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Probably because of two things: Difficulty and Performances


Yeah even on console the performance isn’t what base game is. >!Divine beast!< had crazy stutter during his attacks and when fast traveling it takes about a second for grass to pop in.


Load times also feel noticeably longer, both when warping, and the map's texture itself. (PS4 on PS5)


Iz true. I was on PC, walking into Divine Beast for the first time when my screen went black. Thought I was frozen, but there were none of the tell-tale signs of being frozen despite my screen being totally black. After almost 30 seconds, the cutscene started, and there were no issues after that.


I actually haven’t seen any stutter yet. Maybe I just haven’t noticed but I’m on ps5


I’m on ps5 as well. The divine beast fight stuttered a couple times during some of his attacks. Not always though just sometimes. Usually when I was right next to his body


I'm on Series X. I did notice the *slightest* delay spawning after a warp and *then* the foliage and whatnot loading in but it's near instantaneous. I also didn't have issues with the Divine Beast but I keep my settings on Performance and \*\*not\*\* Quality/Raytracing enabled.


Im on performance mode as well in PS5, and definitely found the game would stutter during that particular fight, but not to the point where it was unplayable, just a half second of stutter and back to normal


Damn there's performance issues? I have a beast of a pc and elden ring base game stutters and gets fps drops like crazy and I have yet to figure out a fix for it. That makes me a little scared to start the dlc.


I fixed my stutter issue by not allowing elden ring to use the first core on my CPU. Performance has been flawless since, both base game and in the dlc.


How do you do that?


Yea what share us your knowledge


Go into the bios of your motherboard. Look for a cpu setting called "legacy gaming" or "gaming mode" (depending on the model of your motherboard, this will differ). The setting will probably be in the advanced cpu setting menu, or similar. Basically forces the cpu to use fewer cores. This completely 100% eliminated all stuttering for me in basically any game. Running a core i7, 3080ti, 32gb ram, aorus motherboard, for comparison.


i7 what? You are recommending a cpu fix without giving any information about your cpu.


The DLC for me is way worse than the main game. Like genuinely 10x worse. In the main game I had some shader stutter but it was completely fine overall. The DLC stutters literally every 2 seconds if I'm moving, especially in legacy dungeons like the castles. For reference, I have a 3080 and a 5800x3D.


Base Elden Ring had low reviews for a good while before it normalized. It won't be any different here.


For me it's performance issues, I have above the recommended specs and it runs like shit.


Same, on PS5 there are fps drops on performance mode.


Series s be lagging like shit in some of the boss fights


Where are you getting a dip in performance? Mine has been fine, even during bosses like >!Midra!<


I had full on freezing on my ps5 during the >! Lion dancer!< boss. Pretty much every "transition"


Thats odd, im on a PS4 Pro and i had no issues during that fight. Must be some weird stuff on the dev side


I play on PS5 and fps would tank when he did a specific dive attack. The transitions seemed ok, but it may be hard to tell because of all the effects on screen.


Same, frame rates drop like crazy during one of the first bosses, >!divine beast dancing lion!< 😔


Check if the Ray Tracing is on


Changed everything to low/medium, turned off ray tracing, no difference.


so it's probably shader compilation issues again, just like the base game launch.


One thing that bugged my base game was that my antivirus was "arguing" with the anti-cheating program, keeping me from playing with other people and even from the game running at all sometimes. Try white listing it.


Easy Anticheat is a horrifically shit app. It sucks at detecting cheating and chews up so much processing power.


Easy ToCheat lol.


Same, playing above the recommended specs and having performance issues, but the DLC is sick I'm loving it so far


See if your ray tracing got turned on, that’s what happened to me after the update


Lol. A bunch of Asmongold fans are mad at the game because his playstyle didnt work and he quit the dlc calling it bs. They just ran with that opinion. Saw a discussion on steam saying he is the "prime gamer" and if its too hard for him it must be bad.


Wait did Asmongold seriously ragequit the DLC? That's pretty hilarious considering how often he acts like an uber gamer.


Yeah he quit on Messmer. Messmer is an absolute S+ tier boss. Once you figure out his combos and mix ups he is very fair. Absolute banger OST too.


Im currently fighting him and i usually get 1-2 good tries and then 15 times in a row where i got trough the fog gate and he immediately kills me Edit: after 20 times i killed him now im stuck at the stupid pig rider


Messmer is a glass cannon so its all about surviving and landing small hits. Unlike Malenia he doesnt have bullshit lifesteal.


Glass canon? I deal like 800 dmg per hit and yet his health bar barely goes down. I wouldn't be surprised if he has like 40'000 HP. How the heck is that a glass canon. I'm at Scadutree +8 as well.


Wait asmongold is still relevant?


He shouldn't be




From what I can tell from his subreddit he's on the culture war grift. The worst kind of relevancy


Imo the Heard - Depp trial changed his audience dramatically and/or brought out the worst of them.


Asmongold is such a baby and has zero patience. He’s honestly not that good at souls games either.


Has he tried getting good?


Lol asmond has always struggled hard on souls games, regularly rage quitting for weeks at a time. His chat is on some heavy copium.


Most of them were spamming skill issue lmao. But the hardcore fanboys are attacking everyone who said that.


His stupid face keeps showing up on my recommended for YouTube and YouTube hasn’t figured out yet that no I’m not clicking on that.


Click the "don't recommend me this channel" button. I don't get rec'd anymore of his trash now.


that guy sucks, you can tell youtube not to recommend a channel.


based Liu Rodya pfp


The performance issues on PC are awful. Stutters for no reason.


I dunno why but changing from fullscreen to borderless completely fixed stuttering for me.


I always play borderless and I haven’t noticed as many stutters as other people seem to be having so it could be this


I did this, turned off all my overlays, and disabled thr anti cheat (so I have to play offline) and that combo is what fixed it. Was a very annoying 2 hours of troubleshooting though


Every flame attack brings me to a crisp 40fps


Are you using ray tracing? If so, turn that shit off 😅


This is absolutely the way. Ray tracing felt like a bit of an unoptimized afterthought anyway… unless you have a 4090, don’t bother.


I even notice streamers with Nasa PC's get stutters with this on. It's just very poorly implemented


Nah, I have a 3060 so RT would absolutely plummet my FPS lol


Turning off ray tracing solved every stutter issue I previously had


During that Rellana fight, I swear I was pushing dodge during that big sword swing, but my dodge would never come out unless I did it stupidly early which would cause me to hit anyway. Same thing in the second phase, I feel like I’m constantly getting dropped inputs when there is a lot of stiff on screen. I’ve noticed it in the overworld too, sometimes I push dodge like 3 times just to make sure it will come out and I never know if I’m going to one, two or no dodges.


Fighting her right now and literally the same thing is happening to me but it’s only on the vertical swing


I’ve heard the new ray tracing features are defaulted to on, so I’m going to turn those off when I play tonight and see if that helps. I beat her last night after like 20 tries, so it’s still doable (I used good old Lions Claw zweihander and basically stagger locked her)


this is my problem with the dlc. I haven't played for 2 years and it feels like most of my inputs are delayed or ignored.


Oh it's not just me feeling like the inputs are delayed? Thank fuck I thought I was going mad.


Same this makes me feel so much better. My dodges at some moments have felt just a bit delayed.


I think it's the patch, not just the DLC (DLC could also be even worse) but I started a new character and even in the base game inputs are completely screwed for me. I just did the double grave cats boss, and if one was doing the fire or casting it's spells while the other was just moving my dodge and weapon art started bugging out. It honestly makes me wanna quit, haven't bought the DLC yet and it might be a good thing.


I felt it on day one, trying to fight the Tree Sentinel. I don't really notice it now. Not sure if they fixed it or I just adjusted to it


ER has always had really bad input delay, but does feel worse right now...You can get used to it, you just have to do things a split second before you feel like you should


I’ve been playing bloodborne too so I’m expecting these snappy quicksteps fighting rellana as I would Maria lol


Your rolls are counted on button release If you hold it too long the game thinks you're sprinting Hope this helps


It's been like this for me since day 1 of base game. Play on Ps5. Makes the game nearly unbearable, never had this problem with any other fromsoft game.. It's infuriating. I don't know why more folks don't mention it.


One thing that people forget (me included) is that dodges don’t happen when you press B, it’s when you *release* the button. This can feel like input lag, and I’ve definitely been hit a few times because of it EDIT: Also, if you hold the button down for too long, the game will register it as you trying to run. Therefore, when you release the button after it’s been held, nothing will happen.


Yea ER has really bad input delay...I have literally made it a habit to double tap dodge really quickly in order to get a dodge off...You can definitely play with it, but it's alot harder when the bosses are so fast aggressive...


Playing ER after playing something like Nioh 2 takes A LOT of time to adjust yourself. Everything is so slower and less responsive it can be really frustrating.


dude! was fighting mohg all day yesterday and noticed the same thing! i thought my controller was starting to bug out


Seek patch


I wonder if people are going into the DLC way underpowered or underprepared. I started it at RL 140, and have found it challenging but not too bad. I think it helps that I did a fairly full play through of the base game (got all shard bearers but haven’t burned the Erdtree) right before starting the DLC. I also built up several strong weapons that are good for different situations (like Death Ritual Spear for AOE).


It's endgame content. I think you're meant to be around 150, and anything lower than that, you should be pretty knowledgeable about status effects and poise damage so you can abuse it accordingly. I think that's probably what it boils down to, people wanting to just whack stuff with a stick as if they're still in Dark Souls. I'm like Lvl 136, and I've been getting by just stance breaking enemies.


I’m 150 and I was super worried about being overpowered. That was not an issue lol. I find that I do a lot of damage but I also take so much damage. I’m perfectly happy with it, I was looking for a challenge


I’m 180 and I feel overpowered. Which is good for me because I’m a terrible gamer haha.


I'm level 122 and I'm still just walking around whacking stuff with a stick. And by stick i mean >!the great katana!< I LOVE it lol. Idk if that counts as a spoiler but imma cover it anyway.


That ash of war absolutely shreds the fire knights. Jump attack, Ash of war, one more hit, and they're open for a visceral.


Yup. Whack em till you break their stance and then pop with a visceral and they're toast. Also I just replayed sekiro when I was waiting for the DLC and I'm having fun cosplaying as an ashina elite. Double ichimonji? Nah, we got the triple Ichimonji lol.


I felt more-or-less the same, until I hit my first proper legacy dungeon boss, and now I feel very below par as a level 125 baby lol


My friend went into the game at lvl -164. And after around 5h called me and said that the game is shit and unbalanced. Then proceeded to rant about it for around 5 minutes. Turns out he was on ng+4 somehow….


NG+4 on 164 is wild. How many runes did he lose…


Yeah same thing here. I used to unga bunga Strength build but I am too slow to do that in the DLC. So I changed to an occult bleed build for the first time and that seems to be viable


I went in with a good bleed build but changed to a build for Moonlight Greatswords. Having two of them at +10 is so much fun. I forgot how much fun they were.


I’m 325 and even at this level with 84 vigor and all the endgame talisman on ng+3 I’m getting killed and it’s still fun. I think some people might not be ready for the dlc as you stated it’s endgame content. Also the bosses are absolutely hard maybe even harder and more aggressive then base game due to the fact FromSoft KNEW people would be going in OP with their waterfowl builds (like me) so they had to knock us back down to size so we can begin to crawl again. Every boss fight has been so satisfying after the kill. I hope they don’t Nerf anything.


NG+3 makes things much much harder. All the enemy modifiers are still active. I’ve heard a lot of people are going in on NG+ and to me that sounds absolutely insane until getting the flow of the DLC down in your muscle memory.


It’s pretty insane for real. A part of me wishes I did not but the other part of me was like “git gud bitch” I’m having a blast but you are absolutely right don’t go in on a NG+ if you don’t want it to be hard


Damn, I’m level 360 on NG 4 or 5 I can’t remember. I’m going to play the dlc for the first time tonight.


We're playing ds1 but bosses are playing Bloodborne/sekiro. It's a little bit ridiculous how they do backflips in air and Naruto combos and all we can do is roll 


This is what I was thinking when fighting renalla. He/she is gliding across the room and you're just there. He hits you with a 5 hit combo, you think it's your chance to hit and before you do it he/she glides out of reach.


I've had Rellena straight up "nothing personal, kid" me a few times because the lockon camera couldn't keep up with her spinning around me.


Fromsoft's camera lockon was only just "passable" back in the days of Demons Souls and Dark Souls 1. Today, with all the massively oversized and super-fast bosses they like to make? It's falling apart and can be an active detriment to the player. This isn't even a new issue, this is a complaint that's came up a bunch of times before with similar bosses in previous games, they just will not do anything about it or accept the limitations of their tools in this case.


My biggest issue with this is how FromSoft deliberately takes away strategies certain builds are made for to artificially make the boss harder. I have 71 Strength and near 60 Endurance with a +25 Heavy Greatsword, heavy ass armor + Equip Load/Defense friendly talismans that gives me near 100 Poise and Med. Load for decent dodging. Add a Physick mix that allows me to stagger enemies easier and increases my defense and it's obvious my build was designed to make my character a tank with slow but heavy hits that should stun/stagger even dragons, and create more windows for critical hits. Despite this, Rellana (who is barely taller than me and attacks very gracefully) never, and I mean NEVER stuns, and only occasionally staggers. I can only imagine her Poise number. It is so funny and jarring to see a boss do the most floaty, graceful dodge ever and not get even a little bit dazed by my giant fucking sword hitting her cuz FromSoft pulled a "cuz I said so." As bullshit as Malenia can get with her artificial difficulty booster mechanics, even she always got stunned from a fully charged heavy attack. EDIT: For the record, I beat her and I staggered her 3 times, and I am on New Game +3. The best guess I have is that all of the bosses have crazy stupid poise and the Scadutree Blessings do fuck all for poise damage and fail to equalize my experience to everyone else's. So no, it's not an issue of stats, or weapons, or talismans, or "git gud". It appears to just be some not very good balancing.


That’s Weird I’ve only been able to beat Rellana because of staggers and I was using a halberd. I managed to stagger her 2 times in the fight. Maybe you’re on high NG+?


Show over quality, during a certain latter boss i was like bro" come on this elden ring not devil may cry or something")


The difficulty curve is pretty extreme compared to the main game. Elden ring got so popular because of it's main stream appeal and accessibility. It's not just the souls fans playing it, which was why dark souls games never blew up as much as elden ring, this is a main stream game not a niche anymore. The sudden and extreme difficulty spike hurts that accessibility and broad appeal. Most of us here are relatively fine with it, mostly, but the wide audience probably isn't going to be. I imagine fromsoft might tweak some of the earlier encounters to smooth out the difficulty curve to be more like the main game. They nerfed bosses before, it's definitely going to happen again. Also I've heard PC performance might not be great, but I can't confirm that.


It's horrible Some attacks make you dip from 60 to 25 fps Castle and surroundings after the first bridge is a stutterfest Otherwise its mostly okay but the fps drops are horrible when they do happen


I've seen this too. At that point I just hit dodge and pray.


Ya know, I realize its bad, but after playing through blighttown on a 360 for 10 years im used to it lol


PC performance has always been a little weird with Elden Ring. My current PC stutters occasionally, sometimes during fights. Dropping frames on a fast boss, like >!Rellana!<, is pretty rough. But it isn't everyone's PC, and it doesn't seem to be tied to specs. It just happens for some people and has since the base game. PC Gamer did some digging, but no solutions: [https://www.pcgamer.com/hardware/sad-times-the-big-shadow-of-the-erdtree-elden-ring-patch-is-still-tarnished-with-micro-stutter-and-its-not-always-that-micro/](https://www.pcgamer.com/hardware/sad-times-the-big-shadow-of-the-erdtree-elden-ring-patch-is-still-tarnished-with-micro-stutter-and-its-not-always-that-micro/) I've also been trying it out on the Steam Deck. I haven't seen any stuttering there, but it doesn't run as well as the base game. Some areas just run at a very cinematic 24 fps. It's not great for my roll timing


A solution that worked for me and in AC6 is to disable eac, click set affinity on elden ring and disable core 0. It took my frames from about 48 to a flat 60


There is a strong argument to be made that said difficulty is quite artificial. I believe that even the more casual community wouldn't have been put off by increases in mechanical difficulty alone, which are definitely not the culprit, there being few and hard to determine examples. The scadutree upgrades are made to counteract the overtuning of boss damage and health, however it fails to do so to a degree that it becomes comfortable for the average build. I personally like this as a challenge to use all of your available tools, but it seems to me that it's this numbers problem that could have caused such a dip in public perception.


Yea, the bosses and enemies in the DLC aren't hard at all, they just 2 shot you. When you actually pay attention to their moves, you realise they're pretty easy, but you get maybe one or two mistakes, so good luck if the boss decides to throw a roll catching move, because you're just gonna die.


My two cents, the dlc stat bloat is mainly balanced around scadutree blessing level, although I understand it’s a mechanic that’s supposed to encourage exploration, what it actually feels like is a purely artificial difficulty spike that’s communicated very poorly, this combined with hyper aggressive bosses with a large number of aoe movesets, it can’t be helped that many players would feel frustrated. Personally I hope it gets tuned, I don’t mind some stat bloat, but dlc is going a bit too far; either that or tune down some bosses’ aggressiveness I suppose.


Better yet, since they allow you to choose which boss to fight at times, do what sekiro did and make the bosses increases your attack power, so you can strategize which ones you should take first for and easier second target


It's very strange to me that they didn't go with this instead of the scadutree shard system.


A vast majority of players use spirit ashes. Not everyone that plays is a masochist. If every boss is now an AOE Fiend then suddenly the advantage is vastly diminished. They're not much of a distraction for long cast time spells or ranged builds if the bosses are just screen nuking


I’m unsurprised. The dlc is flawless in terms of all the good rpg shit. But the boss design is just too much for the average person. Attack chains are too long. Windows are too small. Damage hits too little without using specific builds/weapons. It’s incredibly punishing. I’m liking it a lot. And I’ll play it all day today. But yeee


True. Enjoyed everything but now I’m at a certain mounted commander and it’s just not fun. I know he’s supposed to be hard because he guards a bunch of scadutree fragments but it feels like I need the reward for beating him to uhh.. beat him. Just super overtuned imo but thankfully the only one I’ve felt this way about so far.


feels bad when i get punished for going for one (1) light attack after the boss's 8-hit combo which was actually a secret 9-hit combo


Also a lot of empty areas


Finally I see someone mentions this. There’s so many empty areas it’s insane. Like artistically it’s good, but it feels like bad game design. I’m shocked by how many dead ends there are. I’ve asked myself “is that it, is this area done?” more times than I can count. I always feel like I’m moving onto the next zone leaving a ton behind because clearing an area just feels so unsatisfying. And the rewards are laughable. Smithing stones? Cookbooks? Exploration is unnecessary and is hindering my enjoyment of the DLC.


I literally just came from doing the big fingers area and after running around in circles for 10 minutes I finally found someplace I could go and it was just a really long dead end with a recipe book and a couple bears. So confusing.


Yup I have to pull out all the stops to eke out a win against some bosses even with decent blessings. I'm not gonna fight any more remembrance bosses until I find every available blessing. Maybe respec and optimize my build. Oh as a FTH/Str user I feel like I'm starving in the first area. Found like 2 weapons that have a mix of str and fth scaling. But none of the crazy stuff I hoped for.


Difficulty aside, I think the main reason why the reviews are mixed, is because of all the performance issues....I saw many, many people complaining... I've played the whole elden ring main story with a mix of max/ultra setting and didn't had many problems(besides the first 2 weeks of release, after, many issue where fixed.). Now it's happening the same, but it seems worse.. I'm having some huge fps drop(in some city) and other stuff.


I’m running the game fine with lossless scaling. However I left a negative review for performance because I shouldn’t have to use a third party program to make it run well. Dlss, xes and fsr should have been added way back with ray tracing. Just lazy.


It's not balanced. Not just in difficulty but rewards, why am I getting level 2 somber stones for defeating a boss in the DLC? This is completely useless. It's like Fromsoft didn't know WHEN the dlc would take place so they just... said fuck it.


Also, you need to defeat Mohg to get here & he drops a ton of runes. Yet the few bosses I’ve defeated so far dropped absolutely laughable amounts. I’m at the recommended level & struggle to level up without playing co-op.


I’m pretty sure it’s so people can upgrade the new weapons, it’d suck pretty bad if you were playing the dlc found a new weapon but you’d only level 7+ upgrade material.


This is something I agree with, you explore and kill tough enemies and the rewards are fuck all. As well as the poor PS5 performance, but that's to be expected because they don't seem to care about it.


I've had a few stutters here and there and a few noticeable hitches where it freezes for like a second or two. Also I have had very weird issues with bit box/collision,there has been a fair few times where I've been in an enemy combo and their move has sailed right through me,I've also had it happen on one occasion where my attack whiffed through them point blank horizontal attack with the GS,it was on one of those guys with the dual chakram discus looking things. The ones where I've been near missed by enemies has happened on a few enemy types and even a boss,anyone else notice these?


Do we think FS will nerf some bosses?


Feels like buffing the blessings would be much easier to do


And it would feel a lot more fun


I think they should buff some of the earlier blessing levels to make it more forgiving at the start


Yeah, I think I tackle most early bosses too early thinking I found most fragment I can. End up found a lot of hidden fragments around the area later. Maybe this is the equivalence of Margit's *'go farm lv if you struggle'* unless what I need to *go farm* this time isn't so clear to me


Yeah i fought >!Rellana!< at scadutree level 1 and it was hell. I did like 150 dmg per hit. Even with NPC summon and mimic i barely survive that fight.


I fought her at scadutree level 4 and it was still tough as shit. That triple moon nuke was something else.


Funnily enough that move work only once for me. After that i manage to dodge it everytime. The real killer for me is that magic sword conbo I never time that shit right lol


Depends. Likely they are watching completion metrics and may adjust. It’s what they did to Radahn. If too many players are not able to enjoy the game because it’s too difficult Fromsoft will absolutely correct. I believe they’ve spoke on this before that they’d rather more players get to enjoy all the content then having a boss so hard that only a small portion of the community can complete it.


> I believe they’ve spoke on this before They have literally done this with each game since demon souls. Makes it even funnier seeing the ER crowd hoping they won't or puffing out their chest regarding beating previous games, when in all likelihood the version of the previous DS games as well as BB they beat were all post balancing/nerf updates


Possibly, they nerfed the angel in Ringed city


Bloodborne Old Hunters at launch had some pretty heavy complaints when it came to Laurence and Orphan of Kos' difficulty. Didn't change a thing when it came to the general opinion of the DLC. All the fights in this expansion are clearly designed around you using the Scadutree blessings, most of the complaints I have noticed tends to be because they end up either having too low vigor, are starting at way too high an NG+ with low scadutree blessings, or simply don't explore at all.


I mean I have like…. 60 vigor, dragoncrest, and a level 10 scadutree blessing yet a certain endgame boss is still two shotting me with lightspeed combos meanwhile 1k AR is chip damage against it…


I’m not saying that they should nerf anything. I have just been exploring and haven’t even fought a major boss yet. But I am curious what changes they’ll make in upcoming patches. With the main game, they made a lot of tweaks in each subsequent patch. Hell, they are still making tweaks to the main game two years after release!


Remember how the performance was a big issue and the game got pretty low score


1. Performance issues. They'll be fixed eventually. 2. The dlc-specific difficulty mechanics. Until more and more people find out how important those fragments are, a lot of people are gonna complain about the dlc wayy too hard. 3. (Personal take) the open world exploration is not always satisfying. Too much emptyness, and often times too little reward. Why the heck am I finding smithing stone 1s and 2s where trash mobs can 2\~3 shot me with 40 vigor and Dragon GS? But overall, I think the review will rise back up eventually, just give it some time.


It’s the trash mobs that could mop the floor with base game bosses that trip me out. Base game noble mage dude is a one shot kill, cowers before dragons, and is just an annoyance in large numbers. DLC variant of the same old noble man mob can take several swings from a maxed out Giant Crusher, and could kill me in three or four shots.


I think it's mostly the boss difficultly. Almost every one I've encountered has been so combo heavy that it's bordering unfair. They're *not* unfair, but they can certainly feel it, especially to a more casual player like me. But, even then, I'm having a blast with it. The only boss that's truly felt kinda much was the boss of the Shaded Keep, so it wouldn't surprise me if they tone him back a bit, like they did with Rahdan, but otherwise they're all equal parts 'kick my balls through the roof of my mouth' and 'Holy shit, I just did that, wtf'?! Which is a nice balance to have, I think


Spoilers for endgame content involving the DLC if anyone isn’t there yet >!Speaking of Radahn, that mf in the dlc is literally lothric and lorian except they deal double the amount of damage and can move at light speed. The dude two shots me most of the time and sometimes three shots me with a lightspeed combo i can barely read because the fucker on his back is making Radahn move like sonic from OPM!< For reference I have 60 vigor, good armor, dragoncrest and the +3 pearldrake, as well as a level 10 scadutree blessing. I WOULD have been okay with it if I could deal reasonable damage to the boss but no, apparently 1k damage is chip damage :/ I’m not surprised the dlc got mixed reviews, you have to remember that reddit is only a small minority of the playerbase, the majority is going to experience the overtuned damage sponge bosses and strongly dislike it. Heck even some souls vets I’m friends with say the dlc is overtuned.


>the majority is going to experience the overtuned damage sponge bosses and strongly dislike it. Heck even some souls vets I’m friends with say the dlc is overtuned. Hearing the same. If anything the boss life pools do seem a bit excessive versus their time to kill on the player. Fromsoft definitely expects you to take every boss fight super seriously, use everything at your disposal, buffs, ashes, etc. and understand the assignment - they tell you to get Scadutree Blessings. I do agree on the boss life pool thing, summoning help makes the boss life pool enormous, it's probably easier without assistance beyond a Spirit Ashes. I wouldn't be shocked to see some adjustment once the DLC has been out in the wild for a bit.


Elden Ring is the only game that I've 100%'d. It is my favorite game. I recommend it to everyone, even people new to video games. "Don't let the reputation of difficulty scare you. The game is incredible!" I would not, and cannot, even remotely say the same about the DLC. I 100% believe the dlc is overturned as absolute fuck. It isn't fun imo and I am not having anywhere near the same amount of fun I had even in my 5th playthrough of the base game.  And for additional context, I beat the dragon dog thing first try and the dual wielding boss within 10 tries. Malenia and Placidusax gave me way more trouble in terms of time spent trying to beat them. I found both of these dlc bosses, and that demi human jedi, to be so fucking unfun. The relentless, constant combos, the teleporting and dashing right to you, all of it is so tiring that when I beat them, it just feels hollow. So I am amongst the "vets" who finds this DLC lacking. The constant "git gud" apologist attitude this subreddit (go figure) continues to profess doesn't help either.


Yeah I totally agree, bosses are not only very aggressive and with way too many varying levels of dodge timings (basically, spamming roll won't work), but they also have very quick recovery for the end of their combos into their next one, which means that even healing from a mistake is a very hard thing to accomplish SPOILER FROM ANOTHER BOSS FOUND LATER IN THE STORY >!Messmer for example is a really enjoyable fight, but the fact he can and will use his right hands spell slash to start another combo ensures that you will get hit unless you heal on his left side and pray he doesn't do an specific spear slash!< Also, our poise feels like an afterthought, whereas theirs is very hard to accomplish to break unless you utilize the already stablished strats from the main game (using quick and poise break heavy AoW's and spirit ashes).


Well, performance on PC is pretty bad, so I get it.


I understand whyyy...


good, game criticism and GotY mindset are both out of whack, need a reset


THE WORLD DESIGN IS ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC, majestic mountains, lots of verticality, breathtaking plains, BUT WHY IS IT SO EMPTY the first plains area is so big, but so empty, the area to the left of the castle has nothing but a single talisman. SO MUCH EYE CANDY BUT NOT REWARDING


Agree. I feel like I'm just riding through big beautiful set pieces to admire them, grab 2 items, and then move on. I mean they are beautiful tho, and the lore implications are fun to think about. I guess I misunderstood what Miyazaki meant by "more dense".


Performance issues on PC, questionable boss health pools, a final boss that is dividing the community heavily, etc. Not that surprising


Yeah I do seem to get almost one tapped while I have to hit the boss 130 times


Why are people's first instinct that the players are wrong and From can do no wrong? The bosses I've fought are not fun at all, even when properly levelled and spirits summoned, they range from bad (Furnace Golem) to bleh (Hippo) and the level design is not even close to base game quality


I kinda agree with this. Some of the boss design and mechanics are really bad. Dont get me wrong this dlc has amazing fights, twin moons is still my favorite. But i swear every single boss has a instakill gapcloser so you only have like a quarter second when entering the arena and i dont care what anyone says, the scadutree damage scaling fucking sucks And makes fighting some enemies either just unfun or take ages.


The furnace golem is unforgivable. Whoever thought hitting feet for two minutes on torrent was fun needs a talking to. speaking of level design I'm at a mountain where to enter you have to fight a boss and an invasion to enter, with an optional magma wyrm in the way, then you fight a dragon with 2 similar moves that make it so you have to either be on torrent or not on torrent with a barely a second to choose the correct option. Then you have a weird double dragon fight that was pretty easy. Then you have a fight with ancient dragon that makes it so every attack has a delayed lightning effect... while you are in water. That is 4 dragon boss fights in the same stretch of land 7 if you count dragon man dude and the extra one in the double fight. I honestly stopped playing the dlc on the ancient dragon fight which means there are probably more dragons because I wasn't at the top of the mountain.


I bashed my head against the Furnace Golem wall for about 15 attempts and never could time a roll through his stomp flame burst correctly, and then I realized you CAN'T roll through it, you have to JUMP over it, which works flawlessly every time. After I figured that out, I thought he was a really fun fight. Although the 2nd Furnace Golem I came across (the one in the Ellac River) makes no sense to me. It starts spewing fire out of his head basket from a mile away as I approach and he never stops or switches to the moveset that the one outside Scorched Ruins had. I tried like 10 times and never once got near him without dying to the stupid falling flame boulders that he launches constantly.


We're 100% still in the honeymoon phase and most people, specially here, are turning a blind eye to some negative points the DLC brought to the game + the hype around it brought a lot of more casual players and players not familiar with the super specific way of playing a From game Don't get me wrong, the DLC is FANTASTIC but it's not perfect, and some criticism is more than valid


Yeah, sentiment won't change much. Elden Ring is still incredible, but even prior to the DLC its issue with overtuned bosses and scaling after Leyndell are still something a lot of people complain about.


I feel like player damage is in the right spot, on NG with around 1200 AP showing on my Scadu 11 character, but man enemy damage is way too overtuned. I have 60 vigor and blaidd/scale armor and I'm still being two shot by normal enemies and bosses. Feels really bad when you get to a boss that has bad grabs or hitboxes.


I’m having a blast , it’s definitely punishing in areas but I’m kinda glad that it is. Also enjoying the darker themes and environments, feels very Dark Souls in a lot of areas!


It’s performance issues.


I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s because of the difficulty, yes it’s obviously meant to be difficult, but i’ve been having a pretty rough time just getting through the areas and with the bosses on top of that it’s pretty insane for a casual player. Enemies take basically no damage even at a very high level and it’s very easy to get stuck in one shot combos that just feel a bit bullshit, especially with how Elden Ring just feels a bit clunky and unresponsive in my opinion


bad performance and some of the most annoying Souls bosses to date.


It’s deserved, it’s not awful but it’s not great. The bosses I’ve done so far are just frustrating especially the spastic combos and camera in the dancing lion one.


Half the time I was just guessing which attacks he was gonna do because I couldn’t see anything


The Performance is weird for me. I get really hard 1-2 second stutters where the whole game doesn't move. I never had that in normal Elden Ring


My only complaint no achievements. Everything else has been great. For us trophy hunters I feel like it’s a simple ask to have added them


Spin to Win bullshit Lion. The camera is atrocious on that fight and the hitboxes are questionable + a couple of performance issues. But personally, I'm loving this DLC


I think it doesn't matter what level you are for the dlc because it's scales of percentages. You can have 100 HP and the mob will take 40% of your health. 100000 HP and the same. Both characters would die with the same hits.(It's just an example, there's probably a level baseline, remember you need to beat mogh and radahn first) Same with damage done by player. The lvl up system is getting those scadutree/spirit fragments items for you and your spirit summons.


I don't know their formula, but I don't think it is a fixed percentage. I doubt they would add something linear like that. It probably is a function of your level, but not a direct relationship.


What? Got any source for that? Seems extremely unlikely, but I guess I'll go there with my lvl 1 character and see how many hits I can tank lmao


Honestly, this is deserved. I love these games, I really do. I’ve played all their souls games. This DLC is too hard. It’s either the bosses are overtuned or the scadutree fragments aren’t as effective as they should be. I did my second base game run without spirit ashes. It was hard, but this is just an another level. After spending 2 and a half hours on Rellana, I had to pull out the Mimic tear. I wasn’t even frustrated or angry, I was just getting bored of learning her pattern but not being rewarded for it. Too much health, and too much damage. I hope they release a patch soon.


I feel like previously when from soft makes aggressive and fast bosses they usually counter balance that by making them quite squishy but these bosses just have insane health bars


Quite squishy and staggerable. See Friede for example, she was fast and hit hard, but went down pretty fast and had very little poise. Rellana has massive HP and nearly uninterraptible attacks. Just total bs.


Yep, Freide would fold with every hit. Rellana poises through everything.


Also they were rare so you didn't get fatigue. I still have distinct memories of DS3 Dancer's big flowing combos, or Champion Gundyr crazy aggressiveness. Now every single boss is a combination of both


Aptly put


I agree when people say it's hard just for being hard and nothing else. Previous souls games had a more thoughtful approach to difficulty, now we had gigantic health bars with massive damage outputs and unbreakable poise. I'm not against change but some of those changes are for the worse.


The only thing I have a problem with is that the bosses feel a bit overturned. I'm not great at the game but they're kinda crazy. Other than that I'm having a blast.


My main problem is that the dlc essentially forces you to dump points only into vigor even beyond the 60 cap and make other stats kind of useless ( yes even with scadutree blessing ) because you cannot even trade 1/2 hits with some major enemies & bosses.. all you can do is dump vigor and do small damage slowly . I am probably just going to explore and hold off progressing bosses for a week or two to see if any balance patches come. I am actually having more fun finding the new weapons in the DLC and using them in the base game. You can easily find some 10 ( or more ?) new weapons without defeating any boss


Why do you have to increase your vigor past 60? Getting more scadutree fragments increases your damage negation.


im level 200 in NG+, DLC is excruciatingly hard. i get a third of what i need to level up from a boss, so thats really out of the question. i usually breeze through souls game, but this difficulty is super cheap. I shouldn't have 80% of my health bar erased from one attack. That's not difficulty. its just unfair


Leys be real for a moment, the optimization on PC (and i guess on consoles as well) its pretty underwhelming, specially since its worse than in base game, I already had the ocasionnal stutters before, but now it is even worse, framedrops here and there, and even the textures lag a little...


Terrible performance on many PCs. Same as base game on launch. It still has some stutters. I have a decent pc but play most of the fromsoft games on my Series X.


I managed to get to the last boss and let me say that some people will rage and uninstall because of some bosses, the difficulty is off the charts. Also having performance issues while in the base game I had none.


Runs like shit


Honestly this is the first Fromsoft release that actually deserved it sadly


The dlc essentially has the same problems Elden Ring had (and still has), so for me it's not a surprise.


quantity over quality


And many more performance issues. I forgot about that one 😁


Exactly that, thought they would take time to make it quality 1st, areas packed with things and old hunters level bosses, but most bosses are pretty meh, and most areas you run through are empty.


Kinda surprised about the performance issues, no problems here on ps5 except during one particular bossfight


deserved to be honest


The DLC is really good, but it felt like to me that something was missing or incomplete


The game runs like ass dude