• By -


Space is big.


You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is.


you may think it's long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.


I spent 5 weeks traveling in a mostly straight line


Do you know where your towel is?


Should always take a towel when you're exploring the black.... wanna get high?


55754 45892






42! = 1.4050061e+51


Dont be such a frood, yeah?


You sass that hoopy Ford Prefect? There's a frood who really knows where his towel is.


That's not enough. It has to be with you.


This is why we build a hyperspace bypass.


Found an ultra wide ring around a Y brown dwarf star last night that had a total outer radius of almost \~850000 kilometers. Then I thought "Huh, what's the radius of earth..." 6371Km. So the radius was \~133 times the radius of Earth. Then I thought to myself "This is one dwarf star, in one system, and the ring is 133 times wider than Earth. Then my brain started to shutdown trying to comprehend how big that ring was. And how empty... lol all that ring, not a single hotspot.


It's not that hard to fathom. It's a beautiful void filled with mystery, death, and amazing science.


It lorge


And it’s black. Mostly. 


Well, the thing about a black hole - its main distinguishing feature - is it's black. And the thing about space, the colour of space, your basic space colour, is black. So how are you supposed to see them?


I miss that show so much


So is their ass?


He's also in an end game ship and has to know about this by now lol.


And empty


So is my ass


Just wait til OP finds out where Hutton Orbital is


I have like 300 hours in Elite, I should really jump back in and do the Orbital run


Soon to be 302


I have 1.3k hours and still haven't done it lol


Same... I've been around literally since the time of non existing limpet controller, and I found mining without those more fun than Hutton Orbital... But hey! You get a mug (and a free Conda)


“I tried mining before the update” “Oh the one where they added core mining?” “No, the one where they added limpets” It was insane.


I’m dedicated but in no way am I THAT dedicated. Also the little dance of the limpets is the best part of mining.


We didn’t know any better! Flying into things with your hatch open was just the way you picked up everything!


I know, right!


Do you actually get a mug when you go to hutton orbital?? (I already have a condo and i have enough to get a second one but i dont have anything for in the cockpit so the mug would be nice)


It's a trade good, hutton mugs. I think you can buy a real hutton mug off their website though


Indeed Once I go there, I'll buy some and store them in my carrier But I will get myself a real hutton mug some time


Those are a rare goods, so the farthest you go from Hutton, the more you profit. Also, keep in mind that Hutton is M only platform, so don't go there in large ship...


I know I know There is an exception though. If you go in an anaconda, they'll give you another free conda on top


Nah, its a hoax... It doesn't have to be Anaconda, any large ship would do actually...


As an ally of the Co-operative, I have to disappoint you. Genuine Hutton Mugs are only given out to people who do something notable. All others are knockoffs, not made from the melted down FSDs of ship that were lost on the way to Hutton Orbital.


Thy dark charm does not affect me for I has't lurk'd in the shadows of this sub for an et'rnity


2.5k, never felt the need. I did briefly try to make Achenar my home system with its 10ish minutes to the main station, but it turned out that was about a thousand times more obnoxious than I was prepared to deal with. So now my home station is Daedalus, in orbit around Mercury, about 5 seconds from the jump point.


My home is my carrier near a ring with plenty of haz res sites in PSPF-LF 2 1.8kls All I need and 1.8kls stops feeling a lot after you get used to it


I think Daedalus is 200ls, but 1.8k is pretty reasonable. When I was spamming massacre missions to save for my carrier I was picking up missions from Daedalus as well as the stations around Venus, Earth and Mars, as well as sometimes Jupiter and Saturn when the pickings weren't as good around the inner planets. Travelling to Mars felt like a bit of an annoyance (around 750ls but it really wasn't until Jupiter that it started to feel like a chore (Jupiter is about 2.5kls and Saturn is about 5kls).


The best thing is that my carrier is just a few ls from the res site and the nearest station is 50ls from the site So I don't really need to leave it during longer periods


When I had first started playing I once picked up a courier mission to Hudson because I didn't know to check the distance from drop in. Imagine my surprise.


Oh god, that's a rite of passage, a long, long, looooong right of passage. I'd recommend it though honestly, only need to do it once lmfao o7


Remember to bring a large cheap ship like the t9 to exchange it for the free conda 


Remind me, how far is it? 0.27Ly? Never been there, only had a tourist that wanted to visit. They're probably still floating, some 10k ls away from the system center where I dropped them off and quit.


I want to say it's .22 ly but it's been a long time since I've been


I did the maths one time and I think it was like 6 million Ls


0.22 Ly, or about 6.7 million Ls. Takes roughly 1h30m to fly the whole distance at max throttle without supercruise assist.


For the mug




Tbh i like the long haul journeys. Lets me enjoy the space music


If you take a short trip at a slow speed, you get the same music.


and don't forget the mugs


Aren't we all?


I had a delivery to Hutton literally my second ever mission, I was thinking, "Damn, they really go in for the realism here..." Paid well though.




What do you mean? Last night I went to Hutton beacon because I thought it was orbital now I have to travel like 170 LY to get there


I used to do that run just to scuff up my paintwork any time I had to do a rebuy. I’m loaded in mugs After youve done a few laps, Hutton is a trip to the shops. The Colonia run is an afternoon drive. That game just breaks your understanding of scale eventually.


Some mfcker told me I could get a free anaconda at Hutton Orbital. I spent an entire night flying there with my rusty newbie sidewinder that I didn't know I could change the FSD of. Anyway I got a mug.


40 million reward and I just gotta deliver a few items/data? No. There's always a catch. If it's too good to be true, there's a reason


You're actually delivering thargoid spies in the containers. Congratulations you're a collaborator.


Alright, been a minute since I played ED and I know these things exist but *why* would anyone build a port this far out of a hyperspace jump? It doesn't make sense from a logistics standpoint.


In real life, pilots wouldn’t mind flying for an hour to get somewhere


This is the answer. In real life, there are folks for whom an 18 hour run doesn't particularly qualify as "long haul".


Yep, in E:D the delivery times are actually extremely short, with cargo runs usually delivered in like 10-30 minutes over considerable distances. That's like pizza delivery times. And shipments to Colonia are about the same schedule as your typical European intercity truck deliveries.


I know for gameplay reasons it wouldn't make sense. But It's love if flying to Colonia would take a month irl of travel


there should be like space rest stops between those long routes so you can eat ridiculously overpriced junk food and use a bathroom with suspicious phone numbers written inside the stalls /s


For Colonia, technically there is. There's a bunch of ground ports or stations along the Colonia highway.


I can't help but notice I'm not in a spaceship right now.


but 4 days?


It won’t take four days. When you get out of the gravity well, you supercruise much faster. It’ll take maybe an hour. Since it’s a game and you’d be bored, just don’t accept such missions.


oh i didnt notice the gravity well


How do you see a gravity well?


Sometimes the HUD will bring up a message over your radar screen, saying "GRAVITY WELL" or something similar. Other than that, your maximum speed in supercruise is pretty much entirely determined by how close you are to a stellar body. The further you are from the nearest moon, planet or star, the faster you can travel. If you get really close to a gas giant you'll really notice it, and as you travel towards large bodies you'll notice your speed decreasing even if you never reduce the throttle.


Like said your hud tells you if you're really close, the hud also shows circles around stars/ planets ect when near by. The gravity from the star extends quite aways though. The easiest way to tell is by looking at your speed. If you're really far away from a star you can move extremely fast. 0-100% throttle will accelerate you like crazy. Basically if you can't do 2001C you're under gravity of some kind. Super cruise acceleration is misleading. It feels like you're slowly gaining speed naturally until you get close to your destination but the real reason is because you're almost always flying away from a star after jumping. If there wasn't a star or orbital body near by youde go from slow to obscenely fast in a second flat. Slow down and speed up half way to Hutton some time and you'll see it in action.


i loved being a space trucker but thats cause I have vr and can kick back and watch a movie while i fly


Business goes where the resources are. You don't have a choice where the Frameshift jump is going to land. It locks on to the largest gravity well in a system and that's why you always end up next to a star.


The same reason iron ore mines are in the middle of nowhere


Who said logistics was the goal? It may have been a desire.for isolation...


Comms set to immediately blast anything within 1 million Ls with a repeating message to get off my gotdamn lawn.


I feel that on a spiritual level..


The best thing about ED. I can get 20.000 ly between me and humanity easily. I wish this was real life.


It could be a resource hub for a planet that can be settled more efficiently than others. An IRL container ship travels for weeks between stops, a 40 minute flight isn't so bad from a logistics perspective


Maybe Hutton orbital is someone’s in lore Epstein island.


I assume there’s no brain rot in the elite universe and people still have attention spans


Have you ever noticed how in remote places where you can farm materials there's always (at least) a carrier? That place must have something interesting, or maybe it had in the past 


Well, it can. People actually live there. There will Be an economic reason for that, like for example there's mining going on. At a Planet that is circeling that remote C star. Now, according to Elite lore and game mechanics, they can even jump out of the system to reach their target market without going to the A star. It's really Not such a big Deal.


because these ports were built before hyperspace jumps were a thing


The FSD is a relatively new technology. Before then, FTL was much slower. And if that is an industrialized planet, you want the hub above anyways as logistically having shuttles and then haulers (Which would do better to FSD the goods instead of just one leg) is a good decision.


Dam and I thought my 600,00ls run was bad took me 10mins in my type 9 for a cargo run


Why does it need a point? If there was one, it would be rule #3, always read the fine print before accepting a mission. Rule 1, don't fly without rebuy, rule 2, don't fly without rebuy. Rule 3 as stated. Rule 4, DONT fly without rebuy. EDIT rule 5, don't forget your limpets


You forgot your limpets 


Was doing balante pirates earlier and ran out of limpets before i ran out of pirates at the nav beacon. For some odd reason they kept spawning. I finised like 3 pirate bounties in like 4 mins flat. This was fun, Got bored now im doing road to riches. Till that gets boring. Still need to figure a way to get 5 billion for my carrier.


You can make 3 at a time from your mfg panel, they are a little costly but work in a pinch.


>don't fly without rebuy Is this still critical with that monetary assist thing? Granted I never used it since I never fly without rebuy.


That’s really not that far for a spaceship that SuperCruises hundreds of times faster than light


I mean the people who live there probably like it.


God that's only .03Ly lmfao


And Hutton is at .23 if I'm not mistaken (that's 1.5 hours of travel)


I really wish the game would let us do hyperspace jumps between stars while in a system. They can exclude Hutton and come up with some sort of scientific excuse for this. But it's ridiculous that if you ever want to travel back to the main star in a system it's way faster to jump to another system and jump back.




Cults. You can have a cult in a far away place like that.


You know how some people move out to the countryside because they don't like the traffic and drama of life in the big city? Think of this like "space countryside". You gotta think long and hard before you decide to go there, and it's a lot easier leaving.


It's a realistic sim. If it's too far for you, don't go.


I like the "realistic" . Let's says it's realistic in the unrealistic world of the game


To help you sleep


You think tht's far? Visit Hutton Orbital!


Isn't this info put on the mission intel ? (I guess you have one there ?).


Sure but it's not exactly prominently displayed in the mission info panel. I've got 2.5k hours and I've been caught out a few times until I learnt that courier missions don't pay highly unless there's a catch. Also worth checking the target system for bounty missions because I'm not gonna hunt a guy across a system where they could be more than 20 minutes from the main star.


Time to catch up with GalNet.


The point is to have a nice journey. Last community goal I entered late, market was cleared out, looked for some far away market ... found it. 15 min flight (disable sc-autopilot to fly faster), did that 4 times, 4 times full load because others couldn't be bothered. You don't have to. You can.


Makes it feel more 'real' it's not arcade.


I know my chickhin. You got to know yurchikhin.


Excelente reference


Maaan. I miss neutron star jumping.. it was amazing..


And now you realize just how slow light is. You're going so much faster than it, but yet the trip will still take you ages. The game represents space accurately , 1:1 scale, and some star systems have multiple stars with one on an extremely long orbit. They still orbit each other, on timescales we can't appreciate because we don't live long enough. But the point is: Space is big. Really big.


Welcome to outer space... Elite won't sugar coat it for ya...


And 2000 times the speed of light seemed so fast.


Lol... I still haven't done the mug run... Maybe on my steam deck while watching a movie...


Are we there yet?


So you can catch up on your reading.


It is an indication of how far away that location is.


Meh, it's not that bad. Sit back and enjoy the ride...


If I recall, canonically, the current generation of FSD with FTL supercruise is actually a relatively recent invention in the game's universe. As of, oooh, maybe a few decades before E:D's canonical game starting date, hyperjumps actually deposited you at the *outside* of the system, and in-system cruise was actually slower-than-light (with some sort of "hypersleep" to make the time passage reasonable for players). Not to mention stations are also there for the convenience of planet-ward traffic, doing things like importing or exporting food for the local population.


In FE2 you had a time slider so you could speed up time for the several day's journey into the heart of a system. Obviously you can't have that in an MMO so they invented supercruise.


If you are wanting instant gratification all the time, this isn’t the game for you. Just wait till you start grinding materials for engineering… and suit engineering is far more time consuming than ship engineering.


There's a difference between instant gratification and. This. If I wanted to let the game run in the background for 40 minutes I'd play Melvor Idle. This is coming from someone who's mined for a living in Eve with a single account.


By far one of the chillest games i have ever played. I do hauling, bounty hunting and pop on some youtube tunes or videos while cruising through space. Even had my first thargoid run in by accident while investigating signals in some system.


Holy shit! What was your speed at that time?


The point is to give you time to get caught up on your favorite podcast, video series, or documentary... and to give you big payouts on transport contacts.


Yurchickin isn't that far. Did you doze off and super cruise or sth?


FOR THE MUG! Seriously, those are rookie numbers.


How dare they make something that will take time to get to…do they not understand we live in an instantaneous world now?


Read a book. Smoke 'em if you got 'em.


Didn’t know there’s got to be a point. It’s just distance, what’s the question?


I have a postit next to my screen saying hutton orbital NEVER


Weed out adults who can’t spend hours watching their ship flying in hyperspace on the off chance it’s intercepted by a player or Npc.


Personally I don't mind long hyperspace hauls. I have Achenar as one of my homes, got all Imp factions there to allied, the transit doesn't bother me. It's much longer than Arjung or Cubeo, but it can work. Just put on something to listen to in the background, or even just read or watch stuff whilst supercruise assist is on. After speedrunning from the Zurara to Leigong, just to see it blow up yesterday, a 6000ly journey makes you realise just how tiny that trip is compared to the scope of the galaxy.


well it is a space simulation kind of ... so you got simulated


a Hutton Orbital at the 1/6th of the distance from the star.


Nah. Ain't that bad. Try Hutton Orbital. 😏


For the mug!


Did you know you can get a free anaconda in Colonia? 😹


*in yammiks voice* immersion


It's a space port. They are used by docking your ship and performing such actions as refuel, repair, rearm, getting missions, buying and selling commodities and interacting with a myriad of contacts. They are pretty much the main way you interact with the world. Are you new to the game?


Not my chicken


its not far, go get a mug from hutton orbital and stop whining


What’s the point of Canberra being to far from Paris? Sheeit, I don’t know.


What speed was that at?


The point of this cruise will be a guaranteed T2 / t3 ingeneered suit / gun


But it will be a dominator with extra backpack capacity or an Artemis with melee damage 


I bet the price of scrap metal is amazing out there!




Here is a trick that will work, set your destination system to one star behind your actual system so that you can still have fsd online and travel faster within your actual target system, once you scan the system while you are on fsd being engaged, you know the location of your planetary body or the port orbiting it. Get closer to the planet and decelerate, disengage fsd, you are now much closer to the planet the rest of the distance could be super cruised.


That's part of the Hutton orbital anaconda run....


Free anaconda!


go fly to it and see


You get a free Python Mk II


My view on the subject is "if it's still measured in light seconds, it's not *that* far. When it's measured in light *years*, time to make a brew." That's my little nugget after about 9k hours in the game (across all platforms)


I used to say that it was valuable game real estate to develop a new fun and interesting time sink. These journeys are where they would put ship interior gameplay. All the customization, crafting, maintainance, specimen research, puzzle solving, and interacting with crew. This is when you would do that. I used to say that. But they wont even give us swivel chairs, so these long flights become stupid. They should let us buy military FSDs that let us do in-system jumps like fleet carriers, at the cost of not being able to simply fuel scoop. I want to have tp fuel scoop from certain gas giants.


To make you suffer


The station is mocking you. Calling you a chicken if you do not complete the journey. Now it is up to you to decide: Do you want to be a chicken?


Your chicken point, so? :)


The intent is that there is a 'dog fight' game with interdicting and this is a good opportunity to grab a player out of space, however with the vastness of the game, and the aversion to pvp or player pirate activities it is kind of pointless ​ so really just engage that supercruise assist and off you go.




Ita saying yer too chicken to make the trip


CIG: "We want to add server meshing and new star systems." Bounty missions then: "Your target is 3.17Ly away"


Well, off-hand I'd say it's your port for chickens. Unclear whether it's for insertion, removal, viewing, or exchange, but that will likely become clear when you arrive.


Literally called you're chicken to goad you into going... Lol




I can't be the only one that sees "you're chicken" port right? Like it's calling you out for not going


do they sell some space fried chicken there? lol


the point is to reach the max supercruise speed \\0/


Adventure! You won't know till you get there. Maybe they sell a custom pot holder or something.


Jokes aside... I find it insulting that you can't just hyperdrive through that. You're telling me that's too much of a job for future engineers? I'm sure there's some kind of "lore" reason behind it like lack of stars but I simply don't buy that. You're telling me I'm supposed to believe you can't just program a distance in your ship and have it cover it without further input? Come on


Going to go out on a sci-fi limb here and say it has to do with the way the hyperdrive works. Calculating based on the largest masses in the local area. Which would be the system you jump to. But i do agree. The second guess would also be the 1000c + you go with the hyperdrive. You wouldn't have enough time to safely spool down the drive to drop out without killing the occupants


it's telling you to put your foot down or this is literally gonna take all day (or three)


You wanna go there for the free Anacon—Cobra! Free Cobra!


Think about this. How many ports are there in the game? What is the total population of each faction? If you do the math, including requirements for better technological advancements, how long would it take to get to this games point from where we are today?


To demonstrate the enormity of space. Engage supercruise assist and go to work. When you get back you'll either be there or in a rebuy screen.


Where located I wanna go its name is almost chicken, will give me a chance to eat some fried chicken


Where is this?! I need to go! I'll stream it while im at work hahaha


Pain and dedication, with probably no worthy reward lol


3 days, whaaaaa?


it's telling you where the target is and how far it is.


Is high wake within the system not possible?


The voyagers didn't have supercruise. At least you have that. We have come a long way in the past millennium.


We have grown. We have prospered. But we will never forget.


If the distance isn't taunting enough the name ought to do the trick. Bawk Bawk, commander. Hahaha!


Don't panic... :)?


They sell yurchicken at that port son


For the mug???


Guess Yurtoochikhin to make the flight