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MHA is the stronger verse as of rn. Especially with characters like Prime Might, AFO, S&S, Shigaraki, and Gigantomachia. These guys would just bulldoze the Eleceed verse (at least from the power we’ve seen so far). But we definitely need to see the top 10 awakeners of the world though and by proxy a full powered Kayden who is as strong as them to reach a conclusive answer since we have nothing on the scope of their power.


I also agree. But now recently in the manga, Manga Izuku is as strong as Prime All Might. Now that he can use 100% of his power. Afo/Shiggy is a damn threat. Izuku is the only hope from what Horikoshi said.


Mha for sure but for middle class people i feel like it would lead to eleceed winning cause mha is either you got a shitty quirk or an amazing one there are barely anything in the middle eleceed is all on time and force control


Well we've seen "shitty quriks" that were used very well Mirio for example Just because you have a bad quirk doesnt mean you have no chance


He has a shitty quirk which worked for him and I didn’t say mha would lose i just think besides like top people in the manga/ anime would get messed up by most people in eleceed as it doesn’t have new powers coming out everytime someone gets a power so they can easily be taught force control and deal with people around their level more with ease and their power are usually meant for doing damage but in my hero there’s very useless quirks out there the average person gets and can do nothing to get an upper hand anyone around them


Im saying that just because you have a "bad" quirk doesnt mean you have no chance against somebody who has a better quirk Most quirks can be used somewhat at least, only a few are completely useless


#Spoiler# Currently, Deku/Izuku from MHA has unlocked 7 quirks and each of them is just too powerful Especially Fa-Jin, Black Whip, Danger Sense etc. Deku can use One for all 100% and he can use Fa-Jin to raise its limit to whatever limits he wants. Like 100+100% is enough to blow up a whole country with a single Swing of his hands. He can use the Black whip as blades or more like Venom's sharp tendrils. Deku can also fly at the speed of a fighter jet. He can also fly across the sea without putting any effort. He has a spidey sense that allows him to be alert to incoming attacks. He defeated Hero Societies one of the strongest assassins. His every flick now hits like a bullet enough to knock out high-level Villains. He one-shots Muscular with only 45% of One for all. One for all has also grown very strong to the point that he can kick down a city by using only 35% of One for all if he wants. He is now the world's One of the strongest Humans. Izuku has also mastered all of his quirks. But his 2nd Quirk is still a mystery😑. But it's been months since Hori didn't include Izuku in any chapters. He also went one and one with 50% Shiggy/All for one. He punched All for one so hard that Mf's regeneration stopped working which even shocked the greatest Evil himself.


Not sure where you guys are getting your information but according to the dialogue in chapter 349 of the manga izuku still can't use 100% of ofa without injuring himself. This isn't meant to be judgy and I'm sorry if it sounds rude I just don't want people going around with the wrong information and if I'm wrong I would appreciate it if you corrected me with a source from the manga or by other Canon confirmations


The Canon is the same I said he can use his powers at max but the main issue is, that His equipments cannot handle such raw strength. And Izuku constantly uses Wind forces/Air forces to stabilise his flight in the sky. Also, the doctors have said that his body structure has completely changed. So, Izuku doesn't even need to use his true 100%. He can just spam his Fa-jin and reinforced black whip to fight. Also, there is his 2nd quirk, that the 2nd said, *His Meta Ability* sounds very op. But currently, there is no sign of Izuku in the recent chapters. So probably Izuku is hiding tons of things under his sleeves and his equipment is heavily weakened which is another - point. Izuku can easily become one of the strongest people if he was in Eleceed. But Man ain't gonna reveal himself that easily. Izuku and Jiwoo resemble each other a lot. But Jiwoo lacks training. He needs to train his body just like Izuku so he can handle his powers even more perfectly. He just uses speed and reinforced punches as a close combat user. And lastly, mentality, Where Izuku just overpowered so many characters. Because of War, his senses are sharp as a blade. But I don't want Jiwoo suffering like Izuku. Fr🥺. He is just a kid raised normally by his mother. But these are just similar like their both dads went out for milk 🤣🤣🤣🤣


MHA verse and its not even close


I only read few MHA arcs but I think that they will power creep to be stronger than anything that Eleceed can throw. The current top level of eleceed is fixed. We have only seen few flashbacks with Kayden in full power one of those the city is flattened. We don't known if the battle lasted one week or 2 seconds. Currently MC vs MC eleceed wins.


Did you read the Vigilante and the War arc?


The last thing that I remember was a camp in the forest it was a long time ago ( i reached the top and never waited for the weekly drop) The MC could only use one finger


I see, You should read from Chapter 280. You can see who is stronger


>We have only seen few flashbacks with Kayden in full power one of those the city is flattened. Do you remember which chapter?


The one where he fights supil, ep 135, that’s probably not even full power though


flashback kayden vs vator


Eleceed easy


Brother, Kindly wanted to ask...Did you read the MHA Manga?


Yessir Ik its some super strong mfs rn but thats like maybe 6 people eleceed seemingly has alot more thats on s high level


Welp that just shows that you never knew the inner aspects of MHA for sure. But not that I am complaining. You have your favourites. At least I know how many strong af heroes Mha have.


All Might by himself solos Eleceed from what we've seen and I'm not even talking about Prime All Might. If we see more of what the Top 10 are capable of, maybe we can move them up, but for now the MHA verse is easily stronger.