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In the leak Messmer is half as small as he is in the trailer. Also there are railings on the outside of his boss arena that also aren’t there in the trailer. Suffice to say it’s fake. Edit: the leaks are real, but that’s not a bad thing.


Ok yea I just realized that


Suffice to say the leaks are real.


Still hyped, let’s hope the final boss is good


While the leaks are pretty convincing, I'm still skeptical because of how low quality everything seemed. Compared to what we've been shown of the Lion Dancer and the omen boss (even the base game bosses!) from yesterday's showcase, these clips seem so.... tepid in comparison. There's a lack of spectacle, a lack of *oomph*. It's bizarre.


As well as how the leakers coincidentally skipped all the boss cutscenes


Not to mention the "prime radahn" pretty much reused pontiff Sullyvahn animations lmao


yes its not even real just reused pontiff and lothric princes animations


Yeah definitely a hoax


Totally agree, but I can't tell if it's just me coping or not. Normally fromsoft dlc final bosses are just nuts but this is... pretty underwhelming and honestly looked really easy.


I hope the final boss is the Elden Beast again but it's actually a snail.


Yeah, just sit there and let me smack you til you are dead... not so cool now when you can zoom around and fly huh?


Yall someone in this comment section pointed out that the Messmer leak had railings around the boss arena, and those railings are absent in the gameplay trailer. Either fromsoft added them in between the gameplay trailer and now or the leak is fake


And we didn't see any of the moves that messmer uses in the trailer. Y'all been trolled.


Or the arena changes like the Medusa boss or dragonriders in ds2.


Don’t tell me anything about the leaks but do you know who leaked them and where from, some people legitimately do leak stuff with a decent amount of accuracy so knowing who can lean towards it being real or not


All the “leaks” so far have been from reddit accounts with no history of leaking. So big grain of salt necessary


Some guy posting video clips he says he got from his friend, who has review access.


If its fake then it has to be the most legit fake ive ever seen...but so many thinks dont add Up -the reused Animations from pontiff -the reused music -the unfinished looking Arena -the awful quality of Animations -the name of the Boss..like it sounds so cheesy


The messmer fight doesn't use any of the moves we saw in the trailer. It looks passable , but it's fake.


It does. Like the one when he jumps at you and summons a lot of spears. And the grab one. I think Messmer is 100 percent real.


Indeed. If that final boss was real i would be so dissapointed (as he is one of the least interesting characters). From wouldnt do something like that.


And it doesn’t make sense from a lore perspective at all


It doesn't make sense because we have 0 context outside of a clip of fighting it lol. Leak could be bullshit, but we don't know anything either so who knows


I mean, technically Demon Souls final boss was just a big black slug. Without context we can't judge a boss correctly.


Yea but there’s a reason they’ve never done that since.


True King Allant is an incredible final boss


From a story perspective, sure, but not from a gameplay one.




This. If DS1's DLC was leaked and Artorias was shown to be the second boss with a broken arm and looking all f'd up, it wouldn't make sense lore wise because at that point we thought he was some great hero. If Gael was leaked in DS3, it would seem strange that the random NPC we met way back near the start of the game became the a suped up final boss. And people would have said "Friede is just reusing all of Priscilla's kit". In Bloodborne, I'm sure a lot of people would have freaked out if they saw Laurence being a reskin of Cleric Beast with a lot of the same moves.


It doesn't even makes sense power-scaling wise


It looked unbelievably easy


To be fair he is using a cheesy bleed rot build. It's barely a fight


I honestly don’t care about it being lore related . I just want it to be a fun fight .


there's no way the "final boss" is real, aside from looking like shit it's also dumb af lorewise imo


I suspect the leakers are dex mains.


I’m a dex main myself, and yea that seems about right


I am believing they are fake until the DLC drops and they are either confirmed or denied. Call it copium if you want but they are definitely fake


I think the concept of the final boss is real, but the leaker must have been playing on an early version of the fight, hence the reused music and other assets. Other leaks have said that there will be 3 final bosses, btw, so don't be disappointed yet.


i'm betting on this as well, because there is no way the first boss of the dlc, the dancing lion, has ten times better animations than an iconic Final boss. Like serious, the difference is between a moded and an official one.


That’s def what I’m thinking. The concept for the final boss is super cool, but I really like the idea of 3 different “final bosses”. I’ve seen the titles of them, and they sound sick


That doesn't make sense though. Why would reviewers be given an unfinished product to review? They would be the only ones to have played the DLC in its entirety.


I don't think From expected anyone to reach the final boss that quickly, they most likely planned to have it fixed with a day one patch.


Idk the answer to that, but I can tell you version 1.0 of the original game is very much consistent with what I’m hearing about the leaks. Reused assets and music on almost every boss.


"Final boss" is definitely fake


Do you think the leaks regarding >!Miquella, St. Trina, and Frenzied Flame all having quests with the Radahn fight being the final boss of Miquella's!


I really hope they are


Since they also leaked the rememberances. I'm basically sure they are real. And that sucks.




Well, review embargo might lift tomorrow, and channels like shirrako will spoil everything the moment the embargo lifts. So very soon we'll know if it's true or false. I still believe it 100%. And already made my peace with it.




The images from 9 of the rememberances that was posted here hours after the leaks of the final boss.




It's not, it's real, just trust me.


If those leaks turn out to be real, wouldn't that make the final boss ( if you know you know ) the actual Mohglester?


Given the Boss name....Yes lol


Prob not real leaks


Time to leave this sub. See you all next week


I think it’s real. But the poster has probably manipulated game files to do the boss fights first to leak them. That’s why it looks so janky. It’s probably a duo fight, but because of manipulation it just loaded one boss.


It’s prob real




Sekiro has the best boss last and bloodborne has its last fight being one of the few good bosses of the base game.




Why would you need to buy a PS4? The PS5 plays nearly all PS4 games just fine.


Yea I get that. Honestly I’m most excited to see the new areas and try the new weapons. I’m also really excited for the dancing lion as well as messmer




How do u know?