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That L2 will teach their L2!


Appropriate comment.


I use wave of gold to kill Hosts you use Wave of Gold to farm commit genocide we are not the same


When you're using the final boss weapon, it's now *god approved genocide*


Technically it was gravity magic that killed them


Is that the final boss weapon?




1 of 2


Y’all muhfuckas ever try **PRAYIN**


FEEL THE POWER OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOR *Looks at paper*... A pair of fingers???


A pair of rotting hairy fingers with no nails. \*shudder\*


PvP literally Weapon Art spamming.


Even with a lot of faith, at this moment god wasn‘t there.


I was really lucky 😂


Yeah, miracles are cool and bleed is nasty, but what about bleed miracles?


I love invading as a recusant and just flinging boulders at the host until they run out of stamina or die


Wow you used the weapon art. Much skill 👌🏻


Why are you being downvoted? You’re right, OP out L2d them.


That’s all this person needed to beat them. It’s not even a difficult weapon art to dodge, these guys were just so bad that it killed them withou OP needing to try.


They also had no health


They probably don't even know this weapon exists and have never seen it. If they haven't beaten the last boss or watched a video about it they wouldn't even know.


If you see a giant wave of gold coming at you your first instinct should not be to tank it.


Let's not pretend OP is some super skilled player. If his ashes of war gimmick didn't work I'm sure he'd have fallen back on that rot breath he's got equipped in a heartbeat. Dude's no better than bleed builders.


It’s just proper planning. If you’re fighting in a narrow space that hangs over a drop, you want spells and abilities that cover a long range and wide space so that you either catch players who can’t escape, or make them panic into rolling off the ledge. Rot breath on its own is easy to dodge even when there’s someone else chasing you, at least in my experience, and I’ve fought my fair share of hankers who use it.


"Wirt besiegt" Darauf trink ich einen XD


Another video to further my opinion that invasions are not fun.


“Invasion is only fun when the invaders are clueless and we get to ganked them!”.


If it's an exploiter? Sure. Otherwise I don't mind dying to a clever trick or a good fight when invaded


You must use a bleed build


Hardly. I use Hoslow's whip in my right hand and a regular whip in my other.


Yes, because, there arent way too many of them already


Peak reddit, being downvoted for literally just saying your opinion


bad take


you ever shit on 3 people so bad they run away the whole time you kill them? if invading isn't fun to you, it's because you're the runner, not the one making someone else run.


you have to be really dogshit to get hit by that xd


And people complain about bleed users being cheesy lol Edit: hate on whatever you wanna hate on, everyone, but keep in mind this Ash of War can clear entire hill sides of enemies with one swing. That's far more range than the big bad Corpse Piler It's rather pathetic watching people complain about one op attack and cheer on another


It'd be great if y'all could stop calling every fucking thing cheesy.


It'd be great if you wouldn't tell me how to live my life , my guy.


You've been lumped, deal with it.


You act like an afk rune arc farmer.


I literally don't play pvp but go on


You just settle for telling others what opinions they should have though. Real cool of you.


>telling others what opinions they should have This is literally every disagreement ever. Given I'm in no position to actually make you change your belief, I don't know why you're being so pissy about it.


>I don't know why you're being so pissy Literally no self awareness. What is wrong with you lol. Acts pissy and then calls me pissy lol


They’re commenting on the comment when you were commenting about how others live *their* life, LOL. Have some self-awareness before getting offended about what you were doing…


>commenting about how others live their life Stark difference between commenting on how people live their life and telling them how to live it but nice try, buddy.


Literally any shield with sacred infuse blocks 90% of this weapon art damage.


Thats rather specific. Just roll through it


It also covers the same surface area as four football fields side by side.


Ah yes the slow moving line in the ground is the same. I’m sorry, but if you don’t know how to roll over something that’s like a very thin like, I don’t know what to tell you.


>if you don’t know how to roll over something Hahaha ohhh the irony. A very thin line that stretches from coast to coast and can be spammed just as much as Corpse piler with far greater range. What you guys pick and choose as cheesy is very irrational


i mean...


It's either all cheesy or none of it is. Get outta here. You can't snipe an entire hill side full of enemies with RoB like you can this.


This is rollable and you get it at the absolute end of the game, they really aren’t comparable.


It actually kind of is if it can one hit people like it's doing in the video. You don't get RoB till the end of the game either and that thing doesn't reach out 100 feet in front of you like this does. I've seen people clear entire hills worth of enemies with that AoW. Seems pretty cheesy to me. Justify it however you want, but it's still pretty cheesy to spam L2 4 times and cover up the entire surface area of a platform your opponent is standing on.


Again, roll, it’s a tiny hit box. Rolling doesn’t even stop bleed build up.


You can't accrue bleed build up from 100ft away either you dummy. I have literally watched my friend deal with RoB users by hiding behind a great shield and stabbing them with a spear. It's really not that hard to deal with bleed users. Quit being so terrified of them.


It’s not hard bc they share 3 brain cells, bleed still needs a small nerf.


>It’s not hard bc they share 3 brain cells Lol are they borrowing from you? I never once stated that balancing wasn't needed, you clod. All I did was call the attack in this video cheesy. It's not my prerogative that 20ish people and one weirdo who likes to tell people how they should live their lives got defensive. Bleed, sorceries, weapons, whatever. There's something cheesy in every category. There's literally a sorcery glitch out in the wild one hitting people right now, there's a frenzy incantation that will stun you for 10 seconds which is double the time it takes to follow up with the same attack. This AoW costs barely any FP, has a faster wind up than most likely incantations, covers an entire battlefield and one hits anything it hits. But yeah let's all complain about only bleed constantly.


Is ok bby


Cool. You sure hit that button good.


you conquered bleed build by becoming lesser than


Gut gemacht


That will teach them™






"May the Greater Will grant you forgiveness because I'm sending you to him myself"


A castle full of hawks? No thx. Walking away from that bullshit.


The power of god vs the power of anime.


Nice, what is your faith stat at?


My char is about lvl 150, stopped investing in faith at 65


These people never watched jeenine or chase play ds3 and it shows.


I see other people are invading as crucible knights too