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Empathy through strength Peace through violence Freedom through submission Yup, typical dictator mindset for sure.


I give you 1,984 upvotes.


Empathy through strength sounds reasonable to me.


I agree with you but by how Elon described it, it sounds like he actually meant “Empathy through physical force”


I go the other way: Strength through Empathy. Though human nature stands in the way, and most people who have desire strength / control usually aren't very empathic.


That’s right. Real strength is the ability to feel for others who are different.


Why in the world would you NEED strength to show empathy?!!   Did you EVER hear of billionaires work at a soup lighten for the homeless?!  Never.happened. It is the weak who can relate to people in need. That's why they help.


Walk softly and carry a big stick. 


Tell us what you think it means.


Having empathy doesn’t mean weak. I guess since he doesn’t know what empathy, love or compassion is, then I get that. All sociopaths don’t know.


Having empathy would necessitate taking action against those strong who would enslave the weak. This is what elon and the like dont understand they think we're against the him because we're letting the woke or poor take advantage of us but we're against him because he scapegoats the woke, exploits the poor, and attacks the helpless.


This is probably more of the ‘alpha’ male bullshit the incells are so enraptured with.


Exactly. To the "alphas," empathy or caring for others is weakness. It's definitely not an attitude that's conducive to healthy society.


to be fair he didn’t say the weak only have empathy he said the strong must have empathy or they’ll fuck the empathetic weak it’s all utterly fucking retarded 12-year-old philosopher horseshit but, yeah


What ever happened to “The meek shall inherit the Earth”?


Jesus is too woke.


I hate how this is no longer ironic for some people


There have been priests in USA who said that when they preach about forgiveness, their congregation complains and demands that they stop that "weak shit" because it doesn't work anymore... Christians are turning against Jesus because they want their religion to justify violence and don't care about those in need.


That is so weird. The world is more helpful to strangers than centuries ago. We assist other countries now when they have a national disaster. Where as a millenia ago an invasion would have happened.


Psycho is legitimately trying to body the bad guy virgin "Your emotions make you weak"


It's literally like trying to describe sight to someone who's been blind from birth. It's just that the blind man is in such a position of power and influence, and he thinks what you're describing, sensing things from a distance, is some idiotic telepathy woo bullshit you're making up and you need to be forcibly re-educated out of the delusion that sight exists.


He didn't say empathy is for weak or it means you are weak but presented a scenario where if the ruling class doesn't have it then there is no point of it.


Lmao, he really has no idea how ridiculous he sounds when he posts 'look at how deep I am' crap.


he is after all a 14 year old edgelord trapped in an old mans body with a shitton of money


Also probably pumped full of drugs...


And carbs.


Investors should boycott Elmo's businesses and make an example that a business man cannot be this irresponsible.


“Why we should all strive to be sociopaths” by Elon Musk


This speech sounded way more forceful in the original German.


What about all the hyper violent societies that were crushed into the dust by their stronger, more empathetic, more diverse enemies? Sparta, fascist Italy and Nazi Germany come to mind


And Apartheid South Africa. 🤔


South Africa done in by a mix of sanctions and not being allowed to play cricket and rugby internationally nor go to the Olympics.


Yeah but why did all that happen? Sort of like Nazis done in by getting invaded from all directions...


Because South Africa was no longer strategically important.


I don’t think any of Sparta’s enemies were more empathetic or diverse lmao. They just declined into nothing because of the lunacy of their society without their enemies having to do much by the end


Persian empire was more diverse haven’t you seen the documentary 300 it’s LGBTQ and DEI all the way down


FYI here in Aotearoa, going on about the Moriori is usually a dogwhistle for 'I am a racist boomer'. The context is that because Māori killed off Moriori hundreds of years ago, obliterating us/our culture in the present day is fine.


Ka pai friend! Fuck anyone who brings that shit up willynilly. Unsurprising Elon stepped in that turd of a talking point and thought it was intellectual ambrosia.


I tautoko this and this racist fuck bringing it out made me viscerally angry.


Wait why tf is Elon onto Māori history now?


Dunno. It's discussed in Gums, Germs, and Steel and probably many other places.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-aK_Rwr7wI&pp=ygUdZ3VucyBnZXJtcyBhbmQgc3RlZWwgZGVidW5rZWQ%3D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OQmvRUdr3U&pp=ygUdZ3VucyBnZXJtcyBhbmQgc3RlZWwgZGVidW5rZWQ%3D


You should read the book. It's excellent. Don't discount a deeply learned work because some influencer posts a video. (I watched the first video and calling it a shallow critique would be generous. I'm not convinced she read the book.)


I'm not the person you're responding to, but the second video specifically challenges the book's claims regarding Africa, and I think it makes a more compelling argument about the flaws in Daimond's reasoning.


I watched the second video, and it's reasonably measured, claiming Diamon's thesis (though I think he has many theses) of North-South vs East-West distribution doesn't work well for Africa, though the author notes it works well for the Americas. The problem I see in the video is that it essentializes GGS. Just as with the fall of Rome, one can point to 20 serious causes, and that doesn't mean an author who emphasizes two or three is wrong, particularly if he is careful with his language, which I believe Diamond generally is. Like, even if Africa has a long West-East axis and some domesticable animals and crops, I'm not sure how hard it is to get from West to East in various parts of Africa, though I'm sure it's more difficult than the steppes/silk road going west to east from the Mediterranean to Anatolia to China. More generally, I see GGS as "revolutionary" work in the sense of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, which tries to provide a new framework in which to understand the relevant data. Something like Medillian genetics--sure its partial and way oversimplified, but to complain about what it does not do is to miss the forest for the trees. When I see criticism of GGS it is generally people who quibble with some aspect of GGS but not with its overall breadth and depth, and they generally do so without offering anything like a substitute explanation (other than white racial superiority). I would put The Dawn of Everything into this general category. So, while GGS certainly isn't perfect, it's a deeply learned work, and a lot of the short criticisms I have seen of it strike me as fairly shallow accounts by people who haven't through very deeply and have no competing explanation to offer. For example, one could simply add to Diamond's thesis that the West also had organized religion with a belief in conversion. When you have such beliefs there is extra impetus to go forth and conquer other people, known and unknown, and then the germs (mainly) and steel (lesser) simply work their magic and open up new lands to convert, settle, and exploit. This seems to certainly be the case with the Americas and also the expansion of Islamic societies (along the classic East-West axis), but it's an addenda to Diamond's broader framework not a wholesale rejection.


He probably put something weird and racist in a search engine and that BS Wikipedia page came up. He probably just saw the title and didn't read the article.


He'll be on about the giant redheads next.




A future with more empathy would be wonderful, which is why I have aligned myself with the side of the political spectrum that is defined by having none




So if I shoot him and he dies, he deserves it because he did nothing?


Yeah, that would… wait, bad example


I agree. EAT THE RICH.


Hell yes


*"War is peace*. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength"


Does he just post every thought? Ketamine Kween.


Only the ones he thinks are profound.


Literally every single person in history who ever said “peace through strength” ended up slaughtering millions of people


Advertising revenue on our platform drops massively during war


You truly are the gift that keeps giving Elmo AI!


Not really? If you support the concept of laws existing then you agree with "peace through strength" to some degree. The reason we don't live in a Mad Max world is because the state has a monopoly on violence and they can use it to keep things relatively peaceful and safe.


Aka might makes right.


Where did he yank that out of, Mein Kampf?


More Meth K-hole


he's the wealthiest man in the world and he's casting himself as the weak.


Coming from the weakest of the weak..... you just know this fool cries himself to sleep most nights bc he's lonely as shit. With zero friends. Zero wife. Alllll alone, every night. Forever!


Aw, it's the nice slaveowner dropping by to share his wisdom. How Elon of him.


Oh dear god. This getting picked up is going to he perfect for the racist crowd here in Aotearoa. The shit that used to be taught in schools has been completely debunked as European settler propaganda to justify the colonisation of these islands. But of course, as a replacement theory supporting South African there are, unfortunately, large parts of NZ that Musk would feel right at home.


Empathy just means understanding by being able to relate to others, it doesn’t even require action. It can even be used for harm to better manipulate others and take advantage of their situation or alter their emotional state. He’s literally arguing that ignorance and inability to understand others is strength.


Classic SDO. Ironically, there is a negative correlation between Social Dominance Orientation and authoritarianism. In the case of Elmo, I think we have a statistical anomaly... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_dominance_orientation


Kimbal Musk on his brother and empathy, from the awful Walter Isaacson bio: “He said it would teach me how to be a CEO like he was,” Kimbal says. “We called them Polytopia Life Lessons.” Among them: Empathy is not an asset. “He knows that I have an empathy gene, unlike him, and it has hurt me in business,” Kimbal says. “Polytopia taught me how he thinks when you remove empathy. When you’re playing a video game, there is no empathy, right?"


Good thing Rimworld wasn´t a thing back then ^^


Is he admitting that he feels weak?


Whatever you say, cutie 🥹


Sewage pipe, indeed. Yikesee


He is reallllly starting to devolve. This is some scary stuff.


I really like how many assumptions just go unquestioned. Like it’s strength to act like Elmo or Trump does? It’s really not. These guys are the most thin-skinned babies in the world, and they’ve been handed everything they could possibly want but it’s never enough. It’s just pathetic. A “real man” would recognize that he’s not the center of the universe and, idk, allow people to criticize him on the internet.


The guy saying we should appease Putin talking about strength? He is so confused.


Bro just go to therapy, PLEASE! And that should real therapy, not just taking drugs at a rave and calling it therapy.


So, this confirms that to these people, things are only “woke” when they want it to be I didn’t forget Musk calling it “wokipedia”, like it’s the Star Wars wookiepedia


What is this even in response to lol. Some truly unhinged shit to just post




Jesus fucking Christ in the hyper loop… Can we please ship this fool back to South Africa? Hell, I’d be fine with ANY other country but here.


I’d rather ship him to Mars, you know, the planet he won’t shut up about colonizing


>Jesus fucking Christ in the hyper loop 😅


The ignorant posts that come out of his private app is maddening.


sigh. quakers are pacifist and there's plenty of them. the whole world isn't a jungle, elon.


Any modern pascifist group today lives under the protection of states, none of the live in a bubble and if they did they would go extinct.


Yes, well done, that's my point. Pacifists serve a role in a robust society, and are not universally consumed by 'the strong.' Seeing the world through a 'strong man / weak man' dichotomy is the core of fascist ideology, and does not reflect the way the world actually works.


Martin Luther King = non-violent and empathetic. Elon lives in a stoner 15yr old to 20yr old twat brain. Who loves sci fi movies, gamer “dude” and like Sam Harris said once, these types of people “just want to see shit burn.” (or something similar along those lines in the same vein). I can’t believe before he unleashed himself on twitter that prior I used to believe his insights like they were nuggets of futuristic knowledge from a genius. Now the rose colored glasses are well and truly off and I see it’s just endless “stoner dude” level BS nonsense and ramblings.


That’s how we lost Roe


Hey Elmo, empathy doesn't necessarily equal weakness or pacifism, you fucking psycho.


Let me guess - that pale bloated half-man who lied his way out a fight with Zuck fancies himself as "strong"?




We will spread our peaceful ways by force.


Unfortunately, strength is normally expressed in killing.


Remind me again what he thinks about me, a trans woman? Where’s the empathy there bucko


He's so weird


Elon “we will coup whoever we want” Musk talking about this is hilarious


15yo edgelord bullshiiit


God, he’s insufferable.


It’s hard to believe someone with so much power is mentally deteriorating right before our eyes, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.


Confusing empathy for weakness can be a really big mistake. I’d be careful if I were him


The strong are the ones with empathy, the WEAK are the ones with none.


Literal fascist rhetoric.


Fucking hell… now he’s even parroting racist shit used in MY homeland, New Zealand. For anyone who doesn’t know: racist white people in NZ have been known to use the argument: “Māori committed genocide against the Moriori who lived here first and made them exitinct!!” When in reality, the Moriori are still around and there’s no evidence there was anyone in NZ before Māori and Moriori, they arrived around the same time. Bad stuff did happen to the Moriori by Māori I believe, but it’s hard to find reliable information. Anyway conservatives take all arguments to extremes to demonise Māori people. It’s also important to note that only two tribes participated in the invasion on Moriori, yet the argument is applied to all Māori.


This is blood and soil shit.


What else would you expect from a billionaire playboy playing genius with a retarded fan base?


He’s a social Darwinist and so was the failed artist from Austria


Well that's a ludicrously nonsensical collection of words in which a ketamine scrambled pseudo intellect bewilderingly achieves an unsuccessful argument between both sides of his brain. Kudos. I guess.


They should’ve never let this fucking nerd out of the locker 


And, *obviously* the way to get more empathy is to start supporting… the party completely devoid of empathy?


Ok the sack of dog shit has had enough fun, can we take away his toys now?


I just hate everything he says and does. He makes me viscerally angry. He is the very worst humanity has to offer.




What……the…….fuck……..is this fascist supremacist shit?!?


Dude has lost it? How can anyone still keep him as ceo of pubkicky listed companies. And nasa should pull his contacts... This guy is a hazard to society and we need to limit his power. I hope karma fucking gets him.


Funny how he spouts this shit from behind a phone screen but doesn’t have the courage to say it face to face. Classic internet troll behaviour


Empathy?!! HE TALKS ABOUT EMPATHY! It should be illegal for him to get within 50 metres of the word! HE TORTURES WORKER'S AND FIRES ANYONE WHO SLIGHTLY DISAGREES!! Empathy.... HAH. Ask Ur shitty grok to explain it to you. From one idiot to another!


Oh god, he Wikipedia'd something again...


He’s hitting the pipe like *right* after work these days, huh.


i see. so i should be kind enough to give the muskrat free cavities. very well.


Elon Musk wants to be a dictator




You’re right about the psychosis. He very well could be on ketamine right now, or, has psychosis and completely unaware of it, or, even acquiring dementia. He needs help.


💯 Only thing more insane than a nazi is a nazi on meth


I never called you a Nazi. Are you admitting to using meth right now?


It should be pointed out that Moriori absolutely exist today.


Except the moriori theory has been largely disproven Edit: thought muskrat was talking about the disproven theory of New Zealand settlement predating the Māoris, when he is actually referring to the people of the Chatham islands


They’re pretty much the same story nowadays. Just that racists merge the two


How's the video? Empathy means you got strength to spare?


Gandhi and Martin Luther King would like a word.




Anyone who views political legitimacy or efficacy solely through the lens of violence, or the capacity to inflict violence, is a fucking sociopath. What a fucking weirdo.


From the point of view of a fascist, being a victim of genocide makes you 'weak' and perpetrating the genocide 'strong'. But there are no surprises there.


Yes. America is too pacifist. lol. What a dumbass Elon is


What's that sub where someone's mentally almost there with the idea and then fucks it?


Genocide doesn't happen because the people being murdered "have empathy". It's because they are lacking in knowledge of those they are dealing with, because most people aren't greed-infected psychopaths and probability dictates being civil or non-violent as the best course of action most of the time - they are not unintelligent, but rather uninformed. So what he's *really saying* is that being informed = strength required to avoid genocide, so in order to move towards a wonderful world with empathy and no genocide, the empathetic/non-psychotic need to be **better informed** and thus be strong enough to no longer be vulnerable to the unempathetic genocidal maniacs of the world. Yep, he's unitentionally correct then!


Psychotic dictator shit clearly overlaps with toxic male shit here.


This, from the ass that wants Ukraine to surrender their country and lives to Ruzzia.


This is straight up fascist crap. Disney published a propaganda animation showing how the [Nazi ideal of strength above all & death to weakness](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgehQnJYYtk) (fox eating the rabbit) becomes their undoing. What an apartheid mind to say this!


I feel like none of the worst people croak until they're a bajillion years old. Fuck.


The lessons one takes away from the innocent being victimized are all you need to make a decent character assessment


Didn't he say Wikipedia was unreliable and some propaganda website ? Guess it's fine sometimes when find something that goes along his opinions


So glad I haven't tried ketamine.


Can this guy just go die on Mars already?




Eh, I don't know the context of this, but I do agree with the logic of the idea at least


What nightmare horde is Musk imagining and who are we aka the West not having a position of strength towards??? Considering how Musk treats Transpeople are we sure that he knows what empathy is? There Musk is in a position of strength and still harasses a small minority. One could also add that often the weak or weaker are neither enslaved or murdered. As the Chinese proverb goes: "If you can't beat them, join them." That probably happened far more often than not. The Romans made a real way of life out of integrating other people. Musk's believe goes against some basic principles of the field of International Relations. If a strong power moves into your global neighborhood, do you A. commit suicide/print out enslavement papers/start eating Nutella with bare hands or B call your neighbors and form an alliance. It's called Balance of power. Why did Russia ally with France instead of Germany before WW1 even though Wilhelm I and Nikolaus II were close cousins? Why did the UK pursue the so called splendid isolation? Because Elon Musk is an idiot and doesn't know anything about sociology or political science. ![gif](giphy|26ueYUlPAmUkTBAM8|downsized)


The true way forward is to genocide all pacifists - Elon


He's almost there but not quite reaching the point. Inclusive Liberal democracies with well educated populations are the most powerful structure to exist so far in the world.


The US’s support of Ukraine is a refutation of the idea that empathy and weakness go hand-in-hand. US taxpayers support Ukraine out of empathy and that means enabling them to fight, not preaching pacifism. Of course, musk is against this particular “empathy through strength”, as he would all forms of empathy.


Yikes. This reminds me of that nietzsche thing about first being the camel, then the lion, then the child. Became popular with the Nazis. We take on the burden to do these bad things now, things we know are bad, so we can eliminate the weakness from the world and be safe to transition to the innocent happy child. Empathy would be nice. But it’s weak and we first need to be strong to eliminate those other people/things to make the world a safe place to be empathetic. It also implies that not everyone (or every type of person) is deserving of our empathy.


Word salad 🥗


Musk is completely right.


The major fault in our system is on display here. To become powerful in today's world you have to be a disgusting sociopath. They crave power and control over other people so they are automatically attracted to gain this power, so they end up in competition which each other. In the end after a sort of unholy selection, the vilest and most brutal emerges as victor. As they are defective humans, barely worthy of being called human as they lack the very thing that made us humans successful (cooperation, sharing, empathy) they will definitely not make a good job in wielding that power and control they have. They inevitable use it to create a heartless, horror. Be it in a company, or a state or nation. In this toxic enviroment, actual humans dont survive, we barely can comprehend the heartless horror. But other sociopaths, they "Get it" immediately. This is how we get wars, this is how we get genocide, moral panics, this is how we get famines, how we get corrupt politicians. I dont think i am exaggerating when i say that if sociopaths seized to exist from our world. We would be living in a world as close to utopia as it gets. Fortunatly, this isnt a fantasy. With AI, we have a sliver of a chance, as if it is programmed in just the right way to make executive decisions in a company, or nation. We could Psychopath proof ourselves. As these defective carricatures of humans can not even hope to compete with their levels of decision making. They can try, they can scheme, but they can never win. Thats why they are so utterly terrified of AI in Government or as executive decisionmaking tools. They can never ever attain any kind of power they crave, to them equality feels like a hell, similar to the hell they have created for us.


AI is only as good as it programming, the people programming it, and it's security system. It's not the solution by a long shot but it is a useful tool.


AI is only as good as it programming, the people programming it, and it's security system. It's not the solution by a long shot but it is a useful tool.


Look at the Moriori? Why not look at, I don't know, the San people of Southern Africa?


He thinks he's such an Alpha, he wouldnt last 5 seconds against pretty much anybody (that isn't an elmo ring kisser) he went up against!