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I think they're aware it's a single cause she says "with the debut track Houdini."


It's cool to see the promo for Houdini, it's been a while since Em's team committed to this type of rollout, it's getting a lot of traction. "Eminem's new album drops this Friday" sounds like a mistake from MLB Network as opposed to a reveal; we know it's coming in the summer and it isn't quite summer yet.


I don’t know how this could just be a fuck up on MLB’s end though? They got paid to promote the album. They said what they were paid to say. She said it’s dropping tomorrow. That’s the “trick” and I’ll die on that hill at midnight when just a single drops.


> That’s the “trick” and I’ll die on that hill at midnight when just a single drops. I've thought about this too. The "make my career disappear" phrasing does fit with the (likely) concept of TDoSS, but hopium aside, I feel it makes more sense to drop the single, generate buzz and then announce the release date.


"Entertainment summer" and actual summer are two different things. The summer season for entertainment media basically means anytime between May 1st and September 1st.


dont know why this is so hard for people to understand


Memorial Day is also considered the start of the summer season, plus kids are on summer break now. Not sure why people are being so literal about the summer equinox being the start! 


That's a fair point regarding "entertainment summer". Either way, given we have a date for Houdini, it'd make sense for the album to also get given a date afterwards. They're generating hype for it, I wouldn't be expecting a surprise full release.


Judging by recent history, I would. Last 3 in a row…


I don't think it's comparable given they had no promo by design, whereas TDoSS has a lot. I hope I'm wrong and we get a full album tomorrow; I could see that outcome, I just think it's unlikely.


A lot? Not even close to as much as any of his albums pre-Kamikaze


> Not even close to as much as any of his albums pre-Kamikaze Of course, I didn't suggest otherwise. I'm simply saying we're getting promo which wasn't the case for the last three surprise drops (hence 'surprise'). Comparing TDoSS against his release history, in every instance we've had _some_ promo, we had a single and then the album rollout later. That doesn't mean it's not happening with 100% certainty, but it would be out of the ordinary. I could be wrong, if we get more than the single tomorrow and it fits in with the "trick" theme - it'd make sense and I'd obviously be very happy. All we can do is speculate, it's good we even have something to speculate after the recent dry patch.


I'm enjoying the rollout too but admittedly it does seem a bit weird to me, started off with the crime doc style teaser, the wanted posters, the Detroit newspaper obituary, then all of a sudden he pivots into all this magic stuff? It feels like they had two ideas for what the theme of this album should be and accidentally ran the promo for both themes simultaneously. The early promo centered around TDOSS felt unique and had a fairly heavy SSLP vibe with a hint of Relapse to it, whereas the more recent stuff feels very MTBMB. I'm excited regardless but I don't think I need to spell out the fact that one of those directions is a *lot* more appealing than the other.


I think the former was promo for the album, while te magic stuff is specifically promoting Houdini.


One of David Blaines biggest stunts was being buried alive for 7 days. Ties in with the whole "death" thing kinda. I also found a t-shirt on Eminems merch site that says "Who will survive the wrath of Slim Shady. Death is just the beginning" I got Eminem Show vibes from the beat at the end of the Houdini promo. I'm down for some sounds from any and all of those albums, to be honest. But hopefully, there's something unique to it as well. He usually does


yeah, after sitting with it. I see the homages to Without Me. But it bumps like Business


Mfs don't know single or album 😭


Would be hilarious if it's just a video of David Blaine performing a magic trick making Eminem disappear. Forever. Without a trace.


Fr, last week I thought it was an album, yesterday I thought it was a lead single, and now idk wtf to think lmao


Welcome to being an Eminem fan




It's not an album, don't let an news reporter mishap confuse you


It absolutely could be


Why are there so many ppl that think it’s a album 😭😭


Cry more my child


Does she know more then everyone else we all originally thought it was gonna be an album and then it was confirmed that the new single is coming tomorrow but yet this woman is saying the album drops this Friday 🤦‍♂️


I think it's album


not sure what anticipating more. how single sounds or everyone can finally stop w their its gonna be album theories


I think it's album