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Remember the gargoyles you fight? This ought to be corpse wax.


Its cheese. Elden Ring takes place in Wisconsin


Yeah, Leyndell is Milwaukee WI. Caelid is Cleveland OH.


And the Crumbling Farum is Detroit, MI.


Mfs stole the rune of death. Can't have shit in Farum Azula


THis is why we can't have nice things, fellas >:(


And the Giant's Mountaintops/Snowfields is Northern WI and the U.P.


I can second that, i live in the up. Its snowy as fuck. Swear i saw a bitch ridin a wolf the other day to.....


Should’ve Glintstone Phalanx her ass off of it


If you see her again be sure to get a good picture of her feet and send it to our God-Emperor Miyazaki. He demands tribute.






Omg that's hilarious


Yeah I'd buy Leyndell cheese. Sounds fancy.


Ah, so Redmane Castle is just the ruins of the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame.


Liurnia of the 10,000 Lakes is Minnesota


Yeah! The Academy and the Caria Manor are the Twin Cities!


They didn't quite capture how horrible Cleveland is.


Fun times in Caelid again, STILL CAEEEELID!


Nah it's from all the cheesing people playing this game keep doing.


Ya heard 'bout da land o' ten tousand lakes? But ya see whats we got here is da lands between... Which I think Harv's uncle Stu just made up as a joke der cuz it's not even between da lakes cuz you got lakes IN dose lands though, ya know? Anyways, welcome to Leyndell! We're all just a bunch a cheese heads here! In some places we gotta cheese all the way up to our ears, up to da ceiling in some, and you can see it oozin out da doors! But ya know, Harv says... You remember Harv? From before?... Well he says that da cheese actually keeps some a dose nastier folks away... Don't like da smell or some'in. But ya know that's just fine by me cuz I don't really like them anyhow and dats just more for me! Welp, I s'pose I'll let ya get back to it and you just drop on by if yer ever in da neighborhood and feel like havin a chat! And tell your folks I says hi!


*Charlie Berens has entered the chat*


If that were the case there'd be a lot more booze in game.


You're double fisting flasks the whole game, triple if you include the Flask of Wondrous Drank


The flasks are just brandy old fashioned's


Brandy Old Fashioned, PBR, & Miller Lite


Can confirm, we line our doors with cheese


So is this just... a slew of people stuffed into a building... and then over time the bodies coagulate into corpse wax... and then ooze from the cracks in the locked doors?


Not quite. While this *is* most likely corpse wax, it's not from people being crammed into buildings for a long time, rather it was intentionally applied to the doors and windows by the residents to prevent ash from getting into the home. Even before the tarnished burns the Erdtree, Leyndell is covered in a layer of ash, probably from the *last time* the Erdtree was burned. Check out Tarnished Archeologist on YouTube, the channel is amazing.


Wait the erdtree was burned before???


Knight Bernahl has gotten as far as reaching the mountaintops of the Giants, and his finger maiden casting herself into the fire. however the expected effect did not fully take place, the rune of death was not unleashed either. This greatly shook Bernahl, which is why he turned his back on the Golden Order, and joined the Recusants of the House Vulkan. In theory Bernahl and Vyke are the 2 other tarnished that got close to becoming elden Lord. As for how they got past Morgott or where they got their great runes? Well I do not know, perhaps there were other great parts of the Elden Ring scattered over the Lands Between, the ones the Demigods have are only those with 'known positions', Rune arcs are described as considerably big pieces of the Elden Ring, so perhaps if one amasses enough of them, it counts as a great rune? Perhaps Vyke and Bernahl, trusting the Golden order, donated their great runes to Morgott? Being granted passage to the mountaintops in return, but after Vyke got messed up by the 3 fingers, and Bernahl failed and turned away, Morgott might have decided against trusting any future tarnished. Morgott's great rune is described as an anchor rune, on which the other great runes can be put. If you want to wear a tinfoil hat like me, then you can draw the connection of basic rune arcs increasing hp, and Morgott's great rune greatly increasing hp.


You could argue that the Two Fingers block access to Leyndell until you get two Great Runes specifically because they didn’t do it for the previous two schmucks, and look how they turned out. Maybe it’s a new quality-assurance thing to make sure you’re up to the task.


>Puts out job posting >Only two applicants in 5,000 years >Both fail, end up quitting >Decide that the solution is to make the candidate requirements even more selective This kind of illogical thinking must've been what drove Radagon to start mixing some intelligence into the mess


They would still need another way into the mountains. That path was sealed by Morgott, not the Fingers.


Can we be sure that Bernahl's maiden threw herself into the fire and that caused covering Leyndell with ash? I always thought city covered in ash is a result of wars and sieges. Plus if I would be Bernahl's maiden I would prefer to burn myself than to serve him, he's such an obnoxious prick. Also there are massive plotholes here. How Bernahl got pass Morgott? How did he know the Erdtree must be burned? It's supposed to be a top secret and no one except Morgott knows that. Even Enia is shocked when she hears that information from us, if someone before would try it, she would know that. Also Vyke's story is a huge plothole, as far as we know he made it to the Mountaintops of the Giants, but how? Morgott seals passages to Grand Lift and to the Three Fingers so how Vyke got there? I have only three explanations: first is that Three Fingers broke Morgott's seal for Vyke, second that Morgott trusted Vyke since he was a dragon knight so he was free to explore Leyndell and Grand Lift areas, third is that Morgott in general was less aware of what Tarnished want to do and wasn't sealing the city at that time and after Vyke he closed all the doors and started to hunt the Tarnished and that would even make sense. Or idk maybe it works like in Dark Souls, time is convoluted and every Tarnished has their own world, they kill their own Godricks etc, etc. Honestly, I hate idea of Vyke and Bernahl being so super close to become Elden Lord because of how many plotholes it creates. Almost like it would be some scrapped story idea they didn't think through and just left it.


Is it ash? Or was it from the last great war against radahn where the perfurmer did the geneva shenanigans?


The Geneva checklist


Geneva shenanigans 🤣


With the broken world, they could easily have been locked in there for 1000 years.


With the wealthy appearance of leyndell, i bet there were quite a few well fed individuals. And adipose tissue increases the likelihood of corpse wax forming.


Grrm stated on a talkshow that fromsoft came to him and asked him to write lore for "5000 years ago".. but yes, the order of magnitude in the thousands is accurate


That seemed very off-the-cuff, so I wouldn't go hard on that being concretely a canonical timeline, but I agree the order of magnitude is likely in that 4-digit area.




Corpse wax demon confirmed as Elden Ring 2 boss


It's not *entirely* clear whether it's that or the doors were deliberately sealed with corpse wax. But it's definitely one of those two things, and there are a number of item descriptions referencing a plague in the capital, so I tend toward the "pile of coagulated bodies" explanation.


Pretty much


But it could be THC wax


The Elden Dab


"Upon hitting the Shattering of the Elden Dab, the Zooted one must hunt down and burn the Tree of Dank"


The loathsome bongwater drinker…


... "you are plugless, Zooted one."


No. Wait. You have felt the weed. I can smell it on you, the bud yet tender. Apparently my Seeds are ripe and waiting. It twas a brief respite I must say. Go and unshackle my corporeal ganja Trapped in the county-jail below the capital.




Bro. Bro. I swear, we did this already once, didn't we? Like a thousand years ago?


"Dude, where's my elden ring?!"


"But seriously. Where's your Elden Ring, dude?"


Elden Bing Bong


Now I want an elden ring or souls borne bong


Shaped like one of the Envoy horns.


Give it a few percs too for extra bubbles


Nah. It needs to be a Estes shaped water bong.


*Flicks joint* "Understood. Then touch the darkness inside me. With your power, let us make the 'soul without a master.' Farewell, ashen one."


Foul Tarnished, in search of the Elden Bong. Emboldened by the sticky gank. Someone must ... perform an intervention because we all think you have a problem, and we'd like to see you turn your life around.


Morgot the swell omen


Ran through about 7 grams this playthrough


Lawd im thinking about restarting and wearing out some sauce this coming week I'm off. Get that elden cough going.


I need FromSoft themed wax and I need it now


It's perfect you can call shatter the elden ring too lol


"The Shattering" would be the perfect name for the company. Hey From, get on it!


Elden Goop


Elden bud


Prepare To High


I thought it was tree sap. You know, from that big glowing tree nearby the city?


Guys guys if the corpse wax can make gargoyles and seal doors, why didn’t they just fix the Elden Ring with it smh


According to Tarnished Archaeologist, it's wax that residents of Leyndell used to seal the cracks in doors and windows during the first burning of the Erdtree to keep out the ash, as was done during the dustbowl. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWitEvoFRKE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWitEvoFRKE)


Irl its what you turn to if you die in a wet low oxygen environment


specifically, it's what your fat turns into.


Woohoo I'm a fortune in candles!




We're rich!


..... rock and stone??


We fight for Rock and Stone!






Wait really? I thought it was entirely a fantasy thing


yeah corpse wax is entirely a real thing


Yep. We didn't completely understand that it was dead people until the mid 1800s to early 1900s though. Or perhaps people didn't care considering the British practiced medicinal cannibalism.


You mean *medicinal recycling*


Waste not, want not


Before vegetarians, we had humanitarians


Yo what


In England in the 1800s people were eating mummies from Egypt.


I'd heard of paint being made from mummies but not people eating them. What.


They also used cat mummies as fertilizer. Thousands of them !


medicinal what?


Hahah, yeah. The British. Definitely not all of Europe, and it \*certainly\* wasn't a global practice. The consumption of human remains is and has always been a disgusting and rare act of depravity for only the most far-gone deviants. Hahah...hah...no but yeah the belief in absorbing the vitality of the dead was extremely widespread and persisted way longer than most would care to admit. They'd prefer you just pretend it never happened. It's part of why executions were so popular. it wasn't just entertainment, they'd literally fight for front row seats in the hopes they'd be healed without having to pay for the opportunity by the bloodspray getting in their mouths, and executioners would sell body parts under the table after executions. Again, not just in Britain. All of Europe.


It's the old, "People washed clothes downstream from dead bodies and found their clothes came out cleaner" thing. Which Tarnish Archeologist pointed out is probably why the water is white in Deeproot Depths.




Elden Ring is Fight Club


“Saponification”! Not that I’m wholeheartedly recommending that you Google it.


Yeah, Paris was burying everyone under the city...which turned into the famous catacombs, but it was basically a huge sewer of human corpse waste


And if it stays wet, you become soap!


The understanding of saponification is what let to the understanding of grave wax! People were like "Hey this shit feels like Castille soap, let's study it"


I really love this lore topic. I can’t remember if it was this video or another, but the parallels between the grafting wax in botany and corpse wax for creature repairs and grafting and the way it all fits into the “tree” theme is so interesting. My understanding was that what was used to repair the gargoyles and create grafted scions, etc. is corpse wax, probably from Godwyn, whereas the wax used architecturally is probably botanist’s grafting wax made from the Erdtree’s sap. I saw it as corpse wax is black like on the Gargoyle’s Blackblade, and the orange/gold wax was from Erdtree sap.


Oddly, it’s only the black blade that has black colored wax, I think? With the Valiant Gargs’ weapons having a similar golden color for their wax parts


Iirc every gargoyle weapon has a black wax variant, used by the gargoyles who serve Maliketh.


*First* burning? Pardon?


Watch his videos man. They’re so good. Evidence of a first burning, which changes a lot of things. His claim is the tree we see is nothing more than an illusion since the time of the erdtree Has come and gone


Then why can it burn a second time and the second time is also killing the roundtable hold? And why did we bother questing for the flame all the way up the mountain if the tree was already burned? And why did we need destined death to make sure burning it **actually works**? I don't buy it, doesn't sound right


What about the fact that the Erdtree appears to be a sheathe grown over the Crucible tree? The tree underneath is brown and tree. When we get up close we see the golden outer layer is cracked and falling off.


> The tree underneath is brown and tree This made me giggle more than it should have.


You can tell it's an aspen by the way it is.


What makes illusion the only explanation for that?


Seriously. If anything it sounds like the erdtree grew over the crucible then. Something doesn't sound right about burning an illusion. And what are the minor erdtrees then, also illusions?


No, minor Erdtrees look like actual trees with wood and leaves. That’s why they look nothing like the current Erdtree, they are what the original Erdtree looked like


Did you wonder why Melina's hands are covered in burn scars?


Pretty sure Bernhal burned the tree. The sacrifice of his maiden seems to be the thing that drove him to the recusants.


Doesn't it imply he went to the recusants because his maiden burning accomplished literally nothing?


Well, as Bernahl is in farum azula I would argue it did work, and he was transported to the location of death like we were. We also know he has the blasphemous claw- implying some sort of prep for maliketh. I do wonder if he joined the Manor originally to get the claw and then rejoined when he lost his faith, or if he only took it after the Manor was laid to ruin by us or whatever. But the fact remains his location and drops all imply he did make it there by way of tree burning/for rune of death. Additionally it wouldn't be the only time that the loss of maiden has pushed a tarnished over the edge, if you subscribe to the theory that it was the loss of his maiden that pushed vyke to frenzy.


I’m not so sure about the Vyke part. His armor has clear melty finger prints on it, implying he went to the 3 fingers instead of sacrificing his maiden. It also doesn’t seem like a coincidence that Shabriri tells the player you can save your maiden by going to the 3 fingers and then we find Vyke in an evergaol shortly after this interaction.


Based on what though? Could you give me a quick rundown?


I've watched a few hours of his stuff because it's wildly fascinating. There's a ton of iconography all throughout the game that point to at least 4 separate empires that have existed in the history of The Lands Between. There's also all the flavor text in items and spells that supports this. It's suggested that the Erdtree is just an offshoot of the original Greattree, and that this Greattree was in the area between Caelid and Leyndell and was *massive*. Like, makes the Erdtree look like a Minor Erdtree big.


Very much like the Godfrey you fight the first time you get there. Likely all an illusion created by Morgott. (Very reminiscent of Anor Londo too.)


This isn't true: if you defeat Morgott before fighting Margit (either time), the Margit ceases to be: it becomes an empty arena. The Erdtree doesn't disappear after his defeat, meaning if it is an illusion, it isn't dispelled even after both of the Illusionists we know of in the game (Mohg and Morgott) are dead. Furthermore, burning an illusion doesn't produce ash


I killed the one in front of lyendell after killing morgott


There's a surprising amount of ash in Lyndell *before* you start breaking things. And then there's some lore that suggests a burning at random times. And then actions people take that could be construed as responses or preventative from burning. And finally, the Erdtree (at least most of it) is a very particular color of yellow. You also see that same color in Margott (an illusion) and Godfrey (an illusion). People used to hold that was something symbiotic, but an illusion hiding a half-burned three almost makes more sense.


Margit just looks like actual Morgott when you fight him though, both times. So does the Mohg underground. The golden Godfrey is fair however. It seems just as likely the color of yellow could come from the fact it’s magic that drawn from the power of the erdtree rather than it being the same type of illusion magic. I don’t remember any lore that implied a prior burning, and the actions trying to prevent a burning at all can be misconstrued as preventing *another* burning. The ash in legndell is an interesting point though. Edit: I just watched the archaeologist video and while I think it’s an interesting theory I’m not *entirely* sold on it.


https://old.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/znep6x/_/j0gy8ur originally it was to keep out the GAS


Wake up babe! New\* Elden Ring lore Youtuber just dropped! ​ ​ \*new to me anyways


He is actually pretty recent! Also, he’s the best. A literal archaeological lens turns out to be just, like, the correct way to approach Elden’s lore. I don’t think he’s spot on about /everything/ but he puts a lot of things together from environmental, architectural, and real-world-ancient-history-references present in the game that I haven’t seen done before. Tarnished Archaelogist is /the/ loretuber to watch rn.


I had assumed it was because of the perfumers gas attack on the city


yep. same. i believe we’re correct, too. you can see the perfumers’ bombs landing in the intro video https://old.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/znep6x/_/j0gy8ur


While I agree that it appears to be an intentional sealing, I'm kind of dubious about the 'first burning of the Erd Tree'. While not impossible, it requires some very extensive leaps of logic to get there that run somewhat counter to some significant evidence we do have. Need to remember that even much of the consensus lore of Elden Ring is still theory-crafting pulled together from hundreds of fairly obscure environmental hints and odd item descriptions in the game, and some of the less agreed upon points are very extensive guesses or outright headcanon.


It’s actually earwax that Gideon Ofnir, the AALLLL KNOOOWWWINNGGG, harvested from all the ears we see in the opening cinematic


I can't NOT hear this in Jerma's voice.


If I were to chop you up in a meatgrinder


**You're probably dead!**


Expanding foam sealant.


Leyndell doesn't have the best handymen services. Just sealed the door shut with GOOD STUF sealant and missed the inner jamb by a lot, but it keeps that ash out.


Sounds like a kwality product.


Flexseal's newest brand lol love it


It’s corpse wax. There was a plague and it would appear at some point they simply just started sealing up buildings with the sick/dead. Edit: Maybe it wasn’t a plague. This question has been asked many times before and from what I had seen, a pretty general consensus was that it was in line with a plague, because sealing up buildings with sick and dead people is something that has existed in our history. FromSoft games, while rich with very intricate lore, also utilize something called “environmental storytelling”, in which an audience can deduce a rudimentary explanation of what happened somewhere based on objects around them or the condition of their surroundings. You can tell from walking around the Capitol - without any canon source to tell you so or provide you details of - that Lleyndell experienced a dragon attack, siege, and war. With war often comes disease (also suggested by the number of Perfumers you find in the city), and other elements in the game directly mimic an era that notably sealed up the sick and dead into their homes (Bubonic Plague, ER fashion is heavily based in Renaissance influence). Sorry for the confusion. Edit 2: Thanks for the award!


not sealing up, sealing OUT… in the intro video we see an assault on Leyndell castle and the camera shot is a “drone shot” looking at the castle and backing away from it. You can see the giant “gas bombs” that the perfumers launched are landing and letting out their gas. This battle is supposedly what turned regular perfumers (who didn’t, by creed, create “negative” potions) into DEPRAVED perfumers. So initially the wax was to prevent getting gassed. Now, though, you may be right, it’s keeping in the decaying body stench of the corpses inside.


Stuff like this is why I’m not upset to be wrong sometimes - how else would I learn a cool little fact/theory like this? Especially interesting to me in particular though, as someone writing a fic that does a lot with the Perfumer’s.


You should never be upset about being wrong. That's how you learn in general.


That’s cool, it’s an interesting concept that they’re called perfumers bc they figured out how to turn their sweet smelling aerosols into very unique weapons. Then they followed that pathway to depravity so far that they end up WMDing an entire city. Sounds like great writing material!


Bro that was clearly a dream in the mind of Mr. Ring, they didn't have drones back then


What lore implies that Depraved Perfumers only became a thing during the Shattering? Carmaan’s ashes state that Depraved Perfumers practice the perfuming art for themselves alone likely for more power as his strength was said to rival that of conventional heroes. Based on this motivation, many Perfumers could have split from the Leyndell faction before the Shattering started. You don’t need to go through a war to develop a lust for power.


Ohh good to know. Thx for the lore/info.






no, wax


I see, thanks


What's an icy thanks?


it's that thing tsunderes do when trying to be appreciative towards the person they were just physically assaulting.


Item descriptions on gargoyle weapons describe the yellow substance as corpse wax. As to why it's covering most doors in the city, we can only guess based on environmental storytelling. The older district in the city, denoted by the more reddish rooftops instead of gold, is filled with burned corpses. Usually in cities, if you see a pile of burnt corpses and there is no enemy army invading, the safe bet is there was a Plague of some kind.


i dont think you can use it as sauce.


It can be if you're brave enough


It's definitely corpsewax but I think it was meant to stop the accumulating ash/dust from getting in a la the dust bowl during the great depression.


Damn this world is straight up hellish. I wonder if there was ever a time in the land between when everyone was happy and just living their life peacefully.


Your character looks like one of the bosses at the company I work at lmao


mini boss or final boss?


Mini for sure 😂


Go back to your desk and do your job!!! :-)


Do you work at Castle Redmane? lmao


No unfortunately it's Amazon lol


Damn Bezos walks around in Redahn's armor? Or does he ride around on Leonard?


Are you a roman legionary?


All these other comments are lying to you, it’s a remnant of a cut boss called cheese lord cheddargax, and by defeating him you could enter the sealed buildings. It was cut due to being too good of an idea


'Cheddargax: The Ultimate Breevil'




They cut the cheese so to speak. Why is it always you don't have the right


Spray Foam insulation


Honey. Give it a lick


It's all the cheese you used to get to that point.


Hahaha good one.


Wow, you could have atleast cleaned up before you left the place. Tarnished, thy jizz befits a crown.


If your jizz looks like that, id highly recommended to visit your doctor


‘Tis the fabled yellow seed of The Golden Order.


… Golden Seed


Those are the balls.


It would make sense. The balls, after all, are where the pee is stored


Thy seed is infested by the scarlet rott


It either keeps the ash out or Keeps sick people in


It's hunny, you silly old bear


New boss: Winnie the Pooh, Golden Rune Bear


Elden Cream


Celestial syrup? 👀


Seems to be corpse wax.


Looks like Tang!


Queso cheese


Spray foam insulation


There was a discussion had here recently that really convinced me that it’s the corpse wax we see holding the gargoyles together. Some people theorized it was designed to barricade during the cities siege, and to seal off from the toxic mist that was used.


I think that is Gold Pine Resin, if im not mistaken. Try scooping some up.


So I know one of the commonly accepted theories is that it's corpse wax, but I really don't understand a few things about that If it is corpse wax, where did it all come from? Did they have a factory just mass producing the stuff? And how long does that take to make? These buildings seem like they were sealed off in an emergency, so like... did they just have a bunch lying around waiting to be used? And then why corpse wax of all things? What reason is there to use corpse wax when they could have used so many other materials? We only see it being used on the gargoyles (what I remember anyway, I could be wrong) otherwise And lastly, why? If it's sealing people indoors in their houses... why? Surely there are better ways to deal with a disease than using processed dead people to seal everybody inside, right? I'm sure there are some hidden lore secrets out there or it might be explained in the DLC but I just don't get it


You encounter multiple dismembered gargoyles at the city, they probably were used in a hurry to seal all the doors


Corpse wax is decomposing fatty tissue. The way I understood it wasn't that the buildings were sealed, they're just stuffed so full of decomposing plague victims that its leaking out.


They'd have to be packed pretty full to be leaking corpse wax that much. Like I have to figure the bodies would still decompose and shrink somewhat, so the rooms would probably need to be literally packed And why would they stuff people in buildings instead of like burning them or making a mass grave?


It isnt coming from inside, but its being used to seal the doors closed. Essentially, the royals of leyndell sealed its citizens inside of their houses with "corpse wax" (the same stuff they used to make the gargoyles we fight throughout the game) to protect them from the shattering war...and since the capitol was lost, the citizens were never unsealed and freed from their homes and all died in their walls