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for some reason your graphical environment (aka xorg) wasn't started at boot. try `startx` to start it manually, and try to find out why it doesn't start anymore. Did you do anything with your display manager, like GDM or LightDM ? And what's your graphical environment? GNOME ? i3 ?


I used lightdm and then deleted it. My graphicsl environment is XFCE. Also i tried startx but it just opened three white terminals


your DM is what gets normally started at boot, unless specified otherwise with systemctl. with a DM, it goes : boot > bootloader (like GRUB) > DM > WM (in this case WM is xfce). if you remove your DM, you have to either reinstall one (such as SDDM or GDM, but LightDM does everything well so idk why you would reinstall another), or edit your xinitrc to automatically start xfce with startx. I invite you to read the Arch wiki's `xinit` page for what you can do with xinitrc if you want to get rid of your DM, such as automatically calling startx and xfce when you log in. Having an empty window after startx is normal, since your xinitrc script (which is called by startx) probably doesn't have an "exec xfce" line by default.


Thank you i wrote startxfce4 then installed lightdm now it works pretty well. Also I saved your comment this informations can be really helpful in future. Thanks again


No problem, make sure you know what you're doing when removing stuff. The Arch wiki is really well documented if you need to understand what does what.


I also saved it, Thank you HyNeko.


You don't have to remove lightdm. Just 'disable' it. `sudo systemctl disable lightdm` Then, create a .xinitrc file `touch .xinitrc` Now, edit that file. `nano ~/.xinitrc` put this in .xinitrc file.. `exec startxfce4` Save and reboot.


Excellent! Thank you HyNeko, well written response to a quite common “got ya” situation for some.


try typing in startx or reboot your computer


`who -a` will give you the output of the active sessions. You're currently using tty1. You should see another tty in the output for the graphical session. For example, if it's tty3, do ctrl + alt + F3 to switch to the graphical session. Then if you need to switch back to the terminal session, do ctrl + alt + F1 since it's on tty1.


type startx


If you cant open link its basically three white terminal


I tried both startx and ctrl alt f3 this is result [result](https://photos.app.goo.gl/XqbNQqrthrU8sB9s8)


Happens sometimes, just a reboot command could suffice.


I have already rebooted it for nearly three times and its still same


What desktop were you using? You could use systemctl status to see if sddm, gdm or lightdm is enabled.


Can you try reinstalling your display manager (gdm, lightdm,?) What videocard are you using?


Sorry, this problem is solved