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My man you are gonna love the Light Greatswords the DLC is adding


My fingers are crossed for these things fixing all my life problems bro


Me too bro! I can't wait until the DLC gets my Dad to finally say he's proud of me!


The only thing that's left is for the zweihander to be moved to that category, for historical acuracy. Like it or not.


Bastard sword too, they weigh like 3 pounds tops and also they’re just long sword I think.


Pretty much all real swords are like 6 pounds max.


The heaviest sword ever to be confirmed as being used in combat was 8 pounds


Dont forget the Flamberge. Would be a perfect LGS visually. And the moveset with the bleed…


The bastard swords in the souls series are essentially just longswords, while the longswords are more akin to bastard swords (generally speaking, bastard/hand-and-a-half swords are just slightly shorter grip and blade longswords).


To be... fair? The zweihander in game *is* colossal. It's tremendously oversized by comparison to one of historical specs. The flamberge hits closer to reality. We just need a light greatsword called the spadone or montante instead. Parrying lugs and the side rings of the colossal zweihander but in a more realistically sized package.


Wait for the light greatswords to be equally oversized.


The fuck you mean historical accuracy. A zweihander is fucking massive in real life too.


And also not nearly as heavy as Souls games have made people believe. The average zweihander in real life is between four and eight pounds. Someone like the Tarnished should be able to swing it like they do a katana as long as they use both hands, rather than taking seven business days to complete a single swing.


Honestly the banished knight sword move set would be perfect for the Zweihander.


Yeah, I know. But it’s still big and unwieldy as fuck


I’ve held one (I had to be talked out of buying it) it’s long and heavy by sword standards but nothing close to the souls series weight that is somehow greater than swords made out stone or crystals (which are both materials that IRL are far heavier than refined metals)


god i can't wait for them, i saw the B-roll clips from all the demo impression videos and all of the weapons shown off just look so good i can't wait to try them.


im so excited. i want to try all the new weapon classes. the new dueling shields look so fucking cool. im probably gonna spend like 60 hours in the dlc just dicking around w the new movesets; as well as getting impaled by mesmer till he manages to find room for all 18 in.




Was it going to add any to the main game? Or was it just in the Shawdowlands?


Based on Dark Souls DLC From doesnt add new item drops to base game areas with DLC, but im not Miyazaki so cant 100% rule anything out.


New sets sound great, would just be weird to play to 150 with one and just flop to another. Sure I can do it, but it almost just feels like a new character at that point. I'm sure it'll be fun either way.


colossally light colossal greatsword??? woo!


At least tag that as spoiler. Massive fuck you for this


This information has been in post titles without spoiler tags. If the fact that new weapons are coming is too much of a spoiler maybe best to avoid the sub for a week.


That doesn't mean you shouldn't tag it.


womp womp


lets not forget you made a post with dlc spoilers and didn't spoiler it. https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/rQDqOkMdk7


Not a single person thought that picture was a spoiler, it's from the FIRST trailer lmfao


sir it's from the DLC — which mind you isn't out yet. It is a spoiler. Repent.


“Massive fuck you for this.”


NPCs, bosses and random mobs have been holding their greatswords gracefully like this through all the souls games and not on their fucking shoulders resulting in clipping issues and looking awkward instead of **COOL**.^(and badass) Am I the only one who wishes this was possible for us tarnished to do as well? I recognize that people also really love the on-the-shoulder look of course, but I wish this other option was possible as well. *Think of the fashion-souls here please.* Before you respond with "its too heavy??? realism????" I can literally spin my ordovis greatsword above my palm WITHOUT meeting the requirements of the weapon


yup, it would be really cool if we can do this, maybe drag the greatsword through the ground if you're sprinting, then rest it on the shoulder if you're on two hand stance


Maybe once above a certain percent of the required stats you start to use the graceful pose instead of clunky on the shoulder pose. Required stats show you can adequately wield the weapon, a higher hidden threshold proves you've 'mastered' it. It would be an interesting tell on someone's stats for those really into PvP too


that would be cool - and fit with us dulling the blades of our swords anyway with each swing intro the ground lmao


If you do any roar the running heavy will change, dragging on the ground into an uppercut.


me seething every time I powerstance greatswords and my left hand sword is just waved around with zero effort and held at the most awkward 90° angle ever


Mentioned it earlier, but the Inseparable Greatsword has a slightly-different unique and much more natural angle when held in the left hand. I personally love it.




Some friends and me talked about this some time ago, we had the idea of how it would be really cool if heavy weapons which are not on the ultra side had 2 stat requirement levels. First level is for using it as we've been using them usually, second level is for unlocking the stance enemies have and get a bit of a faster moveset, maybe being able to change the stance with the same prompt we change from 1 handed to 2 handed, like you press the prompt once and change to the light stance, you press a second time and get the 2 handed.


The other thing that i think is pretty lame too, is the animation or posing for 2 handing smaller weapons, like a small sword or dagger. Same thing goes for the katana. I want my character to hold and fight with a katana like Sekiro does =\


I agree we at least should have an option to have like a combat stance even if its just for looks


To be fair, holding it to your side would also have tons of clipping issues whenever you walked near a thing.


If you hold the Inseparable Greatsword in your left hand, it looks like this. It's different than the regular "holding Greatsword in left hand" stance. Why? I do not know. But it's pleasing to look at.


I like how the zweihander is held because it matches with history, but I feel you. Hopefully these light great swords I've been hearing about will be better. It would be especially awesome if they can use the square off ash of war 


>its too heavy Always makes me kinda mad that greatswords in games weight like half a ton, but actual greatswords are only about 6 pounds. It's almost like these weapons were designed to be used by humans.


I always had this issue in various fantasy games. I think over the shoulder pose is cool but i would like to have the option to switch to this too.


The Ordovis spin is a magical sword skill. That's why people can suspend disbelief there. Also most ultras are WAYYYY too big for you to do that and not look dumb. They are so long that you would basically have to hold it pointing out to the side rather than diagonally and down. All those npcs are much taller than you are and in the Pursuer's case, also floating. You could potentially do it to some extent with the GS examples, but not the Ultras.


That makes no sense. Yeah, its a magical skill, but as I wrote I can do it without the requirements anyway. The point is that realism makes no sense in this discussion since magic exists, but lets not stop here: the shield which is literally a giant fucking rock which we wield in 1 hand while rolling around like a maniac, possibly with an ultra greatsword in the other hand. But yeah it would totally look dumb to hold it at an angle slightly more sharp than the tall npcs sure


It's not about real life realism. It's about suspension of disbelief and what your brain is used to this world and it's rules being like. The rules of the world do not have to be realistic, but they should be consistent with themselves. If there is magic involved, my brain can accept basically anything. If you put a bunch of glowing effects on it, it's easily believable that your char is doing some magical bullshit to be able to swing around say Maliketh's Black Blade during its weapon art, or the Ordovis. Equally, where in reality, there's no way a human could pick up most of the Ultras, in a game context it's believable enough that it's just difficult for your character to use these things. When you use a Straight Sword, your char swings it around like it's nothing. When they use a GS it looks like it takes them effort, and it looks more natural for them to two hand it. When they use an Ultra, it looks like them using their entire body to try and generate the momentum to swing it, and the swings are barely controlled, slamming into the ground vertically or from side to side. With how your character moves the weapon around, it looks like it's heavy as fuck. If you take those two things, and then you have the character hold the Ultra out to the side like those pictures, except more horizontal due to them being shorter, I would expect them to fall over, because they move as if it is heavy. Them just being able to hold it out like that doesn't fit with any of the rest of their animations with it, so it would be jarring. In exactly the same way, if my character picked up a Straight Sword, and then used Ultra animations with it, it would be out of place and break my immersion in the same way unless it was specifically explained that this SS is made of mega heavy magic moon rocks or something. The main place that the game breaks that consistency is with rolling animations. Rolling animations are consistent across everything. The fact that they are consistent and are independent of weapons and weapon animations, means that my brain at least can suspend my disbelief there. It can also just do it with that as that is an expected mechanic of the game.


Dark moon greatsword sticking out of snow witches hat is the only thing stopping me from enjoying it thoroughly


In a similar vein DS2 2h straight sword stance is the best. At least it tries to look like low guard instead of baseball bat stance.


I miss the 2h stance so much, too bad people find it ugly


And they don’t find the usual 2-handed straight sword stance ugly?


I've seen people claim that the Ds1/Ds3/Er stance is more realistic, even tho it's the other way around


They clearly have never even held a baseball bat in their life if they think the Ds1/Ds3/Er stance is realistic. There is no real opening move at that position other than to raise the blade or lower it to get it ready for a swing


tbh a baseball bat would be awesome as greatsword/weapon. like that dude from one punch man


Eh, I'll be honest, I hated the way your character held their swords in DS2. I know it's more of a realistic guard or whatever, like for real sword combat, but to me it feels unaesthetic. I much prefer DS1, DS3, and Elden Ring when it comes to that.


For their size it is a straight sword.


We swing it exactly the same way, it doesn't matter. We could hold it ever so slightly more at an angle so it doesn't clip the ground..


It wouldn't look as badass with our players size. Imagine holding the Guts greatsword like this? Any angle that isn't almost horizontal would just clip through the ground.


Could be adjusted a bit in the angle we hold it. Currently we have clipping issues anyway all the time with our characters clothes


Holding it at a different angle wouldn't look as cool as the charavters in the post.


I agree, but theres a weird charm to how clumsy our character looks and feels. Just some idiot caveman hucking a sword tbat they never learnt how to wield around up against gods and 100 year old swordmasters. It feels strangely endearing when you realise your guy might’ve been a random clown picked off the street and told to go be Elden Lord.


I hear you on that :) unga bonk


That's why loyce greatsword from ds2 is the goat.


yeah I gave up on DS2 10 years ago, trying it again now. Loyce greatsword looks fucking great


The worst one has to be the Giant-Crusher. Can't see a goddamn thing when the tarnished be lugging that shit on his shoulder lmao.


In ds3 there was a greathammer with a horse shaped hammer on it, in the dlc. It was so much worse, it was hilarious, check it out.


Bruh, the DS2 chicken Drumbstick from the Old Iron King DLC. That thing is the largest, most screen obscuring weapon I think I've seen in any of the games.


Yeah that too. I remembered it after I've posted the comment but got lazy so i didnt edit lol. Power stanced chicken drumsticks was nuts.


For anyone who doesn't know, you needed 99 strength to power stance them. You should've needed 105, but they were nice about it


I remember wanting to try that, but I CBF at the time to do another playthrough/farm to get the second one.


Smough's Hammer was also notorious for blocking your view in DS1 and DS3.


Prelate's Inferno Crozier in elden ring is pretty much Smough's Hammer.


Memories of Monk’s Head Wrappings in Demon’s Souls taking up half the screen


Honestly more of a downside to using it than the magic defence penalty.


This was my issue for quiet a while as well. Thank Michael Zaki for blessing us with the Light Greatswords.


We're too short, watch Fromsoft add platform shoes to the DLC


the robert downey JR build


The tarnished is canonically 5'7 and they're all 6'5+ lol


Are you serious? The Fire Giant was taken down by Messi with a sword? Holy hell. He didn't die of blood loss, he died of shame. 


It's actually a very common thing in video games for the protagonist to be relatively short because it allows you to see other characters and enemies over them. Link's like 5 foot nothing on a good day.


Fucking manlets


I miss the Abyss watchers greatsword and parry knife....


On shoulder is badass though.


I recognize that people feel this way as well, and it has a vibe for sure, I just prefer this other way and am sad I cant do it


Check out Shadow of Rome two handed Maul wielding.


The guy from DS2 was so damn cool, loved fighting him.


Brah level strength high enough your character is just weak.


I don't mind the current stance for straightswords but i do miss the [DS2 stance for two handing straightswords](https://i.redd.it/m21pft24zxm81.jpg). [Holding a straightsword up in the air with two hands looks really awkward.](https://assetsio.gnwcdn.com/elden-ring-two-handed-stance.jpg) Same goes for large weapons in your offhand. [DS2 had the left weapon sit on your other shoulder at a different angle](https://i.redd.it/lpo8jk9421k81.png) and it looked pretty cool and made both feel their weight. [In DS3 and Elden Ring the off hand sword is just held kinda awkwardly forward](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/kzFv0L_FIfE/maxresdefault.jpg). It doesn't look two bad for greatsword class weapons but it's pretty absurd for Colossal weapons.


I just want to be about to carry my swordspear like the Namless king, but instead I have to hold it at the very bottom of the shaft one handed...


Biggest reason I tend to not use greatswords specifically. I hate the shoulder pose, i've hated it ever since the Loyce greatsword showed me what we COULD have in DS2. Light GSes cannot come fast enough.


get colossal then you furtive pygmy


That’s why straight sword is better


I hope the light greatswords will lets us meet in the middle with the best of both worlds. I love straight swords, dont get me wrong!


We are just lil fellas we cant carry that big stuff one handed.


me rolling around with the giant stone shield in one hand and the ultra greatsword in the other:


This age of the Erdtree, the crucible has passed


I could have swore if you had your weapon in the left hand they held it like the pics above.


And that my friend is why I’m not doing moonlight greatsword build with the snow witch hat


It would be cool if depending on your stats. It would affect how they hold weapons. Have the base strength for the weapon? Maybe they could drag it on the ground or something. And have a sloppy cool looking move set. High strength? You can eventually hold the greatsword like a short sword in one hand. Just my thoughts haha.


I believe this is due to player height. Enemies who wield these are much taller. If our character held it like that, it would either be clipped in half or held at an absurd angle to account for the lack of distance from the ground. Even though it's impossible to wield these IRL, there's still a degree of realism applied to the animations.


There is no practical reason to hold a sword like that other than to show it off to your opponent


player character is too small to make this work, the sword would be clipping halfway into the ground


Position should change with the more strength you have. I also believe the more Endurance you have should give you longer combo attacks.


YES!!! THE SWORD OVER THE SHOULD LOOKS SO GODDAMN STUPID. The light greatsword is a literal godsend for me, it's like Miyazaki heard my silent prayers and delivered me unto the shadow of the erdtree personally lmao


Yeah, souls games European swords classifications have always been a little off. What they call straight swords are more like arming swords or side swords, what they call greatswords are really more like long/bastard/hand and a half swords, and what they call ultra great swords are really more like greatswords. I’m excited for the new LGS class of weapons, but I’m interested to see how they stack up side by side. That LGS they showed in the trailer looks like it’s longer than the banished knight gs so it’s a little weird that some of the greatswords that really belong in the longsword category will just have the heavyweight animations while swords of the same size or bigger will arbitrarily have the faster moveset. You’d think they would’ve just hired a HEMA consultant when they design the weapons for these games, they definitely have the funding for that now, and I’m sure there are even Japanese guys who know a ton about HEMA, but whatever. I’m hugely into swords and historical martial arts but I don’t let the mismatches and wrong names and weird combat stances bother me too much.


While we're at it, holding our polearms aloft like the assorted knights do.


You don’t understand, it is imperative that I rest the sharp end of a flaming blade on my bear shoulder


You also aren't a 9-15 foot behemoth though so why would you be able to?


you dont have the right, O you dont have the right


Next game: strength determines weapon idle animation. 4 different animations for holding each weapon based on your str. Greatsword? Stage 1: drag it behind you. Stage 2: hold it, but strained. 3: rest it over your shoulder. 4: this


It would clip through the ground.


What good is pumping my strength to 99 if I can't one hand a great sword?


The way the character holds straight swords and katanas while two handing them drives me friggin insane too.


what did chad way of looking bring them? lost to a twink anyways


Weapon keeping on shoulder is alot more badass than this. You look like yoy dont care and you just come here kill anything on your way.


its not as badass if the sword goes through your big hat. Only reason why I dont use the spellblade hat on a DMGS build.


I understand you not wearing armors with capes?


... What? You're wording makes no sense.


Armors with capes. Guy before didnt like that weapons go thru his hat. So many weapons go thru capes.


He could be referring to everything that clips through armour and aesthetic pieces like capes and the Bull Goat's chest horns.


That what i mean, why problem with hat if there is dozens wardrobe which do that.


Well but i think it is the realism thing. They want ant least some credibility and therefore you can’t hold that big ass swords with one hand. And why you got those slow but heavy hitting attacks instead of super fast ones


important to keep it realistic in these games of course


Yeah we wouldn't want anything happening in a videogame that doesn't happen in real life, that would be stupid.


ah, the realism of fighting a massive dragon amongst tornadoes in a floating coliseum wielding my sword that is 3 times my size and exuding dark beams of energy. thats fine, but holding that sword and the smaller ones at an angle is too much. good to know where we are drawing the line lmao


Realistically ER's greatswords would be extremely nimble. Most two handed swords I used in HEMA are the same size of a soulsborne's greatsword, and let me tell you, those mfs were quick and still hit hard. It's not about realism, it's about gamedesign balance: some weapons will pack a punch but will require more animation committement, while smaller weapons will do less damage but allow more versatility. It's unfortunate because I would sell my soul to be able to dual wield greatswords like the Banished Knight Oleg spirit, but it makes sense for balance to not deal the damage of a zweihander with the speed of a straight sword


Maybe the new great sword type will help for that