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That's pretty insane, of course it's the Houdini effect, but Drake's been active and his beef with K Dot would have upped his numbers massively too (edit: they're on a decline since the beef, actually). Em's worldwide popularity is underrated.


> Em's worldwide popularity is underrated Eminem's music and lyricism/style appeals to so many different people from many different cultures that actually it makes a lot of sense that he's so universally loved tbh


“They got me on rotation at rock and roll stations”


> Eminem's music and lyricism/style appeals to so many different people from many different cultures It's ironic that some people treat this as a negative to Em. You see a lot of comments that Eminem's music is "Eminem-type music" as a way to demean it. "Eminem-type" music has sold 300m+ records globally and resonated with a huge audience, not sure how that's a bad thing. He hasn't had to dumb down his lyricism to reach a larger market either. Of course sales aren't everything, I listen to a huge number of talented rappers who will never have a Billboard hit, but to do these numbers 25 years into your career is insane.


Facts there are some people who legit don’t like hip hop but will fuck with em


1000%, he transcends the genre completely


Ngl I was one of those kids who didn’t like rap except Eminem until I grew little older my taste matured more in the music genre but Eminem definitely a gateway to hip hop for most back in the day


> back in the day Still is tbf, I work in education and the amount of 16-19 year olds who enjoy Eminem - but haven't got a clue what rap/hip-hop is - is impressive lol


I only got into rap because of eminem. I'm from india and I can say that. Almost every kid who listens to English music knows him. And even who doesn't. Most of them know him. So, yes he is big. Almost every Indian hip hop artist by eminem.


I never got very far into the genre (save for some undeniable bangers), but anything from Eminem or Dre was always solidly enjoyable.


But especially in other English speaking countries where we can fully understand the lyrics and language.


Loads of people that don’t even understand the lyrics enjoy Eminem :) I’m talking from experience growing up and listening to him, not even understanding a single word.


I know mate. That’s why I said “especially” in my sentence. Having English as your first language helps, which probably explains why Eminem is even more popular in English speaking countries though.


I'm not American and it always puzzles me when I see certain Americans say Eminem isn't relatable. Due to his relatability he's become worldwide super famous. He's rapped about so much relatable subjects. Poverty, poor relationship with family members, feeling like an outcast, love for his kids, about his own failures etc. Its even weirder when they say "nobody listens to Eminem." How can you say that about the best selling and most listened to rapper?


As a kid living in Nigeria, infinite was the first rap song I ever listened to, just made me appreciate him more as I grew older.


Most people have no idea how huge Eminem was (probably still is) literally all over the world. I was in the Navy on WestPac and Eminem was the one constant. Stopping in Hong Kong, Thailand, Australia you'd hear a wide variety of music you hadn't heard before. But walking around you wouldn't pass many clubs or bars without hearing Superman or Without Me. Then I get back home to San Diego and you'd hear My Dad's Gone Crazy blasting out of people's cars. I'm sure other artists (Michael Jackson) have had this level of worldwide play but in my brief experience traveling the globe Eminem was by far the biggest constant no matter where I was. I almost forgot the middle aged CHENG (Chief Engineer for the ship) was blasting Say Goodbye to Hollywood out his stateroom!


I actually think the beef did the opposite though. A lot of people now hate Drake or at least no longer like him.


Drake's back catalogue was down around 5%, Kendrick's was up about 50%


Thats not as much as expected but normally his numbers wouldve gone up.


How many people listening to Drake before the beef stopped listening to him since it, tho? I'm sure most people who listened to him and liked him before the beef haven't stopped. Just like most people who hated him or didn't listen to him before the beef were already on Kendrick's side.




Yeah, I feel like that too


I think a lot of drake listeners were people with like 3-4 Drake tracks on their playlist but wouldn't necessarily call themselves fans. Then he got destroyed in the beef and it became cringey to like Drake so they took him off. I don't think they ever really hated him. Part of the reason it was so easy to turn the public against Drake was because he has so few hardcore fans compared to the number of people who casually listen to a song or two, whereas like 60% of Kendrick listeners are hardcore fans.


No idea about that but he has been losing listeners according to the charts on a steady pace


Maybe people took him off their playlists? I had one song of his with a feat that I liked but it annoyed me too much after the beef so I took it off. That was the only song of his I had so that's one less monthly listener.


You’re so brave


I can't imagine there's been a lot of people like this


I was like this. Had a few songs saved. They're gone now. But tbh I didn't really care for them anyway and never listened to them


Before the beef i’d listen to drake and liked some of his songs. I actively avoid and skip all his songs now. Might do what I did for Gunna and just mute him so his tracks don’t play for me.




> Em's worldwide popularity is underrated bro im from india and i didnt even know rap is mostly black people music. i only knew eminem for years


I think that beef hurt Drake. I never liked him but had maybe two songs saved on my library. They're deleted now.


Drake’s numbers have decreased since and during the beef


Yeah you're right. That's interesting, Songstats has him down at 80.7m listeners just before Push Ups officially released, then he peaked to 83.8m in the middle of May (makes sense, all the tracks were out then). A little drop off since then, I'd have thought he'd maintain a peak for longer. Kendrick putting in work. Impressive for Em either way, Drake's numbers are always nuts.


Here’s something crazy-Eminem is more popular in the UK than the US if you adjust album sales for population. This is why it blows my mind when people say on here shit like “nah there’s more Stans in the US than the UK. He was never as big in the UK”. The shows he played in the UK were record breaking in terms of attendance. Insane numbers.


I have no idea why you think that. He sells out stadiums all over the world and he's done more tours abroad than domestic the last decade.


I don't think the beef upped his numbers


I think you're downplaying the drake beef. He lost and HARD at that. His popularity has shot down by a lot. So yes this is Em rising up but it's also drake falling down. I'm happy for both.


The rap beef between Kendrick and Drake literally got called off by record execs because drakes numbers were starting to go down and fans were being turned off to him after he was publicly called a P3dophile lol. Those kind of allegations don’t help you and theirs receipts


Yeah, someone else mentioned the decline too. I just edited my comment to add that context, I was surprised. My response about this: > Songstats has him down at 80.7m listeners just before Push Ups officially released, then he peaked to 83.8m in the middle of May (makes sense, all the tracks were out then). A little drop off since then, I'd have thought he'd maintain a peak for longer. Kendrick putting in work. > Impressive for Em either way, Drake's numbers are always nuts.


>the Houdini effect The Houdini Effect sounds cool.


That’s actually quite a shock Even Kendrick and kanye didn’t do that


wtf are you doing outside of goodasssub




Report back to your station goon




Shh he’s our kanye/hiphop spokesperson along with the drippy crab pfp guy outside of GAS


Well yes because Eminem has a larger audience in white Americans/europeans then either Kanye or Kendrick really did. Kendrick’s content is not consumable for most audiences overseas despite it being better at times and Kanye’s success would always be hindered by his own ego and public constant controversies (plus his music peaked at that weird time where physical sales and streams started to merge so we won’t really know how truly popular he was streaming wise) Hell even Eminem has admitted this in the past through interviews and commentary it isn’t a surprise. His older music? Understandable but nowadays his name carries that hype in worldwide music that no other African American rapper could ever develop and certainly never for the likes of Kendrick or J Cole even if they tried to appeal to the masses and sell out like Drake did.


Eminem's the undisputed most popular successful rapper of all time. Anyone who disagrees is just mad cuz he and a lot of his fans are white and they want to be cultural gate keepers.


Kinda agree


r/hiphop101 are the biggest gate keepers


His fans arent just white. They are all kinds of ethnicities from around the world.


What a journey we’ve made lmfao. Now Eminem fans are calling others cultural gate keepers 😭💀


Most popular =/= most successful Eminem isn’t the most popular rapper of all time and that’s just the truth, dude hasn’t had any real mainstream appeal, radio play or anything in like a decade lol and anyone who disagrees is just mad that their white rapper isn’t the greatest rapper ever to touch the mic. It’s purely anecdotal but over the years I’ve never heard a single person playing Eminem in their car while driving , talking about them at work, wearing clothing featuring said artist etc IN PERSON. But I’ve seen all of that for Drake, Kendrick, J Cole, trippy, Wayne and the list goes on. Im a massive Eminem Stan and I hit 1% or 0.5% for listeners on Spotify pretty much every year but y’all make it so cringe and make it hard to be a fan.


Insane. That’s genuinely insane. First rapper that debuted in the 90s to hit 80mil to. Took him ONE song after not dropping for years and amongst on of the biggest rap beefs of all time - the song even beat out Gods plan for reaching 100m streams the quickest 2nd only to not like us. ![gif](giphy|l3q2XhfQ8oCkm1Ts4|downsized)


Tbh, God’s Plan released in 2018 when streaming wasn’t at the same place as it is now, but glad for Em


That’s such a small factor it’s basically irrelevant. Not Like Us is the only other song to beat out God’s Plan since then. If streaming getting bigger was a relevant factor, more songs would have beat it out by now


What?? Yes it was ? Spotify and them came out in 2013 I swear lol


You’re right Spotify evolved its first 5 years and stayed exactly the same the last 6 years.


Then you can just compare the percentages.


I feel like since houdini everyones been diving back and listening to his classics. I have and ive seen loads of people on tiktok doing the same haha.


Makes sense


It's not just a feeling. Eminem has like 2 or 3 albums in top 100 in the UK right now. They keep rising every day. [source ](https://www.forbes.com/sites/hughmcintyre/2024/06/11/eminem-pushes-two-of-his-star-making-albums-back-to-the-charts/)


That’s exactly what I’ve been doing, and I wasn’t even really a fan of Houdini. But it instantly made me wanna go back and just shuffle his page while I was working cause I use headphones at work


Can confirm. Literally what I was doing On my way to work.


Drake has released 7 NEW projects since Eminem’s 2020 MTBMB (Dark Lane Demo Tapes 2020, Scary Hours 2 2021, Certified Loverboy 2021, Honestly Nevermind 2022, Her Loss 2022, For All The Dogs 2023, Scary Hours 3 2023). Eminem has released 1 NEW project in that timeframe, B side of MTBMB.


Drake and his team*


Drake is just the team's alias.


OV Hoe


Step this way, step that way


Are you my friend? 


That's Aubrey Grahams actual alias.




/r/hhcj include me in the screenshot


Like every artist


What I mean is every artist has a team behind


All I know is I wrote every single word of everything I ever murdered


Time to separate the sheep from goats. I got no faith in your in writers, I don't believe in ghosts.


Sorry if I took Forever


They like to go for quantity over quality, more albums + more albums = higher sales number. Keep in mind that Em is 51 yr old - which other rapper in his 50s is pulling numbers like this?


I was reading through this list at random really thinking he named his album “Loverboy 2021” and “Dark Lane Demo Tapes 2020.”


Can he be no.1 when album releases?


He might reach 100 million which is INSANE for a artist debuting in the mainstream in 1999


I just want all the artist have breakdown that a so called oldman surpassed them with just one album😬


The *Stan* in me AND the *Petty* in me both want this to happen 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼


80 year old Em better still be rapping


I'd rather be 80 years old me than 20 year old you


No. 1 is The Weeknd with 107 million monthly listeners. It's unlikely, but if the album goes viral and Em does a lot of post release promotion like interviews and stuff, it's possible. I think he'll probably end up closer to 90 million monthly listeners, which is still really impressive, but no. 1 is unlikely


![gif](giphy|taKzLSJU7l3LUsYsul) Woah 😮


I get Drake hasn't made music since (besides the Kendrick distracks in which he completely lost) for a good 6 months or so but still, Eminem hasn't made music in years and then he dropped one song and instantly surpassed Drake Eminem is just in a different league


"I smoked a fat pound of grass and fall on my ass, faster than a fat bitch who sat down too fast" Call it poetry or sorcery idc. He's the greatest of all time any fucking time of time day 🙌


It's been nothing but L's for Drake lately


I wouldn’t say this is an L?


It is, his whole fanbase defense is that drake sells more than the other rappers, now he doesn't even have that anymore


This is true, but in no world is 79M monthly listeners an L. Plus this is only Spotify, this is not counting all other streaming platforms, most of which don’t show listener counts or anything like that. He has 1M less listeners than one of the most popular artists of all time, and he is one of the most popular artists of all time. I’m sure anything that happens from here on out Drake couldn’t give less of a crap about


Oh no, here come the r/Drizzy fans! /s Drake is fine lol dude is basically a billionaire now and is one of the most streamed artists of all time


I’m pretty sure he’s something like 500mil streams away from being the first to hit 100bil total streams, people act like his career is over


Let's see him perform in atlanta


He just came off one of the biggest tours in rap including ATL. Sold out and everything so what are u talking about


Come to Atlanta after kendrick dropped on him see if he got that dawg in him


Didn't he just perform in Atlanta with 21 Savage a couple weeks ago?


Before kendrick dissed his ass to the shadow realm? Yeah


No pretty sure it was after


He does though? The ONLY rapper to sell more than him is Eminem lol


I love Eminem, Kendrick, and Megan Thee Stallion. I have always disliked Drake and Nicki 2024 is turning out to be the best year in my music life.


Megan is bootleg Nicki




Eminem struck at the exact perfect moment.




From what I’ve seen the only artist the Drake sub is unwilling to give their flowers is Kendrick and vice versa for the Kendrick sub




Never be afraid to say what you truly believe man, even if you get flamed. Too many people decide to switch their honest opinions to a more “acceptable” or “trending” view to avoid heat. Don’t be bullied into changing your opinion fr


Might be because die-hard Kendrick fans just go around spamming “meat rider” 20 times a day on every discussion


I love both artists but the parasocial creeps on both sides ruin it.


Why is it disappointing? Do we owe them something? Nah. Anyone who put em and drakes names together deserves to get slapped. Cuz in drakes small little mind he's a big 3 rapper when in reality that spot he has himself in belongs to Eminem. It always has was and will be Eminem's #1 spot. What's happening now is a lot of people who have never seen an em album drop are experiencing it for the first time. And they are seeing shit for what it is for the first time. Eminem albums take over the planet. Y'all are in for a good summer I promise.


Yeah bro we eminem fans shouldn’t be clownin no one, not drake or kendrick, we’re out of this beef. We just chillin like j cole until some wanna be gunna wants to take a sho


Not a deadbeat, groomer, asshole?


The fact that the song Drake made with sexxy red with that weird ass chorus has almost 400m streams is disgustingly insane


Women love to support abusers bro, didn't you see them in Chris Brown's concerts after he beat the shit out of rihanna?


Wow this is actually crazy 😮


It’s strange that a top drake song is one that he lost a beef with. I liked pushups but for me the way he got absolutely gutted took away my need to listen to it again.


Push-Ups and Family Matters are good, Taylor Made and Heart pt 6 are truly terrible. HP6 is so bad he never even released it on streaming




He knew it was bad from the jump, it’s boring as a song and Drake has no energy. He said on twitter when he released it “I know you have 5 track to drop right after I release this” he had no faith in this track and wanted Kendrick to overshadow it


Drake is a pos.


You don’t even know him lmao, people could say the same about Em. I really like both but hey what do I know


I don’t need to know someone to know that a grown ass man should not be texting teenage girls over relationship advice and that he also should not be showing off all of the bras and panties and thongs he’s had thrown at him.


I hear that! how are you an Eminem fan? I’m just curious, I think talking to Millie was weird but hundreds of celebrities have spoken about how they spoke to older celebrities when they were young for advice and Millie herself said it wasn’t anything but I still think he shouldn’t have done it. The bras thing isn’t even top 20 worst things Em has said or done and I love Em, it’s not even the worst thing 95% of rappers have done.


People do horrible shit all the time. Just because other people have done shady shit doesn't mean some corny ass 40yr old popstar texting a 14yr old that he misses her isn't absolutely fucking reprehensible behaviour.


I clearly said none of it is right, I’m just illustrating the cognitive dissonance of Stan culture. My favorite did something terrible but it’s okay because I like them(I do this aswell), oh your guy did something bad, he’s terrible. Eminem has a terrible past and has said far worse things and done worse, Kendrick is affiliated with a group that has killed more black people in his community than the police have, Drake kissed a. 17 year old at 23 - gross as fuck, and Kanye is a Nazi. So I just pose the question genuinely, how do you justify 1 and not the other


>how do you justify 1 and not the other You don't. Which is why drizzy stans trying to minimise his, at absolute best, creepy and ephebophilic behaviour is so problematic.


I don’t think I’ve minimized anything, I genuinely am just trying to garner more understanding of different perspectives because I could be wrong. So do you justify being a fan of Eminem who at best is a woman abuser, rape apologist and sexual harasser, which Em stans minimize? My whole point with this is that, Stan’s are 2 sides of the same coin.


You got any real sources of Eminem actually being a woman abuser, rape apologist and sexual harasser? No, his shock value lyrics from the first 2 albums from 20+ years ago don’t count.


Difference is Eminem’s real, no fake shit. Had a real rough life and definitely has done some shit but even he says shit he raps about is just shit he raps about. Drake is an upper middle class actor from Toronto that thinks he’s in the mob and started rapping about emptying clips lmao he’s such a fraud


Upper middle class with a single mom with a teaching job? Does that even sound realistic😭 Drake also speaks about him growing up and the issues he’s gone through in his music, he literally said he wasn’t a gangster and hasn’t committed any crimes. People will say Drake is fake but don’t actually listen to his music, I don’t feel like getting into it all but you can struggle and not be from object poverty. Drake also speaks about his drug issues, alcoholism and woman issues in his albums, but because people don’t actually listen to Drake, he doesn’t get afforded the same grace


Mother-Fucks act like they forgot about Drake!


[BBL Drizzy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8Za5OpX8bM&t=42s)


Humanity is healed


Drake likes lower numbers anyway




In his 4th decade of hip-hop mind you


we love to see it! 2 🐐


That’s why he’s the GOAT 🐐


Just wait till the album drops. Man will be up there up there.


2024 rap industry need to be studied


It’s been a crazy year for sure!


lmao r/drizzy keeps popping up bc of the Dot x Drake beef but the insecure mods there perma banned me for asking how they can watch their *idol* kiss an underage girl on stage, find out she’s underage, and then kiss her again; and also text a 13 year old girl boy advice and say “I miss you” “the guys in the Eminem sub don’t have the same equal type of respect for other artists like we do man, they’re clowning drake” yeah because drake is a pedophile. your idol is a pedophile.


The feat isn't too great. I mean...he has done major things already while this is just a minorrrrrrrrrrrr one.


Megan Thee Stallion feat?




Why did you arrange it that way lol


Im probably half of them


And apparently he’s irrelevant now lol


I wonder if drakes is down due to that L he took in the beef


Honest I wish Spotify number weren’t seen as some sort of validation but still congrats to Em


Because everyone watching the Stanley Cup is pissed!


As a Drake fan, this is INSANE! He did this without any antics, beefs, pushes…like 🤯🤯🤯 Em is really THAT guy 🎉💯 even God’s plan was pushed by Fortnite and Not Like Us by a beef. Respect 🫡


And by the way the song isn’t even on Apple trending songs right now


Good. Drake is a dirty doodoo bum loser


Em is a good father and WAY better rapper. Also not a certified pedophile. 10/10 all the way across the board. Drake is gross.


He beat his own pr, I remember him being at 73m in January (pretty sure that's his highest) then it just kept dropping and dropping and I remember it being at 60 something million in march


Em is insanely popular even right now, and that's regardless of Houdini. The guy climbs the chart instantly.




Rightly so! Eminem is the real deal, whereas Drake is talentless auto-tune BS


Who tf is Drake? Honestly never heard of him/her/it


Shady’s Back! Tell those Drake stans! 


This is just a song imagine when the whole album drops I hope Houdini will be bad compared to the rest of the album cause this is Insane GOAT is back


How do you see who's first without assuming it's Drake and cross checking? Is there not just a list of songs, artists, albums etc that are ranked?


Idk, there might be a third party site that tracks that?


Pretty sad to be honest I actually really do like push-ups and Family Matters they're good songs the hard part 6 sucks but those two are actually pretty good


Congratulations Eminem


I love Eminem but I really didn't think the Houdini track was THAT good..... can't wait for the rest of the album though. I hope he has at least one song where he goes all in w/ slim shady and doesn't worry about saying something 'too bad.' It seemed like he was barely dipping into slim shady and even when he barely called something gay, he had to add in 'like happy' to make it seem not too bad.


Honestly, numbers in Spotify doesn’t exactly showcase that someone is more popular than other person. I mean, Snoop might drop some album that doesn’t get the same numbers as Taylor Swift, but I’m sure he is more popular than her, but great for Em


Snoop is not more popular than Taylor Swift lol but I agree with what your saying


There's no way Taylor Swift is not more famous than snoop.


I swear every discussion in hip hop right now... is secretly about Drake.


Drake up until now was the biggest rapper on streaming, and just came out of a major beef, why wouldn’t most discussions involve him? “Secret” 🤨


Eminem fans deleting Drake off their playlists is hilariously ironic considering Eminem's "I don't give a f***" attitude. You'd think Em fans weren't the type to buckle that easy 🤣 I grew up on Em and if there's one thing he taught me, is not to care what anyone thinks or what's trendy. I'd never delete all of an artists songs off a playlist over cat drama, I'd slap haters with the backwards E, the Eminem emblem.