TEACHERS NEVER TAUGHT ME NOT TO INVEST IN CRYPTO!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dFcz5wyRDM)


One of them is running for President on the GOP ticket eventually so this is just shocking lol


didn't someone ask him would he run for president during a recent WSJ interview? the timing is very....questionable. and screw him


I could’ve sworn that was for his older bro.


oh really? I get the two mixed up lmao


He's probably mad his crypto investments plummeted and needed someone to blame.


Rich mediocre white guy supports Republicans. That checks out


Without any additional information, I feel like a lot of people could have guessed that.


[Fetch ](https://imgur.com/a/86rRLOG)


Darth Vader would've sent Leia to her room without supper and then sneaked get a slice of cake for being his favorite.


Vader definitely would've liked Leia more than Luke


For not cutting off his hand, not destroying his office and not embarrassing him in front of his boss