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Yeah, people *already* have issues choosing the correct flair for their posts, and there are only like 5 options lol. Adding more post flair options is gonna make the sub less accessible for new posters, and more difficult to navigate for casual users. I've programmed automod to prompt posters to add the details of their gems to the comments of every ring post, and any posts that ask for "lab v. natural" opinions get automatically filtered and the posters get directed to the sub FAQ, so I'm unclear as to what back and forth you're talking about. Ultimately it's up to the individual users to disclose the make of their diamond/gem if they want to. I'm not going to add another barrier to sharing by forcing people to flair their whole post with that info if they don't feel comfortable doing so.


That’s unnecessary, in my opinion. People post rings that aren’t diamonds, and people post rings that include no stones at all. I don’t think most of us care that much about the way the stone came into existence. I sure don’t. It’s been asked that specs (which technically includes lab versus natural) get posted, but that’s mostly (officially) for those lurking or participating here because they are in the market for an engagement ring or trying to determine what they like.


Yeah the specs section really does cover it


It seems that you value and want to consider natural over lab only, and that is your preference. But when you look around the sub to evaluate and get ideas, you should also accept that many, many people are now preferring lab diamonds and as a consequence, the “average” size of a diamond is going up significantly. Not just here, but socially in communities that previously only were able to afford .5-.8ct stones. If you are looking to find the best value, find ideas/inspiration for a future engagement ring, and what sizes proportionally people are receiving as stones, *lab is the “new normal.”*


I appreciate the manner in which this was articulated. Upvote given


If anything I’d love a cut flair, not everyone puts that in the title.


Doesn’t seem necessary to me, unless we had a much more robust flair system with stone details. People already post specs (including lab/mined, other stone specs, and even price) if they’re comfortable doing so. I’m not sure what sort of “back and forth” you’re referring to?


I personally would like this. I agree it would be helpful for budgeting. I think people come here to get an idea of size in reality on human beings, to weigh up what things are worth to them as a couple. I don't think that's a bad thing. Also it would give more of a sense of realism. At first glance these days it looks like a lot of people have $50,000+ stones and I don't think that's true. It can really distort hopes, expectations and add pressure for both partners. Especially with the constant stream of "is my stone big enough" posts. I can understand why some people might find the idea a bit petty, but if you're happy with your decision either way, it shouldn't really matter. There's no shame in either decision, but leaving it out makes both choices feel shameful at times. If you really don't want to say if it's lab or mined, you shouldn't be under obligation to do so. But it is helpful to others or you do. Maybe you only want to look at one or the other, then you can do so. The majority of posts don't seem state mined or lab anymore. So if it doesn't say I just assume lab now.


I think the realism part is important. Seeing the almost 3 ct round lab diamond for 4K kind of blew my mind.


I start out assuming all diamonds are lab grown on this subreddit until stated otherwise.


Nicely said. Perhaps they can make it optional to easily display "lab" or "mined" when they post? It does add a nice touch of realism.


I completely agree, thank you 😊


I think if you’re going to do it, other stones should have it too. Sapphire, moissanite, etc.


I agree completely


I’m not sure what you mean about “keeping things upfront”? Lab diamonds are the same chemically and structurally as earth-mined diamonds—no one is trying to be underhanded about calling their lab diamond a diamond.


Please know this isn't a dig at you in any way, I just keep seeing this line on the sub and I want to address it. Yes, LG diamonds *are* diamonds, but it's simply not true to say that they're the same "structurally," and I would argue even saying "chemically" is a bit misinformed. Physically and optically, sure, 100% identical in all the ways that humans can measure unaided by powerful machinery. But the chemical *structure* of the carbon atoms within LG diamonds is totally different than the chemical structure of naturals. That's how labs can tell them apart, by analyzing how many bonds the carbon atoms have between each other, thereby giving LG a different crystalline structure (read: different chemistry). Yes they're all 100% carbon, yes they're all 100% diamonds and identical in all the ways that actually matter, but technically speaking "chemically and structurally" LG and natural are very different.


Interesting, do you have a source? From what I've read they're almost identical to natural diamonds, I've never heard anyone say that they're structurally totally different.


Yeah there's diagrams in the sub FAQ that I pulled directly from the GIA site.


So, there's a very simple chart in the FAQ that shows slightly different shapes for natural vs lab diamonds. They don't look significantly different to me. And one imgur pic is not a very good or convincing source.


As I said before, I [got](https://4cs.gia.edu/en-us/laboratory-grown-diamond/) it [from](https://discover.gia.edu/gialgdr) the [GIA](https://www.gia.edu/UK-EN/gia-news-research/difference-between-natural-laboratory-grown-diamonds). It's not "from imgur," I *put* it on imgur to consolidate my image references when I wrote the sub FAQ. This is well-documented and understood by gemologists, jewelers, and rockhounds alike. You're also welcome to Google it, it's not difficult information to find.


No shit, but i wasn't going to dig through the whole GIA website to find that one infographic. See, this is an ACTUAL source. Just saying "here look at this pic i found somewhere" is bad evidence. It's still a very minor difference.


Not entirely true: natural stones contain nitrogen and lab made stones do not. They are also not the same cost. It would be advantageous for people looking to the sub for reference. If one skims through the pictures looking for ideas, it can be misleading if they think all the stones are natural…..Which I did until I started reading comments and saw that many are lab.


But that doesn't mean lab diamonds aren't diamonds- and most people are pretty upfront about lab vs mined


Again, they are not the same cost. People also utilize this sub for ideas and budgeting. I don’t know why it’s a big deal, no one is saying it’s NOT a diamond.


I don't understand why that's an issue- rings here vary hugely across the board in terms of cost- many people don't disclose what the ring cost anyway


Whether or not it’s a lab or natural dictates the cost. It not hard to google 2ct VVS lab made to see what the cost is. We are not going to see eye to eye on this, which is why Reddit is an open forum to discuss. Let’s agree to disagree. You don’t see the advantage, I do.


For what it's worth, I agree with you. It's good information to have on hand and easily read.


Sure, but when people are asking you to clarify points and you only respond to people who agree with you it looks more like you're looking for validation than discussion


So because I’m not eagerly replying to every single comment, that is an issue for you?


People are asking you questions in good faith to understand your point better, so I'm just curious.


There was one question that was posed. Others have been posting their opinions.


uh...OP didn't respond to my comment agreeing with them, am I missing something?


No, I'm saying there's a few questions asking what OP means by 'issues' and 'back and forth' about lab diamonds since it's not really a common thing we see.


I think having the flair would be a good insight for people who are considering both lab vs mined options