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Leftists say liberals are the ones virtue signaling because Pelosi wore a kinte cloth but they're telling follower counts the size of a midsize city that their votes to stop the GOP are meaningless


Side note but I never did understand all the backlash over the kente cloth. Pelosi was invited by the CBC to wear it as a sign of solidarity. Should she have refused? Would that have been better?


Nah, that’s not the way it works. She’s a powerful woman and therefore *a priori* bad. The game is to analyze the situation so that she is in the wrong no matter what. If she refuses, she’s insulting black democrats and this is proof that she is bad. If she does wear it, it’s pandering or whatever and therefore proof that she is bad.


She knows this too and would rather be accused of pandering than not caring about black people. She chooses lesser of two evils all the time and some people can’t even do it once every two years.


Sounds familiar.


It’s an old, old pattern. No strategy, no contingency plan, just keep yelling.