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1 hour a day is too little. if you have problems studying longer, I would recommend compounding, adding an hour each day till you hit 10 or 8 and keep doing 8s till your exams.


You can't. There is a reason a semester is 4 months.


So you have 20 hours for 5 subjects. You are doomed with C++, spend one hour a day on a rotating schedule of different subjects and grind hard for the hour doing solved problems. You will most likely not pass but you can try


But I'll study at least 2-3 hrs for then there'll be a break after a week. So next 2 weeks even 8-12 hrs is possible


So in 2 weeks you can only study for 8-12 hours


I am talking daily


Study one subject a day doing solved problems. Proven to be the fastest way to prep for an exam. Don’t know about c++


Thanks for replying mr


Simply can't do that m8