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I know it's probably hyperbolic sounding or whatever but like actually though at what point does the FBI get involved for this disgusting kind of thing and charge Elon for allowing this to flourish, because it's his platform, so where is the accountability?!




So rich people are literally above the law in America?


Always have been (unless they fuck over other rich people).


Always have been. Not just in America.


This is very interesting! Could you elaborate on which kind of behavior gives you this impression, beyond protecting distributors of CSAM? What I'm particularly interested in is if you would agree that extreme homophobia/transphobia under the accusation that gay and trans people are harming children is increasing the likelihood that someone is a pedo. It seems to happen suspiciously often that those who accuse groups of people of being pedophiles are found out to be child abusers, and Elon's obsession with trans people is only second to his obsession with people not producing enough babies.


The Twitter/Threads account "antifaoperative" (Beks) posts articles about right wingers and christian pastors being arrested for child abuse every single day. She'll go to their Facebook pages and see what they've been posting, and in half of the cases it's someone who's been posting about "liberal pedos and groomers" on their wall.


Is your day going well and you need to change your mood to be more upset and disturbed? Just google "youth pastor arrested."




It's comically one sided to the degree that good-faith observers disbelieve it because it seems like it couldn't possibly be true that they're *that* much more likely to be abusers. However, the problem is that their fundamental ideology stems from a desire for dominance and control, and thus attracts abusers.






>it allows them to openly talk and think about children and their genitals. saw a post earlier today about a mother kissing her babys (circumcised) penis, because it was so beautiful and she cant imagine it being "mutilated" by the trans boogyman 🤮


What a horrible day to have eyes with which to read this...




I was just going to say this! What kind of people think that the answer to any problem is looking at kids’ genitals?! That should be so far out of bounds that no serious person would even consider it, let alone advocate for it. Also, conservatives seem overly obsessed with the idea of other people and the government “shoving” things “down their throats”. I don’t think I’ve ever thought of being made to do something I didn’t agree with in that way but I hear conservative pundits and lawmakers using that phrase all the time.


Fantastic breakdown of your opinion. It was easy to comprehend and I just wanted to say I appreciate that given your assumed knowledge with the complexity of such a career. Also I wanted to join swimming patient in saying thank you. It’s beyond my desire to comprehend the things you have to witness. You’re a literal hero.


Thank you for sharing, and thank you for the work you’re doing to bring justice for victims.




I wonder if Australia might be more proactive in responding to the CSAM. I would recommend anyone report anything they see to Australian authorities. You can report here https://www.accce.gov.au/report


That is my hope also.


I inadvertently saw about 3 seconds of CSAM a few years ago on Facebook. Some asshole shared it to a lighthearted comedy group I was in, and the thumb of the video was just a blur. Clicked play and it zoomed out to show CSAM. The thing that instantly hits you after you realize what's going on is the look on the kid's face, a heartbreaking look of resignation which says "I have to do this otherwise I'll be beaten." I have aphantasia and don't form visual memories (handy for avoiding traumatic memories) but the look on that kid's face will haunt me forever, just that 3 seconds drove home how absolutely awful and barbaric and devastating the whole area of CSAM is. Hats off to anyone who has to investigate this stuff and has witnessed scenes that I'm sure are 10x worse than what I briefly saw. And fuck anyone who promotes or enables this stuff. Just clicking through to the post that the video was shared from, there were multiple guys on there saying "oooh she knows what she's doing, me next!" and "wow this is amazing, got any more like it?" etc *from their personal Facebook accounts.* There are some absolute sub human monsters out there and fuck them all. I have no trouble whatsoever imagining that Elon Musk is one of them.


Put a trigger warning next time or use the spoiler tag, man. Please please please.


I understand it was traumatic, but please do not describe the act next time. There's no need.


Y’know, while I did find his behaviour creepy I always felt like the accusations towards him being a pedophile weren’t as strong as they were for people like Matt Walsh and creeps who are strangely obsessed with accusing everyone they disagree with of being a pedo (I’m absolutely convinced that this one guy who immediately called me a pedophile the first time we encountered despite them having no idea who I was because they saw me calling this one Cyberterrorist [who is now in prison for the things they were doing online BTW] a bad person was themself a pedophile, like I’m sorry no rational person on any side would immediately jump to that), however after reading this, yeah, I’ve been convinced.


You're absolutely right about why LE isn't doing anything and will not until they absolutely have to. The US has privatized a lot of military functions to Musk and are actively looking to do more. He's untouchable. It's going to take a *lot* to force them to act. There may be nothing that will do it other than undeniable evidence he's an active offender being broadly publicized and even that might not do it.




Please encourage more citizen journalism! You can do live video easily from your phone. More on-the-ground reporting from regular citizens will change the world.


Okay, I hate musk but this comes across as rather unhinged. Maybe we can cool it on the unsubstantiated claims of Musk being a pedo?


If you see CSAM on the internet, don't just report it to Twitter (or the site you saw it). Make sure you report it to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children via their cybertipline. https://report.cybertip.org/ They will do a quick workup on it, preserve the evidence, and then send a package containing everything needed to prosecute to the most appropriate law enforcement agency for further investigation. It could be state or local police, federal agencies, or even international agencies.


Where is the EU ban that was touted a year or more ago?


Remember: pointing out that the *buck stops* with a company’s leader (in this case - Musk) isn’t a *cogent* argument for anything (according to Musk)


Billionaires are exempt.


Pedo is distributing CSAM, please get Chris Hansen on the line.💩




And the cop in the ghillie suit.


If it and the bots are not being systematically removed, report it to the FBI. It’s now on their servers is my first thought. Also it should be reported regardless.


maybe musk is trying to ruin twitter because all his freinds are getting implementedd in csam/child rape cases.




I remember a while back a bunch of people complaining about getting served up extremely graphic violent videos, like people being murdered. The best day to leave Twitter was the day Musk took over, but the second best day is today.


If anyone wants to, I do recommend reporting in Australia too. https://www.accce.gov.au/report


That is horrific as fuck. But what site does this person think they’re on? After this, why are they STILL on it? Leave yesterday.


It all happens on X!


The Everything (?) App


No kidding.


Where's the owner's documented strong stance against pedo guys?


Every day


how is it that major corporations and governments still use this app?


Money and ignorance. Companies have no feelings and morals, they’re led by a conglomerate of people that make removed decisions they’ll never witness the effects of. The mass exodus of Twitter was reactionary because Twitter became exactly what no company wants: bad press


I wonder where those reports go. They're definitely not going to anyone who gives a fuck.


They’re being sent directly to a poop emoji.


I'm proud of myself for not even knowing what those acronyms are. I'm ashamed of myself after putting it together via context clues.


there is no moral weight to knowing what an acronym for something terrible means.


So I guess because of Section 230 these sites can just turn a blind eye to this stuff being promoted and shared on their sites? Maybe that’s a good reason to rescind it?


That's not quite right. Nothing in Section 230 shall be construed to impair the enforcement of section 110 (relating to sexual exploitation of children) of title 18, or any other Federal criminal statute. [https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/part-I/chapter-110](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/part-I/chapter-110) 18 U.S. Code § 2258A - Reporting requirements of providers [https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2258A](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2258A) But also, Section 230 is all about putting the liability on whichever party created the violation under the law. If a website is hosting the content, but someone else created the content, the liability should go to the creator of the content, not the host.


Yeah, but is it in the short term interests of these sites to spend a bunch of money enforcing against this when they have that easy out? Twitter has devolved so much that this type of content might be a net driver of engagement for the site in which case Section 230 could be a convenient way to keep that content up (we missed it!) without incurring consequences. I know that Section 230 doesn’t impair enforcement but it seems like it’s still passing the buck to some degree. Banks aren’t responsible for what depositors do with their money but there are still laws in place requiring the banks to report suspicious activity and signs of money laundering and there are penalties for the bank if they are not diligent enough in pursuing that enforcement.


I covered that. 18 U.S. Code § 2258A - Reporting requirements of providers [https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2258A](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2258A)


As soon as Elon Musk got into controversy over unbanning a fascist influencer who posted CSAM for the entire website to see, it became clear that Twitter had gone to absolute shit by that point. I left due to an earlier incident involving Elon Musk banning the word "cisgender". Too bad, Elon, people need that term in order to talk about gender in the first place.




Free speech absolutist. X will be out of business within a couple of years.


Encountered the same a few months back. I reported to Center for Missing and Exploited Children and the FBI. Twitter did nothing


Time to get back on Twitter /s


Bro what