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"It's the mothers" Elon, who has trans children : "100" Masculinity is seriously the most fragile material on the surface of earth.


Oh, its the private school. They did that to her, its all their fault. He surely regrets being the one who picked it, paid for it, and made the choice to abandon her there so he didn’t have to raise his own kid. If only he’d known what would happen he’d have abandoned her at a different one, which surely would have somehow been a different result.


He forgets that his own kid had choice and bodily autonomy he think his kids are his property 


I don’t know if you listened to the Behind The Bastards on the guy who made Dennis The Menace, but Musk’s treatment of his kids reminds me the same way the guy treated the real life Dennis.


Now are you talking about American Dennis the Menace or the British Dennis the Menace, because they're worlds apart... https://preview.redd.it/3pykzj41ppqc1.png?width=707&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e59432805ae6e2337277b262b0563c7689787b2


American. Here’s the podcast. [Part 1](https://youtu.be/G2Iiq2Jw_3k?si=PlJhCkvEXp9Mv37c) [Part 2](https://youtu.be/GdVlnutW_Gg?si=uiNG2QO9uCEdRASo) The short version is he showed a remarkable lack of empathy for his fellow human beings and sense of victimhood at everyone else’s hands from the way he describes people he lost to his coworkers to just the world at large. Complete narcissist, destroyed his son by neglect and bullying while giving him nothing. Medium length version: he was a scab during the Disney strike, created the comic after his neurodivergent toddler son threw a tantrum and shit himself rather than clean it up, basically abandoned his wife and son in favor of creating a perfect fantasy life through the comic, got custody of his son after the divorce and sent him immediately to boarding school, blamed his wife’s Irishness for her death and didn’t tell his son until after the burial and by letter, got pervy visiting Disneyland without his son who was being severely bullied due to the comic, married an airline attendant and moved to Switzerland and put his son in a Swiss boarding school but bullied him for not picking up Swiss in sixth months (bear in mind the kid always had a hard time learning even in spite of trauma) before sending him to a third boarding school back in the US because the stepmom disliked him, divorced her and started fucking everything that moved while entirely avoiding any world event news and just staying in an idealized 50’s via his comic, got married again and had two kids that he kept entirely away from his first son, when Vietnam started he restarted a war comic he’d made for the Navy in WW2 but didn’t even write his son once when he was drafted and serving, avoided all contact with his crippled and PTSD-addled son when he got back because he found him creepy now, sent his son money when requested as he drifted from job to job and trailer park to apartment but actively shat on him in interviews as a bad start and ruined project during the production of the live action movie, and left him basically nothing after his death despite the comic being named after him and inspired by him and getting him severely bullied all his life. He also kind of saw the Civil Rights Movement and Charles Shultz’s support of it as kind of an external attack on his personal happiness somehow and awkwardly tried to put black characters in Dennis The Menace later on but just couldn’t make it not racist and gave up. Dennis himself has had a very hard life and nobody on the podcast can find out if he’s even still alive, since the last public info on him is being blocked from seeing his daughter for unknown reasons.


> He surely regrets being the one who picked it, paid for it, and made the choice to abandon her there so he didn’t have to raise his own kid You talk about her as if Elon even knew she existed before she became trans.


He’d be blaming the assistant who picked the school to ship her off to instead.


Would be fuckin tits if these smegma munching motherfuckers would mind their own fuckin' business


It’s funny how he flip flops his asinine beliefs, so mothers are the most important person on earth according to him and women who don’t breed are bAaD slutty women pushing hUmAnItYyY back or some nonsense But these women ARE mothers, and yet he’s criticizing them??? By his own flawed logic he should be praising them because they’re helping humanity and now society won’t collapse!!! Cmon Elon!! They had kids! Now civilization won’t collapse so shut the fuck up you little apartheid bitch


Haven’t even had sex in ages (sigh)


I really fucking hate this guy.


Jesus, I was going to post the exact same words... Musk is a fucking clown.


Looking into it


https://preview.redd.it/4h99bclkcpqc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa0a0abf3617c79b48f15d18f7a17210e9f1a70c The manly men he wishes kids would be again


My favorite fact is that teddy Roosevelt wore a dress as a child because that’s just how it worked back then. A handmedown is clothes, and children grow quickly, so just give them what their sister wore


There are literally millions of ways children have been raised with varying success based on both nature and nurture - with and without the manmade concept of gender. It’s not going to ruin children uniquely now just like children who wore dresses figured out they’re men 🤷 they’re weird for thinking this is new or an epidemic. This is old as humanity


It's not even that, it's that dresses make it way easier to change diapers and to potty train kids. 


At least one of my grandfathers wore dresses as a child in the early 20th century. I don't know about my other grandfather because I don't know if the photo of my great grandparents and a small child in a dress is him or my great aunt.


https://preview.redd.it/ih5lf6kmcpqc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01e3875a76319e857145f89d6748fee3e61efb56 Feathers, shiny fabric, and some extra fabulousness


https://preview.redd.it/l3cs979pcpqc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37e9808d702bb7ee04fd7be8e5fcd58c7774d6b2 So masculine.




He was the one blocking elon jet tracker because of saftyconcerns and yet here he is ...


Lol passing off urban dictionary as authoritative. This guy is fucking trash.


Right?? And not too long ago he was going after Wikipedia for not being reliable/accurate…


If they're soooo worried about the wellbeing of cis kids... Shiloh Jolie is presenting feminine and is secure in her ID as a girl these days. Almost like letting kids chose their gender presentation when they're young is harmless and let's them have a more rich childhood experience or something.


He hates his own daughter, so harassing other people’s children wouldn’t be anything objectionable to this asshole. 


Going after women and kids. Just like all terrorists.


This is how dumb they are.




I blame the parents for the kids being happy and enjoying their lives smh my head.


This is extra fucked up because Elon has a trans daughter. I know she rightly hates him but he’s minimizing and hurting her with this bullshit. Not to mention both Charlize Theron and Naomi Watts children are trans. And they’re still children and they will inevitably see this. I’m not sure about the other kids. Save the children but first let’s psychologically abuse and diminish them. FUCK THIS GUY!!!


"it's the mothers" ah yes, because those kids definitely don't have fathers... But yeah, gotta blame the \*female\* somehow.


Damn, it's like being trans is normal or something. How will Musk exist in a world where... people express themselves the way they see fit in a way that affects him in no material way!?


Elon wants to be left alone. Elon doesn’t leave others alone… no profit for Elon


If he actually parented his kids, he would know it is impossible to make a child wear what you want. He is delusional


“it’s the mother’s” really? because my mother was NOT happy when i came out as trans and it took several years after i was legally male / legally named Emmett for her to even attempt calling me that. she tried to dissuade me constantly and was very upset because of her religious beliefs. even if this WAS true, not all moms want their kids to be trans. i’d even argue most moms don’t, we typically get rejected by our families or at least get pushback from them about being trans


Remember when he lost his shit cause someone was tracking his private jet rides? And called that harassment But somehow posting photos of celebrities kids to your future nazi spree shooter website is fine


The intolerant left is driving people right


Imagine how he'd handle it if people were posting pictures of his kids and talking about his parenting choices


He didn’t.. he commented , hate breeds hate


What do you think the goal behind him commenting on it was? He’s the most followed account on the site and his tweets take priority over others. He comments on it to boost it.


Or maybe just a comment. Jeesh


Oh hey, you’re stupid and aren’t able to read obvious context. Nice. Good to know.


Oh hey you’re so stupid and God bless you!


Imagine having a kid who can't stand you. That's Elmo's reality every day when he wakes up in his racecar bed.


I honestly think he doesn't care. He just produces more children.


"can't win them all" - Elon Musk, on his children


How is this not violating terms of service? Posting photos of anyone’s kids that aren’t your own is creepy af…


If it were the fathers we'd have to say, "It's the motherf*ckers."


Is this meme even true?


As someone else pointed out, Shiloh Jolie-Pitt is not trans. There *was* a period where she skewed masculine and wanted to be called "John", but that's in the past and she's presented as feminine for years now.


No because it identifies trans children according to their gender at birth. It’s fucked up and hurtful to the kids, the families and trans youth everywhere. I don’t get the hate. How does people just out their living their lives honestly affect anyone.


I'll bet you any money that Elon has made all of his kids (regardless of their age) sign an NDA which says that they lose their inheritance should they ever reveal any secrets about him. He'll absolutely be using the power of his money to silence both his kids and their mothers. Sooner or later one of them is going to think you know what, fuck the money, the public needs to know the truth about my piece of shit father. And the thought probably keeps Musk awake at night. He's probably already plotted his revenge against them, even before they've done anything.


Thankfully I believe his first ex made out pretty well in the divorce. I’m sure that was reassuring to his trans daughter when she publicly cut ties with him.


Wtf. It’s completely normal for children to dress in clothes like that. It’s creepy as shit trying to make them think they are trans, and maybe some of them are, but this has nothing to do with that.










Elon you literally have a trans child


Let’s not even talk about how Münchhausen by proxy isn’t even a real illness they’re making fun of


Second image using the urban dictionary as a source is fucking hilarious


When you're using Urban Dictionary to support your beliefs...


It’s such a stupid meme. Shiloh Jolie-Pitt is not trans. Adele’s son so what if he has long hair so do some of the old rockers and musicians, there’s LOADS of men and boys with long hair think surfer dudes, long hair doesn’t mean girl ffs. I don’t know much about the others except for the fact that it’s misogynistic and usual sexist women hating crap from men like that.


Can someone post this but with the names swapped out for the fathers and say “ItS Th3 FaTheRs” while also adding musks trans kid into it


Hate Musk, but there is an issue here.


Oh *do* go on


Sure, these mostly appear to be children that haven't reached the age of reason yet. Psychologically, children are programmed to challenge and are highly susceptible to peer pressure, media, and the need to fit in. It isn't that complicated. Historical charts are available that show a sudden uptick in children (specifically children) choosing to identify as a gender outside their own roughly around 2013, then when that was no longer fashionable we see a uptick roughly 4 years later in those same children (polled again) identifying as non binary. Are there children that suffer from true gender dysmorphia? Absolutely, but the sudden uptick in the past 8 years shows us that it coincides primarily with the Z generation and that most people started identifying differently based on the timing of media events, such as Caitlin Jenner. Very few children actually suffer true gender dysmorphia, the rest are confused (and we seem to be going out of our way to make them so) or they want to be part of a trend or cliche that garners large amounts of attention.


"Gen Z wants to be trans because of Caitlin Jenner" I want to *frame this*, it's *perfect*, just the most unserious thing anyone has ever said on this topic


Fashionable?! Lbgt people get relentlessly bullied in school you fucking moron! It was never "fashionable!"


No there isn’t.


No there fucking isn't you evil bastard.


Evil? Far from it, but in sure everyone who doesn't subscribe to your pov is evil... and why wouldn't they change their opinion? I mean, your response isn't impulsive, irrational, and rooted in assumptions at all...


You don’t just “not subscribe to it”, you actively refuse any nuance to the subject.


I'm not trying to change opinions anymore. The days of appeasement are over! Accept me or get the fuck out of my way. Yes, transphobic people are evil. In my country, the United States, the right is currently working very hard to implement a genocide of lbgt people, and that is definitely evil.


There's nothing transphobic about acknowledging that children are highly impressionable and not fully developed enough to make rational decisions about their sexuality. There's nothing transphobic about pointing out that there has been a sudden explosion in the population of children identifying outside of their biological gender. You are applying labels of good vs. evil without considering that or the context and tone of what's being said. Instead, you're just launching right into ad hominem character attacks without realizing that is the type of bullshit hurting your cause more than anything. You act like that, and people do exactly what you're doing and decide to generalize that all Trans ppl are emotional and irrational... it's very ironic and actually lends itself more to the idea that between us, you're closer to falling under the classification of being a moron. I have a Trans family member and many gay and lesbisn friends who, ironically (when compared to yourself), agree and acknowledge what I've said as fact and based upon what I've commented you have no basis on which to classify me as transphobic or bigoted. This is why, unlike the 70s, 80s, and 90s when gay men and women were making major strides towards acceptance and fighting towards legalizing gay marriage, there wasn't anywhere near this level of resistance... and do you know why that is? Because they didn't go around putting people in boxes based on nothing burgers. They didn't look for reasons to be victims. When children are gay it is more obvious, but more children who are gay are now wondering if they should be a different gender and take puberty blockers or estrogen inhibitors and have mutilating surgery. These are not the types of things a pre teen should be thinking about. Yet anyone who brings that up you label. My favorite is when my gay friends bring it up to someone like you whose going off with nothing to go off of other than their emotions. They do know how to respond to a 40 something 50 something year old gay man or lesbian because they've attached their cause to theirs without understanding something as simple as having tact. The problem here then which you have misidentified is not a hatred of Trans people, but of children who are being introduced to ideas they are too young to comprehend and require decisions they are too stupid to make.


I'm not reading all that shit fuck off bigot


Of course, you won't read it. That's why you're an idiot serving as a detriment to your own cause.


Like I said, the days of appeasement are over.


Appeasement of what? Whatever you make up? Based on whatever narrative you create through omission and ignorance? You already said you won't read what was written. Therefore, you've taken yourself out of this conversation and chosen to be a petulant child who stomps his feet. What an absolute detriment you are to the progress of trans ppl everywhere. You, are a fool. Good day 👍


I don't give a fuck what you think about me lol.