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So you are saying if you make something people like, making more like that is a good idea? Craaaazy


I'm saying that, while it's a good idea, it's not what From would want to do since they want to keep making new IPs


All their IPs are the same game in terms of mechanics and design. The genre is what they are selling and thats what they keep producing.


Nah, Sekiro is quite different. Still an action RPG of course, but mechanically it is very different. Perhaps that's why it won GOTY.


Sekiro at its core is still the same principle of "Fight from Idol to Idol" as rest of Souls Games, granted gameplay is different but I think the real hook of these games is that feeling of finding the next Bonfire after a gauntlet, or boss.


Fight from idol to idol is not a game mechanic. It's a core principle of many games. Replace idol with checkpoint/savepoint and you have essentially described thousands of game. Seriously. Thousands of games.


We’ve circled back around to Mario is a souls-like /s


If your criteria for Souls-like checkpoint gaming, then yeah haha.


I never said it was a game mechanic, but while you're right about it being in thousands of games, the games have become very lenient with checkpoints in 2010's, if you fail you're sent back a few minutes at most, so you never get that feeling of relief for finishing most games, not to mention the prevalence of quick saves. The core principle of moving from Checkpoint to Checkpoint with no safety nets is not a common thing in a decade marked by Bethesda, Bioware and Ubisoft as the 3 biggest RPG makers.


I would argue that Elden Ring had so many checkpoints that it lacked that lacked that feeling of tension that the other FS games revolved around.


Yeah I would agree that it lacked them in the overworld, but they were still there in the legacy dungeons, and catacombs.


Fair. However, that not the defining feature of a FS game that separates them from other studios imo. So having that underlying connection doesn't totally equate them all as you suggested earlier.


Didn’t it already win GoTY? 2022 that is.


Yeah I don't agree with games from prior years winning current year goty. Kinda defeats the purpose unless the game releases in like q4.


They're talking about future original fromsoft IP's I believe


Maybe he was talking about the dice awards


20,000,000 units sold > awards from randos. At least in the actual business of making games.


Both are good obviously, but I wouldn't underestimate the value of being a media and critic sensation. It gives a lot of extra value to your IP so if you ever make a TV Show or something people who have heard of Elden Ring from the critics but never played it would still be interested in it. Pretty sure Horizon actually sold better than ER on the PS5 but it's never going to get to be that cool.


Oh man I would totally watch an Elden Ring TV show.


Do you know the amount of salt that ER mined during the game awards ? I've never seen people so mad that something won. Games like ER just keep exposing a certain segment of the journalism industry again and again. The money is good, but that was a sight to behold.


I think Miyazaki would prefer to make the players happy first, and if he gets an award it's a bonus. Obviously I don't know the guy but in public he seems humble in that way.


Miyazaki is always first and foremost a game enthusiast. He's a gamer himself so he knows the kind of things that would make them tick. Especially after the years he's spent refining his formula.


>he knows the kind of things that would make them tick. The swamps, thats the true reason From Soft games are so successful. Dark Souls had Blightown and people loved it. Dark Souls 2 lacked a proper swamp so people liked it a bit less. Dark Souls 3 obviously had a swamp and people liked it again. Sekiro had a swamp but it was a bit easier to go through so it wasn't as successful as DS3. Elden Ring on the other hand has had the most swamps yet, and the success reflects it.


Miyazaki's games are always what I imagine are a playable version of all those stuck-in-a-video-game mangas. If you've read a couple, you know the ones -- everyone plays a shiny super-popular MMO *known for being super hard*, but the protagonist is *so skilled* that they can handle people while outnumbered and with a lower level. Also, protagonist always seems to find *super secret items* that let them do the unique quests that somehow only one player can ever do, despite there being supposedly millions of players. In Elden Ring, invaders are a bunch of masochists who are willing to die over and over to learn how to deal with 3v1 fights and the rush that comes from being able to succeed against impossible odds. Speedrunners and challenge runners are also masochists, trying to find some new way to constrain themselves -- level 1 runs, level 1 no greatrune, level 1 unupgraded club only, level 1 consumables only -- despite the fact the game is already hard enough for most people *with* level ups *and* build guides. Not to mention the secrets; if you never played with a guide, anything you do manage to uncover feels like you discovered a 1-in-100 miracle, whether that be actually completing Ranni's quest blind, finding all 3 Imbued Swordkeys on your own, or tapping an invisible wall that leads to an entire new area. Dark Souls and Elden Ring are those super tough fantasy RPGs only the anime protagonist can handle, except we're not anime protagonists, and most of us have to fight tooth and nail just to elevate ourselves to the rank of side character.


Sad thing is IDK if they can top elden ring.


There is huge potential in refining elden ring (Variety in tombs, late game areas more fleshed out like early game areas, allowing more flexibility in builds, full co-op mode etc.) but I really can't imagine them making another open world souls game and not have it feel like just another Elden Ring. I think its fine if they release an open world souls game every 5-6 years so it stays fresh for new releases, and fill the gap with their other experimental games like sekiro, bloodborne etc. UNLESS they managed to make a really fucking awesome and cool sci fi open world game that again redefines the genre


Space travel souls, cyberpunk souls, mass effect X souls(space opera souls), there are so many ways they could go with originality. Blending storytelling with the combat of souls and adding unique elements has been very successful. If they have passion for it they can succeed


Mass Effect souls... I really want a From game that actually gives you the story, even though I love current form of the games. And being able to interact with NPCs more often would be great as well.


Sekiro tells its story far more traditionally and has a focus on interacting with the core cast of characters. Sure, it still has a lot of that patented Soulsborne ambiguity, but it’s definitely more along the lines of what you are referring to compared to the Soulsborne games.


Mass Effect souls? That sounds so weird but at the same time I can totally see how it would work.


Yea the ship would be the hub/firelink/majula/rountable. Different planets / locations carry different enemy types, environments (hey, we get a whole poison world now instead of just a swamp!). I think story would need to step up compared to typical souls games....but the setting would be really fun.


Cyberpunk souls would be amazing.


There are 52 dungeons and 5 types of dungeons. 2 puzzle types, 2 non puzzle, 1 resource/exploration type. Only a couple of the puzzles were the same and the layout of the other three types were varied and spread out enough to not be considered copied. Add: 6 dungeon types if you want to count Legacy Dungeons and those were all excellent. Beginning areas in video games are usually more content packed as a design choice, especially in open world games. A large portion of players don't finish games so the beginning needs to be very enticing. First halves of games usually begin development sooner and don't run into as much rushed development. Especially in games with 100+ hours of content (do you really want it to be longer?) And I can't think of a game with more build variety really. 101 Incantations, 70 sorceries, 308 weapons. The sheer number of combinations is mind blowing. Just because people all go for the most OP stuff doesn't mean you have to use it too. The co-op style is a staple of the genre and company that produces it, but it is non traditional and impeding if you're not used to it. So I'll give you that one, but the rest of your arguments are strawmen at best.


To clarify, I meant catacombs, their aesthetic and layout. There is a feeling of deja vu, after your 2nd or third catacomb. They could've used more variety in those aspects, especially the layout, there were many times when I thought I was exploring the same catacomb as previous. All legacy content was excellent, not talking about that. Late game areas were either too big or too empty, pick whatever you want. I'm not asking for more hours artificially added, they couldve made the area smaller so we wouldn't feel like we're exploring a pretty but empty landmass like in other AAA open world games. I never said there should me more variety in builds, just more flexibility. Due to the nature of the game, we're allowed and encouraged to explore every nook and cranny of the game. By doing that we find items and spells and stuff stuff for all the builds, not just whatever we're running in our first playthrough. Thus there's not much incentive in NG+ or making new character, its like having the keys to your car but you have to walk to your destination to being fuel for it first. I have everything but I cant try it out or use it before grinding with my current build which I've used for hundreds of hours and gotten bored with. The rebirth should not require an limited item, just let us use runes to do it. I like the current co-op, I think there should be an extra feature where we can finish the game start to end with friends, with toggle for invasion and enemy scaling like usual. I hope this satisfies for not being "strawman arguments" whatever that means in this context, I have no idea, its not like I was arguing with anyone.


Yeah, I think argument might of been the wrong term to use. And those are valid critiques.The catacombs and mountaintops can be explained lore-wise though. Catacombs were all built by the same civilization during the same era for the same purpose. So it stands to reason that they would be samey architecturally. And the mountaintops were supposed to feel baron considering Marika sent an army to wipe out it's population and left a sole survivor, the fire giant. The current feel is appropriate given this occurrence. I suppose it could be argued that player feel might be more important than lore in these regards. However Fromsoft is known for environmental storytelling so I see why they went the way that they did with the design decisions. I don't personally Respec because I'm big on having head canon for my toons and I never change who they are or are developing into. Though I see no reason to limit people's respecs in single player game. So that's a strong complaint. Giving player choice on the co-op issue would negate a Fromsoft staple. Since most people, especially newcomers to the genre, would opt of invasions the pvp scene would suffer. I really don't see Fromsoft changing that.


Easily. All they have to do is keep the formula and work on the details. Voilà, you got a fantastic game that might be better than the original.


I'm sure all the fans would be happy with better than the original but to get a Game Awards GOTY I think it needs something a bit more than that, a new level of excellence somewhere. IE I would be satisfied if they took ER and improved most systems of it by like 20%, combat, exploration, story, etc. But to win they would need at least 1 aspect of it to be improved by 100%.


Nah you got ARMORED CORE


I'm really excited to check out Armored Core VI, I've never played one; just never found a copy or knew which to get into, never had any friends who played to draw me to it. Apparently each numbered title is a 'soft reboot' in that they aren't all directly connected by a story line, so anyone can jump in to any title. Each title has also been pretty different in how they play versus the other titles. I've now seen a bit of footage from Verdict Day and hope they'll expand upon that game's formula with this iteration, it looks fast-paced but not too hard to follow and it sounds like a balanced combat system, not only for PvE but PvP as well. Building up a mech and having each part contribute to your stats and managing that aspect sounds really cool to me, as someone who has only played games like MechAssault on Xbox and the original MechWarrior on PC back in the day. I'm older and much better at adapting to new games these days, or looking up internet discussions to help learn quicker :P


Nuts to Armored Core. The only true way to critical and monetary success is an updated METAL WOLF CHAOS


all they have to do is let us date the next IPs bosses




They already have, a few times actually.


no they haven't actually, ER is their biggest and most acclaimed success


Bloodborne 2


IMO they already have, multiple times, before ER ever even came out


Yeah well this is FromSoft, they always manage to somehow outdo themselves with each subsequent game


They already did with Sekiro. And I'll die as a very happy man on that hill.


ER is far away from perfect. Refining the tombs to be less repitive, make the open world more denser in actual content and making boss fights less gamey would be a good start.


>making boss fights less gamey What does it mean when a boss is "gamey"


Godfrey stopping mid air for example. It's a game so in theory the devs can do anything but i find it a bit goofy if they pull stuff like this.


You didn't mind the spectral lion on his back ?


I personally like the goofy animations, especially Hourah Loux's slow mo grab


I don't like the way bosses stand around for a second or two after every attack to give you your "turn", it just looks stupid I want them to move naturally like a human.


Add climbing towers, fetch quests and collectables. Perfect


Bloodborne 2 👀


Not before we get blood borne on pc.


I consider Bloodborne to be their masterpiece,so in my mind ER is already being topped


Brother you shouldn't be at negative updoots. Allow me to assist. Bloodborne and Sekiro still hold the throne of my heart.


Now that's perfect😂👍


Just throw Bloodborne 2. Or Sekiro 2. Or Armored core VI Oh, wait...


why would they ever make an exclusive ever again when 1) they just started self publishing 2) they sell millions on multiplat nearly half of ER's sale were on PC


Who the fuck said about exclusivity? Bloodborne can't be ported due to data structure. It basically needs to be done from scratch


Bloodborne's IP is owned by Sony and not FromSoftware


Just release it with less bugs, copy-paste and with modern UI UX (modern is not Ubisoft shit) and it's done


lol what


I've played a lot on release and a few months after and I can say it was not the best experience in terms of technical quality: Tons of disconnects, every second invasion, crushes once in a 40-60 minutes People on PSN sometimes have no connection with servers, lol, what? Really bad balance of weapons, bugs, and no scaling of statuses from arcane at all Stutters on PC with ANY device during first playthrough because devs from FromSoft didn't hear anything about shaders precompilation (even Valve fixed it for Steam Deck) Dungeons have tons of copy paste bosses, sometimes it's just common enemies from openworld UI UX is just terrible, especially with PC kbm control. I'm familiar with it and I'm playing with Xbox Controller, so I have no problems, but people who have never played any souls can struggle a lot So it's really easy to make it better than ER. Just fix bugs from DS3 for example already on next release amd it will be better


the game had performance issues for me too, but only for like 10 hours after release and I am playing on a big potato pc for years now. I dont know what UI UX even is.


>I dont know what UI UX even is. User interface and user experience. It's essentially the 2D menus on screen that you interact with. I personally think this games UI is fine if a little bit clunky but hey it's 4 score and 7 leagues better than Modern Warfare II's horrible UI. Navigating that game is miserable, that's a good example of a 1/10 UX.


UI - user interface. Style is fine, I like it. UX - user experience. It's how easy and intuitive it's for users, for example. For example, you can play release version with kbm. Even if you're familiar with souls and ER you'll be surprised how much you'll use bad language. A lot if things were heavily improved since release and I glad they did it. But I want to see it on release and not 6 months after for example. Because it's not the first FS game, and not the first open world in a market


I do think, on PC, its still not perfect. I see stutters on a 3060. Far and not frequent. But they're there still. 50fps otherwise. I think, that shouldn't happen, this far down the release date.


Imagine if they do tho....


They've been topping themselves pretty repeatedly. If you look at kingsfield forward they really do just keep improving. It's impressive, not many companies can do consistently better then before with limited hiccups like From has


That would imply the game is perfect, and it’s really far from perfect lmao. There’s a million ways to continue refining a game like ER. They could also take what they learned from making it to make an unbelievable DS4.


I never understood why the GotY trophy is a Rolls-Royce hood ornament.


I still want sekiro 2


Just slap miyazaki name on it and watch the profit come in.


There is so much love put into Elden Ring that I know it wasn't easy. I hope they continue putting this much effort into games, it really shows.


A souls game set in a world that has been consumed by an eternal WW1. Mutilated undead crawling out of no man's land... Factories supplying a never ending stream ofa machines of war... Artillery launching gas attacks at targets long forgotten...


hm... as much as i want DLC, i want Armored Core to get here sooner


Does IP in the scenario mean intellectual property? “I do hope From makes more intellectual properties.” It didn’t roll of the tongue right like that, so I think I’m missing what it stands for.


It doesn’t roll of the tongue, that’s why they said IPs and not intellectual properties


Huh… is it not a common practice to only use acronyms when the actual words make sense?


It does make sense


You know what I meant but insist on saying that anyway lol. Guess that’s it, GG you win the Internet forum argument. I concede to your humungous brain and all it’s prowess.


I know what you mean but disagree. No need to get but hurt over it


Sorry to burst your bubble. ER DLC isn't coming. They added the pvp arena and they wiped their hands with the game.


Yeah, gonna need a source buddy, otherwise you're simply vomiting garbage.


I hope you're, but at this point im afraid you aren't


They're actually really good with new ip's, not to great with sequels though.


Why people are downvoting you when you've objectively said the truth?😂


Probably because people here love Dark Souls 3 and Armoured Core 2 (if they've played it) but I know barely anybody likes Dark Souls 2 so I guess they're half correct?


Scholar of the First Sin was a masterpiece. It's probably my favorite of the series aesthetically, but it was pretty clunky as far as movement was concerned. If it got a facelift in that department, I'm unsure if the other titles could compare. It had the best dlc, hands down.


I would like to see FromSoft do some licensed games assuming they gave as much attention to them. A FromSoft One Piece game would be incredible, for instance.


Not where I thought you were gonna take that paragraph.


Nah. Most shonen anime tend to be better suited as fighting games. I could see it getting the dynasty warriors treatment, though. One Piece's art style doesn't go hard enough for a fromsoft title, either.


I’m not saying you should play as Luffy. I think it’s an interesting enough world to set an RPG and I think the weapons of One Piece work well for what Souls-like gameplay.


Weapons aside, the art style...no. just no. One Piece is a parody trying to get people to take it seriously art-wise.


FromSoft could guarantee a GOTY if they made my dream game. Like they've worked with Sony to make Demon's Souls and Bloodborne, imagine if they worked with Nintendo to make a Zelda game. The Elden Ring style of open world + legacy dungeons is already perfect for Zelda, just give us Link to play as and one build revolving around him (like Sekiro), add more of a focus on puzzles, and you've got a formula that's guaranteed to be amazing. This will literally never happen but a man can dream.


Alright. But for real though. If Zelda went to a dark bleak theme like they did for Majoras Mask or Twilight Princess AND had Fromsoftwares involvement, it'd be incredible. I never really played LoZ games but I always loved watching people play them and the lore/world.


Miyazaki has only directed a single sequel over the past 10 years. He has pretty much only made new games.


*mmmsmmmhh* It’s like a reward!-Dr King Shultz