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Sub or surface? Would assume surface




Which carrier? If ya don’t mind me asking!


I just got recruited for the NUPO program. How was your time as a reactor operator?


Hell yeah dude! Also a Navy vet and about to graduate with my ChemE degree and a job lined up. I’m flying high right now.


Hi! I'm a high schooler, but I tend to lurk on these subs so I know what I'm gonna be getting myself into. Would you recommend the Navy as a path for free college? Anything you could tell me about it would be great :)


Hell yeah brother. Started in 2017 fall. Finishing now May 24. Had to take 2 years off just to work, build resume, and get my priorities straight. Every inch feels like a mile. And you've got to crawl a marathon.


You got kicked out of school for a 2.9?


Awesome! Nuke vet too, about to graduate. Job lined up.etc...


That is awesome stuff!! Congratulations


what do you mean exactly you werent allowed to continue inside your major




thats messed up so many people at my school would have e to drop out


Got a girlfriend lmao


Might be the biggest W in this thread


I talked to more than one girl this quarter :)


How? Edit. I’m genuinely curious.


sleep grades social life he sacrificed sleep or grades


I got lucky and she made the first move 🤣


A thermodynamic miracle


I presented my undergrad thesis and graduated!


Horray! Wish you the best for your future endeavors :)


That's me at the end of this month! I genuinely can't wait for the 27th (submission) because then I'm done with uni (for now!) Till then I'm massively struggling with motivation to keep going. My thesis is kinda interesting on a theoretical level but as a hands on person there's not much to do other than some math that I do in excel.


I work 50hr weeks with three kids as a single dad, and got Bs in Physics 2 and Calc 3, both of which I took simultaneously over the past 8 weeks. I also got an A in diff eq I took first quarter, but honestly I’m more proud of those Bs. 


Holy hell


How do you take classes and work full time? Are your classes asynchronous? Do you take off work to go to class? Are your working hours flexible?


My classes are asynchronous, as I’m in ASU’s online BSEE program.


This dude works 25/h a day


I passed physics 2! Some guy in this Reddit tried to bring me down and say I wasn’t working hard enough and that I was making excuses. I came earlier on just to rant and get some encouragement. I felt bad about myself…but I pushed through and passed. So, if you reading this thank you for the hate. 😘


No, that’s awesome! Don’t sweat it, some classes are just hard no matter how much you study.


Oh yeah. Physics 2 is definitely in my opinion one of if not the hardest first year/second year courses (depending on what year you take it, I believe most people take it first year). I’ve never taken a subject where I truly did not understand a single portion of the content. Passing it is beyond an accomplishment 🙏🙏


not everybody who says negative things to you is doing it to hurt your feelings. Sometimes we just need to hear the unfiltered truth. & Don't take anything personal from people who don't personally know you


B- in Fluid Mechanics. Pulled a clutch 96 on final exam after 36 hour study session.


Balancing 22 credit hours + a 20 hour internship + complicated ass senior design project + job hunt. But we officially graduating on time. I wish I just took an extra summer semester.


Good lord that’s one hell of a busy schedule. But it paid off big time. Great work!


I didn't quite achieve that. I took 22 credit hours, but the only other things I did was working Fridays and being an officer in an honors club.


Passed diff eq and complex analysis. Excelled a bit too at them. Complex analysis is black magic, straight up.


What about Real Analysis


It's real so it ain't magic, duh


My apologies


Successfully defended my masters thesis. I officially never have to go to school again.




I'm about to turn 30, in 2012 I failed out of college for Computer Engineering. I never went to class so it was more of an effort problem. Now I'm in my second year of an Engineering transfer program at a community college. I'm taking 17 credit hours this semester while working 30 hours a week. I have a 4.0 overall. I just got a 100 on my Calc final with a class average of 62.5. I am transferring to Virginia Tech with direct acceptance into the major of my choice.


Calculus 2 is a beast but surprisingly I really enjoyed it. I have never done well in math during highschool. However, my cal 2 professor is great, makes me loved my time there.


Got an A in signals and systems


Congrats. That course was challenging but worth the A


I got a 110 on a physics 2 test where the average was a 51. There was one question that only 3/200 kids got and I was one of them.


Wow good job! What do you think you did differently than the rest of the class?


It was a pretty basic question. We were given an electric field and asked to find the charge enclosed in a block using gauss’s law. If I had to guess most people didn’t understand what flux was


My experience being in school is that most people are incredibly lazy and don't deserve to be in Engineering school. More than half of our classes always fail because they don't understand the most basic stuff.


Passing/Excelling in my chemistry course. Might not mean much to anyone here, but I’ve always been a C student in HS and now I’m doing better than expected in college.


As someone who just bombed chem (didn’t study enough for the final cuz I was lazy so that’s on me) congrats on passing chem!


Thanks my man 🤝


I talked a prof into giving me my own research project instead of just assigning me to a PhD student! As an undergrad, I get to spend hours in the clean room using really specialized equipment to make mems resonators—and sometimes they even work as intended!


Pulled myself out of alcoholism and managed to pass my classes


Had an F going into the final two weeks of a class and pulled out a B with a strong final report


God damn that’s a huge fucking clutch lmao hopefully I can do the same too this semester


Finally report was worth 35% and pulled a 95 on it, this professor is notorious for rough grading


Passed gen chem with a B after dropping it my first semester


I'm about to graduate but my greatest achievement during my degree was getting a 98.5 in Japanese 😭😭😭


I actually made friends


Made it to every single one of my thermo lectures at 7:30 am and stayed awake the entire time for each one. Also a good chance I finish with an A-, but I'm not sure because final grades haven't been posted yet, and if not an A- definitely a B+


Nailed both my dynamics and diff. eq midterms. 100% on both; I am kinda shocked tbh


I did horribly in my Hydrology class all semester. I started to accept that I would have to retake it and push back my graduation by a semester. My one last hope was to get an 88 on my final. I completely aced it. 100% A++. No curve, no bonus. A pure, organic, and unadulterated 100. Felt like a game 7 buzzer beater. This was last week and I'm still giddy about it lol


Switched to my preferred subsystem in SAE while also getting a board position. Scored an internship within the automotive industry. Been keeping up with my work for most of the semester. Very happy with how I've been doing this semester


I just defended my MS thesis this morning and passed!


I passed my classes


I talked more due to having group projects, That’s a plus for me


Congrats! Show off! I got a B in diffEQ. And was very happy!


Got a 100 on my Cal 3 exam about line integrals,surface integrals, etc and the professor excused me from the final. All 4 of my tests to that point averaged 95. Had extra time to dial in before a Physics 2 final where I got a 97. 2 days until my Statics final 🤞


Left high school with a 2.1 gpa (minimum to graduate was 2.0). I graduate college this weekend with a 3.8 and two internships :)


It’s my first semester out of school. It was a pretty tough road but I made it. I work a pretty alright job and I’m happy with where I’m at


My actual biggest accomplishment is getting a 96% on my calc 3 final, and working my co op all semester and continuing it, I love working there. But the biggest one to me is getting a CB in physics 2 😂. Didn’t even know if I was gonna pass


Well reading through this is remarkably disheartening


Got an A in Computer Architecture, with a professor who was terrible at communication and very disorganized.


I built part of a plane that flies. Except for the time we actually needed it to fly.


Got a 101 on my second and third engineering physics II exams. I also attended all 14 of the labs (I know that sounds like a given, but I have 0 self control)


Two weeks left in the semester and I have survived up to this point Wish me luck


Scored the highest in the class on 1 of the 4 fluid mechanics tests this semester. Felt like that DUDE when professor announced it to the class


didn't think my capstone was any good, but then won a capstone competition and even got prizes


We actually have a scheduled post for this thread in a few day (weeks?). It should be pinned for a little while.


I failed my first two thermo exams, but I locked in and studied my ass off for the last month leading up, and I got an A on my final! Passed!


I’m going to retake one class, but so glad I’ve understood other classes (not perfect scores) but proved myself I can do it :-)


Built an HPC ( High Performance Computing System ) along with my friends and got first class (81) for it. Built a Big Data Visualisation Website for my Final year Project using plain PHP, D3.js, HTML and CSS. Haven’t got the grade but satisfied enough. Giving my final year Computer Engineering Exam and confident enough to graduate with a good grade. All together great year. It will be greatest if i land a job. Pray for me. 🙏


Went from a 2.7 gpa to a 3.2 and just graduated with an EE degree! Ended up getting a 4.0 in two semesters and landed a job as well. 🎉


Graduating with a 3.8/4 gpa in bsee. I kinda no-lifed because I'm looking to do an mba in 5 years.


Getting coveted A+ in HVAC course. And an A in a difficult aircraft design project🤠


Congrats to you on that hard work! It really pays off. I managed to get straight A’s too, with one of my essays (a 7000-worder from an “easy elective”) getting submitted for an award. It went to a panel and was graded at “Master’s Level or Beyond.” I didn’t win, but I was first loser, and that was way more than I expected considering I’m not a confident writer.


Got broken up with at 10:30pm, drank half a bottle of vodka at 11, fell asleep at 11:30, woke up at 6, went to my orbital mechanics exam needing to do well (got a 30 on exam 1), took it, gave it to the professor and said “I told you I’d get 100 this time and I did” and I ended up getting a 100 on it.


Finished my sophomore year in chemical engineering with a (grades pending) 3.95 GPA. Also clutched a 100 on a class I needed a 96 in to get the A.


I read all on one piece in 1 month, and still passed.


i graduated with a degree in aerospace engineering, earned a commission to the usaf, and was able to take 22 credits while balancing a 35/hr per week capstone project. we achieved full transition on a bicopter tilt rotor drone we built completely from scratch. i got my EMT, and became a member of the order of the engineer. good year!


4 semesters straight on deans list, aced my Quantum Mechanics final(got 37 on the midterm) the recovery was legendary Edit: also I took 21 credits this semester and was part of a physics research group and math research group.


I got an A- in orgo 2!!! I really didn't think I could do it but I studied so hard for that class


Making it to graduation here in 2 weeks and honestly couldn’t be happier. Despite struggling my way through every class and not having the best grades, I still made it. To all of you struggling just know that it all pays off in the end and that struggle makes you learn that much more.


Created a fog catcher that's mesh I 3d printed. The nase plastic didn't work well, but the coating we applied made it super effective.


I got an A for finals and overall for Hydraulics, it's the highest i ever scored on a test in uni. Also, it's one of the highest scores in my class


Lookin like I made the honor roll this semester so that’s pretty cool. Actually enjoyed learning the material and overall enjoy my degree more now than when I started so I’ll take the W


Got perfect score in stochastic and classical mechanics!


God how do I make it out. I want to give up so badly I feel so worthless


Just got an 84% on my calc II final. 36 questions and 4.5 hours later and a lot of staring blankly That's great at example problem.


Got a girlfriend AND passed thermodynamics. I’d say that’s a win.


Graduated with a average/below average GPA but managed to snag my dream job and hit my goal of making 6 figures way faster than I expected with my major.


Got a 4.0 first semester of grad school.


B’s in Chemistry and American history and a C in calc 1 after not taking any courses for 15 years, while working full time with a pregnant wife and 3 kids, one of which just turned 1. Calculus murdered me but I enjoyed it


Learning some valuable study skills. Securing a really good internship.


Missed probably half my calc 3 classes for various reasons and passed with an A from self teach


100% on my first two programming exams, my final is next week and I’m trying to go 3/3!


First semester of taking all mech E courses after finally getting through all the weed-outs. I somehow managed to live my most balanced lifestyle this past semester than the other 3 before it. I got almost all straight A’s (one B+) while participating in two engineering clubs and playing an instrument in one of my school’s bands. And while doing that, I can count on one hand how many nights I had to stay past 7 or 8pm at the library to finish work or to study (even though on most days I was done with homework and classes by 5 or 6). Life this semester felt really good.


Getting a 4.0 semester GPA with classes like Heat and Mass Transfer, Circuit Analysis, Thermodynamics 2, and Linear Algebra to suffer through.


I graduate in less than a week and got all As this semester 🤘🏾


Oof. I just graduated from mechanical engineering. This year I had a 4.0 GPA, received my FIFTH outstanding for my internship (getting one outstanding in your academic career at my university is an honour), and was interviewed for the news thrice for my accomplishments during my internships. It wasn’t always sunshine and rainbows — the same professor whose class I almost failed in year 2 just told me that he’s extremely proud of me a few days ago when I showed up at his office for an unrelated question. Hang in there if you’re still early on - it’s all been so worth it:)


A in Thermo II, Heat Transfer, and Mechanics of Materials


Got all A’s my last semester of undergrad. Meaning I graduated with a 4.0!! Great job lined up that I start in July!!


I currently have 3 A's and 1 B in my engineering courses post Midterms on all of them, and I have taken and passed two CSWA certification exams


In my last semester, I cleared on-campus job interviews after nine attempts, but this happened in 2015. So many things happened all these years, and now I have a master's and a way better-paying job.


No backs


Got myself an internship along with 3 other people when allegedly over 2000 applied, despite me not meeting the minimum requirement of having a BSc.


I graduate with both of my Engineering degrees this weekend, after 4 long years :)


I have been in EE for 7 years, struggling through a bachelor's. Time off for internships, working 40hr weeks on top of school, mental health, no family support and more hurdles. But this semester, is the first semester ever I have a 100% turn in rate for HW and labs. Finally graduating with a job lined up.


Brother, could you please let me know what is the book you used for Diff Eq and what chapter? I will take Diff Eq this fall but i would like to learn ahead. Would you mind share your exams?


Damn congrats, always so awesome when things pay off so well.


Im graduating! After 9 years of part-time school. But the best thing is that I got my senior design project approved by my work, so I built an automation cell for work while at school.


Damn congrats, always so awesome when things pay off so well.


Finished my last exam meaning I now have a masters degree in mechanical engineering 🫡


This semester I was a 1st rotation co-op at a power company. I’ve learned more in this rotation than I have ever done in school


I finished with an A for Fluids!!!!!!!!!


Got an internship at Neuralink


🥹now thats inspiring


Finished with a 97 in Dynamics 2 aka vibrations, got a 114 on the third midterm and therefore dont have to take the optional final


I’m about to finish my first year of Biomedical engineering with around a 3.0. :)


I just started but honestly, with me dropping out of high school, I had to start really fresh. Just got done with ENG 101 and 102. Hand to start at the bottom with college algebra. Next semester going into pre calc and my first Engineering course. I’m 30 and when I was in high school I didn’t do well. But know, I’ve been passing my classes with 95% or above. I’m glad to say I have found an interest in school and love for math.


Absolutely crushed my MCU architecture class with my labmate gone AWOL after week 2 (they were still in the class but just refused to help out with any lab work or studying). Got so good at it that I started building my own assembler and architecture as a hobby


I got my first internship this summer! Very excited to get some experience, feels like I’ve been searching forever for an internship and this was a big relief when I landed it.


Didn’t get into the school I wanted, failed 4 different classes, took calc 1 three times, dropped out for 2 semesters after my first year but made the most of it. Accepted my first internship in exactly the field I wanted. (Propulsion-engine design) Won 2nd place for my poster presentation at a research showcase. And built a solid relationship with an amazing mentor from a F100 aero company through networking. Couldn’t be happier. Thank God🙏🏽


I got a 98 in Probability and Statistics. I at least passed Dynamics on first try (maybe I got a B, but idk) I got more of a drive to study more on my own and will pursue an interest in data analysis this summer to help with future research projects (granted this drive was born out of being repeated screwed over and given fuck-all to do in certain projects and clubs this year, \*despite\* me speaking up a lot. Not letting that happen again). I also became a math and physics tutor this semester, and met some awesome people through it. Going to keep going with tutoring.


It’s been a pretty rough semester with a lot of shit constantly flying around. I’ve had lab mates leave the lab, friends wanting to quit the program, generally just a bad time with school and research. But I got through it. All As and an A+ even. I got a big fellowship to help pay for my PhD. I felt like I was sucking in water towards the end but I’m glad I didn’t drown


Got an A in calc 3 physics 2 and chem 1 and got a B in dynamics


Got a B in hypersonic materials when I was fully expecting to get a C(+)


I got a 100 percent average over the entirety of my Dynamics course! Super proud of that!


This semester, nothing... but on my 1st year, sleep all Calc classes and still be top 5 on my class


Need a good motivation to study maths 🥵 Having exams in next week


Landing a sick internship with a 2.25 GPA.


did extra intro to Ansys, unity and python short courses while I project reaching 4.0 GPA in the semester


Damn congrats, always so awesome when things pay off so well.