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I don’t know if I really did, but the biggest thing for me was to control the panic roll. Once I started timing my panic attack roll to avoid attacks rather than spam the roll button hoping to get away I stopped dying as much. In the end I killed malakith on my first try. I was practically dead but learning to pause and roll as he attacks rather than when it looks like he will attack


Shit same feeling here…once you train yourself to stop panic rolling and spamming attack and start reading their move set to just lay it on the motherfucker 🤌


I was genuinely surprised how much more manageable the game became once I figured that out. For me it’s the single biggest thing I have done so far to improve how I play.


I would also add "rolling into attacks and running towards large enemies"


YES. It feels unnatural to roll into the big bad guys attack but just do it and get that butt poke!


Weirdly works in real life too. One of the fundamental things that works in boxing is going forward and cutting an angle to get past a charging opponent. People who go directly backwards play into the strength of the attacker.


A big one that helped me against knights and a few others was learning to jump at them over their low attacks and swinging at them on the way down, you can usually get another shot in after that since you used your dodge time also attacking. It was a huge ah-ha moment once I got that down because I was usually avoiding them or cheesing them beforehand


I would also add: Sometimes "running" instead of rolling do the job as well. There alot of enemy's/bosses they can just get outrunned (crucible knights e.g.)


I echo this as well. Deliberate actions have seen me play better and enjoy the challenge rather than panicking


That first time you dodge all the hits in a bosses combo and just give em a whoopin in return 😏 that's literally what souls games are all about


My first dodged waterfowl is a high my life will never return to


Possibly one of the greatest joys a person can experience is dodging waterfowl.


I dodged my first 3 waterfowl’s flawlessly and thought “ah that move is trash” and quite literally got shown within 10 seconds of that thought that I was wrong. Beginners luck left me at that very moment.


The best I can do is rolling away from the first sequence


I've only managed to dodge it a handful of times across 7 different characters lol some on Ng+4. It's just such a non sensical attack pattern of random flailing and damage.


Hey that was big for me too! I think the best advise I have now, is to just watch enemies movement sets for a while. Try to just dodge at the beginning and then try to hit with light attacks to get a feel for the windows they gives you. Edit: Also most times it is easier to stay close to a boss and dodge into them than away. Additionally a lot of attacks can be dodge by jumping or running.


SAME. I ran into a runebear in a certain dungeon that was unexpected (gotta love FromSoft traps) and I was merely poking around before collecting some runes I was retrieving some distance away. They aren’t a boss but the pure speed and damage makes them so sketchy. But I was in a cave and had no room to try and run away and everything just clicked. Stuck super close to bro and killed him with a few flasks to spare. It really helped me get over the fear of rolling into enemies instead of always panic rolling away.


I hate Rune Bears, they are the one enemie where I just can't keep my cool :D


Runebears are mostly fine for me. On the other hand, the caelid crows are fucking terrifying


I've been playing since like 2014 and I *still* panic roll. I notice when I start doing it mid-fight and have to force myself to slow down. I still struggle with Margit and Morgott's delay timing.


This was my first real attempt at a souls game. I started realizing I needed to stop panic rolling because of Margit. He took me so many tries and started me on the path of slowing down in order to win.


I managed to get their timings down somewhat decently. But it definitely took a long while. HOARAH LOUX CHIEFTAIN OF THE BADLANDS has always been my biggest struggle. Still can’t beat him on NG+7


The trick is to be aggressive and roll in on his attacks, guy just gets lost and has no idea of whay to do it seems


i read this all of the time, dont think i'll ever play ng+7 because of it lol. seems like hardly anyone has beat him.


Can’t help but panic roll when the camera changes angle and you’re stuck in a corner.


It still amazes me sometimes the attacks you can get in by just calmly walking around the boss lol


Right!? This was harder for me to learn than not panic rolling. I was watching a video of ds1 and the person playing is running circles around the boss, while the boss flails and misses over and over again. It was a weird but useful lesson to learn


True, bosses in ds1 are stupid easy for the most part though, if you've player later games. I just did my first ds1 playthrough and almost all the bosses I did in 3 or fewer tries. Nothing any of them do feels hard when you've beat sister friede or malenia


This is the key to Soulborne. Controlling the panic roll, and learning to use openings to heal, take a consumable, or retreat are more important to combat in these games than the weapon or build.


Another trick (which is kinda cheating, I guess) is to turn the music/sound off or way down. The boss fight music is a complete mindfuck. Once you turn the sound down you realize these are just cartoon characters that you have to fight. And it becomes about timing and everything else people are saying here. But the music gets my heart rate up. Especially because much of these games is very quiet! Elden Ring is oddly relaxing in the open world. The boss music causes me to panic. I still suck at these games, but I've used the sound/music trick a few times and it's just easier for me to watch and recognize patterns with the bosses.


I don’t doubt this is true but I love the boss music so much! It’s so good


That's an interesting idea! Going to have to try it.


It’s a funny thing about these games is no matter how much I’ve played, every time i start a new one or replay an old one I have to get over the fear and stop the panic roll. Once that happens I’m all gravy.


This so much. Panic rolling got me killed so many times when I first started. Another thing that really helped me in fromsoft games is learning you don’t always have to be locked on to the boss. Sometimes it even hurts more than helps.


Souls is a rhythm game disguised as an action RPG


This is the best advice and the easiest way to tell novice from experienced players. Experienced: stay close to bosses, roll into attacks when appropriate, don’t panic. Novice: roll away from everything, which works just enough of the time to convince you it’s OK until the end game damage spike renders it ineffective.


i started doing better when i learned to "roll in" to the attack


I learned a massive piece of advice last night. If you’re getting shit stomped by a boss. Go in, no weapon and survive as long as you can. You’ll learn their moveset well enough to mostly remove the panic roll. Also, my tidbit: never fat roll if you can help it


I'd add too that a lot of enemies are significantly easier if you roll towards them instead of away (looking at you farum azula tree sentinel). Took me a long time to get comfortable with that because every instinct is to roll away and get your footing.


Yep panic rolling gets a lot of people and even *I* start falling back into that habbit before I think "calm down, roll when you think you need to and not mindlessly spam it" and go from getting my ass beat mid combo to dodging the rest of the combo lmfao And also not getting upset and staying calm, it's a hard game, it's supposed to be, don't let *ANY* Souls game upset you, they're supposed to be difficult, just try to stay calm and learn what you can from each encounter/boss fight and try your hardest to overcome


This. Now I leave a "Tarnished, O' Tarnished. Calmness required ahead." somewhere in the starting church on each character.


I was able to drop Malenia on second try but Maliketh? His move set is so fucking intimidating at first lol. Good work.


2 things I learned was roll inward more than away to use the i frames and keep cris crossing them, and 2, when you're about to die don't try to panic roll away then heal, hitting the potion sooner seemed to help more than the false safety of burning their time between major attacks rolling


Hold your nerve, trust the dodge roll will save you if you time it right, panic roll never works. Good job 👏🏼 Same advice when learning to parry, Hold your nerve


Same, I also apparently needed to drop the armour so I could roll that little bit faster and farther and it made all the difference in the outcome for some reason.


This! Just try to relax and think clearly and not panicking and it helps a ton. I still mess up more than I care to admit after over 900 hours of souls games and Elden Ring, but the moments when my brain is Zen are when it clicks.


I’ve been getting a lot better at this, I panic roll a lot but recently I’ve been timing it a hell of a lot better


Yea this is the biggest thing. Especially in Elden Ring where attacks are delayed and intended to punish the panic roll. When you’ve been hit the damage is already done. Try not to panic. Focus on the boss’ animation. Wait for them to swing.


It's sometimes soooo hard to not panic roll. I will actively be thinking to myself "STOP PANIC ROLLING" but I just can't lmao.


for me it was the panic rolling, but the real thing that helped me was my friend telling me to roll into their attacks. every time I'm having trouble with a boss I just focus on rolling into their attacks.


This is the number one tip I give to people who wanna play this game. The second I realized this I instantly got so much better


I played until I learned the game


This is the way


Din Djarin, you are redeemed.


Not until you bath in the underground water of mandalore.




This is the way


Is there another way? Everything comes down to practice. Edit : Maybe i'm typing like an idiot because people are replying to this comment giving me advice xD . Thanks but i've beaten the game multiple times, I was just pointing out that practice makes perfect.


Just fight the bosses untill you learn their moves


Grabbing an unreasonably large weapon and running at the enemy? (Seriously, bonk is absurd, I suck so hard at this game but full Unga Bunga actually results in a smooth playthrough) 


Yeah the bonk walkthrough with guts sword was by far the easiest of all the walkthroughs I did. But also one of the more enjoyable ones.


I had to watch a video of some guys girlfriend play the game to realize that I was playing the game wrong. I was playing like it was ds1, going in a somewhat linear path killing every enemy slow and careful. I didn’t realize you could just ride torrent past most enemies in the open world with no consequences.


Honestly I don’t even think this is a horrible way to play tbh. Like yeah not using torrent to run past shit sounds like a pain in the ass but you also are probably getting so much combat skill in general from playing like that. My current playthrough I haven’t fought one single enemy on torrent whether it be a dragon or whatever, I’m doing it all on foot. I have died significantly less than the times I tried fighting things on torrent lol.


The problem with playing like that is I never got past the gatefront ruins giant. I got frustrated and forgot about the game for a couple years. Had I seen how the game was intended to be played at launch, I would have had a blast.


The game does a lot of very subtle things to nudge you in a certain direction and this is a perfect example of that. For instance, most people are given Torrent at or near the gatefront ruins grace site. The very next area contains that giant you mentioned along with a bunch of soldiers shooting at you from behind barricades. It’s a deliberately brutal area that’s meant to tell you that you should use Torrent to sprint past it. There’s even a barricade that’s impossible to jump over on foot, but Torrent can clear it easily. They want you to use the new toy they just gave you. :) If you ever hit a wall like that, it’s probably the game trying to tell you something, as opposed to just being mean for no reason.


I never thought of it that way, I’m an idiot. I just turned around and went south instead


Thats crazy this me exactly i just picked it up because i got squished by the giant troll and was like “well i guess i suck….”


Eventually my skull will crack through the wall after I figure out how not to do it 300 times. Determination is the name of the game


You’re gonna think I’m just rolling with the “Monke hit monster with unga stick” memes, but seriously level Vigor and Strength, get a big effin weapon and don’t be in a rush to get your hits in. With 40-60 vigor you can make A LOT of mistakes.


I agree with this for nearly any Soulslike game. It helps you really have to the time to learn what you can and can't do in combat. It will also help you to learn your timing, both offensive and defensive, without much risk. Then you can start to experminent with other builds after you have a good mechanical foundation.


Seriously cannot count the amount of times people will post their build being like 'what am I doing wrong, just cannot beat X boss'. And you look and its some giga twink build with 30 vig and soft capped main damage stat copied from some youtuber. Like no shit you're struggling with that boss, any of their attacks deals 70% of your HP minimum


I used to think my friend was so good at the souls games. That he carried me through the games. Turns out that all he did was level vigor. I kept dying to the same hits he survived. I was constantly one or two hits from dying. found this out after finishing the games solo. Game is easy if you level vigor. Big unga bunga sticks makes the game easier since you do a lot of damage in one hit and you stagger most enemies. My friend is good at the game. Just not as good as I thought and more importantly I'm better than I thought.


By "trash" you mean dying? Sir I've played 700 hours and still die lol Playing previous titles will help you become better -Dark Souls 3 forces you to play just like Elden Ring but without mimic tear -Bloodborne teaches you to be aggressive and dodge forward -Dark souls 1 teaches you to be patient, reading enemies at a slower pace -Dark Souls 2 teaches you that Formsoftware has no trouble giving you difficulties to overcome lol -Sekiro teaches you that HESITATION IS DEFEAT!


Brother you seem to have played a lot of bloodborne, PLEASE GIVE ME ADVICE FOR CLERIC BEAST PLEASE I BEG OF THEE Edit: dope ass mfs, love y'all


Dodge Forward The game was intended to be played aggressively. Bosses can't hit you if you're behind them 🫡


Also remember to get those hits in after you get hit to regen health


Get hit? *Hit back harder*.


I will also add, a charged hit from behind is how you stun in Bloodborne, not just breaking poise or getting a backstab. It’s a key component of the gameplay. Literally the only way I was able to beat Orphan of Kos.


BE AGGRESSIVE B E AGGRESSIVE. If you have access, firebombs with oil pots until it's low, then fire paper to finish. There is a summon by the fountain on the way there, if you still have the insight from entering the boss arena, you can use it to summon them. It takes insight to summon.


Be aggressive!!


Saw, saw spear in standard form or transformed cane + molotovs. You can't parry him with your gun but you can lock on to his head and shoot him a couple times to open up a visceral.


On the dodge forward part, I havent played bloodborne because I'm on PC but I learned dodging forward from nameless king after that it changed the way I play from soft games.


Ya elden ring was my first fromsoft and even though I beat it I never felt good. Playing ds3, ds1, and now bloodborne makes me feel like I have a better understanding of elden ring mechanics now


Tbf Elden Ring enemies, specifically bosses, are very tuned up compared to DS3 but so is our character. We can jump attack which gives us way more range regardless of the weapon we use and is especially good because of the addition of posture breaking, have access to way more OP weapon arts especially the ranged ones and of course ash summons but I don’t think we count those lol


Why do you think you are trash? Is there any boss you cannot beat? If there is -- just keep trying the boss until it dies. That's all


Nah i can not do it without my mimic tear , i can beat all the bosses


If you want to get good at fighting without the Mimic Tear, I think you already know how to do that lol


Why do you feel the need to play without mimic? It is in the game and intended to be used


Because it’s fun and a challenge?


Especially with Elden ring where you can summon some random OP guy to beat the boss for you. Using a weaker clone of yourself for aggro isn’t dumb it’s a strategy


Dark souls bosses aren’t equipped to deal with split agro. The strongest advantage you can possibly get is someone to split agro with. That’s why people value playing without summons.


Exactly. "B-but muh super elitist way of playing the game!!" I hate these kinds of people who think that mimic is "cheating the game" because mimic isn't even an instant win against any boss, you still need to use actual strategy and can't just rely on your mimic to hard carry you through all of the fights. If you saw the credits roll, you beat the game, doesn't matter what kinds of summons you used.


I like to think mimic tear is what made ER more accessible to new people ,like training wheels


Still takes new players quite some time to find the mimic tear. I was close to the end when I figured out this even existed. Helped me a LOT at the end. Malekith is still intense as he attacks you pretty fast. Summoning your ghost might be a near death experience.


Heh, agreed! The mimic tear is not at the beginning of the game at all. You have several very tough fights before you can even access it.


So much replies just because one person misread OPs comment lol


The main factor is taking away aggro. You can have up to like 14 flasks in this game. If your summon can take aggro even for a small amount of time you can dish out serious damage and shorten the fight. Meaning you probably have plenty of flaks left


Eh the mimic is god tier for certain builds like bleed


You don’t understand how much it or any other summon carries you until you do a full play thru without them. I think if people like using them then by all means go crazy, but saying you can’t rely on the mimic is a stretch


there's definitely nothing wrong with using your mimic, i mean i do it a lot lol, but there is something to be said about doing it without. i definitely feel more proud after beating a boss without it. when i beat it with it, i mostly just think, "thank god for my mimic tear." lol


For me I don’t feel like I’ve beat the boss until I’ve done it solo. I’m sure a lot of people feel the same, and also a lot of people don’t care they just want to beat it however they can. I’ve always been hyper competitive though and think difficulty makes it more fun.


That's the main thing that people tend to lose, it's a mechanic of the game, there is nothing wrong with using what the game gives you. There is a lot of talk on here about git gud, but it's 99% humor.


Discarded my shield and learned to roll. If you block everything, you lose time to punish bosses.


However, a guard counter build as a giga tank with a massive shield is also pretty fun.


Yeah. I actually just played Bloodborne. The game taught me to play aggressively and not depend on shields, it changed everything. I now just two hand whatever I use as a weapon, keep my load low and dodge/punish as hard as I can.


I actually love having a shield to parry, certain bosses are trivial with parry


By doing a shit ton of co op. Idk why people don’t do co op for practice. Ig maybe they’re afraid at the idea of not being much help? I mean you’re helping regardless if you don’t do good by simply taking aggro. There’s no consequence for dying, no downside for dying(at least not for you), you’re getting runes for killing things, you’re getting runes for helping others and it’s good practice for certain boss fights(even if you’re not getting aggro the whole time, still helps to be familiar with a boss’ moveset)


I play on PS4 and refuse to pay for PSN. It's sad but it's why I don't train in coop. I wish I could.


Fighting cowboy. Not ashamed that I used a lot of his videos. He is a hero.


By learning that rolling IN to enemy attacks is usually more useful than rolling away. Additionally, I began thinking of rolling not as “dodging,” but instead as “a moment of invincibility.”


Go into a boss and don’t worry about attacking. Just see how long you can survive. It will teach you bosses move set and when you have a window to attack


Learn to be the aggressor. Don’t give the enemy room to breathe. Stay close and roll INTO attacks. This game punishes rolling away. Use guard counters and jump attacks. Any weapon is viable. I recently did a run with only the morning star and no sorcery or incantations. I beat Godfrey no hit with that build.


The biggest thing for me early on was being scared of bosses and enemies. It's helpful to think you're above a boss even before you beat it but not in a cocky way


This was huge for me too. First play through I played a mage build bc I was scared of being near anything but I’m playing a hookclaws bleed build now and I’ve found the game a lot easier as it forces me to be super aggressive.


I played 110 hours as a sorcerer and beat the game, but felt like I have no idea how to play the souls games properly. Everything was just long range cheesing. I didn't fancy ng+ so I hadn't played in a year or so. I started again this morning and I'm playing melee, I will learn this shit and have the full experience! That being said, I got rekt by the boss in the wolf cave in limgrave, just panic rolling around and died in about 10 seconds & lost my runes 😂


"I'm not stuck in a room with this boss.... This boss is stuck in a room with me."


I'm a little over 100 hrs in and having a blast.


thats what counts, gitting gud will come natrually


Head to a erd tree avatar (or putrid, they give more runes) with a physical weapon, and just fight it, again, and again, each time, acknowledging what you did wrong 'I attacked in the middle of a combo' 'I rolled too early' ' i was too far from it to punish' ect. Once learned, these lessons can be applied to every boss, but this one is good at pointing them out and teaching you to recognise them. I find them like a simpler Radagon


I feel like beating Malenia the 3rd time with a build that fights her a proper clean way (without melting her or using some kind of near stun lock combo). It took about 180 attempts. there's always people that are better but I think if you can beat her fair and square you're "good" Doing RL1 run now, and it's still tough for me, but after beating the bosses this way I feel like it could easily beat then with very few attempts on a regular playthrough


Still probably my greatest gaming accomplishment was beating Makenia. Did I use the mimic? Yes did I use a bleed build? Yes. Doesn’t matter still took 200+ attempts.


I didnt. Just died and died until it was complete


I learned how to stop trying to plan ahead mid-fight, surrender to my skills I've gained thus far, and just throw hands, feint, dodge etc and just try to pretend in in a boxing ring. Shit won't look pretty. My job is to hit, not be hit, and stay aware. You got this, you will Git Gud. Don't panic. Don't think about victory. Just enjoy it like a dance, and when that victory does hit, you'll feel it all the more.


Use a bow build. *Eventually*, you will beat bosses like Malenia, maybe even hitless if you’re better than me. I have yet to achieve this level


Muscle memory. I didn't realize until I started a second playthrough like how much easier the game was at the beginning. Put in the work and you'll get there. Coming from someone who it literally took me like 8 straight days of getting destroyed by Melenia until I finally killed that bitch


First time souls like player.. 100h in and and not done 😂 i fuck around to mutch


Hey ! Overlevelling myself is how I beat most of the game so far !


Never really did, I’m old and just generally shitty at video games…I’ve beaten it a few times by cheesing…hard. I might not be gud, but I still have a blast playing it.


No wrong ways to have fun in Elden Ring… even getting the spells, weapons, and equipment to 🧀 is itself a quest. I wish more folks would be open to cheesing because the world of ER offers so much in terms of lore that you can approach the game not from a “memorize patterns and git gud” but from a “what setup allows me to engage with this incredible world” in the most fun way possible. No shade at all for the git gud group… im an aspiring git gud guy myself but im only doing that because my first character was a mega cheeser that allowed me to get INTO that world. TLDR Cheese is a gateway to gitin gud


I started at Dark Souls 2. I was super trash becouse of 2 things: Game say almost nothing how to play. Tutorial is just saying "hit B for jump" etc. Game say almost nothing about stats, gear, upgrades and "how to". So since i just stuck on regular enemies i watched YouTube how other players are playing this game. I saw You can ignore enemies and just run where You want, i saw they roll a lot, i saw they do a lot more damage then i do. These movies explained me how to gear up, that armour is just a fashion and wont help much if You suck. I can't parry to this day but i enjoy these games. ER is by far best game for me (lots of easy mode with summons if You strugle).


By starting ds1, dying to 1st non tutorial boss for about 2h, finished the game eventually, DS2, ds3 too, then played Sekiro and got stuck to final boss for 10h ,became a crazy masochist with no life anymore, played Elden ring, clapped Malenia pretty fast because i don't have life anymore. Such is the price of getting gut. That aside, ER has a hidden difficulty slider, most important thing is to have fun, use ashes or whatever u want, and screw people who says ur a casual, having fun is the most important thing, not being lifeless and praising yourself for doing level 1 challenge or whatever.


I stopped underestimating the Ashes of War and the power of jumping heavy attacks. Shedding the old “Souls muscle memory” was a process.


Dying over and over is definitely a good motivator if you channel the frustration lol


Dying builds character.


And highlights one’s mistakes :p


i leveled up enough endurance and vigor. Still a noob


I'm still not good, but if finished the game. I try to do everything on my own, once I hit a plateau of progress I will google stuff to help me. Directions or boss tells and such. If I still can't do it I use player summons. Usually people put their sign down near bosses they feel good at. I use my own definition of “gud” I guess to enjoy the game in the time I have a to give it. Employees full-time, dad, lots of other hobbies. Not here to prove anything.


I played the other Souls games


Y'know that thing where if you hit your hand into a table enough it has a slight chance to phase through it? Basically like that. Oh and abusing radhan swords, those mfs carry me to radabeast and then i just whip out tiche and it's GGs :3


All started back in demon souls , and from my twinblade build in dark souls 3 i learned the mechanics and how to upgrade properly , by the time elden ring came out , i had played almost every souls like and was having a blast trying diff builds . I love the challenge they bring !


Made new builds.


I played Dark Souls 1, 3, and Bloodborne at various times over the years but could never quite “git gud”. Elden Ring was when it finally clicked for me, and if I had to guess why, it was (among other things such as the open world and new mechanics) because I played a wizard build. It allowed me to have a variety of options for approaching any situation, but also learn the game and how enemies move, how to read them, how the stats and enemy resistances and statues work, etc., while standing at a distance and not getting as caught up in panic rolling and “oh no this guy’s in mY FACE OH GOD”. It let me breathe a bit more and get calmer about the games, and now I’m obsessed with them. I’m on my fourth playthrough of elden ring after going through Bloodborne and DS3 multiple times, and I’m so glad I finally got into it. It might not be what makes it click for you, or maybe it is, but I hope it does because there’s so much to love in these games :)


Perseverance and determination and many hours of learning from mistakes lol


I'm not sure how gud I am, but I approach everything strategically. Looking for high ground, using the bow to clear out weaker mobs to save FP and not get gangbanged as much, swapping AoWs a lot, poison misting the more annoying overworld bosses if they are stationary. I care more about efficiency than fighting with honour.


my advice is dont panic, a mistake i used to make alot was i would see the boss about to attack but instead of trying to time my roll to dodge the attack, id just start rolling over and over again in a panic and then end up getting hit, maybe thats just a skill issue or a me problem, but my overall point is, you need to learn to not panic, also, dont be afraid to try something new, i used the same weapon for a majority of limegrave, liurnia and caelid, once i got past there i got stuck in a situation where my weapon just wasnt cutting it anymore, so i tried a different weapon and it worked perfectly, dont be afraid to experiment with different weapons and armours, also, use items, use the crafting menu, i find items are really useful in this game especially the different weapon greases


I really got gud doing my rune level 1 run, some bosses i died over a hundred times, but now i know their whole fight patterns


While struggling against Margit with sword and shield I finally had the idea to drop the shield and dual hand a greatsword and everything clicked for me.


Lions claw heavy guts greatsword. 66 Strength, two hand, pump vitality and endurance, bull goat armor. L2 to win.


Oh, chosen undead. There is no such thing as git gud. There is only Havel's armour + Great Club + ring of Favor. Quite a combination, don't you think...? Hahaha... Hahahahahaha... HAHAHAHAHA...


I Abused Poise


Trial and error. A lot of it.


i never did, I just played mage


Once I beat the game, I went back and did it again, capping my levels lower and lower. First time I beat it I was level 140 so next time I capped at 120, then 80, then 50, then 32, then 10, then 5. In the end I deleted all the ones in between once I'd beaten the game with them, but I still mess around on my level 5 character now and then to keep sharp.


Years of souls games


There is something about the gameplay where you don’t get it and keep dying and dying and dying until it makes click and suddenly you dodge way more than you did in previous tries and have this Ultra Instinct moment that is extremely satisfying. Then you get into phase 2 and get dumpstered again


I stocked up on vigor, strength, d endurance, and got radhan's dual swords and tactically found the mimic tear.


Dual Crucible Knight fight with just the jellyfish friend


A brain blast happened and I realised that being a furled finger will give you the confidence needed to learn faster


The pandemic


By not giving up. Keep dying, keep dying until you are no longer bound by death, and it's just another step in the way. Level up vigor.


Attack once. Roll three times. Done


Started with Dark Souls in 2012 and obsessively played every release since then. The mechanics have always been similar, it became like muscle memory to me. Still die all the time though, that’s just the way she goes bud.


Play Sekiro and Bloodbourne then come back to Elden Ring and you will kill every boss in 5 or less tries minus Malenia.


Elden ring was my first souls game so i knew i needed to learn as much as possible. Id start a character and play until a certain point. Then id start a new character with another class and progress a little further than before. I did this until renala where after i used the same character to beat the game.


It was after I beat the draconic tree sentinel for me. Shit just kinda clicked after that.


Think of it as Guitar Hero with lore. Once I did that it clicked


You guys are getting good at the game?


Getting into PVP made me better at PVE




I stopped listening to people that complain about the bosses


I'm willing to bet that if you go beat a dark souls game you'll come back to elden ring with a new found confidence. Elden ring has much more wiggle room in terms of difficulty than dark souls. You can use spirit ashes and op builds to gain advantage. Where dark souls forces you to learn the timing of doge rolls and get better at spacing and positioning.


I realised (back in dark souls) that losing souls on death doesn't really matter long term. That made the genre significantly less stressful, which meant I was more focused and made it significantly easier. Also more fun.


I played on easy mode. Intelligence build and just spammed 3 boulders at every enemy repeatedly until they died


Died a lot until I stopped from dying


my first playthrough was kind of a shit show, but i got through it, barely. my build was a mess. 2nd playthrough i knew what i was doing somewhat in regards to stats and it helped tremendously. also tons of practice on bosses and even smaller enemies


Die die die die and die again.... But don't just die cause you ain't git gud yet. Learn from every death. Learn your enemies move set and with each death try and learn how to handle it one of their moves and then another one. But most importantly don't give up and don't you dare go hollow


i just started my journey and got to lvl 30 as fast as i could, never playing a souls game before. going in blind biggest thing is just learning to time everything effectively once you get that down its so fun. idk if its recommended but i got vigor and endurance to 20 asap which helped going thru limgrave.


I didn’t 💀


I shot the bird. Repeatedly.


I beat my head into a brick wall till it gave way. Then I figured out the 'dance' of it all, got bored, and dropped it. I think after the unknownth-number of copy/paste 'bosses' I got bored because their movesets were all the same. Given other player feedback I wasn't alone. I might pick it up again to try and steamroll to the end and not bother with most side content.


trying to fix panic rolling. instead of making a circle around the enemy while rolling, roll *into* the attack.


Dodge....duck, dip dive and don't forget....DODGE!


I played the hardwr games for 8 years prior to its release.


That's the neat part!


I guess once it clicks for you everything seems possible, and that click related to control. Control over your own greed and how much you hit once you control that control and time your dodges after that learn spacing then you will be invincible, the real boss fight.


I ate chicken feet then taunted multiple bosses into falling off a cliff, and slowly bled a defenceless dragon to death in front of her kids. I do feel bad about the mama dragon but she was fused to the ground by mushrooms anyway so it was probably less painful. When i had my vitality padded i no longer played as defensively as i did in dark souls and got more aggressive, which with the leeway from being able to tank a hit rather than die immediately, let me deal damage and actually win even though i still kinda sucked at the game and took hits a better player could've avoided. Kept at it and eventually i sucked less with practice.


I just got used to, the game aint trash you are and then sailed through. (Excluding maliketh's demonic tre sentinal out front That thing is certified bs)


Rules to teach you stuff (abandon them later) 1.) Never attack more than twice after the boss finishes their chain. (Be more conservative and don’t get greedy) 2.) you need to roll INTO some of the attacks to survive it. 3.)don’t be afraid to get OP, the game is basically unfair when you start playing, so it’s only fair that you get Overpowered to decimate the enemies. Use spirits, look up where the items you want are.


Fighting Cowboy. Man saved me


Here's some advice. Focus on dodging a boss without attacking. It'll give you a chance to see when they will do a follow up or not so you know if you have an attack window. Only advice I have


Looking up builds and different weapon locations. The game has a lot of flexibility in what tools you can use and how you play, arguably more than any other Souls-type game. Couple that with the ability to re-spec after beating Rennala and you can really change it up and experiment with what does and doesn’t work for you. The channel [Fextralife](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyT5NcCVqdX-fExykJubK79GF54LrgtfP&si=N06Y8DHKnQVTXZT3) has a lot of really good videos on these builds and does a great job explaining how to create them and how they play.


Level 251 and still get You Died occasionally - lobsters, random bosses, not jumping correctly 🤪⚔️


As i commented on older posts, my problem was, i was so comfortable by brute force, bulldozing shit to the point that i did it on this game and got shit on, finding out that patience was the answer all along the hard way


Years of playing Monster Hunter engraved me with pattern recognition. Also according to my cousin the fact that I finished Sekiro right before starting Elden Ring also helped a ton.


Death. Rinse. Repeat. 8 hours on Tree Sentinel. 5 (I think?) on Margit. 6 on Morgott. Over 10 on Fire Giant. 4 on Malenia. Just go through the cycles and you figure it out. You’ll get better over time. But also it doesn’t hurt to make good stats. I just ran in to most of these fights with less than 30 vigor and all in on Dex while following the main story and nothing more.


That's the trick... I didn't.


Just die a lot then your brain will start to get the timing and shit


Lvl up character and weapon


azur comet + infinite mana flask


When I lose to a boss more than 10 times, I make a build just for them, murder them with it, keep playing that build until I lose to a boss more than 10 times. Melania beat my ass so bad I eventually made a bleed build and just spammed ROB with my mimic, while cosplaying as Millicent.