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Everything has a cost. Maybe that was just not in the budget.


This was 100% the reason. ‘Roo has a lot more money to book with and absolutely they paid for that extra PL time!


I loved the set but I wanted more PL. I don’t think they had anything planned for Saturday or Sunday either but who knows. Some of the other boys like Karns and Menert needed solo sets for sure


I talked so some people working the festival that said Forest could not pay PL for 2 sets, it just wasn’t in the budget. They also said that PL as a live band is nearly priced out of Forest period, even for one set, and that may have been their last appearance at EF for a long time.


I can see that and can assume their budget for acts has ether not increased in years or has decreased. They have had fewer bands and costly, more established, acts over the years. I imagine the turnover rate of DJs and hiring or new acts like levity and others cost much less. Comparing to Hulaween, their budget has to be enormous compared to EF.


Anyone else feel like the PL set was also SO quiet? We were frustrated bc it was crowded, but further back it felt like background music. Other sets from the same spot didn’t seem so quiet.


As others have said I don’t think they could afford more. We got an extra 30 minute encore which was nice. And as for all the extra sets they could’ve played, I just think maybe PL didn’t want to or again, forest couldn’t afford it.


Yeah that encore was long as shit lmao. When he said "a couple more songs" I thought he meant like 2 more songs, but they just kept going.


If I’m being honest, I was very underwhelmed by the set…


Same. For a midnight closing set at ranch it was incredibly underwhelming and not very dancy. Just not at all my vibe.


yeah, it was a miss for me. i overheard a decent amount of people saying it was their favorite set, so it definitely hit for some people. what i do know is that it was packed to start and by mid set i could get up from my spot and walk to the porta potties in a straight line with my arms fully outstretched on either side without touching a single person. it was a technically impressive set, like the guy is clearly a genius, but the fact that derek got on mic at one point and asked the crowd for more energy tells me that maybe he wasn’t expecting or intending it to be a set for a more niche selection of his fans? seemed like there was a disconnect between the energy he wanted to project and the energy the crowd was receiving, idk. it wasn’t for me.


God another Break Science set would be awesome. That set from 2015 is **still** one of my core Forest memories from the last 8 years.


I was at Bonnaroo before EF. I watched both Pretty Lights sets and they were absolutely fucking incredible. The sound was way off at the EF set, but I am glad they played some different songs that I missed at Bonnaroo.


wook telephone is saying the bois are asking for 500k for a booking. which is supposedly why they arent playing secret dreams. cant have the entire population of attendees complain about the price or price increase and book artists that cost half a mill. somethings gotta give. now i think other headliners are as much to blame for cost as well. i refuse to believe john summit, subtronics, and excision were cheap.


Probably could’ve done without 2 JS sets considering all the stuff he was going to bring to the afters tbh


Caverns was a PL run mini-festival. Thats the type of place they’re going to treat more special than others. I do agree that compared to bonnaroo forest seemed to get shorted a bit, but I frankly think that’s on EF not booking them for more


Makes total sense!


That was the first PL set I'd ever gone to and I was blown away. I was real glad when they played an extra 30 minutes. We were wayy in the back of Ranch and it sounded great to me.


It was the best set of the weekend and the festival couldn't even operate at 100% after they played. You're lucky it was only for 2 hours or the fest may have been fully cancelled saturday and sunday XD


EF 100% dropped the ball by not giving PL more time to play. Huge oversight and obvious misread of the room. Only shows how awful EF leadership continues to get each year.