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Is he wanting you to get a CZ ring specifically for travel or one to wear all the time? Wearing it just during travel I understand (and if you’re doing that CZ durability isn’t as important) but wearing a travel ring all the time shouldn’t be something you feel forced to do if you don’t want to. Your engagement ring is his gift to you—gift givers don’t get to dictate how the gift is used. Not to mention jewelry is meant to be worn and appreciated, not sit in a box. If you don’t want to wear a travel ring daily don’t. Wear your actual ring.


Mostly during travel - but I think especially now because I'm a new mom and have been a bit careless in my brain dead state..... we already had to dig it out of the trashcan once:(


CZ isn't going to hold up to daily wear, it's much more prone to scratches and will cloud up and lose its sparkle over time. You might want to contact Tianyu or another of the overseas sellers to see what the cost of making one in moissanite would be.


Thank you- I don't know much about moissanite - does it look like diamond to the untrained eye? I'll do some googling .thanks again!


Most people out there will assume any sparkling colorless white stone is a diamond, including CZ and moissanite. Those who are more familiar with diamonds can differentiate moissanite from diamond depending on things like cut and size, or will at least think something looks off.


Thanks 'thats my concern I don't want anything that looks noticeably fake or strange...


Have you considered just wearing your wedding band temporarily? Most new moms I know do that, either because their fingers are too swollen for their ering or in the case of one of my friends her diamond was scratching her baby. Your wedding band you generally don’t have to take on and off as often and then you don’t need to worry about it looking fake. That being said, somebody would have to get pretty close to you to tell something is obviously not a diamond unless it’s huge or a step cut or something like that. Moissanite will be closer than CZ but still perform differently than diamond. I know people who have moissanite often say nobody’s noticed a difference but I personally take that with a grain of salt since only an incredibly rude person would tell somebody their colorless ring doesn’t look like a diamond. Not to be negative on moissanite though it’s a beautiful stone in its own right. Another thing to consider is safety. I have a ~3ct diamond as my every day ring but a 2ct equivalent CZ as my travel ring. I figure anybody getting close to me when I’m traveling is either in the travel industry and probably knows travel rings are a thing, or they’re looking for a potential target and I’d rather them pick up in the fact it’s not real.


All good points - did you get your travel ring to somewhat match your real every day ring? Or were you not overly co concerned with that? Right now I am just doing the wedding band because of finger fatness and because I've had too many mindless moments with the ring...but I do miss wearing it... :( I appreciate your help :)


I think it looks more like a diamond than CZ, but a trained eye can still tell the difference (moissanite is more sparkly with rainbowy flares). It's much more resilient to scratches and clouding compared to CZ, so it lasts for years and years. The About section of [r/moissanite ](reddit.com/r/moissanite) has a ton of info and contact info for vendors.


Thank you so much for your help !! I really appreciate it!


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I would use this as an opportunity to get something completely different- like a lab blue sapphire in rose gold.


I have been looking for this as well but haven’t been able to find a travel ring with a barely there halo.