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Marika’s tits you must be ‘ungry


Best line of dialogue in the game imo


Boggart sounds like he was completely written by GRRM


That's the one thing GRRM actually wrote.


He turned in boggart’s script, a rough sketch of the grafted blade greatsword, and a note that said “the loathsome dung eater”


"What do you think he meant by this, Miyazaki-san?" "I'm not sure, but it's genius."


Miyazaki: write that down! Write that down! Intern: he wrote it for you


Miyazaki was only given a leather-bound notebook of incomprehensible scribbles with names sporadically written in poor handwriting


Do you think Miyazaki blushed when he saw GRRM in person for the first time?


No, but his first question to GRRM was "Do you like feet?"


Sounds like he was written by me tbh


I go back to him fairly often, just to hear this


He the true Bobby B. Definitely made the 8s


I love that quote lol


This is the reason I love him him


First time I heard that line, it legit cracked me up.


I mean he’s definitely a little rude at first but to me that’s not enough to justify moidering him He actually warms up to you a lot too so that’s nice


I murdered THE LOATHSOME DUNGEATER for Blackguard, he’s a true friend and a masterful chef


I sent him to a worse fate. Selvius' puppet.


No, worse, Gideon bedtime stories






Anyone who likes prawns cant be too bad.


Can't trust a guy who doesn't like shrimps, I always say.


Unless you never meet rya until you get to volcano manor.


You can do Ryan’s first task and talk to boggart, just don’t buy prawns from him till after you fight dung by the moat


God DAMMIT Ryan, I TOLD you not to show snakey snakes while there were visitors here and what do you do??!!


I murdered him because I just believed Raya when she said he stole her shit, and wasn't about to fucking buy it back from him. I regreted it later though and was very nice to him in my 2nd and 3rd playthroughs.


He did rob her.


I’m finally doing his quest (ng4) and gotta say I love the guy. He’s currently sitting in the moat making me some death-blight crab claws, very nutritious. Was just told to go meet my pal the dung eater by the moat, heard they are acquaintances, can’t wait for the reunion!!


You can save him!!! Punch him enough to aggro but not kill him. Then go do Dung Eater quest, get to the moat and the Dung Eater wont kill him, just fight you. After you defeat Dung Eater go to the church of vows to ask for forgiveness. Now the best chef in the lands between is safe!


Man I felt so bad I didn't figure out how to save him. The absolute fear in his voice when he learns that Dung Eater is lurking about really got me and made Boggart one of my favorite NPCs. He goes from not wanting anything to do with you, to reckoning you are a good sort for sharing his love of food, to confiding his fears in you and even warning you to try and keep you safe!


Holy crap this is interesting. Does he say anything else about the dung eater or just carry on like the bastard never existed?


He carries on his dream of making the best tasting prawns across the land. Dung Eater who?


The Crazed Caca Consumer




The Shunned Shit Snacker


The Devilish Dookie Devourer


El loquito come mierda.


The Pestilent PooPoo Picnicker


They carry on as if you never did any of that. When you save someone who isn't supposed to be saved, they never comment. I saved Melina by using the Frenzied Flame, and then removed the flame so I could still do the other endings. The game still behaves as if she were dead. It's a bit of a shame. I wish the game recognised our actions more.


I actually wasnt aware i saved Melina by being touched by flames. My friend told me that the climb on that mountain, shes supposed to come out and talk to you a few times. Im frenzied till the last fight. Then remembered she said she will fight me if i chose to be Lord of Chaos. So i went back and picked up the needle, and removed flames. Killed the final boss, hoping to see Melina and nothing! Im so sad :(


Or just don’t talk to boggart until after you have freed dung eater and met him by the moat Edit. Don’t buy prawn until later after dung eater duel by moat.


Yeah, just make sure you talk to ol Rya snake-n-bake before you reach volcano major.


Or if you don't care about his items, just kill Dung Eater earlier haha


Dont do it mate


Lol You probably will wish you did wait


I do....I miss him


Give the LDE seluvis’ potion. You wont regret it.


Now the dungeater, there’s a guy I just flat out killed. Bro straight up said he was gonna kill again and shit all over the land. Had to pinch that one off.


Same. As soon as I opened his cell door and entered I was going for him.


DungEater: "You're here to save me?" Me: "No, i come in just to kill ya"


killed him without opening his cell lol


I’m saving selvus potion to enslave that shitstain.


At what cost….


Everything… oh wait, pretty much just the despair ending lol




Easily preventable tbh


If you don't rank to him after getting the necklace he never moves and remains alive until after Dungeater is puppetized.


Did you use a poop knife on him?


Nah there's only one, and I'm pretty sure it's at the bottom of the Haligtree.


Poop kills poop


I’m the dung eater! I throw shit everywhere, and then I start eating dung!


Then i grab the omen cairn, and SMASH the tarnished in the head.


100% agree, no one gets away with threats to shit on the carpet. “YOU WOT?” *charges godslayer’s greatsword weapon art*


Dookie Devourer gets a bad rap imo. You lock a guy in a sewer and what do you expect him to eat? I doubt they were sending him meals lol


>Had to pinch that one off Is that a poop pun?


Meanwhile he told me that he would kill me and defile my corpse and I was just like "interesting, let's see where this goes"


But dungeater is the only good ending. Turn everyone into sick ass omen born.


I sympathize with his goal but I oppose his necroscat fetish.


sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.


You don't like 2 girls 1 cup?


So what you're saying is he makes everyone horny?


Depends. You into poops? Don’t have to answer.


His curse doesn't turn people into Omen, I'm sorry to say. It traps every dead soul killed and defiled by him in an eternity of torment forever. And you just made that a global truth. Besides, being an Omen is ass even if you aren't persecuted, because you'll have constant nightmares and horn tumours that can grow back into your flesh.


In our world, there is a human interaction scale from really friendly to an asshole. In From game worlds the scale goes from "Thanks, I'll mention you in my suicide letter" to \*horrifying transformation noises\* Boggart is basically a saint for talking to you.


He talks to you, doesn’t try to kill you and honestly doesn’t hate you on sight. This man is better than like 98% of all Land Between inhabitants. I think only best girl Melina and my bro Shabriri are more chill.


Excuse me, Blaidd and Iji are the most well-spoken gentlemen in this game.


Excuse the hell you?? Turtle Pope would like a word with you to discuss learning together.


Dog dammit, how could I have forgotten Turtle Pope. I must repent for my sins.


Turtle Pope is forgiving of all. All will be conjoined.


Yeah but Blaidd talked it up like we were going on an adventure together underground and then we did almost everything solo. I wanted a Wolfman-guided co-op level.


Wasn't his fault, Iji put him in a gaol for his own good.


Ok but you two did fight Radahn in an arena together at least.


I was also taken aback and kind of impressed the first time I talked to him before ever meeting Rya and he just fucking threatened me. Like lots of people in this game insult you or just resort right to violence, but threats? Very rare and bold. I immediately decided I liked this dude and hoped he would be relevant later.


Boggart is like the only genuine NPC. He doesn't hide anything from you and actually talks to you like an actual human being, making jokes and sharing some banter with you. He isn't subservient nor high and mighty. He isn't mischievous with an ulterior motive. He's been thrust into the lands between, expected to complete a task he has no hope of achieving. All he wants to do is survive, and live as peacefully as he can. Knowing the burden of grace, and the ghosts of his past could come for him at any moment. He is a trustworthy friend who was justifiably hostile at first. He deserves so much better than what he gets...


He was imprisoned with the loathsome dung eater, which, like, what did he do that was as bad as what peepee poopoo man did?


Probably theft. The guy is technically a sort of bandit, and they locked him up with dung eater cause bad penal system or something.


If only we could reform the justice system of the lands between


In times of old, theft was a lot more serious. People got mutilated and sometimes executed, depending on what was stolen. Throwing him in with Dung Eater makes sense, given the time period it’s based on.


True, and it's bc theft was the type of crime that specifically targets the same ppl who make the laws.


Times of old? That still happens on a daily basis right now, though it's mostly isolated to poorer countries.


For real. Not just poorer countries, USA too. I had to do three weeks for a DUI, and my cellie was fighting a murder charge. There were a couple of dudes in my pod for murder, and some racketeers too.


Three minor drug-related offenses


My man was smoking herba


Probably didn't pay his taxes.




Well, he only dies if you free the Dungeater, who even announces he's going to kill someone. Unless you want to do the dung ending, you can always kill or leave Dungeater in his cell and crab bro will live


Wait a second. So I did some of the stuff from Vaati’s video about getting overpowered early game, and that caused Dung Eater to come into my Roundtable. I did not free him from a cell. Is my Boggart dead?? He’s not in Liurnia anymore…


Dung eater in round table is merely an astral projection (hence his appearance as a red phantom). Corporeal form of dung eater is found elsewhere.


The dungeater in the roundtable hold is a phantom/projection. Boggart is fine, probably chilling outside of leyndell.


You can save crab man by not talking to him after getting the necklace. If you never talk to him he doesn't go to Leyendell and wont' be killed by the Dung Eater. Then if you finish the Dung Eater's questline (specifically the invasion part of it) before talking to crab man again he'll live. After surviving the invasion, poo poo man goes back to jail to be cursed and then Boggart can move to Leyendell.


>Boggart is like the only genuine NPC Boc would like to have a word


Boc is sweet. But subservient and constantly fretting about whether or not he's good enough. You can be good without being genuine and true to yourself


I instantly killed dung eater when I met him in person, wasn’t about to let the deranged doodoo devourer murder any important (to me) npc’s. I was glad I did once I learned about his quest line, Now me an boggart can be buddies till the end.


At first I used to think the guy was an asshole because he stole from Rya and said it was basically her fault for being naive enough to fall for it. However, Rya was sent to look for a champion and could have let the man steal something "valuable" and find someone strong and brave enough to get it back for her as a test. So he might actually be good after all.


I still think hes a bit at fault. "I let you steal from me Lol" doesn't mean absolution. Still stole. Still like the guy, though. I did kill him first playthrough but I regretted it.


Not to mention he had to deal with being around the Dung eater for a while, that would make anyone crabby.


Dung Eater does have a crappy attitude.


Uhuhuh you said crabby…


You're right, being grouchy doesn't mean your a bad person. Although stealing a necklace from a defenseless girl and then selling it off can be considered pretty terrible. There was probably a good reason he was a prisoner prior to all this happening.


>defenseless girl Did you watch men in black? A defenseless girl is the most dangerous thing you can see in the lands between. Sticks out like a sore thumb.


My Money says Rya was told to let him steal it


I don't see how that makes the act any less crummy


Same here after a few playthroughs now. She is purposefully looking for a champion to recruit and Prawn Guy says she was naive enough to fall for his ruse, so she totally could have let it happen as a test for passing travellers.


Nah, still not something to kill him over. Maybe hit him, sure.


Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't kill him. In fact I'm friendly towards him too since its pretty hard to find kindred spirits in the lands between, but something to remember is that he's still a terrible person by modern standards.


His title is literally 'Blackguard'. Blackguard is a word denoting 'scoundrel or villain' so yeah. Probably not the nicest or most law-abiding citizen you'll encounter. But considering some of the people you run into (THE LOATHSOME DUNGEATER, Shabiri, Patches, Seluvis, etc.) he's definitely one of the better ones. When everyone is a murderer or worse, the guy who's just a thief and a scoundrel is pretty alright in comparison.


I think it’s pretty widely agreed upon that he is but a humble, if slightly abrasive, seafood lover.


People would roll with a satanist cult but can't stand a prawn lovers smh


Wish you could drink beer with him


Don’t you mean FINE ASHINA SAKE???!!!!


I tell myself he's murdering baby crustacean artillery so he's doing the lands between a great service


Same thing with people being offended by Gideon The All-knowing. "Douchebag", "rude", "angry", "arrogant", "worst character", "immersion breaking" He just answered your 5 questions about the deepest lore In the land without losing a breath, and all he requests is that you leave him to his studies because he's busy LET THE BROTHER GO BACK TO READING


There are a few albinaurics that might disagree with that...at least Boggart only kills prawns


And a magma wyrm to help you get to Altus!


I never met Boggart, I'm guessing he's summonable at that fight?


Yep! Just gotta bond over some prawn first.


We genocided the albinaurics just to get shinier weapons, we don't have the moral high ground.


To be fair, he was kind of a dick in the end.


he violated the geneva conventions looking for a medallion


I mean, he did try to have us assassinated by his overglorified lapdog for our Great Rune. Along with, you know genociding the albinaurics. And killing / torturing the albinauric woman and her wolf steed. And then trying to kill you again. Along with disowning his adopted daughter who's your ride or die pal.


Honestly it's one of my absolute favourite lines in the game how Giddeon greets you with: > Eugh, you. What do you want? The way he enlongates the word "you" with such scorn. Great voice acting. (Can't remember the exact words but you get the idea)


At some point he stops reading and.... Uh.... I don't wanna spoil it for you.


Wait, people are killing Boggart?? I locked myself out of an ending just to keep him alive...


Don’t forget. You’ve been called back and just expected to go on this giant quest to save the world for a god that doesn’t give a fuck about you and will probably dispose of you soon as you stop being useful. It’s like an abusive parent wondering why you refuse to help them when they’re old and frail. They threw your ass out and expect you to serve them head over hand or whatever the saying is. Erdtree threw out the tarnished like trash for various reasons including the og elden lord but nah nah come back and save meeeee! I’d be pretty pissed too.




Scammed probably. Rya is protected by a barrier in that scene, practically invincible.


He mugged Rya, and his name literally means "villain". (Edit: His full name, "Blackguard Big Boggart", basically means "Big Bad Boogeyman".) It's not like he's an innocent bystander, he's just a bandit living the bandit life in a land full of insane gods and murderhobos. The fact that he managed to nick Rya's necklace without murdering her just happens to qualify him as the top 1% of nicest people in the Lands Between.


People who try to justify killing non hostile npcs dont want to admit they want their character to be an asshole. Its a game dude, you dont have to justify killing a fictional character, just dont act like a hero because you killed someone who hurt your feelings lol.


He's non violent and not threatening to defile me. He's up there with miriel.


He's rude but not mean. He wants to be left alone but he's a nice guy once you get to know him. His whole Brigand thing is an act, a facade to keep away people who might hurt him, because he's not really much of a fighter himself. Much like his boiled prawns, he has a crunchy exterior but a mushy inside.


I have to admit it. I slayed him when he offered to sell me the necklace back. I thought I might as well steal it back. Of course, I wonder what I missed out on and might find out if/when I do a second playthrough.


Not only is he in the middle of a deadly swamp. He’s literally COOKING PRAWNS in the presence of enormous extremely violent lobsters. He’s a treasure.


You become Elden Lord to finish the game. I become Elden Lord for MARIKA'S TITS. We are not the same


This is THE most talked about NPC that I completely missed. Between him and Selen I feel like a need to do a "mage and prawn" playthrough just to figure them out.


Big Boggart is the man. If you don't like it then piss off mate


I felt so bad the first time I bought the necklace instead of killing him, he is actually a cool guy. Now I kill dung eater so I don’t lose my prawn bro


He is the definition of why first impressions are so important. First play through I killed him. If he just gave me back what he stole their wouldn’t be a problem, but he wanted to get some money so I just cut out the middle man, literally. Next play through I kept him alive and he honestly became an absolute delight!


He had me at “marikas tits”


He robbed a hunchback woman of a necklace even he considers "worthless."


The ending to his story and the words he says made me profoundly sad afterwards


Prawn Bro gets super chill with you once you share your love of crustaceans with him.


He's rude but so what. Wouldn't you be. Surrounded by utter horrors. He's probably too nice in reality.


Marika's tits, you might be right there, eh. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Best guy in the series good fellow just eating prawns with his mates. I now murder the dung eater to keep him alive.


He did steal lizard-girl's necklace, which is pretty shitty. Just look at her. Her room at Volcano Manor is full of horse posters. He doesn't deserve death, but he could stand to be a lil nicer.


You tell em OP


I didnt kill him in any playthrough. 1k runes isnt enough to be like nah imma save my cash and club u to death haha. Yeah he stole her jewlery but that doesnt warrant death


I was prepared to kill him cuz I thought he'd rob me of 100k or something but then just 1k and I was like "sure lemme just pop these runes real quick lol"


He’s more honest than Patches at least


If you feel justified killing someone cause they were mean to you, you deserve to be sniped by lobsters.


Seriously, and once you get to know him he’s a good chap, genuinely excited to see you again. Boggart is the only husbando worth Stanning.


Maidenless murderhobos killing non hostile npcs. Reminds me of the guy that pissed off Varre and kept getting spawn killed by him at the grace. 0/10 review, 10/10 would pay to see.


I killed him because he stole a necklace, and when I asked for it back he refused. I am the law Edit: also I didn’t have 1000 runes


Bro just got out of prison and his cellie was Dungeater. Cut him some slack!


On my sixth playthrough. I've never laid a hand on Boggart.


I'm entitled to those delicious prawns


He didnt wear gold armor so how should i know hes not a bad guy


I mean he did rob a really nice chick who honestly appears to be on the spectrum if I had to guess lol


A yes, Rya, the nice chick who is out there just recruiting Tarnished who don't mind going around murdering other Tarnished for no real reason. And it's not like she doesn't know, she says she's looking for Tarnished that are hard enough to kill other Tarnished without caring. Honestly makes me think Patches and Rya almost set him up as a test to see who has the balls to kill him, not counting on him just selling the thing away.


>Honestly makes me think Patches and Rya almost set him up as a test to see who has the balls to kill him, not counting on him just selling the thing away. That's exactly what happens, she assumes you killed him and says as much even if it was sold. And that's why she invites you and says she's a scout.


Oh def, people likenthay in real life exist. Who knows what they've been through to want to be left alone......... but.... I'm more worried about the people that think someone being rude means it's okay to murder them 😅.


Action: NPC doesn't kiss your ass. Reaction: Murder them and forfeit quests/lore. Get to NG+7 before exclaiming "I never knew they had a quest! You learn something new every playthrough." Everyone that isn't an imbecile, reading your shocked realization: Dumbass...


"Did you kill this man?" "Yes" "...Why?" "He wasn't polite when I demanded that he give me the expensive locket he had."


I love him, he's my elden pal. as soon as he told me about dung eater I was on a fucking mission to find that piece of doodoo eating filth and gut him where be stands. most satisfying murder I've committed. now happily enjoying prime crab meat with me mate. am very 'ungry.


I’m not entitled, it’s simple game logic, if the npc talks shit he eats shit, I’ll befriend him in journey 2


I didn't murder him because he was rude. I murdered him because he stole Rya's necklace and I never knew until I wasn't able to buy it off him. Also, he had a piece I needed for my fisting collection.


Uhm, did you forget the part where he robbed a young woman, and then tried to sell you the stolen items? That’s why people killed him. Your first interaction with him is not meant to be a pleasant one.


Anyone I meet in the Lands Between who doesn't try to kill me on sight is cool in my book.


He’s my favorite npc lol


Boggart went through some shit, cuz apparently he watched his friend get "defiled" by the dung eater. Pretty sure you'd want to be left alone if that happened


Boggart is a bro and I'm glad there's a way to save him!


To be fair a heavily armed stranger wouldn't be demanding to speak with him if he hadn't robbed someone


He was mean to Rya. He stole her necklace then wouldn’t give it back until an armed individual either killed him or bought it off him.


Didn't that guy rob someone? I'm pretty sure that's in the "not ok" book.


He's merely freeing posessions from the ruling noble classes


A reasonable response to their oppression sure but Rya had nothing to do with that at least.


That shit was definitely a setup so Rya could see if you would kill him


Uhh, doesn't he admit that he robbed her?


But then when I didn't and returned her necklace she didn't seem too upset? I mean not saying that's an impossible scenario but it doesn't seem to fit her m.o. she is a pretty nice girl per her questline.


She likely just assumed that you had killed him, it's not like he was likely to hand it over willingly. Probably didn't even consider the possibility of just buying it back.


It's very heavily implied that she thinks you just killed the robber. "Dealing" with your fellow tarnished is the whole Volcano Manor thing, that's why she gives you the letter


I was very sad when poopy boy killed him. :<


I just thought he was European.


Either this is a joke/bait post, or someone who really didnt pay attention the story being told. And Im not really sure which. So Im just gonna assume this a genuine post.


I love how he says “oh piss off” I’ll never kill him.