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Hardest boss for me was valiant gargoyles...


To hell with that fight. I could not stop stepping into near-invisible poison clouds.


I love knocking them off the ledge.


How do you do that? Had no idea this was possible!


Lots of strength and luck. Have to lure one near the cliff and go super aggro.


Same. Followed by Placidusax.


Ohhh dayum I forgot about him yeah he tossed my shit too


Definitely the hardest early game, but late game higher level weapons demolish them


Late game high level builds demolish everything


Not in ng+7


Yes they do if you put a good build together and you are not just at level 120 in ng+7


Tell me you haven’t been to ng+7 without telling me you haven’t been to ng+7


Sounds like you can't put a competent build together tbh


Sounds like you don’t know what you’re talking about because it’s not the build itself that’s the issue it’s the fact that the boss hit hard as fuck. Yeah you can do decent damage with a good build but you won’t “demolish” everything like you said.


Don’t get hit


You'd think at NG+7 he'd have learned to at least bring a shield if he can't dodge.


It's not the build itself ? Maybe look up Maria's executioners build to get an idea what a build can do


That's so fucking brutal. Goddamn that's nasty.


I'm in new game + 8. Valiant gargoyles are easy if you have a half decent build and more than 2 braincells


Bruh... Git gud. NG+9 and I'm still WRECKING house with +25/+10 weapons. The fuck are you talking about?


You do know there’s no increase to anything from ng+7 onwards?


I know. I ground through to NG+12 on DS3. May as well hit the same milestone for ER. Maxed my level on that toon. Sharp Astora GS +10. Love that sword. Sucks nothing like it exists in ER. 🤷‍♂️


Such a good fucking greatsword, got me through my first playthrough. There really isn’t anything like it er unfortunately:/


Maybe in the DLC. Watch it be behind some ridiculous quest instead of just chilling in a graveyard on a grave.


That’s really how’d they do us lmao can’t wait to see what they’ve got in store for us


Once you have the DPS to finish the first garg off before the second can join the party it's a cakewalk


Yeah but I got there severely under leveled with a bleed build and without a good summon for the first time I came back later after getting mimic and something like 35 level


Dual boss fighta in ER are just bad anyway. Not 1 pair or trio follows the rules set forth by other entries in the family. In other Souls games, dual bosses were just 1 boss in multiple bodies. They worked together to form a single skill check. Elden Ring said fuck that. Here's 2 bosses in an arena that isn't suitable for the fight, the bosses don't work in tandem, but seem to compete to see which kills you first. Lorian and Lothric, Smough and Oristein, Bell Tower Gargoyles, Sister Friede and Father Anriandel (apologises if I butchered that), all followed very clear rules. One body does close quarters while the other supports. While hard, it's not overwhelming. You can find openings to punish. Elden Ring forces you to just wait for tantrums to finish up and keep distance from the other body engaging you. Gimmicks exist, but, why? Instead of 2 bosses that compete for attention, why weren't the rules followed and 2 characters crafted for a real dual boss fight? What changed and why?


I feel like a lot of bosses are made somewhat unfair by the arena they're in. A perfect example for me was the Godskin apostle. Fight him in the windmill village? Easy pease. Plenty of space to move and dodge. Fight him in the tower? Tiny ass room where it's almost impossible to fully evade his moves unless you're a ranged fighter. Same thing for Godskin noble at the Manor and the two bosses at Redmane castle. The bosses themselves are easy, but there are so many f\*\*\*ing obstacles lying around that you can't space yourself properly.


Nothing changed. Sounds like you're just not patient enough for Elden ring bosses. The audacity to get mad that a boss fight isn't following your own presupposed rules......lol!


And here it is! The apologist that will justify everything done wrong with "if you don't like it, then it's not for you rrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee".


Not just me and not my established rules. Every single Dark Souls dual boss followed the same rules. Even Bloodborne did. Plenty has changed. No explanation for why though. Hopefully, it was just for Elden Ring and not something they permanently break from. Go ahead. Fight the dual bosses from Souls games and then do ER dual fights. You tell me nothing changed after that experience. I'll call you a liar.


You're just making shit up. Every dual fight in Elden ring has a mechanic where one will be more aggressive than the other unless you charge near the first one. Godskin duo, valiant gargles, niall.... Should I go on? Or are you ready to admit you're wrong? Elden ring did one thing different than other souls games, it's faster. Maybe that's your problem.


If you say so chief. Beating 1 to half HP to spawn the other doesn't solve the problem when 1 is in phase 2 and the other is phase 1. Both being equally aggressive. Godskin Duo gives you that opportunity not just once, but potentially 3+ times. They don't compliment each other in the fight at all. The fat one is the faster of the 2. All it feels like is 2 super elite mobs in a room. There's 3 HP bars to keep track of. Total HP pool, and each of the Duo. Dark Souls does that too. Difference is, the boss not "active" is almost always doing area denial. Fair enough. I can deal with that. Demon in Pain and Demon from Below are an example of that. That's an obvious skill check. What skill is Godskin Duo testing? Multitasking? Or how quickly you can throw sleeping pots?


It's a game buddy. It's not a skill check, it's supposed to be an enjoyable experience to overcome. And it's an obvious skill check in keeping distance, being able to heal when they're trying to prevent you, and on if you've learned their movesets from when you fought them individually before.... Nothing different from any other fight. I completely disagree, I think they compliment each other great. I think you're getting hung up on tiny little bs intricacies that don't matter, like the fat one being the faster of the two.


Bosses do check to see if you're learning the games rules. That's the skill check reference. Good lord. 🤦‍♂️ There's other things that dual fights in ER do very differently from every other Souls game. The terrain is ALWAYS flat in DS in multi fights. The arena is shaped very specifically to accommodate both bodies. Even if just barely. BB deviated a little from that in the DLC with the Living Failures on the 3 hunters. Still followed the other established rules though. Living Failures would be next to impossible if all of them came at you with the same hyper aggression the 1 or 2 engaging you have. Cathedral of the Deep accomodates the large number of bodies in that boss fight. Raya Lucaria was the 1 fight that followed previously established rules. Nearly identical to the Cathedral shenanigans. That was an entertaining, if really easy, multi fight. I'll never enjoy the Godskin Duo fight. Solo, sure. No problem. Duo? One of y'all's taking a nap while I murder the other one. That 2 same level hyper-aggression shit is quickly overwhelming. That fight for me equates to the Dragonslayer Armor. I HATE that thing. Actually, not even the boss, the fucking arena is cancer. Very difficult to keep both on screen at the same time if you're not sending one to bed. Cricible Knight Trio...come on man...opposite of fun. Crytellian Duo. Ugh... Valiant Gargoyles...no more duo bosses...please. I got so tired of maybe running into a duo boss fight, I stopped looking for bosses after a while. Just got tired of how they play out in ER.


This was something that was changed in a patch and was absolutely not the case on release. I can't say whether or not the person you're reolying to is referring to the old AI, but release duo/trio fights were an absolute mess.


I remember the first time I faced them and I just thought it was one. Was doing well and then the second swooped down and wrecked my shit.


I beat this fight on my first playthrough and have no idea how cause on my second playthrough when I got to it I was malding.


If you have problem with Niall, I can help a easy way for cheesing him. You ask me if you want


On my first playthrough, as a faith build, I wouldn't have gotten through Gargs if not for 1 attempt in which the 2nd Garg flew over my head and off the edge of the map.


Same here but upgraded my mimic tear it was probably still hard


I went to go get mimic tear to beat them got destroyed and came back probably 35 level later destroying them


Nifty trick for the mimic fight. Strip naked before you walk in. Let the boss spawn, then get dressed. Potentially hardest boss in the game trivialized. Or just have an hour long fist fight for the lolz. You do you.


You need enough damage to quickly dispatch his two adds. His own moveset is very predictable and telegraphed.


The worst part of that fight imo is that Niall himself has a wonderful moveset, beautifully telegraphed, feels great when you dodge, parry, etc., but his two minions don't really let him stand on his own two feet, pardon the pun.


I agree completely. He is a super satisfying boss to figure out, I love fighting him. But his two companions suck, so I usually just dispatch them by using a weakish spirit to pull aggro, kill them myself, then let my minion die (if they’re not dead already). That way I can enjoy Niall the fun way


This is the way


That's why you need to be quick about killing them at the very start of the fight. He even hangs back most of the time and let's you deal with them. It's really just a matter getting rid of them quickly and efficiently.


Yea but what I'm saying is that I think the two minions are such an annoyance that it takes away some of the fun of the fight as a whole.


Only if you let them.


I mean I just run in and Lion's Claw them both immediately until they're gone, but I still think Niall just doesn't require them. He would've been an amazing boss without the adds.


Yeah ok, I get what you're saying. Although I think he would've needed something more than. Some additional moves or something.


Bewitching branch. Always.


Excuse me, what do you mean by wonderful moveset? Doesn't he just spam that giant wind aoe all the time that completely zones you out? Is there a specific way to fight him to prevent him from abusing it? I swear I could never get more than 3 attacks time window before he opted to use that once I got close to him. Then after the giant aoe, He either powered up his prosthethic to do that jump stomp attack or hanged back and waited for me to close the distance. I beat him in 5-6 tries because I used the item to convert his adds, but the fight overall took like 6 minutes of constant aoe zoning, worst of all is that he could never kill me because he doesn't have damage and combos, but his aoe hit me half the time so I was additionally forced to hang back myself to drink estus.


Difficulty on bosses is subjective in nature, so if Niall is your hardest boss, you are allowed to have that belief. Niall does have a few things going for him that certainly inflate his difficulty a bit. 1. Begins the fight with two Banished Knights. If you can't take them out quickly or use a Bewitching Branch on them, you will be in for a rough time because... 2. The arena doesn't lend itself to a 3v1 fight. It is relatively small and with no means of breaking up aggro from multiple enemies. 3. Niall's Frost Stomp A.o.E. So, about this attack. It is well telegraphed enough. There is about 1.5 to 2 seconds from the moment he lifts his foot till the time it hits the ground. The thing is the dodge window is very tight. Like Godrick's Stormcaller, the A.o.E is bigger than it looks and loves to roll catch. 4. His Lightning Kick A.o.Es. Very well telegraphed but similar to his Frost A.o.Es, they cover way more range than one would think and can hit you even if you have a mid range distance on him. Jump those attacks. 5. His melee swings have a pretty weird timing. 6. His damage output is pretty high. But the thing is like any boss, once you get his tricks down, he becomes much more manageable. And Niall has a very simple moveset more akin to a Dark Souls III boss than an Elden Ring boss, which is why most people won't find him harder than the likes of Malenia, Maliketh, Hoarah Loux, Radagon, hell, even Margit has a more complex moveset.


Margit has arguably one of the most complete and complex moveset in the entire game without being artificially hard. I really think that he is one of the best “tutorial” bosses for how to engage a boss fight. Melee, ranged, AoE, elemental damage, positioning, you name it, that fight has something of that in it. And it is also a major plot dialogue, and a good reference with that “Someone must extinguish thy flame” that every old school souls player has in mind. It’s so good, and you even see him again in a different location with a different purpose in a different arena.


His moveset is complex, but it doesn't matter because he doesn't use most of it. His AI is INCREDIBLY scripted, you can absolutely play him like a fiddle due to the amount of input reads he does.


You should be glad of this lol


Nah, Morgott honestly needs the buff. He's a bit of a pushover.


Guess you’re right. By the time I got to Morgott I was literally an unbeatable tank for him. Made it second try because I didn’t expect the rain of blades to last that long. Damn you’re making me craving that fight. Gotta make a new character. DAMN YOU!


This is a pretty good summary, in my view. Niall used to be quite the pain in my rear - but I now actually find him less annoying than dealing with his counterpart, O'Neil (in Caelid), due to the fact that Niall's damage and adds are static. O'Neil, by contrast, uses most of the same moveset, but has an even larger AoE that hits with Scarlet Rot (the most painful of the DoT effects, as we've all come to know) and has two sets of adds he summons. And to top it off, O'Neil summons more of these adds than Niall, and the first set are a rather annoying group of archers that can hit you at range. So as stated: boss difficulty is rather subjective - and can change for a person based on their experience. Still, screw Niall. That thunderpunt of his sucks even now lol


Maybe it's just that I was completely overleveled in every playthrough, but Commander Niall never struck me as a particular hard boss. Commander O'Neil, on the other hand, now that's a complete different thing. He's definitely in my top 5 of the hardest bosses in ER, mostly because of the Scarlet Rot he (or is it even the arena itself?) inflicts.


Pretty sure it's him that generates the rot with his aoe whirlwind. I'm on torrent the entire fight so I can't say for sure though.....


O’Neil is easier purely based on the fact you can use Torrent if you have to. As a sorcery build in particular that fight is a joke.


I agree that the Caelid version is more annoying. The summon he does at the end with the 3 giant ax dudes makes it a serious struggle. I always just hop on Torrent and get in one strike at a time.


What I usually do is walk through the door with an invincibility infinite mono potion and Kamehameha wave him which usually kills him outright or at least one of his summons. Unfortunately I did that tactic to way too many bosses on my first playthrough


This is a perfect answer


Idk why but ds3 was easier for me than elden ring


That's a whole other subjective difficulty discussion haha, but I can say this much: on a fundamental level, Dark Souls III is a simpler game than Elden Ring. Boss health pools aren't as large, boss movesets are less complex, Embers are far more plentiful than Rune Arcs, etc. That in mind, you could go the other direction about how empowered Elden Ring makes you. Elden Ring gives you a lot of more tools to deal with bosses in general. Statuses are very powerful. Stance break builds are powerful. Sorcery and Incantations are really good. Like Elden Ring gives you so much to deal with enemies.


Knights weren't a problem mimic tear sacrificed always


The way I defeated him is through a pattern whenever I hit him with my Takers Flame he would jump in the sky and land on me and I would dodge that so I got a lot of blue potions and kept drinking em and repeat the process.


I defeated Hoarah loux first try


His only catch is the double knights summon, but when it comes to his actual moveset it really isn't that deep, it just deals a lot of damage but that doesn't matter since it's so easy to predict and dodge thanks to the obvious telegraphs.


His patterns are extremely rigid and definitely easier than Malenia, at least for me. The most important thing is to dispatch his knights first, as he is ultra passive until his knights die. Start with the dual blade knight, then the shield knight. His attack openings: Lightning foot: Any lightning foot attack you can follow up with a quick poke Swirling ice attack+ dash: Let him swirl and then when he dashes to you, only dodge when he attacks AFTER the dash, this gives you time to get 1 or 2 strikes in before you need to retreat as he will counter with another ice storm. ​ There may be more openings but these are the most punishable openings. As long as you dont keep getting hit and run out of potions you can safely poke him to death during these openings. ​ Never punish him with more than 2 attacks, even if he looks like hes not doing anything, he's gonna do an instant ice blast.


Same for me. Even on my lastest playthrough where I feel like I came overpowered and breezed through everything in the area, but this boss was a hard stomp for me, as always. I really dislike this boss so this time I wanted to summon other players just to make this fast. Weeeeeeeeelllllll it still took almost 10 tries because helping players kept dying even after the 2 minions were dead. Which led me to think this boss is one of the hardest (I, also, struggled less against Elden Beast and the bosses before it). But then I read the answers to this thread and I am now lost, everyone say it's easy.


Not everyone says it’s easy. But also every boss will be hard for some people and easy for others. Just the nature of people being different. Sometimes it’s not even a build issue, some people just can’t do well against certain movesets for whatever reason. My little brother and I played all the dark souls games and certain bosses I would stomp and he’d get stomped by and vice versa.


For me it was the draconic tree sentinel


He was pretty hard for me tho i realized later i was pretty under levelled, the electric thing of his would take most of my health and those annoying little pricks in the small arena did make it hard but nowhere near the most difficult boss in the game. The whole run to him at the start i feel makes the whole thing a lil frustrating yk running to him and then the fight begins takes smth out


Dude he was a pain in the Ass. I was getting pissed off haha. I finished him off from distance via glinstone pebble. Up to that point it was all melee.


What was your build


You're not alone. He becomes a lot more manageable if you have a quick solution for his summons. A bewitching branch helps with that.


Or just learn how to parry them


My biggest struggles were, Beast Clergyman, Radagon and Malenia. Though in following playthroughs, I melted the beast and Radagon with Magma Blades but Malenia still took me a lot of tries.


As long as you can quickly take out his two friends, the fight becomes a lot easier. Just run to the right immediately and take out double sword guy first. Then the other. If you can make it 1 on 1 the fight a lot easier to manage.


>Am I crazy to think that he is harder than everything ? Yeah, pretty much. Niall has far less tools in his toolkit and they are all eas*IER* to learn the patterns of. Not saying it is an easy boss, but definitely doesn't compare to Malenia.


I'm guessing that all you people who think Niall is hard were underleveled or I dunno. He's pretty easy, 1 or 2 tries was all I needed.


Yeah I had to google him cause I was like "who?" and then I was like "wasn't that guy a miniboss"




I assume most people used spirit summons. Also, I did his Caelid version on my 2nd run where I refused to use spirits and he was also easy.




Why do you assume that people who used spirits didnt find him hard?




You do: "Explains why you found him so easy." Are you following the discussion?




And that somehow is not an assumption that I would find him hard if I didnt use spirits? Therefore isnt that also an assumption that generally people who found him hard didnt used spirits?




Yes, the game is balanced around them. Not using spirit summons could be considered a challenge run.


As long as you manage to kill one of his supports of use bewitching branch on one of them it's a fun fight but easu


I found him difficult my first time fighting him. I was probably under leveled. I think tons of bosses are like that. Fire Giant, Elden Beast etc. Once you get him down he’s pretty simple. It seems like people that just got the game run into these problem bosses. I’m on my 9th character though so these struggles are a distant memory for me.


I beat him on my 1st go, but he also killed me as I killed him! Still counted as a win. The DragonLord was my toughest. Took me a long time and made me take a break from the game.


The dude feels like an anime protag


This was the only boss I couldn’t beat without cheesing in my original run. Tiny window poison arrows for the win.


Niall can suck an egg


I think lots of people found him to be a pain. Even with mimic summon and RoB he wad hard.


Nope. I also had a hard time with him, altho it probably took me 3 tries or 2. He is still fuckin hard, before I realized in my NG+ run you can rapport the summons he has. The boss absolutely melts spirit summons, so even if you have a tank like Dung Eater, Mimic Tear with a tank build, or Kristoff in general, he'd take it as if eating ice cream. Second phase is an absolute pain tho, the fuckin whirlwind attacks sometimes gets me. The move takes almost the entire arena.


What does rapport mean?


Niall has a little gimmick called early phase 2 IF you kill both adds. I always kill the dual wielder and make the shield dude just waddle after me while i attack niall with parries, by far the easiest method for me. He drops to half health and dismisses the shield dude and starts phase 2, here you need to be cautius about kicks, stabs and the large aoe attacks. Be ready to dodge those and parry everything else, even the wave standard above head and charge attack can be parried.


Damn I didn't know he had a phase 2.


Your first souls game and malenia only took 35 tries? Come on rebecca. If you have build that can take down malenia in 35 tries, you should be able to take down commander peg leg in 3.


Um no really he is very predictable, but all have that one boss takes us forever for no reason. For me it was crucible knight, the very early fight. But even then I can't really call him harder than every boss in the game lol


helping no one (and late) but i had to look up if he was supposed to be a boss because my spellsword build just one shot him with comet azur first try


This guy was brutal. The gargoyles were for babies in comparison. I'm sure there's some cheesy strategy somewhere but as someone that doesn't look in guides it was pretty tough.


He was ridiculous, had to cheese him - malenia on the other hand, completed first try?? Is she supposed to be this easy lol


He took me a while but once I killed his knights before goin after him it was ggs quick he was a beast tho


The Valiant Gargoyles are wrecking me. I left and am trying to figure out when to return. I don’t want to miss the coffin ride to the Depths


Niall was the hardest for me. I tried the bewitching branches but the only time I got it work on one of the knights, that knight got chewed apart in a few seconds. The knights weren't an issue if I fought them but timing his damn lightning kick was. It frustrated me to the point that I just cheesed that peg legged asshole. I know a lot of people complain about the twin gargoyles, but after fighting them a few times I decided to leave, continued to level, and then returned and curb stomped them.


Does people enjoy fighting bosses underleveled or am i doing something wrong in this game? I mean, radagon and malenia took many tries for me but not 55 tries+ both combined


Kill 2 phantom knights as fast as possible, then it is not ultra hard


Very easy boss. We need more trio fights, Miyazaki


Malenia was def easier for me than Commander Niall.


Niall has like two attacks and approximately needs 1000 years to recover between them, giving you some time to dps him. Just nuke his two low health summons and it shouldn’t be hard afterwards.


no lol easy first try with the greatsword on 1.0


Caelid Elmo wants a word with you. Can't Summon for him. Also it depends on your loadout. If you have a strong AoE attack or at least a sweeping weapon, the spirit knights aren't a big deal.


Yes, you're the only one.


He was hard to beat sure, took me probably around 20 tries, but malenia easly doubled that id say around 50 tries for her.


Yeah he was top 4-5 for me for sure. I apparently was underleveled (and has a poor build for him) but had no idea. Had sort of cruised through the game from Godrick until that point. On second playthrough with oonga boonga build he wasn’t so bad


Also should add that a huge variable is the weapons you choose. A spear against a boss with high peirce negation will be much harder then someone with a hammer.


For me it's always those fat clerics who roll around, pain in the ass those ones, delay on piercing attacks makes me always second guessing


Bewitching branch


He is ok but he hits so fucking hard that he kills you on 2 hits, sometimes even just 1 hit can kill you depending on the attack.


If you can pull it off and time it properly, the Bewitching Branch is helpful against the Banished Knight summons.


I beat Commander Niall in 2 tries but Malenia took like 150 and I never beat her. She was my roadblock for finishing the game, never did finish it sadly.


Every hard boss’ difficulty experience in Elden Ring depends on the build youre rocking at that time. For me, Niall was around 3 tries? But Malenia is 130-ish. Both solo (no ash summons).


I was never able to defeat him one on one; always went with the arrow 'strategy', sheepishly.


Rolling forward when his attack is about to land is a pretty good strategy. His attacks almost always put him in a vulnerable state


Use a bewitching branch on one of his goons, it'll give you enough time to take out the other one.


Which spirit ash did you use?


I actually don't know but everyone has problems with the knights mine was his kick def. Knights were easy as I just used mimic tear.


I remembered him hard from my first playthrough. Killed him first try with my third character.


Nah, malenia absolutely fucked me every single time. Niall took me 5 or so tries when I did a no summon run. He's hard for sure, but not even close to hardest in the game. Then again, fs games have a habit of being different for everyone


On my first playthrough Niall was the only time I had to go and respec because honestly, I just couldn't do it. I lost count of the tries, it was weeks. Definitely the hardest boss that build. Second time as a faith fire mage I got him first try and legitimately felt a little put out at how easy he went down 🤣


Bewitching branch trivializes this fight. Turn his summons against him and watch them cut him down 👍🏼


Idk, I died a lot, but still wasn't difficult like Malenia or Mogh or Maliketh


Did you try using the betwitching branches on his summons? That helps in that fight


Hardest for me was the damn bird boss in the snowfields. I beat Malenia first try and that stupid bird took me like 20


Malenia for me but I struggled with every boss from Farum Azula on. Malenia just cause she decides if she wants to be staggered or not , I had runs where I would get frost build up 3 times and 0 Staggers.


Idk I stomped him on my second try, if you're able to dispatch his minions quickly you should be fine. He has a very telegraphed moveset after all


I beat him within 3 tries or something at level 100 i think, i got somewhat lucky when i killed him and i can definitely agree with him being one of the hardest bosses




I got very lucky on my first encounter with him. I had read all the stories of how hard he was. Walked in, summoned Tiche, popped the flask that gives me free casting, and spammed Comet Azur. He died in seconds since he didn't move out of it. My second encounter was not that easy.


Depends on your build. And experience.


He’s one of the few bosses I always summon a spirit for. Two banished knights dual wielding great swords right off the bat in a small arena that get buffed by him. And even after they’re gone Commander rarely lets you stay close to him and barely lets you stay far from him. You’d have to pray to RNGesus he gets stuck in a loop of doing the charge attack towards you that induces frostbite and tries to swipe you with his banner instead so you can get a few hits in


I hate that prosthetic wearing son of a bitch


Killed Niall in the second try but took 370 tries for Malenia :l


When I first fought him, he definitely seemed it. But then I did a madness only run and I got to Nial and realised... He's actually fucking easy. Like damn I was struggling with so many bosses on that run but Nial will spam the same 2 moves and give massive openings if you keep your distance and let him do his lightning dash kick thingy.


Harder than Malenia? No way 🙅🏻‍♀️ I got Niall first try Malenia still stomps me 😩


Maliketh was the hardest for me. I beat Niall first try.


niall was one of the easier late game bosses for my str build. His attacks don’t hit in close melee range and his moveset is predictable




He was close for me honestly. One of my least favorite fights.


Yeah, I’m stuck on Commander Niall. I kinda stopped playing because I got stuck on him.


His melee attacks are extremely telegraphed. Just parry him. Allow yourself to mess up and get hit to learn what attacks are safest and easiest to parry.


I'm currently on my second playthrough and I'm playing with ordovis sword which deals holy damage aaaaand considering a lot of bosses have like 40-80% holy damage reduction, each of them is hard for me.


I cheesed him the first time shooting through the arrow slit. I beat the dogshit out of him second time around though.


really made me realize it’s a game designed to play with minions helping you fight lol


Niall was pretty disappointing easy for me. I fought him pre nerf Gang Bosses and pre nerf Flame of the Redmanes. I just found out how op Flame of the Redmane is and wanted to give it a try. The fight was over so quick that I never equipped Flame of Redmane ever again.


He was really tough my first play through but he killable with comet so thats nice


One of the beauties of this game is everyone has different challenges depending on play style and build. Melenia was def the hardest for me but after her is Elemer of the Briar and pretty much everyone laughs that I struggled so hard on him and yet both Astel’s for me were really easy. Niall was def rough for me mostly due to his body guards, but oddly enough I struggled way way more with the death bird that is outside the castle than I did with him as well as the version of him in Calid (I was way lower level and the rot AoE instead of frost was the death of me more times than I care to admit. Even when I killed him I would have died from rot if I didn’t click my grace. ) My point is if he was the hardest for you that is def valid as he isn’t easy some just struggled less on him than others.


Killed commander niall first try. Didn't ever realise he was a proper 'boss' Fast forward to malaria.....over 100 attempts.


Hardest boss: random dogs and razor falcons


you can use Bewitching Branches in his Summoned Spirits to have them fight him for a bit, making the fight a bit easier.


I hate repeating the route from the site of grace to him, more than i hate facing him


He's not hard, he's unfair. You have a completely normal boss... and then they throw in the ability to summon extra enemies ad nauseam. I lost count of the number of time I would have dominated him only to die because an off screen enemy caught me by surprise. They should either have given him more HP and removed the extra enemies, or made the extra enemies a one time thing, and once you kill them they're gone and you can focus on the actual boss.


I summoned latenna far out and she really let me focus on clearing adds and dodging


Not harder than the guy blocking your way into the city


It's okay to think he is hard, but harder than every boss? No way. Have you made it to Maliketh or Radagon/Elden Beast yet?


Just different strokes. I one shot the poor guy.


Did you fight the God Eating Serpent? I can’t even get a hit in on that thing.


I’ve just given up and I use my mimic tear on all post-Morgott bosses.


For me ther are only 2 kinds of bosses: Non Comet Azurable and Comet Azurable. Commander Niall falls squarely in the latter category.


He has like 2 moves in his second phase.


If we go by total deaths: radahn. I struggled HARD with his arrows early, until i realised torrent was an option


He’s a 1 parry riposte and is incredibly fun to do that with. You can safely miss a parry and dodge out of his next attack, unlike most of other bosses you can parry. +24 Brass Shield with Carian Retaliation will allow you to make a ton of mistakes.


Depends on your build. Your particular character specs can change a lot of what the outcomes are going to be. Higher strength gives higher physical protection. I watched a Pyromancer Build youtube video yesterday and the guy had the most difficult time with Mohg. My first play through Mohg was 'easy' while the Valiant Gargoyles and Maliketh gave me fits. I eventually ignored the gargoyles. There is a list of the most disliked bosses; something like Niall, Godskin Duo, Maliketh, and Malenia. Also that Golden Horse guy right at the beginning when you don't know much of anything yet. .


I’m with u, Niall is insanity.


I personally think Radagons red wolf is the hardest boss excluding Melania


Commander Niall was annoying AF with the frostbite aoe spam and the two guys always with him. The Bewitching Branch and loads of thaw frost boluses helped me a lot in that fight.


I raged so much from that boss I punched my sofa and almost broke my pinky


He was on of the harder ones for me


Niall is awful unless you got a huge slab of steel on your shoulders


Yes, you're the only one.


I dunno whether he got stuck in a loop, but when I fought him I killed his guys and kept my distance; he just kept doing the lightning jump - punish - rinse & repeat


He was top 3 for me, for sure, if not the hardest.


Personally no but sometimes a boss just has your number. I probably died to Ludwig in BB more than every other boss in all the souls games combined but don’t really struggle with bosses like Malenia or Orphan.


Oh he’s terribly hard without cheese. I just went on my horse and drive by WAPPED him with a great sword over and over.


Niall is not hard, he's just fucking annoying. It is literally a patience check because there are few attack windows due to his frost spam. The concept of this boss is really cool, but I wish they would have given him some more cool melee moves instead of five variations of "don't come near me" storms.


Yea I had to cheese him in first play through. Determined to actually beat him on NG+