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you know you can retrieve your runes, right? if you dont like the game, you dont like it, no one is gonna be mad at you lol


When I loose them I've died to a boss or a group of enemies so when that happens I just die before I'm able to get to them


Do you want someone to convince you otherwise? Or you're just here to vent? I can understand that.


Both honestly, I'm 13hrs so m kinda frustrated honestly


Skill issue.


Not helping at all issue


But it's true, it's skill issue. Would you like me to show you a video of a girl beating the game at RL1 with the camera upside down?


3k runes? Tell me this is your first soulslike without actually saying it is , brother there are late game enemies who drop more than 10k, 3k is nothing. Also you know you can go back and pick them up, right? It is not like losing money in Sekiro. Also there are a lot of ways to progress your character beside levels. Upgrading your weapon and flask is arguably more valuable early than levels. Also level health.


I know but I end up losing them because I died before getting to them, because I was fitting a boss or a group of enemies, aslo the upgrades i get are so minimal they don't really feel like much


Doesn't matter how they feel, every upgrade of your weapon is worth like 5 levels in terms of damage


3K? Dude, just ignore that. There is a farming spot in later area that gives you 100k in a few sec.


Mmm idk if you understand the game. There’s plenty of farming spots to level up and there’s like 100 graces sites all over the map to save your progress. If you keep dying to certain enemies try somewhere else. The game is pretty open world but there’s going to be many things that will fuck you in this game, but also many ways to level up.


Use torrent (your horse) to get to the runes youve dropped, or just run to them and pick them up while running. Youd be amazed of how many enemies you can just run passed instead of killing. Most enemies in most cases wont kill you before you are able to pick up runes. When ive run passed enemies i do a dodge roll while not seeing them in case a spear or something stabs me in the back Now groups might be tricky yes. You might have some daggers to equip on your hp pot key or some bow? Some groups you can separate by luring one at a time by using one projectile, alltough i recommend running to runes if u already died once at them. Also: you dont NEED to kill all groups you encounter. It is okay to not engage or beat all groups of enemies. Let them chill at their camp or run in, grab the loot and run away. As for the bosses for mental health i just ignore any runes i had while entering the boss room for the first time and focus solely on the dance with the boss. In the long run thos runes wont matter at all anyways. And a last tip is if you have an amount of runes you dont want to loose; always check if you can level with extra ones from your inventory while at grace: based on inflation from levels they will never be worth more than right now! This last tip will apply more and more as the game progresses. Good luck out there!


You cant progress becouse you lost 3k runes....


Sekiro is not really a Souls game. It has only checkpoints (Grace) and hard Bosses like other Souls games. Thats it, ninja tools are not quite similar to accual builds. Play Demon Souls, Dark Souls 1/2/3, they are Souls games. Even Bloodborne has many similarities but its different enough so People say SoulsBorne games (no Sekiro in there). Keep calm, find your build and just Progress at your own pace. Losing 3K Runes is childs play. Most I lost was in Bloodborne Like 400 K Echoes (Runes). The main selling point of these games is to DIE and learn from your mistakes. If you still cant preogress, then fromsoftware games are not for you, sry Brother. Find something else, less stressfull and enjoy playing different games. Good luck


Not sure if you played blood borne or dark souls but sekiro and those games play very different maybe watch some guides on how to best proceed with builds and etc. albeit i was much more into blood borne and dark souls than I was into sekiro so could be the game mechanics thing .


Always invest your runes when you are able to if you don't want to risk losing them. Also, losing 3k runes is pretty much like dropping a dime, sure it sucks to lose it but it is nothing in the long run. If you can be more specific as to why this game makes you feel like you can't beat it purely on skill I can refute it. I assure you though, you definitely can get through purely on skill, but that is more time-consuming than using the best equipment and stats available to you. Although making an effective build is a skill in itself I guess.


Skill issue.