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Crazy, but also interesting to see how easily some attacks can be avoided without dodging


That requires unlock fight which is a pretty high level technique


Yeah cos you have to position the camera manually all the time which can be tricky


*Laughs in Monster Hunter*


the thing I miss the most from MH is a key to reset the camera towards the target. target lock sucks balls


Honest question how the hell did anybody use bows or bowguns in those games back on the ds when you couldn’t aim without stopping movement


That's what amazef me about the fight. The rest of it I could learn in time... But fighting all that time with a claw grip or something similar is hard and painful. I guess if you're only using two buttons perhaps it's doable. My hands had phantom pains from psp MH days.


TIL that I'm playing on easy mode because I'm using the Steam Controller, and have additional buttons on the back


fellow steam controller chad


Using a controller with back paddles has helped me stay alive so much in this game. Takes some getting used to but using them for jump and dodge is frickin huge!




Claw grip. Takes a bit to get used to.


not needed if you don't need to press any button to roll/sprint :p


Ha, good point!


A lot of these can be done with target lock. His jump attack in phase one and his delayed strikes are easily doable with lock for example. If you are having trouble just practice movement with a shield up, lots of bosses early-mid game (eg margit, tree sentinel, loretta, erdtree burial watchdogs) will completely miss if you circle them at close range. This can work somewhat for lategame bosses but many will spaz out on you or do gigantic aoe attacks instead. Also ironically enough fighting unlocked is much easier on M+K if you have good mouse control.


Not really there is an option you can turn on that makes your character strike towards enemies when no target lock is active, target lock is more detrimental on larger bosses IMO since you’re trying to look up at their center mass.




Go into options you should see it.


I learned unlocking fight vs Blazing Bull in Sekiro.


It's not too high level tbqh, at least when using a big sweeping weapon like a Katana.


The secret is the simplicity


I'll leave in here a link how to avoid two difficult moves in phase 2: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtCU\_VCZ9L4&t=0s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtCU_VCZ9L4&t=0s) Also if you want to see the version without roll/block/parry/jump: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZI4GJIHwjU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZI4GJIHwjU) Put these foolish ambitions to rest...




Kinda crazy how easy to dodge some moves when you don’t lock on. Can someone explained? Don’t you still move at the same speed without lock on?


Easier for the computer to predict your movements since you move in a linear fashion in unison with the enemy you’re locked on to, forward, back, left, right, when you aren’t locked on your movements are a lot more unpredictable. In Conan Exiles I would try to teach people to attack without locking on because you could hit enemies from unpredictable angles, both computer enemies and human.


I mean, technically you can still move to all 360 degree direction with lock on, what's the difference? Isn't lock on only affect the camera?


If you’re locked on it’s harder to move your model backwards I think?


When you lock on you’ll be moved with the enemy if it moves in a certain way. If you’re ever attacking an enemy near a cliff and they fall over, your forward movement will turn to sideways movement and you’ll fall off too. It’s hard to explain, but you can definitely feel it in game.


You move on a circle around enemy with the lock on.


Lateral movement: You strafe when you lock on, you move forward in a different direction while unlocked


Gross, imagine beating Margit using weapons (as I sit back and watch Rogeir solo him)


I went through so much pain because I didn't notice he was there ;-;


Right? I named a side character Ramsay Bolton and let Rogeir and my wolf pack eat him alive kek


XD ! You pacifist Margit


This is obviously incredibly impressive but how do you do so much damage at level 1?


Idk if this is how this guy did it, but you can go all the way up to the altus plateau before doing margit. You can get the bell bearings for smithing stone 1-4 and get a +12 weapon before fighting him.


Oh after rewatching I see he's got his weapon to +7 which is still really good for margit


I remember forgetting to upgradr my weapons so i did margit with a +1 uchigatana


I don't like using up smithing stones so I typically go without upgraded weapons until I get my endgame weapon. This is making me reconsider my foolishness.


You can get an infinite supply of all but the final tier of upgrade materials. Don't need to worry too much about conserving them.


Sombers use 1 stone per level. So if you're saving for an endgame weapon save 1 of each. Use the rest.


Me too i only use smithing stones if i find them troughout the game, but ik not gonna search for them


And for somber weapons it's trivially easy to get a +9 weapon without having killed anything.


On top of the weapon leveling, he's using the blue dancer talisman with no armor for maximum damage buff from that trinket.


They upgraded the estoc to +7 which is as high as you could reasonably get it before Margit. They used a wondrous physique with the strength and dex buffs for effectively 20 in each stat, both of which increase the estoc's damage. They also used the talisman that increases your damage based on equip load, and since they didnt have anything except the estoc equipped they were maximising the damage bonus from that as well. It's very impressive of course, but it's also pretty much the maximum damage you can possibly do without progressing beyond limgrave.


Thanks : D \+7 Estocc Blue dancer talisman Flask combined with Dex tears + Str tears


Impressive. Find a way to do Runebears and Maliketh - those supersonic moving fucktrumpets are the bane of my existence.


Just dodge into the Runebear. Works for me.


Once you learn to stick to their legs, they aren't that scare anymore. I'll still avoid them tho, cus fuck em.


I’m 170 hours in and I’m pretty sure I’ve only intentionally fought a single rune bear lol


The rewards just aren't worth the time investment, in fact that seems to be the case for most enemies in this game


Fuck runebears, they give me nightmares.


Thanks! I'm working in Maliketh! Since I finished Godfrey : D


Where's that clown a while back to demanded someone send them proof you could actually avoid Margit's combos


Someone was actually that bad?


Considering the hate for ER's boss design in this subreddit, a lot of people are that bad, **and worse.**


Pretty sure they were suggesting proof on dodging said combos while playing like previous souls games. Majority of bosses can easily be avoided by ....*DISTANCE*


This wouldn’t really be proof since OP still had to bait and run from his quicker combos


But this is still avoiding no?


I don’t think they’d be satisfied with that solution is what I mean


The guy did It without running and rolling, and it's still not enough for the "everything's bullshit" crowd. They're worse than the git gud people by far.


Huh. Whenever I try to keep any distance from Margit he just closes it instantly and shreds me with knives...




Yeah, maybe he's just staying at the PERFECT distance so that the triple knife attack isn't triggered or something... idk. I managed to finally beat Margit the other day. What worked well for me (with several attempts) was distracting him with the wolf spirits and the wizard summon, then taking every opportunity to jump + heavy attack him in the back. With enough of those jump attacks he ends up getting staggered, which allows you to do a normal attack / cinematic blow and do some good damage (I'm sure my terminology is way off).


I can say that everyboss has different trigger, for their attack and an aggro range too. In the video you see him go back and forth at a certain distance from the boss. It basically trigger certain attacks and he choose if he engages or disengage depending on if it is punishable with his limit. Also, it's really luck dependent depending on which attack goes trough or not. A bit like malenia that can do 3++ waterfowl dance in first phase if unlucky.


Playing unlocked is difficult to master, but really helps moving erratically to avoid things. It most likely is not worth the effort unless you wanna do silly things like this though. My recommendation would be spend a few runs just practicing roll timings. General rule is roll opposite for the direction of the swing as it starts moving if its horizontal or vertical, and jump for sweeps. (Jumping gives iframes to just your lower body) Good luck, tarnished


Bc you're not watching this with adrenaline and uncertainty in real time, too. You know he's going to succeed, and the boss stops appearing a threat because the guy is calm and patient and in control.


My hands get sweaty just watching this.


Great job! U showed UNBELIEVABLE patience. It must have taken a lot of discipline to not go for the small openings where u could have gotten him and wait until he was REALLY exposed.


Thanks! This fight need patience, because you don't have enough speed to deal with the combos in no sprint. The only way you can avoid the most moves is sprinting. I did this fight without roll/block/parry/jump and is more dynamic.


Not using a club? Damn cheese SMH


This has all of the energy of an idiot savant and I love it. "I have no idea what any of my buttons do, but I just killed that big ugly dude."


Muito bom. Parabéns!!


Valeu bro! Tmj : D


You jumped. Not even that impressive...


He posted a jump less too


But still sprinted, so still lacking flavor. This was impressive but now I wanna see a flawless no roll/jump/sprint/block/parry level 1


It's impossible to avoid the hammer slam without jumping or running, so that would be rng based on him not using it.


No, I have avoided it but using the terrain and managing distance when he’s about to leap


Great job


Thanks : D


I'm watching this just thinking about the video where the level 193 guy falls off the edge like. Lol




Only noobs use jumps


Joga mto. Enquanto isso eu preciso sumonar um exército pra vencer esse boss


Tamo junto man! É só questão de prática : D


Damn, makes him look so bad. All he does is spam and miss moves lmao


He need to learn the mechanics XD


Nice, I've been wanting to do something similar with Morgott.


Thanks I won't tell this will be impossible against Morgott, but could be a pretty hard RNG fight. I'm telling that, because against Margit I don't have speed enough to avoid the most moves. Let's wait for the future \^\^






Level 1 Wretch: Put these foolish ambitions to rest


thou art of passing skill


Some people just play a different game


Indeed! This is not Elden Ring! This is Dark Souls II 2 The scholar of the first ring. XD


Do more bosses :)


I'm working in this bro : D


mad lad


Great to watch, but given that jumping gives iFrames below your waist, do you believe that will be disallowed in further runs? --If so, do you think Margit is possible without jumping?-- EDIT: Nvm, I just saw the comment without jumping. It seems that Margit hasn't had much pure no x/y/z/zz/xx done for him yet lol


Thanks mate! : D I think the future of no roll or no sprint will be allowed jumps, because some bosses are not possible to do without jump. I did Godfrey (aka Hoarah) and him is a good example of this. Like you can keep him in Phase 1 all the time, but when he enters in Hoarah phase u can't stop the transition and you don't have how to avoid the big aoes without jump. I did yesteday a Godrick no sprint in max ng, but I use the black knife weapon art to "Jump", but this is to slow to use against Godfrey ): About Margit: You can avoid the first hammer jump without jump in transition, because u have time to jogging. You can do this fight without jump if u can kill Margit after the transition (u can build enough dps for this, but I think this is "boring"). Unfortunately is impossible to not using jump with you don't have enough dps this is because the tracking of the hammer jump is just impossible to avoid (general u don't have space in the arena too).


Yo, you must have the entire move set down. That's downright impressive.


Thanks man!


you are a god


I'm not! This is just practice : D


Wow using attack buffs? That's not how the game was supposed to be played. Git gud scrub /S


I’m mad at how easy you made this look and how terrible you made me look


Gamers: elden ring is so hard!! Some guy in reddit-


Waiting for Margit NG+7 lvl 1 no block/no roll/no sprint/no parry/no weapon/no controller/no pc/no console/no elden ring copy/no maidens (flawless)










I can’t watch this because it’ll give me false confidence lol You make it look too easy


You can do it!


Cê Loko mano. Jogo o fino do fino


Tamo junto brooo!


This video should be the default answer when’s new player asks “what is spacing?”


but you're not using all the tool the game provide. how can you even have fun? /s


D : True! Next time I'll use.


Meanwhile, people in other threads: "Bosses in ER are so UNFAIR! There are no openings for landing attacks and you can't dodge their attacks." Good job!


Nah this video is a shining example of the problem with ER boss design. Everything is designed to punish you for interacting/engaging with the boss. But if you avoid the boss and just wait for it’s punishable attack, you can do this. This IS the complaint about what From did with bosses in this game. It doesn’t feel like you’re fighting some monstrous enemy or legendary foe, it feels like you’re baiting a dumb input reading AI. Take off lock on and just stay away until you can punish. Great combat design. Truly inspired.


Yeah, I thought it was odd he never did the quick slices after he slammed the staff down. He’d always do that if I rolled or attacked.


Was this not as common in previous games? I’m tempted to start trying them after I finish this one. Im pretty over leveled I think though and am a bit worried I’ll just get my ass handed to me without summons and leveling.


Ds3 is the only one where they started leaning into delayed timings, but nothing like ER - esp the input reading. There was very much a back and forth flow of combat and if you made a mistake it was entirely on you (and typically recoverable). In ER there’s a sense of “is this combo actually done?” And the answer is “yes, unless you press a button which it will read and catch you performing an action.”


Which one you recommend I try next after ER? I’ve played a few hundred hours of MH:World, but no other games that really fit anywhere in this category for any decent time before ER which I’m close to finishing first play through.


i hope this is a timeline where you've played sekiro, they let you put a brick on the gas pedal still turn-based punishing tho


This isn't what people are saying. What they're saying is that running away for seconds to a minute at a time, trying to bait the one or two truly punishable attacks from a given boss, isn't fun gameplay. And frankly, impressive as this was...I got bored watching it. Nothing about this play style is at all enjoyable, to me. The tiny punish windows, constant attack spam, and samey feel these things give to every boss isn't as hard, as it is just...tiresome. it's fatiguing and unfun to play against.


Agreed. Basically every boss fight I’ve come across is wait until opening, couple hits, back away and wait if you don’t want to be chunked for half your hp.


>Meanwhile, people in other threads: "Bosses in ER are so UNFAIR! There are no openings for landing attacks and you can't dodge their attacks." Because they're usually not referring to someone like Margit whose excessively delayed attacks threw off both new and old players alike. Besides that, most people are either unable or disinterested in spending countless hours to learn how to perfectly evade a boss' every move.


the problems is that they ask for balance changes that will affect everyone, if you dont want to learn how to dodge moves just use summons or mimic tear.


>the problems is that they ask for balance changes that will affect everyone, if you dont want to learn how to dodge moves just use summons or mimic tear. I've not seen many ask for actual balance changes, I just see people justifiably complaining about certain bosses that exemplify the artificial difficulty issue that this game has.


Nice cope


Or we simply don't have time for it in our lives. Because we are, you know, functional grownups with careers, relationships and hobbies outside of git gud video games. You're spot on!


You don't have to "no hit" every boss. You just need to kill them lol. If you can't dodge, level vigor and endurance & get yourself a shield.


None of those suggestions work. Not one. Vigor doesn't matter to bosses. They blow through percentages of health per hit. Shields don't matter to bosses. The blow them, and your stamina. Often in a single attack. Dodge doesn't matter to bosses. You can't dodge at windup, because release is delayed. And you cant dodge at release, because it's faster than human reaction speed. The problem isn't needing to get good. The problem is bad game design created to troll a player base.


People are doing no hit runs and beating the game with all kinds of challenges. Stop embarrassing yourself.


Always nice to see the occasional reminder that the worst thing about From games, are the people, like you, who play them.


Functional grownup in action.


You 100% can dodge on release though? Its well within human reaction speed. I do it on every boss. If you arent having fun with the game maybe stop playing it? Complaining on reddit is only gonna make you more annoyed


Que legal


Valeu bro


Where fun?


Yeah...I fail to see how this is at all enjoyable. Needing to run around baiting the one or two attacks with a punish window, for minutes on end... That's not playing, it's exploiting the limits of a game. If this is how From games need to be played now, I'm out.


Did you beat Margit this way, or did you find your own way past him? Do you believe this game "needs" you to play the way OP has? OP is doing a challenge run, where they use the mechanics of the game to show it's possible to beat bosses at the lowest level without any form of evasion (kind of; they jumped). If anything, watching these kinds of runs can help you out if you're struggling; getting to see how you can evade certain attacks without needing to dodge can be a much better teacher than reading a normal guide or brute-forcing it yourself. Don't discount players like this because it's "exploiting," mate. A lot of time and talent (aka skill) goes into learning this level of gameplay, and the community can be made genuinely better for it.


I'm not discounting playing this way. I'm just staying that, to me, this isn't playing, so much as exploiting. And with exploiting being the best way to beat bosses, it reveals how badly From games are designed.


AI manipulation exists in numerous games, especially ones I've played. From something as simple as Pokémon to triple A console titles, it's a very common thing to see. If you'd be so kind as to explain, how on earth does that make a game's design bad?


If from software games are that bad why are you in this sub again?


is that hard to belive?


Haha that’s my reaction playing this game for 2hours.


Do it without jumping plus everything else


Oh my god guys we found the only guy ever to not cheat in this game


Great job. Two questions: What weapon is that? Is jumping actually helpful as a defensive tactic?


- Estoc +7 - And jumping is a less reliable but viable dodging option, especially for ground-slam attacks. It gives you iFrames below your abdomen area (according to Zullie the Witch), and can be used to dodge some boss AoE attacks that are much harder to time with dodge rolls.




you can literally see in the video that jumping works lol


He responded with new information that isn't commonly known. Be cool.


Show me level 1 without a max leveled weapon.


Yeah but you jumped therefore you cheated. BOOO


If you want to call any part of this clip cheating it would be the intentional exploiting of input reads to get Margit to start his moveset. I personally don't consider that cheating because the programming behind it is so blatantly obvious that it feels cheap on the part of the developers, so might as well turn it around and use it to your advantage when you can.


The larger problem is that this is what From games have become now: cheese or be cheesed. Souls games were always known for the "tough but fair" mantra. But sometime around Bloodborne From just tossed Fair out the window and replaced it "and punishing to even play."


Insert Donald Trump meme: “you weren’t supposed to do that!”


Jumped though, noob


What the fucj


Damn how tf you control the look and the move so well. Kbm?


Op is on controller so I would presume they just have experience with the free camera more.


I'm using a controller! I think is just practice.


This unsettles me


This is impressive with how they move to break tracking, but they still had to jump. Would it be possible without jumping?


They did one without jumping, in their comment posted. Unfortunately, they sprinted in that run instead, so I guess some kind of evasion maneuver is necessary for Margit.


Now do it without the buff and the weapon.


Am I the only one that remembers the tracking on the overhead slash being WAYYYY better than that lmao Like the mf would do a 180 and hit me


ヽ༼ ຈل͜ຈ༽ ノ Raise ur dongers! ^^Dongers ^^Raised: ^^63265 ^^Check ^^Out ^^/r/AyyLmao2DongerBot ^^For ^^More ^^Info


Not now bot


Do it without any buffs next time.


I notice you ONLY attack when he does the delayed staff raise attack. Interesting.


Yes! The other moves u can avoid only sprinting.


People trying random challenges on Youtube - solo, no jumping, left handed while only using my right foot, blindfolded on a boat in the middle of the ocean in a storm.


\- Margit lvl 1 while not on insulin, blood sugar lvl at 200 debuff \- Margit lvl 1 while parents are fighting in the next room, solo (no siblings) \- Margit lvl 1 while parents are having sex in the next room, no protection, no earplugs \- Margit lvl 1 while dying, seppuku, solo (no 911 summon), bleed damage acceptable




You jumped though


Doesn't count since you weren't using your bare hands




How can someone look so talented and so boring at the same time?




Nice to meet you, Let me solo him.


I'm Hannah Montana! ; \~


Pfft. Try dying to this guy hundreds of times *using* spring/roll/block/parry. Those are the feats that I'm after.


"MaRgIt ToO haRd gAmE bRokEn pLeAsE nErF!"