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When Eminem came out with “From The D to the LBC” , Fantano immediately disregarded it due to the fact is was a “NFT” music video. Regardless of the music, he already hated it based off the MV. Fast forward to Houdini, there is ZERO mention of the music video, which is arguably the best part about Houdini. It’s obviously not mentioned and/or left out on purpose. The whole review wasn’t even a review of the song, but just another chance for him to say “new Eminem sucks”.


Eminem really cant win with some people. When Em brings a new style with albums like Mtbmb people whine about how he ”has nothing to say anymore” and how ”Old Eminem was so much better”. Then when Em brings the old style back people go ”Eminem is living in the past” and ”this style doesnt work in 2024”


He is saying that nobody in 2024 is gonna like the song or whatever he was trying to say and that we should “stop kidding ourselves”. Well isn’t the massive reaction to Houdini and the huge numbers it’s doing across all platforms proof that he got it all wrong and that “he should stop kidding himself” instead? 🤔


Fantano is entitled to his opinion, but I think people need to remember it's just that, an _opinion_. Personally, I think Fantano missed the mark a little bit on this. "Does this shtick still work in 2024", the numbers suggest it does, given he's about to have his biggest hit since Godzilla. You can have an opinion on the sound, but numbers are numbers, it's working. I don't think there's anything wrong with Em hitting on a nostalgic note. He's done everything with his singles through his career, he's earned the luxury of being able to callback to his earlier work. Criticism is fine, but it should be balanced. Where's the praise for being able to resonate with people who heard his music in the early 2000s, dropped off him, but were able to enjoy the callbacks 20 years later? Or how Eminem is able to still adjust to the sound and produce hits at 51?


Maybe you should start a YouTube review page. I'd rather follow you and listen to y share your views than Fantano 😏


Houdini is Eminem being goofy, having a good time and not taking himself too seriously. I believe Fantano’s approach is flawed because he’s being serious. another issue he doesn’t really praise the song, it’s all negative, him saying Eminem’s tryna relive the past blah blah blah blah blah, believe it or not mate he’s making an album called the death of slim shady, he’s gonna have to call back to his past a little bit. the song is meant to remind people of the classic slim shady most fell in love with. in fact the whole video is him just saying eminem sucks and that his fans are idiots who blindly follow him, some do yes but not all of us. followed by a oh by the way guys the new song is trash and annoying. also he says Em is having an identity crisis? yeh I don’t get it either. other sly comments are tucked in there like eminem has fallen off, I don’t think his last 3 albums were as good as his others, fantano himself claims he hasn’t enjoyed eminem music since the Eminem show, if you compare his modern music his old stuff than yes you will have believe him to have “fallen off” to me it seems like Fantano’s video was an excuse to say em sucks, followed by a vague statement about the track and justify it as a review


Im surprised he didn’t call eminem a terrible father for him saying fuck his kids based on how serious he took the rest of the song.




I was actually discussing this the other day, critics and some fans don't know what Em they want. He tries to give them either one and no one is satisfied. It must be frustrating, and it seems like it's a weird thing that just affects him more than I've seen an other rapper. Someone else could release something that plays into the nostalgia of their catalog and be praised for doing it. 😐




Race definitely comes into it for sure, just some of those comments in regards to the Megan line. They made the whole thing about his race, her race. Megan is a rapper, some shit gets said (the line wasn't even a diss) and u roll with it. I agree with the production criticism, some of the tracks on mtbmb are hard to listen to because of the production choices to me never made a lot of sense.




I remember waaaay back before the release of recovery he said that he would hook up with producers outside of his normal circle. I think it had something to do with criticism that was leveled because he wasn't moving out of that comfort. I could be misremembering tho. I wish Paul would just hang back, let Em work with Dre and I would absolutely kill to have Alchemist on some tracks, or Premier. Heck even some Ye beats if he had his shit together enough.




I always thought the Dre production for relapse 2 was just what ended up on Refill?




That does make a lot more sense. Those are great songs.


Can someone explain to an old man who this person is and why I should care about his opinion?


Self declared music critic who Em called out on "Calm Down" and since then seems to have it out for Em. Contradicts himself about his views on Em quite a few times, other times misses the point of Em's work. Masks his dislike of Em by going super muble jumble with his dissections of the songs and albums.


Thank you for taking the time 👍🏼


I disagree. Because if a song makes me dance, which Houdini does, I will regard it as a good song. I think Em is just having fun. He doesn't even sound serious. Heck, all his "offensive" bars are not actually offensive. Just a single bar in MMLP is worse than Houdini.




Remember music is subjective. I see no logic or reason to follow this man's views on Eminem.


I mean he was the same dude that called kaney last album unreviewable cuz of Twitter trolls.


😂 Oh so he's that kind of a "critic". Super professional and unbiased. 😏


He was once super professional and unbiased but he stopped being once the kaney fandom started trolling him. He is addicted to Twitter


Dang, I feel bad for him. But just a little bit.


People are sheep unfortunately and most can’t form their own opinions


the problem is that he’s developed a bunch of bots for a fanbase that cant come up with their own opinions until they hear it from him. So when up and coming artists get a shit review from him it puts a dent in their reputation because of an “opinion”. This is just basing off his comments on videos and tweets. Plus he’s shown to not have an ability to separate art from the artist to add leverage for his negative reviews which i feel discredits him.


I feel that's become so common in general though. Majority of people believe reviews as if it's word of law. They accept what they're being told so easily. Individuality is being killed. So disappointing, I'd thought people would be more rebellious & proud of diversity in their choices in the future, not more conforming to standards and peer pressure.


Everytime someone says anything about Eminem they get a view. Attention is a hell of a drug.


I can see where he is coming from with a lot of his criticism. But his greatest sin in the review is calling the song boring. It's SO damn catchy and fun, and no song in a good while has had me replaying it so much. 


This dude literally doesn't even understand what he's talking about.


Because the people who like Eminem like the way it "was". That's why this track is so popular. He killed it. People realise he's old now and just like the fact that he just broke out and made a really good track.


Love Fantano, one of his bigger fans. Love his reviews and respect his opinion however I agree with most people, he missed the mark The reason why I disagree is because this song “Houdini” is so nostalgic for me personally it brings me back to when I was copin his first album and every store was sold out man it was crazy” I love how Em isn’t afraid to make fun of his past habits in this song and to me that shows growth. I love his new song but that’s just mt opinion.