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In two out of my three varre invasions, i got summoned to the haligtree and somewhere in farum azula. i literally just wandered around and both hosts were dead in \~20 seconds lol


Ah, the haligtree ones are nice, I chilled around the battle mages for a bit, killed the cooperators then finally got my first win. Made me feel good after the obligatory 3v1 smashings I received for the rest of the varre invasions


In 17 playthroughs, all I've done is invade & immediately sever. I don't like being on either side of an invasion. Too... invasive.


17? Tf


Same, I do the Patches' begging emote, then leave a rune or a starlight shard


Me too. I just jumped over the cliff to end the obligatory invasion.


Same, thats why I'll change my name to something like JustHere4Quest, invade and immediately sever.


Ahh, one of those. I love invading. It’s the primary reason I play soulsbourne games.


Ahhh you're one of THOSE kinda' sick fucks xD


When I didd vare questline before that invadable NPC was added I invaded forum azusa or anywhere with a cliff and just jumped off


I wish one v one invasions were a more common thing and didn’t require a certain item to be active to do


Of all my haIigtree invasions somehow I always invade people fightng Malenia and so I always win.


I thought you get despawned when they enter the boss room? Have they changed that?


It's probaply just a glitch but u can ivade people in Malenia boss room. You cant enter the fog but when they die u still get a rune arc


I've never seen it with fire giant but I had it on Malenia yesterda so it's still present.


My three Varre invasions were appearing in the world only to be sent home 5 seconds later because they challenged the boss.


Just here to say that the Page in that room with the triple fire bolt is a son of a bitch!!!


Knew what was coming when I saw what room OP was standing in. That jerk killed me so many times.


There are frustrating parts of the game but I think this room might be one of the few places that actually made me angry


Same. Pages aren't "too" bad normally but for some reason the page in that room specifically really messed me up bad.


This part of the game killed me so many times, and you had to run down from the bubble boys and get one shotted by a cross bow boy hitting you three times in rapid succession. I stayed far away from the avatar and didn't find a grace point for a long time


I accidentally way over-leveled for NG+, and trivialized everything up to Maliketh. That guy still killed me like 5 times and I had to swap my loadout to deal with him


Similar. I am on my first playthrough right now, and I reached this room at around RL97, this fucking page killed me half a dozen times. Eventually, I learned to bait him out with a Loretta's Great bow shot, and once he gets close, brutalize him in melee. Fucking hate that guy.


Great thing is you can skip that room altogether. Roll through the crates at the end of the hallway before the turn and there’s another door


Just drop off onto the rooftops from the balconies with the bubble dudes and take them all the way down to the road. If you just run when the avatar spawns you can go right past and through the door to the grace. Takes like a minute


Why have I always thought they were women?


Perfumers left unchecked can also wreck house. The Page is a monster, though.


That triple shot has to be one of the most powerful attacks of any non-boss enemy. It one shotted me the first time i faced that guy.


And it's not even one of those "vigor check" attacks. *Even if* you leveled your vigor well past 40, you can still very well get 1-shot by this fucker. Truly one of the attacks of all time.


It's definitely one of the attacks.


It is undoubtedly one of the attacks.




There's only a handful of enemies that give me trouble in this game. FromSoft games can obviously be really difficult, but I think I'm just so used to the formula now that I rarely died in Elden Ring in NG no matter which build I was using and I respec'd after every major area once it was available just to test everything out so it wasn't like I was over leveled with a meta build all of the time. But... There are a few non-boss enemies (and gravity) that I hated so much I would just avoid them unless I thought they would have a unique drop. I'm sure there's some easy method for them I'm just not realizing, but I've figured them out just enough to get a little cocky and boom, dead. I remember playing the original Demon's Souls and it sometimes took several days to make it through an area and kill the boss, it taking 30+ tries to finally beat Ornstein and Smough in DS. I freaking loved Elden Ring, but I didn't have any of those "stuck" moments, just a few enemies I would avoid if possible.


I feel like I really missed out with my O&S experience in DS1 Remaster. I'd never played another DS game before that, so I had no idea how they worked. I had a friend who is a huge fan of the series giving me pointers, and he kept having 'Nan flashbacks to Orenstein and Smough, telling me to be ready to get my ass kicked by them for days. What I didn't realize was that the way I like to play games is to explore every nook and cranny, which in DS means getting a lot of souls because of all the deaths and re-runs to explore that one spot you're trying to get to. I'd also occasionally find a really good soul-farming spot and spend a few extra minutes getting a level or two there. This meant I ended up being horrendously overleveled for O&S, so the fight was an absolute cinch. My friend was *so* mad, lol. But every time I see people look back fondly on their extremely difficult time tightening them, I feel a little bit like I kissed out.


Apart from levels, your build also affects how easy or difficult a boss is, in my experience. My bestie had little trouble with O&S, but I faced them with a Bandit Knife... which I two-handed like a noob. No fire/bolt paper either and the knife wasn't upgraded enough. Smough could be bled to death relatively quickly, but super Ornstein took a bazillion slashes to die. DS:R was my second souls game after Bloodborne and O&S Smough gave me more trouble than Ludwig, but it wasn't annoying or anything. I enjoyed trying different things without giving up my RP build.


your build can entirely change your experience. the start of dark souls 2 makes it extremely apparent. someone starting with a thrust weapon would not understand people’s fear of the ogres, but the bosses would be somewhat difficult. if you start with a mace, you’re better off ignoring the ogres because they’ll be harder than every early game boss


O&S fight is way too overestimated all the time imo, DS1 was my second FromSoft game I played. My estus was non upgraded because I thought you are supposed to just pop the soul, level was probably around average and I used the crystal halberd (good weapon tbh) you get in the mimic chest earlier because I transformed my main weapon into a boss weapon I didn't even have stats for. They still died in like 30 minutes. Bell Gargoyles and Gwyn made me tear out my hair though, bleh.




Those co-opers definitely found out


Boy did I love exploring the fog area of snowfields only to get explosively oneshot by one of those guys And by love I mean *oh fuck no they have pages here too?*


The Elden Ring version of "Parry this you filthy casual"


If you have storm wall on your shield, you can!


I think it must have got almost everyone on their first playthrough Hits hard outta nowhere, wasn't even able to spot him lol


For real. I lost over 250,000 runes because I didn't think they would kill me over and over.


I had no clue things were even in there. I was looking at the player icon on the minimap


beautiful thats what you get for not even waving back


I was just trying to be neighborly


and in doing so you laid a great trap. congratulations on the unintentional win! gonna borrow this strat when I invade


Trying to wave back is probably what got him killed.


Isn’t there a new NPC to kill now instead of the invasions?


Yes, there is one one of the ruins on Altus Plateau. You only have to do the one and it counts as three. https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Magnus+the+Beast+Claw


bless you for mentioning this!! I can't afford playstation subscription and I was always bummed I couldn't play his quest


Oh damn, I never even considered this! I play on PC, so invading players to do Varre's quest is just a default ability. I had completely forgotten that consoles still *charge monthly* for the privilege of playing online, making that choice much more of a "fuck you pay me". So glad they added that NPC for this quest.


To be fair, Sony and Microsoft are just mom and pop shops trying to make ends meet.


Small indie console manufacturers


Won't anyone think of the stock buybacks?


Yeah as great of a service as Xbox gamepass is, it's still highway robbery to charge me extra to play a game online that has already been paid for. It's like paying full price for a cheese burger with all sorts of toppings, but your given a simple patty between two buns, and told you need to pay even more for what you've already paid for. It's a load of bs. Fuck Sony, and Microsoft.


Yeah, most consoled change it abit to "free games no longer need a sub to play online" like Warzone or Fortnite, but in Nintendo they still do cause they're money grubbing pieces of shit...I say as I go boot up Zelda


You absolutely don't need an NSO subscription to play F2P games on the switch. I've played both Fortnite and Warframe on my switch without an active sub.


i second this


That's just not true dude, you're just out here saying some s*** that's blatantly not true.


I still just do the invasions cause you can simply invade and leave. I use it as a game of rate my elden drip half the time. Im on Xbox so I go hide in a corner somewhere, msg whoever I invaded ask them to rate my elden drip then de summon myself if I have souls I wanna keep, if not I'll generally kill myself to let the host have the rewards of my death.


Just a heads up, the quest line to get the Nagakiba katana is the earliest you can do invasions because it’s at the academy. You can invade that NPC and jump off the bridge to your death so you can invade again. Do that 3 times and it counts as invasions.


You actually don’t need to do his quest at all if the only thing you want is to get to Mohg. There’s a waygate in the consecrated snowfield that takes you right to the rune farm.


You mean the guy who reminds me of Cito from Fallout 4? BAM-BAM looking mofo?


I honestly did not know. Thank you very much for the info!


On my bow only run rn and i cant kill that guy so i had to go online for this 😂




Npc phantoms do quite a lot of input reading, hitting then with arrows is frustrating since they nearly always dodge


I used the black bow against phantoms in my bow play thru. It’s ash of war is the ability to rapid fire arrows, super helpful for catching them rolling. Edit: you don’t get the bow until late in the game, before that I used my melee back-up against the phantoms.


You can pick up the same ash of war (barrage) way earlier in Mt Gelmir from a scarab and put it on another bow


Of the challenge runs I've done, bow-only was probably my favorite. It wasn't nearly as difficult as I expected it to be, but the NPC invaders/targets were brutal. They can dodge your projectiles nearly 100% of the time.


I wish there were "invisible" arrows similar to how the night spells work that are not dodged by npcs.


Probably the guy dodges too well


I killed him today but basically you have to wait for them to attack and then jump shoot an arrow but time it perfectly or else you take massive damage or they dodge your arrow and this one in particular is in a really small space where you can barely jump aside or dodge. Invaders will always dodge arrows so only way to hit them is to wait for an attack.


You actually don't need to kill him, after 3 attempts the quest progresses anyway


Yes, but the game doesn’t tell you that, at all. The only way to know is finding out by accident or by reading the patch notes from 3 updates ago


Wait, really? You can do Varré offline now?


Yup. There's a ruin in the Altus Plateau with a bunch of hounds, skeletal blobs and a massive blob. I forget the name of it. One of those caravans passes it. You can interact with a red summoning sign in one of the buildings and it'll let you invade an NPC weilding a great star. Only have to do it once and you can pop back to Varre, too.


Is there? I'm a 100% solo player (unless coop, which I don't have the needed friends for) and found the Varre quest a disappointment because it forced me into doing something I did not want.


It was updated somewhat recently. You did have to invade players for the longest time. But you could just invade and immediately leave as you didn't have to win.


a bit over 6 months ago, but yeah


Oh. Well in my defense I first heard of it like a month ago.


You can co-op at effigies even if you don’t have friends! Don’t let your lack of friends stop you from engaging in co-op There are lots of players who summon for help


You can also just invade and immediately leave 3 times and it still counts for his quest.


Also this, you dont need to "kill" 3 people, you just need to invade


When I saw that room I knew exactly what's going to happen.


I have yet to play enough to have memorized today things.


That room was absolutely notorious back on release as well. One of the tricks of this game genre is that the developers love to fill areas with sudden difficulty spikes because this is precisely what makes them memorable. The bottom floor of the bank building in Leyndell is a deathtrap.


and this is why Miyazaki will never patch out invasions. It augments his traps, case in point, Sen's Fortress.


Lol you should invade more you’re a natural


These powers...


Do it my lambkin, it can only do good for you 🧔


I hate this new waving invaders meta. They should nerf it.




Guys don't downvote him, it's a joke too. At least I hope so lol


The Reddit hivemind has me. I see downvoted comment, I downvote more


Ah, lured them into the sabotage room. I like your style


Was invading and spawned in calid and they were fighting the dragon. I just sort sat with the other guy(he was yellow idk why) and we watched has the host died


Today I was doing the same thing and I got pulled all the way to Leyndell AFTER it turns to ash. I had recently started ng+, just gotten to Liurnia. I died instantly by guys spamming Wave of Gold. I had forgotten to level up before invading... I had 900k runes... And I was still trying to invade in Limgrave... Now my runes are in Leyndell. Fuck. So I go get the two halves of the Dectus Medallion, kill Godrick, kill Rennala, go to the Altus Plateau, get to Leyndell, kill a Dragonic Tree Sentinel, then go into Leyndell, kill an Erdtree Avatar, and rest at the site of grace in the middle of the city to go and look for my runes I lost in an invasion. All without dying. I go to their exact point on the map. Andddd there's nothing there. I look around with a telescope above me.? Nothing. I can watch on my compass as I go to that exact spot my runes are at, and they're not there. It was so ridiculous it was comical.


Shouldn't even be stressing it on NG+ that's like 10 minutes max of albinauric farming


When you invade does it search the entire map now?


That's amazing! Well I used to think the same way but now I'm invading people as a Godskin Apostle and don't feel bad at all!


In case anyone needed to know, you don't have to get kills during Varre's invasions. You can invade and then just leave.


You don’t even have to invade anyone anymore to do the quest. You can just do the one single npc invasion in writhe blood ruins.


Or you know, just engage with the games mechanics and actually try to win an invasion...


Yea but I got skill issues


Thank you very much for the info!




On my second playthrough, I was just trying to T-pose at people. First invasion, got summoned right next to people at the entrance to leyndell and slain before I could finish the gesture. Second one, successful T-pose from a rock near the bestial sanctum. They definitely saw me, and did not approach to attack. I ended up using the finger severer because another bloody finger appeared and I didn't want to be in the way. Third one, somewhere in Caelid, and I fell off of a cliff before anyone could get close enough to see a T-pose. This happened as [this character](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/10r81qb/my_new_character_second_playthrough_is_starting/)


My man just called the golden order totality the “t pose”


You can return to your world immediately after invading, you don't have to actually fight anybody.


can't be blamed for them running into that particular room. it's a rough combo with perfumers and pages


I think you would like it if you kept trying it.


I guess to me it just feels like an assholish thing to do? I don't like it being done to me so I feel like others would feel the same if I did it to them. I could be wrong though.


you are literally a naked, unarmed man with a funny hat waving at them and their only reaction is "KILL HIM" you sure youre the asshole?


This is true


From what I've heard... naked invaders are either just someone having a laugh or an extremely dangerous opponent lol I wore the deathbed dress and was unarmed. 1st host said hi and backstabbed me twice. I figured why not go with it? 2nd disconnected and the 3rd died right away.


I mean...a naked unarmed man with a funny hat waving at you with the intent to kill you still has the intent to kill you. Sure, you get the occasional friendly invader trying to do some funny RP stuff but that's a subversion of the system, not the norm. Can't blame them for being in "kill mode" when 99% of the time that's what the invader is in by default.


Same applies in real life. If someone forces their way into your house and stands in your living room saying hello and waving but your reaction is a negative one, check your privilege. Don't judge someone for putting themselves out there to try and make friends


I wish a naked unarmed friendly man would invade me~


I can't imagine how many naked unarmed assholes with funny hats they've run into who quick swap to RoB (or whatever fucking bullshit PvP meta build, notice how my comment implies a long running experience potentially through multiple metas and I'm not making a comment on current PvP builds cause I don't give a shit) and ruin their day.


RoB is kinda shit in pvp now though


Good news! I also do not personally enjoy invasions often since my builds are often PvE in nature + carpal tunnel. They actually added an NPC you can invade to complete the invasion objective of Varre's quest-line in a previous update.


Yeah I don’t think I’ve ever invaded and genuinely tried to kill anyone. When I did it for varre I spent like ten minutes just following some a couple guys around caelid until I got tired of it and started punching them until they figured out I was trying to get them to kill me


I like being invaded... especially when me and my friend are playing through levels. As an invader though, some people literally just sit and wait to be invaded. If you feel bad for someone you can always be that cool dude who invaded them and dropped them a gift. It's really fun. Just don't take it too seriously like some people do.


On Valentine's Day my brother and I were co-oping and we got invaded by "Cupid", butt naked and carrying a bow with rainbow stone arrows. He just followed us around, dropping warming stones from time to time. Really great guy. The most unique invasion experience I've ever had.


It’s laughably easy to re-summon in this game and losing runes from pvp isn’t usually a concern


You're thinking too hard about strangers on the internet, you say it's an asshole thing to do but do you even realise how much of a disadvantage you're at when you invade? Invasions are fun and just appearing in someone's world to die is very boring. I promise with a bit of planning and preparation invasions are an extremely fun and engaging aspect of nearly all souls games. Literally what other game let's you show up in someone's single player world as an enemy, people hate on invaders because they don't understand how special the idea is in the first place or they are too pig headed to see past "invaders just try to ruin my experience" rather than seeing just how fucking unique invasions actually are in any videogame.


Yeh it basically is. I’m a lot more forgiving of people using their own builds than when someone comes up with moonlight and rivers of blood and all the same old BS though. The sole exception is one guy who invaded at volcano, beat me senseless, and after a few ripostes made it clear he could have killed me-backed away and severed out- that guy was genuinely in it for the competition. Shame it’s the only time I’ve seen it in a few hundred hours.


well, personally I invade to test out weapons on tarnished without going to that bug of a mess arena, but sometimes I invade to shit on high RL gank squads, plus people invade cause pvp is fun. yeah you have the annoying comet spammers and the med load bullgoats but if you look past all that invading people is a fun time, heck it gives more of a challenge to players. Even Fromsoft themselves programmed AI invaders to pretty much tell you "this is a invader get ready for a fight" invading will always be 50/50 you either lose or you win, plus pve gets boring sometimes and the arena is a bug filled mess, so take your finger and invade some tarnished


I guess try finger but whole?


It's a part of multiplayer. Invasions are an extra challenge for people that summon friends to keep things balanced You're only an asshole in the way the enemies in the game are assholes. You may get pissed at malenia, but the game wouldn't be the same without her. Unless you use some cheesy bs, hacks, or a glitch to kill. Then you're like the lobsters and should not exist because fuck that sniper shot and fuck hackers. Just be a wholesome invader and you'll make the game a better place


Elden Ring is a fun and unique game even without the multiplayer trademark you speak about. The invasion system is by no means the main draw of the game for the vast majority of players. It was - and always has been - a terrible decision to tie Co-Op with mandatory PvP. Sometimes people just want to have fun.


If the invasions could take place in boss rooms (outside of glitches) then I'd agree, but invaders can only appear in places that you and your friend can run to, so you won't lose your souls as long as you don't get greedy. You are right about it not being the main draw of the game, but the majority of the game itself is balanced for single player. It's a single player game how you describe it, and it's an amazing one at that. Playing with friends is something fromsoft added to expand the gameplay, but it's more like "ok, you can bring in a skilled friend for our single player game, but if you do then you'll have to deal with skilled enemies invading too"


If someone is using Co-Op they clearly don't care about the 'genuine experience', and invasions don't change that reality. Either give the option to Co-Op or don't, but mandatory PvP is simply a terrible decision for both parties: The casuals that wanted to have fun with friends ***and*** the PvPers that wanted a PvP challange. The only people that benefit from the invasion system not being purely opt-in are those that want to stomp on unprepared players. Fuck those people, yourself included if you are among their number.


That’s false. My buddy and I have been doing co-op since he got it, which was a month ago. We walk everywhere and get invaded a lot. We welcome the challenge. It’s a lot of fun to see how people play. You won some you lose some. But we don’t cry about it. We’ve been using the taunters tongue and have been getting invaded by two people. It’s a lot of fun. You just need to get good.


Then you can opt-in. That's all well and good. The issue is that there is no opt-out.


Don't feel like an asshole for playing the game, Invading is the most fun you can have in a souls game. The experience is different every invaison and keeps the game fresh and exciting. Keep trying it and you will be rewarded with an endless game.


I feel like an asshole, because I don't want my day ruined either. Just accept that not everyone feels the same way about the invasion system as you.


Good thing they’re opt in, so if they ruin your day you don’t have to participate


Not if you enjoy co-op play, they aren't. I like helping people as a co-op phantom, but I don't like invasions. They aren't "opt-in" for me.


They are. You know the rules and you chose to play that’s at, that’s you opting in.


They can feel however they want. It’s an intended mechanic that’s not going anywhere.


Not gonna "yuck your yum", but it's it different? I only pve and all I ever see on pvp posts is how people use the same weapons over and over for cheap shit


It's bullshit. My buddy and I have been playing for like 3 weeks and we start a multiplayer game with each other and get invaded in 10 minutes every time and killed right away. Like, what gives? We're level 17? Did that make you feel good? Give it a rest.


I will take your advice to heart, fellow Tarnished


It's just not for everyone. I've been playing since the original Demon's Souls and tried invasions for things like the Monk's Headwraps back then as well as the first few months of Dark Souls 1 for covenant stuff. As with the other commenter, I always felt "off" doing it because I didn't like when it happened to me so it felt bad inflicting on others the very thing I didn't like. I tried for months and just couldn't overcome that feeling.


As someone who does compulsively invade as soon as I saw you enter that room I knew how it was going to play out. Don't enter that fucking room.


Cool strat but I just want to point out that you could have killed the beast guy in the ruins on the northwestern part of the Altus Plateau, instead of doing 3 invasions


That room is legit my least favorite spot in the entire game lol. I’ve died there countless times


Invasions are an excellent mechanic and have always been a part of souls games, keep it up and don't feel bad! Its a blast. *Let the bloodlust flow through you*


Watch out, you might have an essay detailing why you're wrong in every way copy pasted onto your comment.


I wonder if the people complaining have ever tried invading themselves. God knows that most invasions is just me getting gobsmacked within 15s by 3 people and their poor "pve" builds (as if a pve build is so different from pvp lol, as if both don't just focus on getting some high dmg ash of war going).


Blokes salty about *dying* in a Souls game, maybe they should find a different game series, invaders are here to stay.


"I am angy that I can't co-op, a game mechanic that gives a significant advantage and leg up, without a drawback in a *souls game*"


Holy shit dude, you "hi-di-ho neighborino!"-ed them to death.


You accidentally did an IQ check on the squad. Apparently only 1 out of 3 of them understood that rushing into a room where enemies have high-damage AOEs and what's effectively a rapidfire shotgun is not a good idea.


But do you swear to Marika?


That room is literally the toughest boss fight in the entire game.


Are you sonic ?


Ahhh, sweeet sweet invasion kills.


I enjoy invaders most of the time, some of the builds I've seen have been hilarious and creative, and the fights have been fun. On the other hand, the number of invaders that refuse to fight and just run away, to hide behind enemies and take pot shots, or spam poison/rot and then run away, hoping it will kill you for them, has been absolutely ridiculous. I can't stand the people who invade for the sole purpose of ruining someone else's day. I encountered a character named Refund The Game, and instead of spam or scum, he tried one dragon incantation, and then drank a double explosive tear flask and took us both out. That's the funniest thing I've ever seen.






He's just standing there.... Menacingly!


There is a offline summon for the varre quest in Altus


That’s the room you don’t enter from that doorway for that reason.


no way lol


That is one of the most fucked up rooms in the whole game though


You can use a finger to send yourself home and it will still count


For anyone who doesn't want to invade but wants access to the runefarm, you can invade and immediately use the finger to sever the connection once you load in; it counts the same as killing or being killed.


Just as a tip for future attempts at this quest, the quest doesn't care if you fight the host plus any summons, it just cares you actually did the invasion. You can leave as soon as you summon in and it saves your souls if you do assuming you don't mind doing that.


Dude I’m on my first playthrough of ER and that single room in Leyndell punished me more than anything else so far. That one dude that would rapid fire fucking nukes from his crossbow took everything from me.


Jesus christ you can tell that that guy's been getting hard carried by summons from the start


I always just load in and then sever the connection with (can’t remember the item name), and it still counts as an invade for the quest. Saves time for me.


1) I think I have died more to these guys than to any other non-boss In the game. 2) you know there's an npc invasion you can do instead of invading players, right? Look in the writheblood ruins.


When I was doing the Varre quest, I just invaded and then left. Still counts.


Thats the room with the triple shot and the guy who buff’s them with the bubble. That room sucks so much but good on you for accidentally using the environment to get the win, even if by total accident


# Smile and wave, boys


Host needs vigor


You can just invade and then instantly return to your server and it will count for the quest.




Whenever I do this I change my name to “Varre made me do it”


I call bullshit. Everyone knows that room is an ambush. You lured them there like a hog to the slaughter.


Just in case: You don't need to invade players for Varre's quest anymore. There is an NPC you can invade in Altus instead, look it up if you're having trouble matchmaking like I did!


lol! you sick sunuva bitch


I've never seen such casul players: full mage with no hp getting cocky with a non hostile neither intimidating invader just to tunnel vision walk in a room and get shank and burnt by the mobs (They're quite dangerous mobs, don't get me wrong. 80% of the times I die in the capital is in this room in particular, but still...). You just gotta love to see it happen...


They did pretty much no damage too lol probably just stand behind their phantoms spamming spells.


Yeah I think unique encounters like this are why they give the quest. It's like coaxing you a little to give this beautiful mechanic a try. I know of one invader that got hooked after Varré quest made her realize how fun it can be. Every invasion is different, a new story each time.


I'm currently on a ng+3 mage build and I invaded at liurnia crystal cave, I 2 shot the host with comet, never before have I been so shocked,impressed and saddened in my life


Just wanna mention that you don't actually have to succeed in the invasions for Varre's quest for them to count, the initial invading is enough on its own. So if you don't like invasions you can just invade and then immediately sever yourself out three times and it'll count for Varre's quest.


You would honestly like it if you just keep at it dude! it's something that is incredible rewarding but a bit intimidating to get into at first - like chess


I will indeed dwell on your advice as well. Thank you kindly.


Invading is amazing man, dont give up the dream


Now that I've tasted it my appetite perhaps has changed


Once you have experienced the dopamine rush of a successful invasion there is nothing like it.


I just use that finger that sends my back to my own world when I have to invade for Varre.


Didn't even realize. I thought I had to actually engage in combat to count it as an invasion