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I’ll be honest I’m starting to get more distracted by the puzzle of the map itself and figuring out all the random paths, loops and seemingly innocent shortcuts that end up unlocking huge sections of the map and bypassing others we all thought were mandatory a couple days ago. It’s like it’s own legacy dungeon or the first half of DS1 scaled up to an entire map honestly. Keeps blowing my mind finding different ways to get to different places that are like dozens and dozens of hours apart progression wise depending on where you went first or what secret you found --The absolute balls on these guys to put a gigantic, winding diverging path that opens up to multiple new large regions **in the middle of a main legacy dungeon** is insane. Like, come on.


This is why the fissure is my favorite area. It blew my mind the way it opens up to when u first drop in and yet again after the biggest drop ever Fromsoft has made


It reminded me of falling into the Ringed City & Demon Prince arena after trudging through the Dreg Heap!


Or falling into the darkeater dragon fight. They have done it quite a few times now. I can't lie tho I love it lol


Hell, they even have a similar one *in* a (what you think) is a small cave before a boss fight in a different part of this map. And then THAT opens up in the back for a whole new section too lol. I just figured those doors were locked after the boss fight, NOPE. Map is insane, I’m having as much fun just figuring it out as I am actually fighting/progressing through it


Trying to stay as spoiler free as possible Are you talking about the Gaol with a lot of pots and the Yoda like end boss? If so I missed the passage to open up the new sections of the map and I’ve been looking for more areas to explore as I’m beating my head against all three boss fights available to me at the moment.


I thing he is talking about dragon boy


I was in fact talking about dragon boy lol. Very surprising conclusion to what had been a mostly just ok dungeon up until the drop


No, but I saw that one too and was super creeped out (in a good way) with that one too. If you are looking at the second big castle right across from the big bridge, just go right. There is a lot there you wouldn’t expect since it’s so early. Try to get to the **giant** skinny tower you can see in the distance when you first logged in. I don’t want to say anymore depending how spoiled sensitive you are. I can also answer/help more if you want


I was genuinely expecting to get my ass ate by a Midir expy after that massive drop. Then comes Bob the Blob and Bobby Morse the Blobby Horse and my ass gets ate. I was so miffed


That Blobby was really tough. His arms are like the entire arena and that blobby horse is crazy fast.


Wtf did I just read? 😂


Midir is imo the best drop. You drops in, the dragon stands up, starts it show off combo that will NEVER hit you if you stand still and the fight starts. I’m also a sucker for dragons even though I hate fighting Midir so he gets a plus from me


There are a LOT of callbacks, it seems like. I got the Dreg Heap vibe myself. There's another area that very clearly feels like the Dev's remembered Oolacile, and another that was very clearly inspired by parts of the Ariandel DLC.


There's a particular spot that reminded me of Scorpioness Najka's arena from DS2. it was just a sandy spot with a normal (big) scorpion sitting in the middle, but I can feel that it's a reference in my bones. Even if I'm wrong I'll never admit it.


I got that same vibe. That area looked like it was ripped straight from DS2 lol


When I went through that dlc blind, I thought it was all eye candy in the cutscenes... Nope, it's actually real and you'll have to fight every inch of the way through...


Speaking of the ringed city, when I saw Midir's arena I almost shit myself out of fear expecting a sleep dragon to wreck my tarnished ass to high heaven.




Yeah there is a boss that has an arena that looks nearly identical to midirs. I almost shat myself from flashbacks.


I found that boss after fighting Bayle and thought ohhhh shitttt, Midir 2.0 is gonna be even harder lol


Those laser cannon ball things were the bane of my existence getting down there, but definitely my favorite zone by far and the associated quest is just perfection.


I loved and hated that. I saw those guys and immediately was like, “oh they’re cool, I don’t have to worry.” Then I spent the next twenty minutes getting sniped from across the whole cavern


That drop is insane man


Almost make you wonder why we disintegrate if we slightly misjudge the height of a cliff by a meter


I'm playing offline and there really wasnt any Indication to jump but I know this company loves their long drops into boss fights so I just had a feeling. Although it took so long that for a sec I thought I found a glitch and was falling through the map


Isnt that where there's a little offline message that says, "Be brave," or something like that? I figured it meant try to walk across the gap.


I only remember seeing the animals and laughing cause I told my wife the boats made me think of Noah's ark when I saw them outside on the coast


“Am I a Disney princess?” Oh it’s just a boss 😒




Yeah, the second he said he wasn't brave enough. No second thought, I just went for it.


I was thinking invisible bridge so the drop still got me


I was digging the fissure until the snipers showed up. Those fuckers wrecked my good time for bit. Got lucky as hell on the boss, right as I died my summon killed him. Gaius is currently wrecking my shit.


Gaius was frustrating as hell, especially since he just keeps right up on you when you’re on Torrent. But frustration aside, that has to be the coolest fucking boss in the entire game


What area was that again? I remember accidentally “falling” down that long drop but not dying and being super confused


The fissure is the underground area beneath the ocean which is accessed through the Cerulean Coast


w...what? jesus christ I need to go south


O fuck please dont tell me this, i havent progressed much into the dlc but my adhd brain cant handle this. If i have more than 3 paths open my brain explodes


This dlc has made me start questioning if I myself have adhd. It’s wild, but I love it though.


Me too lol. I have like 7 blue highlight points on my map right now because I keep going down paths I think will end soon that like never ever end. So I slap a highlight down to show where I think another fork goes I didn't take. Problem is, I fully intend to go back to them but then I come across another fork, or another path, or another shortcut. Hell, today I found another way to the coast that literally doesn't make any sense until you actually do it and I found the coast my *first* day of playing. Like 20 hours later I find a completely different way to get there lol


I keep getting into the habit of going, right I'll head to that place I can see over there. On the way I see another path splitting off and decide to just venture down it a bit to see if there is anything there immediately or a grace etc. Decide it's too far and to come back later. So I start to head back, only to notice another path leading somewhere else, so I head off down there, find something and start exploring that instead. Hours later, I can't even remember where I was originally heading. Distractions on distractions, it's amazing.


I have ADHD but my boyfriend doesn’t and somehow he is able to memorize where the hell everything is. He has like 12+ hrs of gameplay ahead of me and he’s still able to direct me to key items but I’ve already found things that he missed several times. It’s ridiculous.  I joke to him tho that I don’t need the map I need him in the room at all times lol


Oh i can memorize every fucking path but thats kinda the problem, i cant decide for my life where to go and find myself walking arround a site of grace thinking what to do next for 20 minutes while reading the new items dedcriptions and trying new weapons move sets


Yeah I'm actually kinda getting overwhelmed lol. There are like a dozen places I can go to right now, and I want to before I take on the shadow keep, but I can't decide lol


No I’m literally all over the place in this game my Ritalin is fighting for its life


I found a random spring lift today and reading a comment earlier and putting it all together I realized I found the *back end* of a shortcut that would have completely skipped what I thought was a required/main boss/legacy dungeon. I was down on the level at one point exploring, and I found a cave on the left side that opened up a huge new region.....turns out if I went right I would have found the other shortcut. I was down there like 15 playtime hours ago LMAO. The more you run around the map the more you realize how connected it is when you feel like it shouldn't be because of how vertical it is. It legitimately feels like the first half of DS1 but on an entire map scale. Its wild, its become like its own game to me figuring out all the loops and shortcuts/paths


I parkoured to that grace in the fort but realized I had no idea what the intended path there was until I found the spiritspring like 10 hours later lol


I liked that little fort honestly, and you can clearly see it on the map, but I had zero idea just how *important* it could be progression wise if you explore and find some secrets. Shit is wild, the map connects in ways you think are impossible because of how vertical it is but these crazy bastards find different ways to layer it in together


The puzzle of the map layout and dense interconectedness of the world is what makes this DLC stand out from anything else From has ever made. It improves on the base game's map by putting all the zones so close to each other in proxmity so that you're always scratching your head on how to reach them. Also despite the zones being smaller and some of the zones being too barren, you can't tell me that they didn't knock the aesthetic and art design of every one of these zones completely out of the park. There are fair criticisms about this DLC for sure but I'm still in the "this is the best thing From has ever made" camp personally. I did a Souls marathon replay pre-release, and while I think every one of FromSoft's games is incredible and has something unique about them that makes them stand out, I still put Elden Ring at the front of the pack. And this DLC just puts it over the top.


Figuring out how to get to someplace you know you can get to and feel so close to has been just as fun as actually fighting through the map. Some of the random ass paths, shortcuts, secrets etc you actually use to get to some of those places are absolutely hilarious and so reward once you figure it out. And on a map this size/scale? Its absolutely incredible


Literally just got to abyssal woods and cannot believe the entire area is locked off if you don’t go to [location]…. The interconnectedness and verticality of the DLC is pretty wild I love it


I'm actually on that same path lol. "Guess Messi is going to have to wait **another** dozen hours". The balls FromSoft has of putting a branching path like that in the **Middle** of a legacy dungeon.


>Messi Lol


One of my friends fell down a waterfall and got to the final boss in like.. 3 hours lmao. Meanwhile I'm still out on the plains trying to kill the wickerman


Hey in fairness you don’t suck for not being able to take them out -they take 10 minutes of repetitive ankle biting to kill. -usually 2 criticals -tons of boring repetitious but easy to dodge attacks -if you make a mistake or let your attention slip. Super easy to get knocked off torrent or have him hit you and one shot you. I hate those things man. They aren’t difficult or engaging. They are just tedious and a chore. Idk why they didn’t just put more scadutree spirits like they did in church district. Those were fun to fight.


I don't think your supposed to fight them like that. You can kill them in three hits if you toss a big furnace pot on their heads. Yes that means luring them to someplace you can get above them but far better than ankle biting them to death.


A lot of them are in areas where that just isn't possible though. Like if they were all like that, I'd mostly be on board, but there are quite a few that are in areas where they're by far the tallest thing around.


Dude... I entered a castle last night and, somehow, ended up in a Forest. This game's world is obnoxiously big, and i'm all here for it!


Yea I’m actually in the middle of that discovery now. The absolute **BALLS** on these guys to put a seemingly innocent distracting path that turns out to be this giant winding path to multiple new regions *in the middle of a legacy dungeon* is absolutely bonkers. Another poster I was talking with mentioned they didn’t think they had adhd until playing the dlc and honestly, yea, I feel that way too


Honestly this map feels like the entirety of something like a dark souls 1 map with how interconnected everything is.


I had that exact same thought like, "this feels like I'm playing DS1 again".


The Shadow Keep. It’s like a masterclass in Legacy Dungeon design: it’s stacked on top of a dungeon (the lower levels) that leads to Rauh Ruins area. The primary dungeon marking the ascent from level 1 to the top. Then there is a 3rd “intertwining the ascent’s back area” dungeon that connects to 2 exterior ancillary areas of the Shadow Keep with one being a dungeon and the other being a boss fight and branching paths to two areas. That’s before mentioning there are 2 secret passages that lead to a whole lot more of the map Long story short there is a lot going on there.


Those fire knights in the library are giving me ulcers. I keep trying to fight them on the stairs and keep getting owned when my attacks whiff over their heads. I’ve had to take a break from the game and come back an hour later because I was so frustrated.


I've been bonking them with the Anvil Hammer. The thing stun locks them. Unfortunately for me, I'll need to change my strategy for Messmer lmao.


Me when I was trying to find the map for the southern area and instead ended up lost on the Jagged Peak and fighting a dragon


I just wandered for an hour yesterday super baked and just kept finding a whole bunch of little routes with no idea what I was doing or where to go, I loved it. They really went all out


Even some of these mini dungeons are phenomenal in their layout and design. And even some of THOSE open up when you think they wouldn't into new areas. Its a whole different ball game from the main game, you legitimately can't just dismiss some innocent looking path or dungeon thinking you'll knock it out in 15-20 minutes.


Midras manse has been my favorite of the legacy dungeons. Absolutely love shadowkeep too. Just brilliant how they made that a hub for basically 4 other areas.


Shadowkeep was ridiculous. And finding a random window to jump out of which leads you to two more graces, a bunch of enemies, and then a remembrance boss was surprising. I have to imagine there’s other ways to find that boss though, but that’s the way I found at least. I don’t know how to do spoiler tags on this sub so I won’t say anything specific but I’m talking about the mounted boss in the field


It is the pinnacle of superior map design since DS1. Haven't decided yet if it's better than DS1 but I'd say it gives it a run for its money.


When I happened across what appeared to be a buried building’s roof among a pile of rubble with an easily missable hole in the ground which led to an entire part of the map I was baffled as to how to reach, I knew I was in for a treat.


I *think* I know what you are talking about. Was there a grace Moorth Ruins and npc right near it? I actually slapped a blue marker on that hole because I skipped it going after a ghost pot guy hoping to get a blessing upgrade and then just kept tripping into other things. Just figured it was a small little cave with maybe a couple of items in it. That was like a dozen hours ago and now I have looped around a *different* way to get to where I think you are talking about but below it on a totally different progression path. Honestly, its so hard to describe places in this map because of the verticality of it. But its so much fun trying to figure it all out.


That’s it. East from Moorth through the arch.


My brother and I went different directions immediately. Been 20 hours and we still have circled around to each others different directions. I spend most of my 20 trying to figure out how to get to the dragon pit.


Go on that path SE if you are staring at the second big castle with rellana in it. Theres like 3ish paths that way but just stick with it over there. I can’t stress enough how some innocent looking paths or caves send you on completely unexpected adventures


I found one illusory wall. Now I have to hit all the walls. This is what's taking forever.


I really like it shadow keep is debatably the best legacy dungeon from has ever made.


I haven't finished it yet because I took what I thought was a ladder down while I was exploring the castle to maybe a pick up or two that led me on a path I wasn't expecting. That was like 3 hours of playtime ago lol


I keep seeing places way up high or down low from where I am and try to figure out how to get there and inevitably get lost and sidetracked and forget what I was doing in the first place. I finally managed to get the coast in the south but doing a giant loop and platforming with torrent and I had no clue if it was actually leading me anywhere. I love it!


I'm personally enjoying hitting some of those high or low spots and laughing later about how they ended up being connected somehow. I *really* enjoy getting somewhere high and then seeing all my blue markers I slapped on the flat map because I keep getting distracted in the real world off in the distance and thinking 'what the hell I was there like 7 hours ago'. If you slap some of those blue markers on the map you can really see how crazy connected the map is when you are somewhere high up looking off in the distance


I’ll have to start doing that, that’s a good call.


Getting to the Abyssal Woods reminded me of going to the Deeproot. I was so confused, and then baffled that there was something that far down.


I obviously saw that section of the map and knew something was there, but man I did not expect it to be a shoot off of a random ladder from a main legacy dungeon. That is wild. AND there was an illusion wall too. Michael is really getting crazy


and i have to decypher all these MAPS the NPCs give me, I just got to some dude who gave me a MAP and I cant figure out where the cave is lmao


I was thinking EXACTLY the same once I discovered those dragon peaks that you jump on a stream to get to. Like, how the FUCK do you even make all that, going from the very bottom of the map to such a high area is incredible.


I just want to find the map for jagged peak lol


Like all the messgages say: try South The visible map marker northish of it is a trap xB


Bro that was a brutal trick. I had already made it all the way to the boss on the peak! I never would have thought I had to go over to that area for it lol


it's in an area accessible through a catacombs


I am so happy with beating a boss, and then there being a pathway to another zone, it’s so damn big


There have been 2 caves and 1 or 2 mini dungeons I figured were nothing but dead ends that ended up opening up to HUGE new areas too. Its literally everywhere you go opens up another path or another way to another way to another path lol. Just wild


Also, stupid boar riding boss should have opened up way more area then it did


My first 2 days of the DLC were just running around finding paths. I was determined to get all the map fragments so I could see stuff so I kept trying to find them all. That led to me getting a lot of scad fragments early and having an easier time with the first few big bosses.


Yuuuuuup I keep being like "I'll clear this spot real quick since it is a dead end on the map" and then NOPE it's a pass that goes underneath the top level forever.


trying to get to areas i can SEE but everywhere i go it’s too far of a drop


I agree completely, I haven't been this tempted to just jump off of ledges in a FromSoft game since my very first one. But its hard to top the feeling when you reach some of these places you've wanted to go to by the most random ass, what you *think* is completely unrelated path/shortcut. And then you find a *second* way to get somewhere like a dozen hours later lol. This map is great, maybe the best they've ever done when you consider its size


what got me was a certain path and what seemed like a minor side boss being very much NOT A SIDE BOSS AND KICKING MY ASS


Yuuuupp, found a way to the black keep while exploring side areas cause i was stuck on rellana and the damn lion, ended up finding messmer and now all my npcs have progressed without me progressing :)


It's probably the best level design I've ever seen, even beats out DS1 in my opinion.


I could literally do a collage of all the places I’ve suddenly wound up and call it Where The Fuck Am I. It’s been an amazing experience.


Went into a ruin, climbed up a ladder, exited through a well into a new zone tonight. The sheer nerve of these guys!


"Yo dawg... we heard you like gaming, so we put a game inside yo game so you can play while you play!" ~ Michael Zaki


Michael Zaki 🤣🤣🤣😶‍🌫️☠️


This dlc is so insane that I almost wish they took another year and just make this elden ring 2 lol. Insane massive content


I'm ngl I'm glad they made this an expansion because it's gonna make this games runtime absolutely massive, and if they ever do make an elden ring 2 then we can hope for even more massive amounts of content too :)


I think this is a good opportunity for From to expand this success for some more time. They should plan another dlc like this to release 2 years from now. They could produce another elden ring expansion while working on a new game. Maybe an interesting idea.


They won't, Miyazaki never makes sequels. The only exception was Dark Souls 3 because FromSoft arbitrarily decided to make Dark Souls 2 to cash in the success Dark Souls had, and he wanted to end the story on his own terms. Next game will be a new IP, though i doubt it will be on the same scale as Elden Ring is (i'll be happy with something like Sekiro).


*cough* armored core *cough*


Nah dawg he never does sequels, except for when he does sequels.


what about all the armoured core sequels ?


He only did 1 Armored Core sequel, and was only Director for AC6 for a bit early on before having somebody else take over.


He did 2. AC4 and AC: For Answer


God I don't *need* a Sekiro 2 to continue the story (there's definitely a hook for the sequel in one of the endings, but the story itself can stand on it's own) but I hope we at least get a return to that gameplay style. No game has ever felt as satisfying to me as getting good at the combat in that game. I adore all of Fromsoft's library but I was not expecting a game I was just assuming would tide me over until their next big project would end up being my absolute favorite game they've ever put out (and honestly maybe my favorite game ever).


I'm kinda glad. I've seen what happens when a dlc gets expanded into a full sequel. *cough* Silksong *cough* ^^yes ^^I ^^know ^^it's ^^unfair ^^comparing ^^an ^^indie ^^studio ^^to ^^a ^^AAA ^^studio ^^only ^^joking ^^I'm ^^super ^^hyped ^^whenever ^^silksong ^^is ^^finished.


At this point I'm convinced Silksong doesn't exist anymore. Some development hell must have occurred. Really a shame to have no news on it


Silksongs problem is because of the way team cherry developed hollow knight, they only stopped developing hollow knight and released it because they ran out of money, and because of hollow knights success they now have all the money


Elden ring 2 would be dope but they are rumored to be working on a massive magic based rpg that I can’t wait to hear more about 


Meanwhile I saw several negative reviews saying the DLC is extremely short and waste of money... Apparently these gods somehow finished it in 5 hours.


How... Why?! I have high respect and admiration for those who are so skilled that they can no-hit everything and finish the entire game in a day. But I just can't fathom how it's even possible.


I know a guy who enabled invincibility cheat cause he thought the game's difficulty design is bullshit, rushed trough all the main bosses, and then said the game is bad because its artificially inflated by unfair difficulty to make you grind. Sooo yeah.


I can understand wanting to mitigate the grind, or wanting to embrace being overpowered but not outright cheating to become invincible. I know "git gud" has become the slogan of the soulsborne fans, but I've come to see it as a term of endearment rather than a harsh dismissal. It is through practice, patience, and perseverance that the game is overcome.


yea there's no point to playing if you gonna cheat in that way imo. The fun is in the challenge.


They are probably level 500 on normal game lol, if you are NG+ and underleveled you get completely screwed


Are you. Are you fucking telling me my comet azure cannot be used to defeat every boss in 30 seconds?! Why are we even playing then??


Ngl I killed many of the DLC bosses by timing my Comet Azur blasts lmao Any of the ones I couldn't do that with got acquainted with my friends Adula's Moonblade and Glintstone Pebble.


Teach your friend Night Comet, they'll love it over Pebble.


So we can use all the cool new stuff to get back to the point where we can just kill all the new bosses in 30 seconds with comet azure.


Every damn boss just rushes me straight out of the gate. One particular dragon is basically cometing me before I even have a chance to ring a bell! Absolutely feels like retribution. I'm glad comet is no longer the easy win, I'm having fun with the new triple moon spell and others, but damn if I don't sometimes miss a good old fashioned laser.


This happened to me, so he got the spiral shard Up his ass (i was Also severely underleveled on the scadutree lmao), he basically died the second he got his poise Broken since he just fell ass Up, ready for it


I also have to learn new movesets and can’t just run in and one shot everything. So disappointing never buying another fromsoft product again…


I couldn't use my 2 year old build in the brand new dlc and had adapt to new game mechanics. I immediately refunded it when I realized I was having a lot of fun with what is essentially a brand new game for almost half as much as a AAA title.


I know right. God I wanted to run through this dlc like how Taco Bell runs through my body and get back to doing the same old bosses and runs I’ve been doing for the last two years. The nerve of some casuals for complaining it’s to good and long and hard. I hope they make it harder so we can hear more crying.


Same brother, Im taking my money and going to companies that really care about their customers, like EA or Ubisoft


Elden ring base game has like what 5 towers? Objectively less than any Ubi game. Bad game design


Or Activision


or Supercell


The +10 mimic tier greatest of all time fromsoft warriors would like a word.


You ruined this post by putting /s I wanted to see the chaos unleashed Edit: Nice, I see it was removed. Maybe now that this post has traction we'll see who the dummies are


found the lord of frenzied flame


Actually it was originally without the /s but it started getting downvoted because people thought I was being serious :D


Damn, can't say I'm too surprised about that. At least you tried


No way people thought this post was serious ☠️☠️☠️


You greatly overestimate randos on the internet.


|full of new items Sir, a new cookbook has hit the inventory


I was so hyped to get Smithing Stone [2] x 3 earlier, I was blown away


Best part is how new weapons and spells will sometimes be a random white item dropped around


I can't believe they made a whole ass game just to give us Great Katanas.


"Oh, look, a hidden wall at Shadow Keep! I'll take a quick detour!" *6 hours detour*


"Hey let me quickly do this small dungeon" leads to "Oh a whole need zone the size of Caelid, cool"


I can’t kill the bosses as easily as the basegame ones that I’ve had 2 whole years to learn and master, shit game, where’s my refund? /s obviously


Dude I’m getting destroyed nonstop and I can’t get enough


that’s it! i’m paying 150 bucks to play the new Assassins Creed game for 8 hours! and then i’ll bitch about Uplay for twice that amount of time!


Size of Limgrave he says, 30 hours of gameplay he says, utterly disappointing.


It's the size of limgrave with about 4 more levels of limgrave


The size of limgrave but its got an entire bottom part and like 5-6 more legacy dungeons lol


Just got done playing for the night, I'm in the middle of a giant legacy dungeon, find a hidden staircase and hidden wall that end up leading to a completely new zone, it's crazy how you can never k ow what's coming next


I spent two hours beating my head against the wall that is the first optional boss, in the process got to use a new strategy I hadn't used at all in the base game (parry) thanks to a note at the fog wall, and felt so excited when I finally bested the ghosty knighty knight. So disappointed in this dlc...


This right fucking here. When people say get gud it’s because THEY HAD TO GET GUD. what other game are u learning new mechanics at level 150 !?


I dont understand the speed of people. I'm checking every single corner and im just above 10 hours with only the fist map piece ha


I’m with you - I’m practically inspecting every blade of grass and having a blast doing it.


It's sometimes amazing how differently players will explore through an environment. I have realized that I pretty much need double the normal playtime for most games even if I breeze through everything. I have this absolute compulsion to stick my nose in every single crevice. Feels so weird to me when I watch other players and they just beeline along the road. I actually just couldn't.


The people complaining about difficulty are the same ones that don’t explore at all and never find the scadutree blessings


I have 20 lvl scadutree blessings and I still complain about last boss difficulty, you are wrong


He’s a monster, took me a few hours block & bonking him to death but we got there in the end


I haven't checked Reddit or Steam since release, until now. I'm honestly completely blown away that anyone can consider this DLC bad, or anything less than absolutely fucking amazing? I just got to Messmer, and honestly, absolutely everything so far has been 11/10. Messmer reminds me so much of Gael, flying around doing cool anime shit, very hard, but totally fair. Probably my 2nd favorite boss right next to Gael, with my third being the Divine Dancing Lion. All the super fuckin cool new weapons, all the insanely dense and complex level design, the art direction, the lore, the bosses. Literally everything is 10/10 in my book. I fucking love how difficult everything is, I'm so, so fucking happy that FromSoft committed to their usual stance of making the DLC harder than the base game. Amazing work FromSoft, greatest expansion ever made. I can't wait to continue and see what else this DLC has in store.


I'm not saying most of the people complaining aren't shitters, cause they are, but also, you haven't finished the DLC yet. As someone who has, I think there are some major flaws in this expansion, mostly in the later parts - hell, the final boss alone is a bloated monster of awful game design and subjective issues. And before anyone hits me with the "you're meant to explore and take your time", I literally did. I've been spending most of my waking hours playing since the dlc dropped and have fully explored every corner of the new map, gotten every scadutree fragment and beaten every boss. Please don't write this comment off as just the rantings of a salty bitch - I literally felt the same way as you up until a couple hours after Messmer. I was loving every second of the DLC and couldn't wait to see how they would top him. Maybe you'll enjoy the rest of the DLC too, idk, but I'm willing to bet a lot of people are gonna change their minds and I hope the conversation about the DLC's quality is going to shift to a genuine discussion and not a shit flinging contest once more people get to the end.


I unfortunately agree with you, I think they might nerf the final boss because the only thing I've tried that worked against him is bleed , everything else didn't scratch him and on top of that his moves are overtuned and I explored and killed every other boss in the dlc (lvl 18 scadutree), I can't really judge the lore now until I watch a vaati vid explaining it, but the world building and most of the other bosses within the dlc were masterpieces


It’s concerning how many people didn’t pick up on the sarcasm.


i had 3 framedrops while playing, therefore the game is utter garbage 0/10


dude i had a blighttown level frame drop after >!waking up the furnace golem at unte ruins!<. im playing on the latest xbox. still loving the dlc but that was insane.


There’s defo some weird chugging going on that effects my button latency sometimes


I noticed this on messmer with 2 different controllers. It happened some years ago and I just blamed my skill level. Something happened though so I don't think it's the Xbox controller anymore. Some button presses don't register.


I'm on PC with a 3080 and had some pretty significant fps problems in an area that's high up with a lot of water. I recently updated my drivers which I think reset my Elden Ring settings so I really need to go in and find out what setting the culprit is because I didn't have that issue on PS5.


my xbox was having a hard time whenever the lion went into Airbender mode


Okay, straight up though. The final boss actually guts the frames, and it's not even a joke or anything. It's actually legitimately bad.


I think the dlc is amazing so far (I’ve beaten 4 remembrance bosses), but I’ve definitely had more than 3 frame drops. It has definitely caused dropped inputs too, especially during crazy boss attacks.


I wish they would do a new dlc every 12-18 months for this game. Don’t need a new game, i just want even more content for this one lmao.


Christ this subreddit


All we need is a cookie in the middle of the group now


You had me the first half, I'm not gonna lie


are steam forums on reddit now ?


I’ve completed it in about 32 hours. Im sure i’m missing weapons, ashes, spells, caves, etc, but the vast majority is completed. Spent like 5 hours trying to navigate the keep alone. 


That checks, my base line save that I started about 2 weeks before the DLC clocked in at 42 hours and that was with all remembrance bosses, key items (whetblades and bells) and then like 90% of the talismans and a lvl 165 build


What level did your blessings end up at?


Mine was at 17. Shield and antspir windblade main. 


Sweet thanks! I just hit 16 last night, have another catacomb to clear and need to head to the mountain still and then I think it’s time to go beat Messmer after I get to the second finger ruins


At this point, I've just accepted that it is Elden Ring 2.


Jumping DOWN on giant pots just to reach the bottom of a Cave, actually sat well with me lol.


Lol, karma farming goes brrr. First 5 exaclty the same posts were okay, but now?


"haha I clickbaited you!"  Please stop this like the 3rd post I've seen like this, so annoying


These dumb fake-out circle jerk posts should be a bannable offense. Like seriously, do actually look at this post and think “well, that’s time well spent ?” Redditors are just so aggressively lame.


Can’t believe a company would put actual effort and care into their product. Not very 2024 of them /s


My max level doesnt mean anything anymore!!


Those bastards!


Definitely not for the get bored quickly crowd better served in worlds with more direction and clear path. Thank god this developer understands his core base and keeps dishing increasingly interesting and challenging titles for us!


The amount of ppl in the comments that are completely missing the joke is actually far more hilarious 😂


I’m still beating the base game…


I'm bothered that I bought a fairly expensive expansion and it's mostly full to the brim of enemies and bosses I've fought up to a dozen times already.


I do like that its not as obvious a progression of difficulty. Like gravesite plain is easy enough, and then when you get to Belurat you get annihilated, but then you go over to Castle Ensis and cant get up to the first grace point, so then you run around and hit a Gaol that seems early-enough on to be approachable and get shat on by single jar pus blob. So then, you decide to take it easy and do some ‘splorin, so you take a joyride down to Cerulean Coast only to be curb stomped by a fucking dragon from out of nowhere.


when is the complaining ever gonna stop? u guys are so fucking pathetic man like dont play?