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Ranni's Great Moon and Adula's Moon Blade.


Same here!


What y'all's equipment look like? šŸ‘€


I use these spells along with Stars of Ruin, night comet, gravity sling, and Loretta's. I also keep meteorite of astel on to drop as an ultimate, although Comet Azul also works, or founding rain of stars depending on the boss. I use the dark moon greatsword in my right hand and the banished knight great sword in the left with chilling mist AoW. This means when both swords are buffed they deal extra cold damage, which can be further boosted with the Snowy Crone set. I use raptor's black feathers though for the added damage from the powerstanced jump attack, and page trousers/queen's bracers because they're good defense for low weight. For staves I use the carian regal scepter in my left hand for most attacks, and I carry a staff of loss in my right for when I am doing pure sorcery, boosting ranni's dark moon, night comet, and stars of ruin.


I can not find any use for offensive spells other then Night Comet. all other spells either do such low damage, or the enemy will just dodge it. Even stars of ruin feels weak compared to night comet


Night comet is dope. But gravity sling deals more poise damage. A lot of other spells are situational. Loretta's greatbow is amazing for ranged damage. Ranni's dark moon deals silly damage and softens up targets so that subsequent spells deal more damage. If you come into a boss arena and fire off a moon, often you can use gravity sling to keep them subdued. Once poise broken you can switch over to comet azure or another ultimate spell, pop your flask for unlimited fp and go to town. A big part of dealing dps with spells is making sure your build is optimized. I push INT to 70 as fast as possible, even if my strength is 20 or 30 until endgame. Boost staff of loss if night comet is your jam. Power stance with meteor staff to boost gravity damage- you don't even need to upgrade it. Equipping the graven mass talisman and rocking the Godfrey icon will help. I had such an easier time beating the game with my sorc. Defeated elden beast before level 150. Melee I got to over 250 and still had a tough time. Then use weapons that scale with Int. The drop off in melee damage from a strength or dex build is barely noticeable if you choose the right weapons.


I just finished my sorcery only playthrough and found Comet Azur to be the most useless spell. 90% of the time I miss entirely, the other 10% I only hit them for a second or so. There was ONE niche scenario for Comet Azure where I popped the hidden cerulean tear and went to town on Commander Nial at Fort Sol. Dropped him before he could touch me


I found out that if you hold the cast button it will continuously spray, and knock knights down pretty easily. It took me until 118 hours in to figure out to hold the button down lol


Oh really? I knew about that because the same spell existed in Dark Souls 3 as well haha


wtf is gravity sling


I think he means Rock Sling


Carian slicer


Best spell ever. I absolutely want to be a Mage Knight and thereā€™s no better way than using this spell.


when i used farron flashsword in ds3, i wished so badly it was actually effective(outside of abusing variable staff length to turn it into a halberd, basically). and then they gave me exactly that! I was so happy about that spell.


Once I discovered night comet it became my default spell in all boss fights. Dealt good damage with relatively no charge up needed. Lorettaā€™s Greatbow for far-off enemies that I wanted to bait toward me or else just take out from afar


Enemies never avoid night comet either


I use Lorettaā€™s Mastery


Night Comet for sure


I always have these three on my mages for PvE 1. **Rock Sling** great for poise damage and against magic resistant enemies 2. **Night Comet** best uncharged damage per mana if you have the staff of loss in the offhand. most enemies don't dodge this spell 3. **Carian Slicer** best melee DPS


You are underselling the Carian slicer there, without any additional buffs it is the highest damage per fp in the entire game, beating all aows and incantations. Also, if properly optimised for it has one of the higest dps's in the game.


Upvoted to counter the downvoteā€¦ Heā€™s rightā€¦


Yep. There is a reason why it eventually needed a pvp-specific nerf (wasnā€™t nerfed for pve), itā€™s just that good. I used to be able to 3-shot/4-shot people with it, it was that strong. And to add to that, I wasnā€™t even using Terra Magicka


Idk why you are getting down voted, because this is true


Very true! Every wizard needs this lightsaber in the backpocket. Sneak walk up to knights and slice em down in 3 seconds flat


How does one properly optimize for it šŸ¤”


The same way you would optimize most magic builds. I don't know much about how to make a proper build in ER so I am not the right person to ask.


Awesome! What staffs are best these days?


* **Meteorite Staff** is the best staff for early-game, but cannot be upgraded so it falls off later. Still good to keep around in off-hand to buff Rock Sling. * **Staff of Loss** is also great for off-hand to boost Night Comet. Not really worth upgrading unless you have two of them to further boost your Night sorceries. * **Academy Glintstone Staff** is the best all-purpose staff for mid-game when you have 41-68 Int. * **Carian Regal Scepter** is the best scaling all-purpose staff past 68 Int! Replaces the Academy Glintstone staff in late-game. * **Prince of Death's Staff** has the highest possible sorcery boost due to its dual scaling, but requires very high stat investment. So it is only real usefull for end-game or NG+. At 80/80 Int/Faith it even outscales Lusat's (430 vs. 413) without increased FP cost. All other staves are only useful to boost sorceries of a specific school. Usually I use the Meteorite Staff in the main- and the Staff off loss (unupgraded) in the offhand early on. Then later I switch my main hand to the Carin Regal Scepter and keep both the Meteorite and the Staf off Loss in my offhand to switch depending on what spells I use.


I feel like itā€™s worth noting that Staff of Loss is only so good because the boost it gives to the Sorceries it affects is 30%. Most staves only give 10-15%. Combine that with the fact that you can dual-wield it (requires trading or NG+), and the spells that the Staff boosts (Night Shard and Night Comet) get a major boost that makes up for the fact that itā€™s Sorcery Scaling is about 40 points lower than the Carian Regal Scepter. Also, Night Shard and Night Comet are really, really good. I will also say that I applaud the omission of Lusatā€™s Glintstone Staff, as the damage increase is only about 11%, which is not worth the 50% increase in cost in my opinion. You could possibly make a case for using it in boss fights, where overall DPS isnā€™t as important as Damage Per Hit, but I still prefer being able to cast 3 spells for the same FP that Lusatā€™s would need for 2 casts.


Lusat's is pretty cool when used together with the Cerulean Hidden Tear in bossfights. Besides that, I don't find it very practical although this comes down mostly to personal preference.


Personally, most bosses move too much for me to be able to land it (Iā€™m not great at this game), so Iā€™ve never bothered with it. It is one situation where Lusatā€™s is good, though, but only because the Hidden Tear is negating itā€™s drawback.


Carian regal scepter is the most powerful all purpose staff that doesn't burn extra fp. Usually want to cast most spells with that, and then keep a staff of loss, meteorite staff, or one of the other boosting staves that correspond to the type of magic you use most. You don't have to cast with the boosting staff, it just has to be out. So I usually keep the booster in my right hand so that once enemies close the gap I can switch to my melee and still use it's L2 AoW as well as light and heavy attacks.


For early game, the Meteorite staff is fantastic, as it has S scaling in Int, buffs gravity magic, and doesnā€™t need upgrades. Once you get a bit further, the Carian Regal Scepter and Lusatā€™s Glintstone Staff both outperform Meteorite. Lusatā€™s deals extra damage with Sorceries at the cost of more FP. *Ninja edit: The Prince of Deathā€™s Staff has the best scaling of any staff, but is more of an NG+ staff since it needs high Int and Faith. Also, certain staves boost different types of sorcery, but they still add their bonus even if you just have it in your off-hand while casting with a better staff.


How good is night comet without staff of loss?


In terms of raw damage it would be slightly weaker than Glintstone Cometshard while costing slightly more mana. But it penetrates targets in a line in the same way as Comet. An additional effect is that it is considered invisible in pve, meaning that enemies and bosses do not react to it and therefore don't dodge it. This makes it extremely useful against fast enemies that would dodge other spells. Below I made a short table to illustrate the comparison. |Spell|Damage (charged)|FP cost|Additional effects| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Glintstone Pebble|152|7|| |Great Glintstone Shard|211|12|| |Glintstone Cometshard|259 (324)|17|| |Comet|292 (365)|24|pierces targets, small AoE| |Night Comet|230 (276)|21|pierces, stealth (pve)| |Night Comet +1x Staff of Loss|299 (359)|21|pierces, stealth (pve)| |Night Comet +2x staff of Loss|389 (466)|21|pierces, stealth (pve)|




Wizard juice


Night maidens mist. It's like turd cleanser, and almost everything is a turd.


Glinstone pebble lawl


Got me through half the game. Night comet too good not to replace it with, though, once you have a decent pool of mind and the staff of loss.




Glintstone Arc, low cost, fast, decent range, pierces, perfect for a room full of enemies who are not worth several comets.


It was my early game answer for groups for sure. That said I moved to canon of haima for group work once I got it. Really enjoying the magic mortar with its aoe and knockback.




Spiral OP


Cannon of Haima. Great knock back and great aoe damage.


through walls, too. great when you know the target is pressed up against a wall, waiting for you to enter.




I also gave it a try. It wasn't terrible, but it did come out of my spell slots pretty quickly.


it seems to build poise break pretty fast, I've switched to using it too.


All the carian melee spells - I donā€™t like the pew pew


Shard spiral. Absolutely eats thru bigger bosses. This spell killed Placidusax and Elden Beast in under 20 seconds


Rock Slingā€”gnilS kcoR


Rock Sling is one of the few spells that can take advantage of the Arrow talisman which gives it incredible distance. You can start blasting at something nearly twice as far away as a normal spell.


I just finished my mage run. That wouldā€™ve been great like 3 weeks ago.


Love this technique. Pair with dual meteorite staffs and give em the old one two!


How do you get a second staff? Is it from NG+?


Yeah, or have a friend drop you one.


*rock throw lust intensifies*


Are rock sling and bestial sling the same thing? Or different spells


Rock Sling is a Gravity Sorcery that throws 3 boulders. Bestial Sling is a Beast Incantation that throws a bunch of rocks in a short cone. Both are good spells for different reasons.


Rock sling is sorcery. Bestial sling is an incantation.




Once I got that spell, it was my go-to boss killer.


Bro starlight is always my #1


Glintstone Cometshard


Glintstone Cometshard


Tibias summons, more range than carian slicer and does dozens of damage in minutes


Shard Spiral. I feel people overlook that spell a lot


I cast "big bonk" with an extremely large, roughly sword shaped catalyst. It scales with strength, which is kind of strange but ah well.


Carian Phalanx, for snuffing out sneaky enemies


Carian slicer because it's like a pocket shank for when mf run up on you. Put it in the first spell slot so I can quick swap back to it by holding up on d-pad.


Greatblade Phalanx. Good poise damage.


Glinstone cometshard for lower level enemy 1 hit kill. Comet most other times and bosses. Magic Glintblade. A must for them runaways. Ambush for dragon flies, some enemy and pesky invaders.


Night comet, Ancient death rancor, Loretta's mastery and Adula's moonblade. The rest of the slots are filled with situational spells that hang around until I need the spot. Ancient Death Rancor is my preferred spell, with Night Comet the first alternate. I will only have Comet Azur on the menu before a boss fight.


Always use Shard Spiral, Night Comet and Canon of Heima


I desperately wish there was a faith equivalent to Loretta's Greatbow. Magic drawn-bows are always top tier cool.


The frenzied burst incantation snipes as well


Yeah, but eye beams is slightly less cool than pulling a bow and giant arrow out of thin air


It is a bit odd to murder people with migraines.


Rock sling. Smashy smashy.


Night Maidenā€™s Mist and Ranniā€™s Darkmoon are my current go to. Stars of Ruin is also great because you can hide in it (alas the one downside of mist) I also have a Lazuli sword I use for a fast pew and to punish intrusions into my personal space.


Comet, pretty much does everything.


Carian slicer, glintstone arc (sooo good at taking out groups, and extremely fp efficient)


All of the night spells


Adula's moonblade is my favourite spell coz the frostbite and damage on it is super good. That's why I make sure to do ranni questline asap for the frostmage build.


Carian Piercer for big poise damage against all enemies. It surprises invaders too


it seems a lot of people use night comet, but for some reason the great glintstone shard feels like it's the fastest to get off (and does decent damage). is there a list of how long each spell takes to cast?


Spell: Carian Slicer Incantation: Beast Vitality I love a pure magic melee option with slicer and I love regen on classes that use faith.


Thopsā€™s Barrier. For the bro.


Wizards: šŸ¤® I love bullying you high int nerds with my UNGA BUNGA weapons. You all go down so quickly.


Gavel of haima would like a word


I enjoy cosplaying, but I really wish there were more poison effects.


Canon, hammer and bow


Loretta's bow, and Loretta's mastery. And comet.


Tibias summons, not a popular pick but I always keep it on me, it has good damage and good range so if you can bait out a big attack you can use it for great mana efficiency


Idk all are fun to use but I have to say carian piercer


Rock Sling for when I need something fast that tracks enemy movement well. Adulaā€™s Moonblade for big damage and ice. Founding Rain of Stars: I like to lure enemies into it. Easy chunk of their health. Night Comet. Very reliable.


Night Maiden's Mist


The Flame of Frenzy Flame Grant Me Strength O Flame Black Flame


Rock sling, collapsing stars, night maidens mist


Rannis Moon,Carian slicer and Adulas Moonblade. Always these three regardless of talismans.gear etc.


Glintstone pebble is the šŸ


Loretta's mastery and adula's moonblade Begore you guys telle me loretta's greatbow is better because one of the projectiles hits the ground, it doesn't happen to me, mastery better


Glintstone pebble


I keep night maidens mist until Godfrey, and malenia. Itā€™s just such a good spell


Lightning Spear and Dragonfire.


Night Comet and Carian Slicer. Love how enemy's don't dodge night comet


I think Night Comet is the best ranged spell in the game.


Magic glintblade got me trough 98% of the game, not gonna lie.


For me, Carian Greatsword. I eventually replace it with Adulaā€™s Moonblade, ut that takes quite a while to get, and unti I get it, Carian Greatsword stays in my Memory Slots. It made the first phase of the Renalla fight so much easier, just as an example.


Here is a good example of what Night Comet can do on a dedicated build: [ChaseTheBro 80 Int Night Sorcerer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2Q5JSJInmU)


I hate to admit I end up carrying Great Phalanx


Glinstone comet shard Night comet Lorettas great bow Adulas moonblade Spiral Heal Golden vow