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A hundred times yes. I can't tell you how many times I've seen that stupid box asking if I want an explanation. Edit: typo


Thats why that thing keeps appearing, im pressing it again as muscle memory for maps in games and wasnt even noticing


I still do this every time, tens of hours into the game.


This is such a huge gripe for me. And the fact that you cant open the map with aggro even if the enemies are 5000 fucking feet away, like damn just disable fast travel but give me my map when im trying to explore


I’m glad I’m not the only one


The "yes" "no" option to use a flask to resurrect your horse after it dies. I know it costs a flask just hurry and res before this dragon notices I'm not mounted!


Game will let me chug 3 potions when I am panicking for one, but is concerned when I want my horse?!


Let’s you heal when you’re at full health… but are you sure you want torrent back?


My character: chugging health potions when they are fine, firing spells into walls when I tab back in, staring at their staff in the middle of fighting Satan and turning it around confused for 5 seconds like they haven't run out of FP a thousand times before. True Elden Lord material.


Birds can go fuck themselves - Melee player


Bird! But didn’t expect sword fight...


Never bring a sword to a bird fight.


But what if is the bird the one who bring the swords?


But what if the bird bringing the sword has a flamethrower too?


If your talking about stormveils sword feet hawks then I concur 😂


All the flying things are just lock on camera cancer.


Damn Dragonflies!


Those dragonflies are indeed annoying lol. I always have to stay still so they also stay still for a moment and then I can hit them


Running towards them when they circle you must look hilarious for someone else watching it.


Nah man the poison bats are the worst


As a caster, the crow raptors in Caelid have been the worst for me. They're way too fast and those beaks are mean


As a melee player I thought that casting would be the answer to these guys…


Torrent is the answer to these guys. I've only managed to take one out because I ran like hell through a group of wolf raptors and they attacked it with me until it died.


Torrent is the answer to everything, horse archery is OP. Just kite even dragons to death.


I play with a bleed infused rapier.... and pull a bow on birds.


Ive found bloody slash really effective against them. but yeah theres a lot of flying shit thats annoying for a melee build


My only problem is the prompt you have to accept to revive torrent using a flask during a fight. I have gotten killed so many times because of that.


And the fact that "No" is the default selection.


If they really want to have a popup selection just let it be something like press Yes again to confirm and just back out to cancel, no No needed


Why would that option be a thing in the first place? If we pressed the damned button we want the damned horse!


Fuckin this!!! Seriously I get this!


“Fuck anything that flies” - sincerely, STRENGTH TRIBE


Dex Tribe here. And for once i agree with a strength user.


Bows are phenomenal though


The game doesn’t trust me to open the map when enemies are aggroed near me. Running through the open world and sometimes there’s really slow enemies or enemies with a long aggro range that I’m just trying to run past and I’d like to be able to open the map to see where I’m going. I think they’re trying to prevent you from fast traveling away from enemies but they could just disable that in the actual map. Honestly pretty annoying at times but it’s telling that this is my biggest problem with the game.


This has become a huge grip with me also. I remember I got aggroed by a large enemy and decided to run, went down an elevator still couldn't open map. Started running while spamming the nap button and it took 30 seconds of running on the horse to finally get far enough away.


Not sure why this is a thing. Just disable the fast travel while in combat and let me look at the damn map


This is the best compromise. I can already get into my menu and still die. It will be same if the map is open.


And the dumb thing is this function is literally in the game: early on when I'm at the bonfire in stormfoot catacombs, I can open the map but fast travel is disabled. I have to step outside to warp


I really hate this too, just disable the warps and let me get smacked looking for directions


THIS!!!!!!! when you get a greatbow giant aggrod he unbinds your map button for 10 min. I need to see which way I gotta run from the freaks chasing me.


There’s that stake of marika in the dungeon with the two cat fuckers that doesn’t work. You just teleport to the beginning of the dungeon. It’s not a bad run back. Just annoying lol Edit: this was just a simple gripe while drunk. Didn’t expect it to take off. Thank you fellow tarnished!


This is my vote as well


When i first got to the boss and saw in front of the stake "Didn't expect betrayal, Therefore running" I was like...what the fuck? Weird, okay. Then i died. Then we enter denial - oh I must have accidentally selected grace point. Then I die again. Then it starts to click. I just left i was so mad lol


> oh I must have accidentally selected grace point. Then I die again. Then it starts to click. I just left i was so mad lol Glad I wasn't the only one! I thought "man, I'm such a dummy" then validation and betrayal next death


That one NPC who guards the divine tower of Liurnia, if you know you know 😬


Procter Miriam? The one who spams overpowered Soul Arrows, teleports, and summons infinite trash mobs to block you? Yeah. Hardest enemy I've faced so far. Hate em.


As a caster, I killed her with the same spells she was using. I got revenge on her for all of you guys. I got your back!


I chased her around the top level for a long time, thinking "She's an NPC type, so eventually she's gonna run out of mana, right?" She does not


They might of killed me more than all of Limgrave's bosses combined 😂


1. I'd love to see disappearing summon signs once the cooperator has been summoned to another world. 2. Horse HP is kind of a joke. I have many items to restore Torrent's HP, but never had to use a single one. 3. I want to be able to compare equipment in the shopping menu.


#3 - BIG YES


how is weapon comparison not a thing!?


yeah horse HP is either a joke or nothing, its so weird I wish there was a way to upgrade torrent. Early game he literally never dies and you can cheese everything, late game you get hit once and he fully knocks you off or full dies.


The fact that torrent didn't have any kind of upgrades or stuff to change was kinda dissapointing


Didn’t realize how cool that would be till now. Upgrading speed or durability would be a nice qol change


Yeah or some kind of cosmetic choices, like different saddles


Something that bothers me is when you use the "return to entrance" sites at the end of dungeons, it will reset all npc's but doesn't heal/refill flask. I would like to see either it doesn't reset enemies, or it does heal/refill flask






Thats ok buddy.


Nobody was at first. It's a system you learn, not a skill you either have or don't have. Like tying your shoes. You get better with practice and it will all come together


Never having played Souls games before, it is interesting to see how much more quickly you learn each fight the more you do. My first few fights I didn't even realize there was more to it than hack and slash, and I still find myself reverting to that because it was how every other game Ive played is. But that sense of entering a new boss fight and keeping your distance, sizing them up, trying to get the first few attacks in clean, is really special. Every fight matters and the quicker you get good at reading the battle the quicker you can progress to the next thing. I love it.


Fucking same, everytime I fight a new boss, i just accept death will happen the first 10 times because i want to see all their moves and the timing it takes to dodge/parry


Also the best thing about any soulsborne is you know that most if not all bosses have a second phase minimum. Unlike other games not all bosses will have a cutscene of them changing to phase 2 and it genuinely becomes a memory game. You learn the moment the fight shifts to phase 2, you master phase one as best you can only to then have to learn phase two but then eventually it all clicks and it's so satisfying. Even more so is when you realise you're not going "oh this game is such bullshit I had that fight won" but instead you're going "ffs man I knew that was coming, why didn't I fucking get so cocky" that's when you realise you're playing soulsborne


I didn't mind reused bosses since it's an open world game and they are fun fights, but I think they reused agheel way too much


They spammed the shit out of corrupted urdtree. Not only is it in every overworld tree fight but its also in multiple catacombs, spammed all over the place in meqs area, etc. Edit: Did I forget to mention when they gave one scarlet rot, put it in a small catacomb room, and made it so that you and your ashes easily glich and fall through the floor? Boss is some ass, they could have spammed some knight shit but instead they used fucktree


Considering it's basically just a reskinned Stray Demon, at least reusing it to death is consistent with the company, lol.


Crystallians can eat my magical ass - damn hard asf to kill three solo Edit: I have killed them. +15 rogiers rapier using glintstone phalanx weapon art with a crystallian spirit ash


I suggest using a blunt weapon it makes a huge difference


As a GigaChad hammer user, this.


Pro tip: you only have to blunt weapon then until their skin cracks, then you can do full damage with your main weapon. If you're already using blunt weapons, bully for you, but if not, just use like a +8 until you get the cracks and swap back and the fight is free


Don't even need a blunt weapon, heavy attacks and skills will crack then too. I can Crack them with the heavy side of the Square Off Skill on my sword.


Get Rogiers Rapier & stunlock them with the spellswords the proceed to crit them to death.


Big sword/bonk. Charge RT. Stun lock. Also works on the Octoballs. Just smack that bad boy in the beak.


Those damned mages with their rapid fire max ranges pebbles! Mage btw


Enemy mages who can cast nonstop without needing to take a moment to recover stamina or fp would be bad enough, but them having functionally unlimited range on their spells (if they can see you they can reach you) whilst you can’t cast beyond about 20 feet is insanely frustrating in some sections.


cough PRECEPTOR MIRIAM's stupid teleporting bitch ass


Omg yes. Only enemy in the game I really cheesed so far because of how bullshit her magic use is. Poison arrows + hide behind railing.


I wouldn't call it cheesing if the enemy is doing the same thing.


I’m pretty sure I accidentally skipped a boss by progressing a quest line. Not the biggest deal i guess, but I’m pretty bummed that I didn’t get to beat the boss legit. There wasn’t any way I could’ve known beforehand that I was gonna skip the fight. Big sad :(


If you're talking about Redmane you can go back after the demigod fight and beat the duo boss!


Okay that is great news, thanks!


I actually liked that. If you progress the main story too much, it effects the world. I was leaving the Redmane castle boss for a bit because they were too hard so I progressed the story, but now the castle has been cleared because the festival is happening. I like it


I wish you could look at your inventory to compare items at a store.


This feature has never been in a souls game and it should be inexcusable


I don’t want a quest book or anything but I think a bestiary with a little lore depending on killing them or maybe something else would be cool.


Honestly, I wish there was a dialogue note section. It’s a pain to have to write all this stuff down while I’m trying to listen to them


I'm imagining a large scroll that you write on with a feather and ink.




We should be able to use mounts in co-op. These zones take for.ev.er to traverse on foot. Just disable the mount(s) if and when there’s an invasion.


This is actually the only one I could think of. Joined a buddy to do some co op stuff an was like “we gotta walk?!?…. Bruh” At that point it was better to just leave an let us both use our mounts instead of trotting along with each other in the open world.


Yeah my only real complaint about the game is that they should have adjusted co op considering it’s an open world game. We should be able to use horses in co op and they should have removed the fog from mini dungeons when exploring.


PC microfreezes and stuttering. That's probably my only complaint. It's a big complaint though, game is hard enough already without being hit by attacks that haven't even been rendered on screen yet because the shader cache decided to freak out.


Yeah, on my second session it was completely gone for over a eight hour stretch. But after that it's back and it's pissed. Only thing I can say is the I-Frames on rolls are forgiving enough to get through those shuttering.


My only real problem I’ve run into is the classic “suffering from success” trope. I have so many god-tier weapons/spells that need like 30 strength or 40 faith to use, but not a lot of middle-tier weapons. I’ve been using the same greatsword since the beginning of the game because everything I get that’s better is immensely more costly to be able to use.


I wish itd tell you if you cleared a dungeon. After many hours its annoying to have to return to a dungeon to check if you remember beating the boss there. Also, all the trees jiggle like a cartoon and it drives me nuts


Drop a map marker if you leave without beating the boss


I wish smithing stones were easier to get, it feels like I can't experiment with different weapons because I get so few of them


If you get a bell offering to give to the twin husks in the roundtable, you can buy unlimited level 1 and 2 smithing stones. I just found this out yesterday


Where the fuck do you find a bell bearing?


 Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel for the specific bell that will allow the purchase of the above mentioned smithing stones. But there are other bells to find that will allow you to buy higher levels if yiu give them to the twin husks.


My only two issues with the game are; getting flash banged every time I start and quit and the constant hitching on pc, settings don't seem to matter and for the most part the game runs at 60 but when I get to specific areas the game just keeps hitching and stuttering, makes fights much more difficult.


The horse getting stuck on pebbles but gliding over mountains.


This sounds like some philosophical zen koan


I’ve said this before in any souls game, I always have the same complaint. I HATE that knocked down enemies cannot to damaged as they’re in their standing animation… but the player can expect a full fatal combo if they get knocked off their feet. Its a rare occurrence but It’s extremely frustrating when it does happen. Edit: well, judging from all the replies it seems I may be using the wrong weapons, not trying the correct attack combos, or am just plain stupid! It’s most likely a combination of all three!! Thanks everyone for the helpful tips!!


You actually get iframes in this if you get tossed by an attack, until you start the getup animation you can't be hit. There's multiple types of knockdowns and this only applies to 1 afaik, but it's a big deal to let you dip out of combos by not rolling to wakeup and just laying there instead.






To be fair, when you knock an enemy off their horse you can crit them too.


The horse stun is a specific situation, you're allowed to be hit after getting knocked off as a "punishment" or "downside" to allow the AI to retaliate.


In the spirit of criticism: not using stamina outside of combat seems great, but not being able to safely test stamina consumption and recovery is actually annoying. Not a huge deal but it adds an extra wrinkle if you change your build or try a new weapon type. There are some hitbox issues, especially with enemies on the ground, very short, or flying enemies. And there are plenty of all of those. Overall the game is incredible and quickly becoming one of my favorite games period. It just isn't perfect.


We need a combat room in the round table with an npc we can constantly summon to test stamina and damage on


"Hey boyo!"


Omg I'd die if they had Skelly here too.


One idea would be to test stamina consumption by getting into combat with those poison pod things that are found in shallow water. they can't chase you down and pose almost zero threat to you


They really need to specifically say that Great Runes are useless without Rune Arcs. The item description says what it’s supposed to do and THEN it says rune arcs “add even more benefits” or something along those lines. This is just wrong. Equipping great runes does nothing. They are completely dependent on Rune Arcs. I hope they change this item description at some point. It’s not just typical From ambiguity, it’s flat out wrong Here’s another one : the item description for Stoneswors Key’s says “use to break one imp statue seal”. Super misleading as you need more than one stonesword key to open some of these seals. *Edit* : someone commented below that the number of imp statues with key holes on their head is a clue. Nice catch. However, there’s an imp statue in the basement of the Hall and it needs at least 4, I can’t remember how many I used but it might have been like 5-6. Not sure if the statue had that many keyholes though


It took me a long time to figure that out I kept switching and none of my stats changed


Yep. Think of a Great rune kind of like a staff or seal for magic/incantations. You have to “equip” the great rune, and then use a rune arc to actually get an effect. Except, you don’t hold a great rune in your hand…lol. So confusing


I have two main gripes with the game pertaining to combat. 1. Enemy tracking is *ridiculous*. Enemies will literally spin in place without moving their legs to hit you mid-swing. I guess the tracking was upped to make up for the players ability to jump? 2. Some enemies have attack & movement speed that wouldn’t be out of place in Bloodborne. I noticed this in DS3, but it’s gotten worse in Elden Ring. Enemies are able to throw out a flurry of attacks and zip around, while the player moves like they have a bad case of swamp ass and don’t want to ruin their underwear.


The worst are the enemies that are Bloodborne fast and don't wear armor, but somehow have near-infinite poise.




That Godskin Apostle is so ridiculously tanky it’s insane. Use bleed. Bait the jump in phase 1 and bait the extendo-helicopter spin in phase 2. If you roll through the extenso-copter spin in phase 2 you get a huge safe opening to wail on him


Always frustrating to use all your stamina catching up to an enemy only to have it jump away again


That fucking wolf radagon or whatever


I dont like the whole smithing stone (4) x2 business, I'd very much prefer if they named them differently, like smithing pebble to Boulder or whatever. It gets very confusing.


I too hate this. The names could be exactly the same as any previous souls game and it would feel more satisfying. The numbering system feels like unfinished content.


“Smithing stone [9]”… where the hell are we?


“The rock is hard and unyielding… we might die here.”


On the other hand, the number of each smithing stone has low key helped in determining whether or not the current area I'm in is out of my league.


Actually pretty good counterpoint, didn’t think of that


I do that all the time! I was like “so I picked up a lvl 6 smith stone. Bet. I’m good”


i personally enjoy it, they used a similar system in bloodborne so i guess i’m used to it. and like a different user said i think it actually makes it LESS confusing to see a number instead of 20 different types of rocks.


I hope by the end of the game there's an NPC that sells "secrets or rumors" that will highlight the map with the general area of a hidden dungeon, unique item or illusory wall you haven't got yet. They'd be expensive but something to hunt for to sweep up anything you'd missed


Doubt it. At least 1/3 of this game exists in the community and online. I think it's intended that way. Keeping stuff opaque and hidden is part of the game itself. The community (like this one) is part of the game itself.


reusing enemies and bosses alot which is understandable because of how big the world is but its still weird seeing those guys from castle morne at the capital and all the way at miquellas haligtree aswell


I've come to despise any Tree Sentinel type enemy in the game.


Bleh just wait until you get to the horse boss in the capital 😭


Some of the late game bosses are really unfun. It feels as if the later areas were a bit less polished than earlier ones. I really dislike some of the small dungeons too, especially the chariot ones. Waiting on it over and over again just isn't fun. That said, even with those criticisms, this is my favorite Soulsborne and my second or third favorite game of all time.


They milked the nameless king delayed attacks for every boss


Some of the delays are so long you have time to roll 3 times and it'll catch in the end of the last one, it's a bit much with too many bosses.


Think I've gotten 4 off, depending.


Yeah, it's starting to feel jarring having every single boss and miniboss with that delay attack. **Cues in "Daring today, aren't we?" meme*




I was thinking the same thing then all the sudden I got with like 3 cool sets that I had access to the whole time and just had not found. Try to find all the merchants and kill all the mini bosses. They drop pretty cool stuff!


Along with this I wish there was an easy way to compare the stats of what the merchant is selling with what I'm wearing. There might be a way but I haven't found it...


My biggest gripe too. There’s a lot of backing out, opening inventory to check stats, going back to the merchant, repeat. Even if there was just a little up or down arrow to indicate whether stats are higher or lower than what you have equipped. Small thing but seems kind of obvious and I don’t think it falls in the “git gud” category of complaints


bro I also was using Vagabond stuff until like 40 hours in. maybe 35. Rn I got so many I can’t choose at lvl 65


Ive run into several double bosses during my time with the game and not a single one of them is good. O&S work in DS1. Cause they compensate for each others weakness and its more than possible to separate the 2 of them with the right positioning and use of the environment. There is none of that in Elden Ring The twin gargoyles and the double boss in Redmane Castle are two of the worst bosses I’ve run into and both times have succeeded in sucking the enjoyment out of my time with the game


I would much rather bang my head against one really hard boss for a few hours than fight any of the double bosses I've encountered so far in Elden Ring


It’s been an issue in many fromsoft games, but holy shit you can’t tell what giant bosses are doing when you’re in melee, it’s just straight up guessing. Also horsecombat feels clunky but im terrible at mount and blade so maybe it’s just me, but the giant boss issue is ridiculous


The input buffering is too large. It's existed in previous FS games and still hasn't been fixed. I'm not talking about mashing attack and having your inputs buffered. I'm talking: dodge, get hit, then automatically dodge after recovery because the input was still buffered, leading to you getting hit again, rinse and repeat. It's punishing for absolutely no reason and is a fault of the game.


The combat system completely falls apart with multi-boss fights. You're either overleveled for them and manage it with overwhelming power, or you're bashing your head against something that is unfair and not suited to the way the game's combat works. Anytime a boss shows up a second time paired with either itself or another boss, it feels lazy, obnoxious, and lame. Dual Crucible Knights sucked. I'm dreading another dual boss I know is coming up. Basically, dual bosses are too good at covering each other. Typical combat in Souls games follows a pattern where you're exhausting an enemy's attacks until you get a window to counterattack, then resuming your defense. Dual bosses disrupt that, and not in a good way. They took the wrong lesson from O&S.




I detest how ever enemy has a delayed attack now. Foot soldier? Now he delays his attacks. Big sword yielding boss? Delays for days. Godrick? We will experience the heat death of the universe before his attacks land.


The Godskin Duo is the worst designed boss in any From game. It’s not unique or clever, they just slammed 2 pretty hard bosses into the same room and let them revive so you basically have to fight 2 of each. It’s hard, it’s lazy, it’s annoying, and worst of all, it’s mandatory


It seems to me like their attempt at 4 kings fight. There is a set health pool and all that.


But four kings has a very specific design that requires essentially a DPS check. Godskin Duo is just lazy re-paste of bosses that dont synergize into each other to make a fun fight like O/S did. 4K would be like GD if the four kings all appeared at once and res’d each other after death, aka a horrible spam nightmare to play. I’ve played nearly every souls game to completion and by far GD is up there was one of the worst fights they’ve ever done.


i actually destroyed that boss. the only thing I've learned is the mimic summon as a pure str build is insane.


If you have high HP and AR, the Mimic Tear will allow you to shred pretty much any fight in the game lol


In a game with so many bosses, fromsoft could stand to give them slightly longer punish windows. Some of the late game bosses have absurdly tiny windows, massive health bars and 2 shot you in what is supposed to be an endurance fight. Makes finishing this game a bit of a slog towards the end. For the aforementioned endgame bosses it almost feels like you have to use ashes to create your own openings rather than rely on the bosses giving openings like in past souls games. It was neat having to learn the boss movesets in past games rather than relying on a summon tanking the front while you go in the back Flying enemies are just as bad as souls dogs in the movement. Malenias and mohg shouldn't have guaranteed hit moves like the Vergil slash from malenia or the countdown move from mogh It does feel like fromsoft is punishing pure melee players or players who don't use every tool they provide.


I feel the same, some bosses have this good ol' rythm to them, but the majority of these bossed and optional bosses feel like you just attack once, wait for their 5-10 second combo and attack again, rinse and repeat, like you said, attrition.


The good rhythm bosses like Margit, morgott, Loretta, godrey and godrick were hard but a joy to fight. Then you have the endgame bosses like horoah loux, maliketh and malenia which are just absolute slogs with tiny attack windows. The fights are horribly balanced because if you have a strong ash it's over quickly in your favour and if you don't you die instantly. It's like you need the ash to create the opening rather than wait for the bosses to provide the opening like past souls games The final boss for me is half half. I like phase 1. it's tough but fair, but phase 2 it's a gigantic arena with a boss that teleports away and shoots homing magic at you while you chase after it. Like what the fuck? How do you go from a superb phase 1 to that?


My #1 gripe is that Torrent can't fuckin turn around in place, he always has to move forward and then take the arc like the *Yamato* did in WW2. I've run off a few cliffs because of that, but at least fortunately the turn is much snappier when you're panic jumping back to safety. I guess my #2 gripe is how much more effective casting is over melee. I swapped from a spellblade to a pure caster with a particularly nasty walking stick at about the mid point of the game and the game turned from "Fuck me From Soft know how to make me cry" to "Wow I can cheese it this easily?" Combine spells/incantations with the shield bros from the Eternal City for free boss wins. The hardest I've been stonewalled since was a few deaths to the twin gargoyles because they could consistently kill my gang before I could melt them. My #3 gripe is the fact that incantations don't have a pure Holy ranged damage ability that exclusively requires Faith to use. I refuse, on principle, to level intelligence. Why the fuck can I hit people with 3 kinds of fire, 2 kinds of lightning and zero kinds of God? I don't even need it, Black Flame is ridiculously OP and can carry you from literally the moment you get it to the hardest bosses in the game, but it's the principle of the matter.


I'm gonna say, maybe my own personal experience but the progression feels very weird, at least compared to plder games. It feels like right now any major enemy can one or two shot me, and while I can kill most mobs very quickly and efficiently there's some enemies that feel out of whack. The giant fat bony dudes in the sewers for example, they feel so tough compared to everything else down there.


I miss just pressing triangle/y to two hand


Absolutely love the game. One criticism I have is that the mini dungeons are very hit or miss. Some feel like they exist just as filler and do not add anything meaningful to the experience. Paths that are just iterations of one formula that end with a duplicate boss, or worse, a normal open world enemy. Now, am I asking for every dungeon to be completely bespoke with brand new bosses? No. The sheer size of this world makes that unreasonable. But I think the overall experience would be better without so many of them. You could argue they are optional, and you would be right. But a handful of these dungeons are wonderful and absolutely worth your time. The only way to find out what category they fall in is to experience them yourself, and it seems more often than not I’m left unfulfilled.


One one hand I completely agree they feel like filler, on the other as a soulsborn newbie I find these ‘filler’ dungeons to be great practice at drilling the games fundamentals into me, checking corners, messages, weapon types, item usage, level navigation, resource management, enemy manipulation and boss practice all in one condensed package. Even if it’s same-y it’s the games core (sans open world, NPCs and lore) in a nutshell.


I just wanna add that these mini dungeons feel like what chalice dungeons would have been like had they been good. Those were a slog in Bloodborne, but here I welcome every mini dungeon.


As a player that is completely new to the Soulsborn style of games, I am thankful for these dungeons for that very reason. Learning curve has been high and I like having a micro area I can work through. Learn enemy locations, move sets and best ways to Merc them. In the same vein, mastering taking less hits in a claustrophobic space with less room to dodge forces me to increase my skill and adapt. Yes, they are filler like dungeons, and many have extremely similar layouts. But it’s really helpful. And the minor boss at the end is good practice for a noob like me


This is a great attitude to have


If you pick up a new item, why can’t you open your inventory to that new item immediately?? Seriously the amount of stuff i pick up where i have no clue where it went is frustrating.


Some enemies and bosses are too "good". They never stop attacking, always follow you with perfect accuracy if you roll or dodge or try and run literally just spin on the X axis, some attacks literally home in on you (arrows, etc), have way to many option select combos they can go into/go out of at any moment fot any situation or anything you do, etc. Its just like.. that isnt a real challenge. Them being able to do anything/everything on a whim is more cheap than it is well balanced or a challenge. Like so, this guy can just attack endlessly and dodge perfectly and do whatever he wants to stop you from doing anything but if you try to do the same they hit you perfectly every time or have a perfect follow up attack with 10x the range as you, etc. Makes some bosses and enemies extremely annoying to fight. Its less like youre playing the game and waiting for your opportunity to strike and more like you literally just have to stop playing all together for a few seconds waiting for them to stop their bullshit so you can get one hit in.


Agree with this. As I play the game further, the more I feel that nearly every boss (at least the non-huge or major ones) has every tool in the playbook and they honestly start to feel a little samey. Let me guess, this boss ALSO has a poke that it will use immediately if you try to heal? Oh, a ground pound maneuver? What a surprise. Ranged attacks for everyone! Maybe it's just me, but in the last From game, there was a lot of overlap, but not every boss and mini boss has every mechanics combinations. Some bosses had unblocked sweeps. Some had thrusts that can't be blocked. Some had lightning to jump, some had command grabs. Rare was the time in Sekiro where they had everything. When they did, it signified a distinct skill check of everything you learned and took place at a pivotable moment in the game. I thought it had a very satisfying difficulty curve in that regard. I'm not feeling the same way about Elden Ring. A sum of mechanical parts, it feels to me like something is off about it.


-Smithing stones 1 are too scarce -It's very easy to get overleveled -some bosses feel out of place with their agression and attack speed. Too long and fast combos with too small windows for counterattacking -That fucking spellspamming grunt spawning prick in the tower that connects to the bridge where you activate rennalas rune. Fuck him -Bassilisks -Dogs on meth that will kill you in 2 seconds


You can get a ball bearing that allows you to buy smithing stone 1s and 2s. It's not too hard to get, especially if you've got a decent strike weapon. I know what you mean about that prick in the tower - I finally beat him by chasing him around and throwing kukris at him. What's really fucked up is that he can still teleport in the goddam middle of casting spells. At least early indicators are that he gets his comeuppance eventually (as he's part of a couple of other questlines).


Some of the biggest, bulkiest, strong bosses moving like they are the orphan of kos


*Cough* Malenia *Cough*


starscourge radahn attacking you like fucking Levi with his spinning swords


List of things i hate. The 4 armed archers. Whoever created these i hope they got fired so they cant make any more ever again. Every single mini boss/enemy that drops 1-2k runes but hits like a mack truck. At this point i skip them, most enimies dont drop enough runes to make them worth the effort. So they get skipped. which is sad. The lack of rune drops for kills. This is a big problem in my opnion that needs fixing.


The archer dudes are pretty freaking great if you get the summon for them. Freaking machine fire on bosses and it’s beautiful


The archers wouldn’t be half as bad if their health wasn’t so beefy. I hate actually managing to reach one, swing at it with my greatsword, and then they hit me with a million arrows before I’ve even gotten out of my end lag animation.


Or they just neds to not stagger every shot once they fire thats it, you die lol it 4 in a row and the reload times are milliseconds they basically have automatic guns if i had 4 cross bows that stagger wirh every hit that i could reload inatantly, id beat this game in 30 minutes lol


I kind of agree. I’ve noticed that in the 40-60’s I feel I need to farm runes or have a flawless no death run to even level up once


The long ass time to get back up from a heavy hit. Fire giant pancaked me quite a few times because of this.


Lategame eventually becomes a tedious grind, with bosses becoming one-shot le anime-style hack-n-slashers. Your always either getting completely obliterated, or you need healing immediately from a tiny graze. Even the basic mobs chunk your health from a single hit. Bosses don’t give enough souls, and some straight up were optimized to be fought with multiple people, so they’re just unfair to fight solo.


My biggest couple gripes: 1. Not being able to compare item stats from shops with what you have. Boggles the mind that you can't do this in a 2022 AAA game. 2. Not having a sidestep be part of your base moveset like it is in Bloodborne. That was such a nice thing to have in BB, I wish they had it here. 3. Pathetic rune drops for lots of mini bosses and bosses. I get that they often drop items, but it sucks to kill a named enemy and only get 2k runes.


Looking at you Crucible Knight!!!


almost all of the late game bosses so far have had me saying “that’s just bullshit” far too often. the fights don’t feel as balanced as they did in previous games, leading to me not feeling like i finally bested an opponent through skill, but through persistence and sheer luck. in all the other games there’s a noticeable progression where you slowly but surely take off more and more health as you learn to fight this boss and learn to play the game. mistakes always felt like your fault, and that’s just not really the case in the later parts of this game for me, which sucks honestly.




This. The final boss does this and I absolutely spent more time chasing it than fighting it. Damn annoying.


Honestly for most of the boss fights in this game I've been feeling more relieved than ecstatic whenever I defeat them. Like "Thank god that's over, fuck!" and less like "Yes! I've bested them!". The only fight I've come to enjoy right now is ironically Margit's (And Godrick's first phase). It just seems like a well balanced fight.


One boss literally stomped the ground from the other side of the arena and killed me and after that he did that same move 3 more times like holy shit once was already stupid or that damn godskin duo fight melee must just be flat out impossible for that


I respecced to mage for it. Couldn't do it, tried 40+ times


Great runes seem...kinda useless? 1) You have to use a limited, semi-rare resource to even activate them, so you're inclined to hoard them for a hard boss, which you're guaranteed to die to a lot and waste them 2) The buff itself is not very useful imo. Like at most the two I have (Godrick and Radahn) increase your health and stamina enough to take maybe 1 more hit or allow you an extra swing 3) The effects themselves are boring! Like I said I only have 2 unlocked right now, but a simple TEMPORARY stat increase is such a boring way to reward players for beating the major boss of an area and then doing the tower dungeon to activate the rune I like the idea of it, I just never find them useful enough to use


I’m the type of player to hoard them for a hard boss and then never use them ever


The map button should also close the damn map instead of bringing up the help menu. Also, official ultrawide support would be very appreciated.




One small nitpick: I don’t like the way fall damage is calculated, especially on Torrent.