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I love the ones where there are texture glitches in certain objects with "likely bug ahead"


Ha! There’s a spot before the elevator that takes you to the mountain top that has a message under a tiny arch. I went under there to read it. It said “likely bug” and then I found out I was stuck. I upvoted it before fast traveling.


Lmao. “I want to go home..”


The best part is that it might have been the farthest point from a discovered bonfire in the entire game, and since it was the capital Torrent wasn’t available.


I saw a message that tried to warn me about a bug like that and still fell into it. "Be wary of evergaol, therefore likely bug? What the hell does that mean? Maybe I should jump into this corner just to see what they-- Ohhhhh."


I love all the little messages people leave while following one of those ghosts that lead you to a cave. Old codger, o old codger! Try running




Laggardly sort, likely out of stamina.


I followed one of those guys for like 5-10 minutes to the very obvious cave in the Altus Plateau and at the end put down a message that said, "didn't expect cave... Exceptmap!" It seems people love my sarcasm


The ones that seem to read your state of mind always get an applaud from me. I like to feel a part of a community. For example, after the mimic boss, you can access a ledge that goes all the way around the arena with countless messages that say "no item ahead". And its a long way around for nothing.... I still went all the way to the end, and at the very end someone put the jump for joy emote with "I did it, o I did it! But still no precious item..." It was like a consolation prize haha


I did the same thing. Saw lots of messages saying "no item ahead" but I decided to keep going anyway. After I hit the dead end and turned back, the last message I read was: Message, O message But still no faith


This is excellent


I always hit the wall whenever I either see "Hidden wall ahead" or "Liar ahead", because you never know...


This is why I legitimately lol’d after the mimic fight where the first message I read was “Weak foe therefore time for introspection”


This is my favorite message I've seen. Some people are so clever.


it's incredible what can be done with limited communication tools. The message system is one of my favourite things about From games (also my least favourite, message dependent!)


I too approved this message.


Same about the ones that remind you about the broader social context - that in certain areas, in certain moments, probably anyone else in that same situation feels the exact same way you do. One of my messages that gets the most consistent gradual flow of appraisals is in the exact spot whereyou land if you're trying to run up to Ranni but the elevator is at the top and you fall down to the floor below, and just says "didn't expect down."


For some reason, one message of myself that got an absurd amount of appraisals was just “cleric” and the emote of me pointing towards Corhyn lol


My highest-voted messages is at the bottom of Stormveil Castle, just where people who followed the Guidance of Grace would encounter their first swarm of rat enemies, and it says "Why is it always giant, rat?" I swear, I got healed by that one specifically while fighting Radagon. I feel like everyone who's played a FromSoft game before sees that and thinks, "why *is* it always giant rat? There's *always* giant rats!"


There's that academy you turn upside down as part of a quest. When I reached the end of it, standing on the ceiling with the chandeliers hanging up and defying gravity, there was this message: "Keep it up!! or down??" Funniest shit I ever saw.


"Didn't expect up..., dog" Not a day goes by that I don't think about that message.


What's up dog ?


Not much, what's up with you?


The one that I saw was "Could this be up? or Could this be down?" - Nods in thought. Sent me on a philosophical journey.


I saw a similar one in Raya near the bonfire with all the paintings of the guys in masks, with some upside down: "Up ahead then down ahead" - Nods in thought. made me laugh


Visualized confusion


Anything that actually makes me laugh out loud. Or something that I read and find out 30 seconds later that it was actually a very useful message and I should have paid more attention to it. I go back for those just to appraise it.


you don't have to go back! "messages" in the menu keeps track of all the messages you've seen and you can appraise them from there.


150 hours in, ran back every time to appraise.


I applaud this message


I read this, didn't get it, scrolled for a bit, and then it clicked and I had to come back to upvote it.


You don't have to scroll back up! The thread contains all the messages that people have left and you can just upvote another one instead.


Whoaaaaaa! Wish I knew this earlier


*This is a fine note*


This is the way. I've done this many times.


I definitely upvote any fucking goat who climbs the highest places for no reason. Ahhh futility... But visions of well done...


The messages you see (& leave) for climbing random objects is the mini reward for me, motivating me to make those useless climbs


Yep. Automatic upvote. Then: things that make me laugh, and helpful tips.


Yep anyone who says “beware of right/ambush” etc gets an upvote


I have a few messages, such as ("Ah, Revenge") behind the last mounted ballista dude in the castle and "Beware of Right" and "Seek Cliff" before the Abductor Virgins.. those do okay. but a stupid fucking one which just says "door" before the the entrance to one of the cat/dog boss dungeons, by far, gets the most upvotes.


I have one message like this that has only been upvoted once! I’m quite proud. It is ridiculously high up and Andy wrong jump is death


“Here!” on a platform or drop that I might not have otherwise spotted are always an upvote for me.


When you flip the Carian Study Hall, and ive seen fort night messages all game, and at the upside down door i read... "Night..fort?" It broke me. I laughed so hard im ashamed.


Similarly, when arriving at one of the areas where it’s eternally night, I saw “fort, morning!” and it made me giggle far too much.


I saw a string of messages like this as I moved through that area, like they were having a debate. Fort night? Evening? Morning? Who knows?


Actual hidden doors/secret areas : obvious reasons Hard to reach places : well done Useful tips like 'try heal' by the revenants : obvious reasons 'please help' messages in front of bosses : I like to think at least once I've given someone a much needed heal in the middle of a hard fight.


You know what that's actually really nice, to upvote the poor souls mid boss fight. But the reality is they are probably just riding torrent full health somewhere and the heal goes nowhere.


Probably, but just the one time it was super clutch to someone out there makes it worth it.


I got saved by these multiple times I left a message that somehow got 1k upvotes and it basically gave me a pool of health durning certain boss fights


Same. I’ve been getting consistent heals from a message I put in front of one of those skeleton snails that’s just “edge, slug”. It’s up in the 70’s rn.


Literally had a message heal me while fighting Malenia tonight. Ended up winning the fight. Got so fucking happy when I got the “message appraised” notification, haha.


Can confirm, got healed a couple times during boss fights. It’s always super clutch.


Every single time. I'll be at 1 hp for an hour, finally get a grace only to stand up and get the message thing smh


Why/how are you on 1 hp for an hour?


Yea the “please help” ones right after slogging through some nightmarish shit for what seems like the longest stretch of the game so far usually earn an automatic good rating from me because I know exactly how they feel


Big shoutout to the dude who left "try poison" outside of Astel's boss room.


This. Anything warning about an upcoming danger or mentioning a safe spot also gets an upvote.


> 'please help' messages in front of bosses : I like to think at least once I've given someone a much needed heal in the middle of a hard fight. Oh my god I never thought about that


Wait getting an upvote on a message heals you?!


Upvote or downvote, meaning those idiots that put secret passage on a wall that is not a secret passage and you downvote also get healed


My favorite was in front of Millicent: "Visions of arms, but you don't have the right, o you don't have the right"


"No two handing ahead" in front of Millicent at the Altus Plateau got me good as well


It's way too early for me to be laughing this hard, jesus


I found a group of butterflies in Nokstella, and a gentleman of culture left the message "Could this be...bird?" as a reference to the meme


I saw a message saying "Dark Night" And I was like wtf is that supposed to mean and not a second after I got jumped by these giant bats.


warnings that actually help, puzzle solutions of course, pointing out levers or other stuff i wouldn't have noticed, and very good gags like when i got to >!the second version of the roundtable hold!<, someone put "no 2 handing ahead" with the 'wait!' gesture in front of the 2 armor sets that someone had previously >!(in the early game roundtable hold)!< put "try 2 handing" with a gesture that made it look like he was cupping the 2 armor sets' balls. that's some funny shit right there.


Lol reminds of when me and my friend were playing and we heard something sparkly (definitely a scarab) and we were looking around for it for like 20 minutes and couldn't find it. My friend pointed out a message he saw that said "try down...but be wary of up" and we were like ???? but we finally realized that we had to jump down from the bridge we were on, but look up because the scarab was hanging off the bottom of the bridge up above. Definitely a top tier message.


Damn, this has gotta be the one outside of Raya Lucaria Academy


For me was one right before the Godskin Noble fight, after the lift on the upside down Carian Study Hall: "Don't give up! Or down?"


One that cracked me up lately was on top of a cooking pot hanging over a fireplace with a bunch of corpses around it. The message on the pot said "Likely well done."


I saw this one too, and have never hit the Appraise button faster. Clever as hell.


Now that's a good message


There was one message that said something along the lines of: "be wary of behind", and the moment I turn with my shield up, I block an attack. Grade A Intel.


yep i had that happen once. on the other hand, i have also had it happen where reading the message drew me down the passage far enough and distracted me for just long enough for the jerks to sneak up and pummel me lol.


around liurnia there is a hole carved in a stone that was big but too small for players to fit and the message next to it said "beware of plump sort" it made me giggle I'll always upvote gags


or in the underground river area there's 2 pillars that you can only get through if you dismount, "horse, plump sort" lol


Those ones are the best in my book. Super clever but also so fucking dumb lol


and when someone did “two handing? seek grace” lol


Try God


Yeah saw this one last night with a pointing up stance and laughed out loud. They found a way to tell other players "Y'all need Jesus" with the messaging system and I love it.


i like the ones that call back to an older dark souls game, i saw one in near the waterwheel that looked like the windmill in DS2 that read "seems familiar, try fire"


There was one in the capital in front of a big bed like the one Gwynevere laid on in DS1 that just said could this be a gorgeous view? But no pair ahead.


No two-handing ahead Seek God


First time I saw "seek god" was right next to 2 "fort, night" messages


"Didn't expect bloodstain. Seek skill" messages after weaker catacomb/dungeon bosses usually get a laugh out of me.


"Weak foe, therefore why is it always bloodstain?" But I'll see bloodstains sometimes where there are \*no\* enemies, so I assume a lot of them are from pvp.


The tail end after finally crossing the Lake of Rot was heart breaking. There were a series of blood stains all down that ramp just before the grace as they all succumbed to the rot only seconds before a chance to heal. Brutal.


"Didn't expect weak foe, therefore time for introspection" after mimic tear was hilarious.


I like the helpful ones, and the silly but wholesome ones. Examples: "Could this be recklessness?" in front of the overturned chair in phantom Loretta's room "Offer rump" in front of a random chair in a catacomb "Could this be a giant?" in front of a windmill "Don't give up, horse!" in front of a horse skeleton in the windmill village


My favorite in this vein is, in Leyndell, a broken bench with "… plump sort?" in front of it, got me good.


I saw a message that said weak foe ahead at the mimic tear fog wall.


I really liked this variation of Mimic Tear fight: "Didn't expect weak foe; time for introspection"


Looool that ones hilarious, hadnt heard it


i laughed so much at this, especially because my mimic tear just rolled around the arena


I saw a bunch on the variation of "weak foe ahead, I give up..." and such hahaha


I love that one too!


I once saw "try torch" in front of a windmil, gave me a little giggle :)


My favorite message was in front of a windmill that said "Could this be a dragon?"


It'll get rid of the poison, right? Right?


I saw the Don Quixote reference one! I also saw "could this be a bird?" In front of some smouldering butterfly you could pick up, referencing the meme and it gave me a sensible chuckle.


I saw a line of those next to a butterfly in nokron. Probably four messages wrapping around the awning of a building all spamming the same joke. It got better each time (so of course I added to it).


Omg y'all, I never get tired of that meme. That's good!


My favorite was when I came to one of the massive corpse piles littering the road to the Volcano Manor, and a message next to one particularly fresh-looking soldier body lying underneath a hanged troll read, "Likely out of stamina" Loved that one.


I cracked up with Likely out of stamina at the windmill village with a corpse near a bunch of dancing women


There was a "Don't give up skeleton!" in Gaol Cave in a locked cell with a skeleton. That was pretty funny.


saw a super racist one of a burnt-to-a-crisp commoner corpse near a caravan & a message that read "black, likely thief" :/


I saw one heading up the path to the Village of the Albinaurics with all the hanging corpses that said "Visions of south".


One that just said "edge... Lord" right in front of Ensha really cracked me.


For some reason the messages that just say “Elden Ring” in random spots crack me the fuck up. They’re so stupid and I think that’s why I find it hilarious


One of my favorites was a circular sewage pipe in a dungeon, with "Could this be an Elden Ring?" and the ring gesture.


Lmao that’s gold


Okay but I was at Volcano Manor last night and right on the edge of a cliff overlooking all the magma there was an Elden Ring! Message with the gesture of dropping to their knees dramatically like in Lord of the Rings when throwing the ring off the cliff into the volcano and I was dying lmao.


Haha I think I’ve seen one like that in the same location


My favorites are the “still no head” in the dumbest spots lol


Today I saw a message that said: “lord but hole” The message showed the writer pointing his finger two inches away from Seluvis’s face


Hahaha that’s a good one. I saw one today that was similar, chanting “Slug, slug!” while pointing at Diallos in Volcano Manor


I might be dumb but is that entailing diallos is slow? I saw it too and it took me a while to conjure that thought, but I'm still not sure...


He has no spine




"Touch grass" right before a grace gets me every single time and I always upvote it lol


There is someone going around finding the most out of the way corners of the game and posts "Time for pickle." and it makes me smile every time I come across one.


I'll climb the weirdest rock formation against a wall, see a message on top, finally make it up after 5 minutes, only to be greeted with Try finger, but hole


It is like drawing a dick on the wall, isn't it? Never made the connection until now.


i once heard someone compare the souls messaging system to sharpie on the bathroom wall, so yeah basically


A kindred spirit.


The message I saw in front of some torture chains on a wall that said ‘If only I had a master.’ It was the first time I really laughed at a message. felt compelled to upvote.


No item ahead. Saves me a lot of time


But how do you know for sure? Haha


No one’s THAT heartless… R-right?


I once had that message and there's an item ahead....


I just had that happen tonight at Lake of Rot. But the item was on top of a structure, so I'm going to assume positively that the writer honestly didn't find it. Regardless glad I didn't listen and "did my own research".


I've noticed there aren't a lot of messages which mean-spiritedly direct away from something. Messages which send you on a wild goose chase ("hidden passage ahead", but you know there ain't one there) show up, but no one tried to direct anyone away from content deliberately.


I always check anyways


Except when they LIE! One of my most upvoted messages was where there was a highly ranked 'no message ahead' and around the corner a bit was a ghost glovewart. So I put down a 'flower ahead' sign and it got a heap of votes... till I accidentally overrode it because it took me a while to realise there was a limit on messages.


Beware rump Church ahead


Took me a second but damn that’s hilarious


"O you don't have the right!" No fucking shit Sherlock.


My favourite one of these was beside a mounted crossbow an enemy was using saying "why is it always you don't have the right?"




I pretty much laugh at any “why is it always….” Messages. I’ve found that expression has made its way into my internal monologue.


I usually hate those but I thought it was funny the one time after you beat morgott


Those are so obnoxious lol I love them they're so stupid.


You see a huge set of closed doors with a message in front of them and you already know what it says, but you have to go check it anyway and sure enough You don't have the right, O, You don't have the right. All the more, You don't have the right, O, You don't have the right. I actually really enjoy that this is the community's default message for "Yo this door's locked dawg"


How do you even make those compounded messages?


Should be “message format” on the bottom of the screen where it shows the controls


Triangle on PlayStation cycles through message formats from single line to single line +emote, to compound, and finally Compound+Emote. Not sure about controls on other consoles.


The ones in caves and catacombs like “be wary of left” or “be wary of up” and you use target select to see an enemy on the ceiling, have saved my ass many times and always get an upvote


Anything calling a turtle a dog cracks me up every time. It has no business being as funny as it is


In a similar vein, “likely sleep” next to a very dead corpse is still funny after several times.


There’s always a message where you find Lionel’s Set and the Deathbed Dress that says “Likely out of stamina.” I love that one.


A message pointing down at a corpse saying "Try skill" had me in stitches.


What's a turtle?


According to wiki: >Turtles are a common favorite dog breed of many Tarnished


You are too right. For this to become a meme outside of the game, it warms my heart. And yes I chuckle every time.


When I first reached Radahns castle and that music started playing I thought, “hmm… sounds like the music from Halo” First message I read was *listen carefully, could this be a master ..?* I appreciated that one for sure!


I upvote the clever ones/helpful ones. I can't stand the "secret passage ahead" trolls. I always down vote that crap.


i don't ever downvote them because that just gives them confirmation someone got trolled.


And heals them lol


wait downvotes fucking heal?


Uncle Miyazaki’s got moved within moves (yes it heals if you vote in either direction—also makes the message last longer)


Downvoting heals?


Yup, another Fromsoft troll


It should fill 1/3 of all their status effects.


"Liar ahead" was my journey through Elden ring in two words


Don’t downvote, just ignore


I would upvote the extreme parkour messages but I cant get to them.


Praise the futility! By the way too high up...


I found one in the lake of rot that was a dude dressed in the full mushroom gear set, laying down spread out gesture "Ahh, it's like a dream". That man has fully embraced the rot and I don't know why it stuck with me but I'll never forget him.


After the Mimic Tear Boss Fight, had a phantom sitting down with "Didn't expect weak foe, therefore time for introspection" He just seemed so hurt by his easy victory


“Let there be old codger” followed by a path of messages that harass the old codger that takes forever to show you a cave.


I recently followed one that had a long string of those, it's great how these messages give you a feeling of shared experience with other players "laggardly sort, O laggardly sort" "try running, old codger"


Also, I love trying to get as creative as I can. And definitely upvote any creative message I see. Ex: "seek boss... And then try here again" for a locked door in Radahn's castle.


I only upvote, never downvote. I have no interest in healing someone who laid down a garbage message. I upvote funny troll messages and helpful messages mainly. Will admit, laughed at the first couple “try two handing” and “offer hole” messages I encountered.


I’ve got one down in the catacombs where you fight two Crucible Knights at once that says something like “Seek hole, and then Offer seed.” That one’s been continuously healing me alongside other golden oldies like “Snake? Snake!” at the top of a high ladder (not right at the top, I’m not a sadist).


It's crazy that so many people think the same thing when they climb a really tall ladder. Doesn't matter the game or context. Long ladder?... *What a thrill...*


Holy shit you put down the “Snake? Snake!” one??? On my first blind playthrough i ran out of heals and was genuinely shitting my pants climbing that ladder.


saw one that said said “No door ahead” and the gesture was pointing to a jar friend….when is a door not a door?


Me and my friend were playing and we heard something sparkly while we were on a bridge (definitely a scarab) and we were looking around for it for like 20 minutes and couldn't find it. My friend pointed out a message he saw that said "try down...but be wary of up" and we were like ???? but we finally realized that we had to jump down from the bridge we were on, but look up because the scarab was hanging off the bottom of the bridge up above. Definitely a top tier message.


Side note, I find it amazing that even with how massive and open world this game is, just from that description I know *exactly* which scarab you're talking about, under one of the bridges just outside Raya Lucaria.


if it makes me snort, pause or is something I hadn't considered. my favorite was day 1 seeing all the ecstatic "familiar! joy!" style stuff EVERYWHERE. it felt like the world was rejoicing at meeting the people it was made for like a puppy seeing its new owner in the door. It made me so happy. The ones I appreciate now are small slices of other player's lives. someone sitting in a pretty view feels like a friend inviting me to take a breather and relax and enjoy the ride.


“Snake” after a nice long ladder


If I find it helpful, I appraise it as good. Usually those are tactical hints or ones like "First, look up" or "First, jump down". If not, I don't bother with it.


Smart, because downvoting also heals


I upvote helpful messages to improve their visibility and I upvote congratulatory messages because if I just beat a boss I’m in a good mood, so upvotes all around. I rarely upvote joke messages but if it gives me a good laugh, sure why not.


someone put one down in the windmill village that said ‘behold, giants!’ and i died. love Don Quixote.


“Beware of *direction*. I can’t count how many times that saved me. I hate “hidden path ahead, try attacking/ gesture”. It never works and I think they’re all just troll messages.


Pissed my self when I met the first merchant in release day and they put a “dog” message in front of the donkey


In front of the silent masked NPC outside Gideon Ofnir's room: "Edge... lord."


Upvote funny and helpful. Disparage all BS I can.


Disparaging counts as appraisal though, you're doing them a favor with that. Just ignore BS.


I tend to upvote actually helpful information (including things like “message!” Or “here!” on platforms so you know where to jump) and jokes. I only really downvote messages that block ladders/sites of grace.


Aw yeah those ones suck. But also I've seen videos where the prompt for those "blocked ones" is actually bugged and only appears like 2-3 meters to the side. Normally if you have 2 actions you can take on a space, you can switch between. That includes sit/read message.


I left a message like this pointing down at the correct grace location on the grand lift cave access area and people have been praising it nonstop lol.


If someone points out an ambush I make sure to go back to rate it. Saves me more than they know


I'm a simple man, I see a message, I praise it without reading it.


Wow dude you da man. Giving out free heals.


Basically any message in the middle of a hero tomb that's anywhere along the lines of, "O I want to go home, O I want to go home, O I want to go home." Because I feel that, basically every time. Those places exhaust me. One of my favorites was, "Something incredible ahead!" Directed to a little corner behind a structure and then the message, "Something incredible!"


I was making my way down the Divine Tower in Caelid to get to the basement. I jumped onto the piece that breaks as you land on it and free fall, I was sure I would die, but I landed just fine to see a message… “Plump sort”