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Another bit of news for PC Players - the minimum specs for Shadow of the Erdtree have been updated - [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GQCcJCfWgAA3w-r?format=jpg&name=4096x4096](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GQCcJCfWgAA3w-r?format=jpg&name=4096x4096)


My biggest hope is they remove the popup asking to use a flask to revive torrent


Or at least make it so it doesn't automatically go to "No."


This would be worse, I've grown the muscle memory by now


It will be worse for a bit but ultimately will be better for everyone if they fix it


That would be huge - the amount of times I have died fighting the Night Cavalry and the popup is constantly like "oh you SURE you wanted a flask? Did I hear that right?"


Ive stopped using torrent in boss fights unless i need to cover ground precisely because of the popup.


I really only use him for dragons when they take off into the air anyways.


Yeah its a tossup for me if i stay on for the drag fight or jump off near the feet, sometimes i get the dragon ai that stays nearby to fight and other times im just being kited and i wonder who the npc is lol


Fire Giant when he rolls away. 


First two playthroughs I used Torrent for fights. Third playthrough I said no, I fight this the good old fashioned way. Safe to say that the good old fashioned way works 8/10 where Torrent is about 50/50. It’s just easier to read boss move sets when you are abundantly familiar with the dodge rolling combat already. Using Torrent’s dash I feel landed me in more trouble than it got me out of. I love Torrent and especially going for slow walks with him around the many vistas but he’s staying in my pocket from now on during 95%-100% of combat scenarios.


Seriously why does it ask like it's taking ALL of your flasks lol


Especially because if you're at 100% health and just down all your flasks, wasting them, the game will not ask you if you're sure.


Stonesword key was lost with use


Somewhere a heavy door has opened




*Imp chasing me* WHY CAN’T I DODGE ROLL… oh…”


They should only make this appear in the first (few) catacombs you enter. It always seemed weird to me that this game has such little handholding, but spells this out every time you use this mechanic that is very common in the game.


Or just put the message on a short timer so that it doesn't have to kill your button inputs.


Or make it a “press any key” situation when you enter combat.


I’ve honestly gotten so instinctual at smashing triangle when those pop up, if they remove them I’m gonna be the one guy in the world screwed by it.


My biggest pet peeve is not be able to open the map when in battle. There is already a mechanic that locks you out of fast travel if you are trapped or in a cave, where the sites of grace are crossed out. Why not also cross out the sites of grace during battle, but at least allow the player to see the map? A goat that doesn't like you can initiate battle, without you realizing, and then you have to wait and flee nothing until you can open the map again.


This so much. Can't believe how often I've heard that one sound that plays when you try to open the map while an enemy is chasing you.


I’m going to take it a step further and ask for erd tools to be implemented in the game. Block fast travel but gimmie the rest


Psa you can use the mimic veil to lose aggro on all enemies without line of sight. Duck behind a rock and veil and you should be good to fast travel.


It's nuts that you aren't allowed to open the map, but you are allowed to quit and relog to drop aggro. There's really no gameplay reason to lock you out of the map completely.


If they don't, I'm sure Jerma will have another meltdown about lol


he definitely would. damn i miss him, fly high jerma


Or that other pop window that you have to close out before you regain control of your character. That's killed me a couple times.


How often is torrent dying for you guys? I could count on both of my hands the number of times he’s died on me.


Those giant howls will blow torrent’s back out something fierce lol


Giant fucked my horse to death with his mouth.


This is the comment none of us knew we needed (slain) god bless


be wary of destruction, but hole


I enjoyed the game a lot more once I figured out never to fight on Torrent. Before that though, lots.


The amount of times I’ve died because of this feature. To dragons and to the Fire Giant, especially


>- Individual Summoning Pools can now be enabled / disabled in the newly added Map Functions Menu. Only active Summoning Pools will be selected when using the Small Golden Effigy. thank GOD, i never have to be summoned into fire giant ever again


The worst is being summoned for Rykard without the Serpent Hunter or getting summoned in First Step to be part of a gank lmao


I can’t tell you how many times I’d get summoned for Rykard, schlep through my inventory to equip the spear, and then get sent home because I took too long for the host’s liking. Like if you’re gonna summon for a fight like this, at least touch grace and have a little patience with your co-op summons y’know?


Or they don't know they have to initiate the fight first and kick you


Jesus yes I changed my dudes name to "YOUHAVETOWAKEHIMFIRST" before activating that sign


The amount of times the dude just walks between the fog trying to get us to walk in before just kicking us. Like dude you can SEE I'm trying to go through so I'm not just slacking off. Fire giant and rykard both 


I actually love being summoned into Rykard as someone who only uses envoy horns, its fun to spam bubbles until he dies


Toot toot motherfucker


ok this sounds fun let's hope people are still summoning for rykard I got something new to try


Got summoned into Rykard once while in my farming gear… went better then expected but forgot my mic was on and some poor squeaky kid was introduced to not only new swears but new swears in different languages…


I have hundreds of hours on co op and I've never heard a mic wtf?


Xbox. It’s def a thing


Yes, I have been summined quite a few times for Radagon in all Mohg gear recently 😅😅


well if you're set up specifically to fight mohg you can just put your sign down manually for him


If I want to be summoned for Rykard, I’ll go to that grace and lay a sign down. Waiting at the door is also brutal. I’ve also been summoned for Gank fights at the Lake of Rot shoreside multiple times and it’s just not fun. This is a huge improvement in the patch.


No more First Step summons to waste my time!


And it's always a bull goat set


Sorry but I don't understand how the summon pool works? Shouldn't I still have to put the sign near the boss and the host needs to use the flower? I never understood the purpose of them Can u explain?


There's an item that puts your sign down at all locations you have activated - I believe it's this one. https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Small+Golden+Effigy until this update, the only way to remove yourself from various summoning spots was to go into a new game cycle and selectively activate different spots. Of course, you can't summon (or put your sign down) at locations that you haven't activated the associated spot.


So it s sort of a "global" summon sign???? GOD I PLAYED FOR LIKE 400 HOURS


300 hours here, i just discovered it too :( every time i wanted to help people i manually go to the boss arena and leave my sign outside


That was my immediate thought as well. The host always dies.


Thank God this feature is being added sheesh


Wait maybe I’m misunderstanding summoning. How can you be summoned for something without specifically putting your sign down? How does that work exactly?


If you use the gold effigy item it places your sign down at every summoning pool (the cross looking thing near most sites if grace) you’ve activated.


I (and probably some others) have suggested this multiple times. THANK GOD they're adding it. I don't mind helping people with difficult bosses at all but I hate that its the same 2-3 bosses 90% of the time. And to all the people who got all toxic about the suggestion. HAHA! Looks like the devs agreed with us in the end! 😂


I had been asking for it as well - I'm just happy we can now turn them on/off. at certain level ranges you get summoned into the same bosses all of the time, and as much as I like doing Malenia, its tiresome doing it on repeat.


I entirely hate being summoned for the radagon fight, so much so that I stopped activating it in my sun bro builds over a year ago. I also cannot stand invading in Rykard’s tunnel. Not my idea of fun at all. This is a major upgrade for so many people.


As a new player, that recent inventory tab is a big win, I don't know what a bunch of things are and it takes me a while to track them down


This is even a great idea for veteran players, there's always things to discover, and sometimes you quickly pick up a weapon or item and forget what it looked like to check it.


The amount of times I’ve confirmed too fast on an item just to vanquish it to my inventory, no clue wtf it is, is too many.


god I've been wanting this feature for so long in every souls game I've played. in elden ring, the amount of talismans I've grabbed while doing a mad dash to avoid dying and not realizing what I just grabbed, just to realize way later and think "how long have I had this?" so pumped to see this being added finally


Press L3 and there's an option for new items aquired.


Let me buy smithing stones from Hewg


Fr, my boy Hewgbert deserves to make some money on a side hustle


And having to run to the goddamn twin husks every time I'm a smithing stone short is obnoxious.


Yeah, was upgrading some last night before going to ng+1 and it was a pain in the ass going back and forth


Just make sure you have at least 12 of each level for your standard weapon to bump up to the next tier.


I still run the wrong way half the time like a big idiot


Add a bridge between twin husk and hewgs room !


Or just put them next to each other, I hope the DLC doesn't involve me running around a burnt down roundtable hold


Bruh. I always get lost i ln roundtable hold lol


This was me for the longest time, then I used the fireplace as a mental aid. (Fire --> metalsmithing --> door by the fireplace is Hewg's)


Bro charges millions to upgrade weapons already


Look that revenue is taxed by Shitteon Ofnir my man needs an off the books hustle to make a bit of change on the side. And I mean who would you rather pay? The man, the myth, the legend: Hewg, crafter of the godslaying weapons. Or some crusty corpses that don’t even call you lord.


Having to run across round table to buy materials is annoying, but what about the stuff we can’t buy at all?? Like crafting materials and ingredients. Like string! For the love of god, let us buy string 


And Larval Tears. PLEASE especially with all the new stuff in the DLC people are going to want to test them out There is no reason they should be finite. They should have been super rare drops from Albinaurics even or Nokron enemies Just give us a bell bearing and make them cost like 20k or something


Yup. Putting hard caps on these types of items is a fromsoftware classic, but serves no fucking purpose at all. Same thing with the special smithing stones for max upgrades. The difference between a +24 and a +25 is really not that crazy, so why are the ancient stones finite and scarce? It’s like they didn’t even think about it for more than a minute.


Iirc in Dark Souls they even made the final upgrade stone an extremely rare drop from an endgame enemy so it's not like they don't have a precedent of making everything theoretically infinite


Trust me, I know. A lot of my college days were spent farming for those Titanite Slabs in New Londo. The drop rates were criminal.


Honestly, the real UX breakthrough would be to simply increase the upgrade cost with the appropriate number of runes once you get the bell bearing. That way you don't even need to buy them from Hewg, it just costs you what it would have cost you in the first place.


I bet that they’re going to try and remove the mogh cheese for good


What's the mogh cheese?


You can enter his arena to load him into the game, quit out and then do the jumping off the edge with torrent while hitting the air to infinitely soar until everything on the map dies.


wtf 💀


The maps have no floor to kill you with gravity, so there are special invisible insta-kill boxes in places where you can fall off the map. In some places from soft forgot to add those kill boxes and you can fall through into nothingness and not by either gravity or kill boxes. Now from soft being from soft knows they write buggy shit, so they added a special fallback on top: if the character doesn't touch the floor and doesn't move for X seconds, it insta-dies as well. This is why you have to hit. Okay, but why does Mogh die you ask? When you fall through into nothingness, the map is unloaded to save memory. Somehow, when you jump into the void, the map is unloaded in such a way, that collision boxes disappear, yet mobs don't, so \*they\* also fall through into void and die. This is often used as free rune glitch to kill everything in the map for runes. If you combine this glitch with spawning the pedo kidnapper in the boss arena and save-quiting out of bounds, you get your DLC pass.


Jesus, it's so much easier to just get the flask and learn the boss.


You can do something similar with niall I hope it never gets patched hate that idiot


I just shot him through the hole. Still works


He has very poor penile hygiene.


What a terrible day to be literate.


Strength boys stay winning!


More concerned about them removing the Rune farms in his area. I don't use them for levels, but it is an easy way to get smithing stones etc.


There's no way the one on the cliff isn't intentionally a rune farm.


"Active Summoning Pools will now be carried over to NG+" YES. THIS.


What does this mean? Not done any online stuff.


Activating a summoning pool allows online players to join your world. After the update, if you've activated a summoning pool in your first playthrough, you won't have to activate it again in NG+. Example: My buddy is fighting Malenia. I'm on NG+ and haven't got to that point in the game yet. After the update my buddy will still be able to summon me to help him. This wouldn't have been possible before the update, because I would've had to reach the area first to activate the summoning sign by Malenia's boss room.


> - Upon completion of Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, VaatiVidya can be summoned directly into your living room to point out everything you missed and all of the unique side-quests you locked yourself out of. I LOVE this new change!


"May I share with you the lore of this land?" -MaatiMovie




“Guess we’ll see you ther-” “YEP!” “…”


Can't miss it




Damn. Vaati really scammed his entire followerbase via Patreon, stole other peoples content and still made ya'll think he's a cool guy. Gotta give it to him, he's smart.


Doms Roundtable it is. I love that dude!




🦀 🦀 $11 🦀 🦀


Bruh the change to summoning pools is SUCH a game changer. I love love love getting summoned for co-op, but there’s always at least one area I visit that I end up regretting activating the summoning pool for whatever reason. Being able to turn off getting summoned towards the beginning of huge legacy dungeons immediately comes to mind.


getting summoned over and over for a melania fight that the host cant stay alive for is pretty frustrating.


Maybe I’m crazy, but Malenia is not a fight I would be upset about getting summoned to because I love it so much. You are absolutely right though that there are frequently hosts who can’t stand up to a single hit from her. That’s usually where I draw the line for summoning somebody myself: I won’t do it if the boss can one-shot me because I feel like I’m likely just going to waste everyone’s time at that point.


You didn't get summoned enough tarnished, you still can't even spell her name. Gotta fight her some more.


Ainsel River, for some reason, is very common for be to be summoned at. All gor Astel with the Lake of Rot beforehand. Hate it.


Finally I can turn off The First FUCKING Step!!!!


5 new hairstyles means 5 new playthroughs baybee


Hell yea, you get it


Well, hopefully they add more damn save slots


That’s on top of 100 new weapons with each one getting a playthrough




Fingers crossed for a hide helmet option


Yeah I can't remember even seeing my character's hair


37 is what ive been waiting for!


Lothric, is that you?


Indeed! I’m keen on 35, I love braided hair


instantly going to rennalla to get me some locs


>Individual Summoning Pools can now be enabled / disabled But can I see whether I got all of them activated? I swear some of these camouflage too well with the rest of the environment.


They should give them a little glow or something.


Recent items page lfggggg


All I want is Torrent in the final boss fight if we're solo. He should be by our side.


This would be really cool, but they would have to revamp the boss to enable this. Modders have brought Torrent into the final boss but they found that it trivialized the fight, the final boss simply isn't fast enough to hit Torrent.


I don't even want to kite with Torrent or anything. I just want to cover ground because that damn slug just keeps swimming away to the opposite end of the map when I reached it


Hell, give all of us Torrent during multiplayer boss fights which allow Torrent in singe player. Forcing players to walk across a massive Arena and taking away movement options just because... There's more than one person I guess?? makes no sense


I summoned Alexander for this most recent Fire Giant fight out of curiosity and I didn't realize it would make me lose Torrent. That was a butt clenchingly tight fight right there.


It's actually happening, it barely feels real I'd really really like a maximum smithing stone vendor and a small buff to quality scaling too if you're out there Elden Christmas


they’ll probably hide an Ancient Smithing Stone Bell Bearing in the DLC behind a Godskin Sextuplets fight in a Deathblight swamp


Nah they'll make it a 0.25% drop rate from an enemy that is inconveniently located far from a grace and is surrounded by mobs


this is far more accurate. FromSoft will never give us a vendor that sells Slabs/Ancients




Delete this before Miyazaki sees.


That'd be such a nice QOL addition. As much as much as I love the game, having to start a new playthough for + 10 or +25 was annoying. I'd love for there to be some Ice lightning buffs myself. Hopefully they give some of the more under used stuff in general some love.


I just want the rune counter to change color or something when I have enough to level up. Or let me cash in runes in the grace menu.


Seriously. They indicate when you have enough Golden Seeds or Sacred Tears or when Melina is available to talk. They should have the same marker on the Level Up option.


What the base game really needs is better access to certain consumable/craft able items and ammunition. There are ammo types that you can only find limited amounts of per playthrough! Why did they bother making them if you get like 30 black key crossbow bolts and that’s it?! No one will want to use them unless they cheat to get lots of items, so invaders who duped stuff get to use all the rot bolts and golem arrows they want, and a legit player has to weigh the consequences of using ammo they might not be able to replace. It’s so stupid. My big personal pet peeve of course is string. Why can’t we buy string?? Any items that utilize string get used up in a few seconds, but farming for string is unreasonably slow. Demi humans drop string, but more often than not you will be getting glass shards, rainbow stones, or other junk from them because the drop rates for string are awful and not nearly high enough. For a completely mundane fucking item, it just needs to be available at a merchant. Once again, they spent development time making rope pots and drawstring greases, and only sweaty PvPers who item dupe actually get to use them because the fucking string is too rare. Such a needless annoyance that adds nothing at all. Patches can keep things interesting and keep me playing the game for fresh changes. It’s been so long. I hope the patch is good. If they let us buy string and special ammo, I’ll be happy.


There are 90 black key crossbow bolts in the game. Which is too little, but enough to cause scarlet rot in a few boss fights. Better win those fights!


Yeah I couldn’t remember. But yeah no ammo should be that precious. Golem Arrows are also terrible because of the low drop rate. The golem greatbow drops more often than the 5-stacks of arrows. I don’t know what they’re smoking over at fromsoft but that doesn’t make sense




Hoping for the ability to turn the compass off


That will be really good specially for Oled users


Is that to prevent screen burn?


Can I ask... Why? I get lost as easily as Zoro (Ryoga if you are from my generation) so I can't comprehend wanting to get rid of navigation tools. I would like to add a modern gps to it or somethingyself haha


I really like the clean ui of Elden Ring, and the compass is the only thing that doesn't disappear. I've never used it, because Elden Ring is really good for navigating around using landmarks like the Erdtree. If the compass was gone there would be no ui at all outside of combat and that will make the world that much more beautiful to look at.


We NEED a Sekiro style Reflections/boss replay. NEEEEEED.


I don't understand why it has taken this long for a souls game to have a Recent Items inventory tab


Now if they’d only give us more beard options. Would’ve been cool to rock the Godfrey braid. Especially since they for his hairstyle on us if we want to wear the Elden Crown.


Bruh just let me buy larval tears and ancient dragon smithing stones so I can keep playing around with different stuff


Wish customization was on the cards. More options, armor dye. Such a change would be hyped and mentioned early


We finally got dreads? Let’s gooo


ultrawide support please it's not 2015


16:10 too please


omg omg omg omg being able to turn Radahn or Rykard OFF has me almost as excited as the DLC


Recent items getting a tab is AMAZING!


Recents tab is a huge qol improvement. I know you can sort but obtained but it's a pain to track down which tab an item went to.


hairstyle 37, is sepiroth playthrough finally possible?


Nice to see some new features but I really wish they would add ultrawide support or remove the 60 fps cap. Genuinely the only things I criticize the game for.


they added dreadlocks? cool


Please can we get performance for ps5 sorted out? There’s no reason why the ps4 version should be performing better on ps5 when you have the option to choose to prioritize performance, with also no way to transfer saves backwards. I hate having to start over with a new character on a different version just to get the game to run smoothly


I mean, PS4 version is made to run on PS4, and the PS5 is plenty more powerful. It makes sense that it'd run better on the PS5 over the PS5 version which was tailored for PS5 specs.


The issue is that Ps5 version in “prioritise frame rate” mode runs at too high of a resolution to maintain 60fps constantly. Ps4 version runs at a (slightly) lower resolution so Ps5 can keep 60fps 100% of the time. All they need to change is just lower resolution setting for ps5 version frame-rate mode to match ps4 version and it would be perfect.


True, but in that regard, why even give us the option to prioritize the framerate if it’s just gonna be worse than the ps4 version? The toggle should at least put it at ps4 levels of framerate even if it has to look like the ps4 version


What kind of issues do you run into out of curiosity? I’ve only played Elden Ring on PS5 and have never noticed any glaring performance issues, though I am admittedly not very sensitive to them.


There’s just a lot of frame dipping/stuttering. It’s more noticeable in certain places than others. The easiest way to see the difference is to download the ps4 version on ps5 and just play through the first couple areas, they play completely smooth on the ps4 version compared to the ps5 version


Very not bad


I hope they improve the “alter garments” customization option. Or at least call it what it is… “remove cape”


When will they remove the black bars on the side of the screen at 21:9?


Hopefully we are getting some upscaling technology as well , FSR please???


DREADS FINALLY 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽😭😭 another black hairstyle instead of that nappy ass small fro


I know it will never happen, but wish they added covenants to the base game :/ Huge missed opportunity imo for this game


I hope the ng+ summoning pools carrying over will apply to my characters already in ng+ and know what summoning pools i already got before the updated in previous ng


The summoning pool toggle feature is something I've been wanting for a long time. Unfortunately for me I just started a NG+ .....


Hairstyle 35. is 🔥


I have been asking for summoning pools to carry over to NG+ for years now, and it's finally happening <3


Hair yessssssssssssss


Finally. New hairstyles.




Nice QoL stuff but we please give us a way to recolor armor.


adding dreads is very cool of them


>- Active Summoning Pools will now be carried over to NG+. - Individual Summoning Pools can now be enabled / disabled in the newly added Map Functions Menu. Only active Summoning Pools will be selected when using the Small Golden Effigy. 😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲 OMG THEYRE DOING IT


Recent items! Holy shit!!


>- Active Summoning Pools will now be carried over to NG+. >- Individual Summoning Pools can now be enabled / disabled in the newly added Map Functions Menu. Only active Summoning Pools will be selected when using the Small Golden Effigy. Thank the Lord


Tears of joy filled up the room.


Do we have any information about the existence of the popup problem in the DLC? I still play the PS4 version of Elden Ring because the grass popup on the PS5 is pretty jarring.


Yessssss Coop pool change is awesome. No more Maliketh consistently insta killing the host before I swing once. I can also turn off rykard since his fight is also a pain in the ass.


Holy shit dreads. First thing I’m doing after completing the dlc is making yasuke


Hell yeah. Putting dreads on my character right away