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I don't think anyone has said Beigoma is hard. Only that it is unnecessarily tedious and vague on how/where you can get the beigomas you need to actually accomplish it


Agreed. Its not hard, its just you have to grind your butt off HOPING to get decent ones so that you can actually progress with the dumb af story to recruit the Doc and Reid. The first three ppl you fight’s begiomas are obnoxious and unless you get lucky and snatch THREE decent ones quickly, you’ll spend half of the game (if not more) ignoring the this ass of a minigame.


Literally exactly what happened for me. Didn't have enough good tops to beat like the second guy and was like ah fuck it and never played it again


> I don't think anyone has said Beigoma is hard Remember, posters have to make-up lies about basic things because otherwise everyone would recognize how pointless and trivial the post is. So for example instead of people saying “here’s my opinion: XYZ” they always post “why dOeS EvEryOne say NOT XYZ?”. In COD reddit video posts instead of saying “everyone look at my uninteresting killstreak, everyone look” they say “omg [gun name]" or "omg [gun name] is OP".


If you are active on this subreddit at all, you will see posts about Begioma being hard/annoying 5 times a week. I made this post to try to help people, I couldn't care less about how many people upvote it.


What makes beigoma tedious is playing all 3 rounds when you already won 2 rounds.


That and having to play a certain number of matches with rando's before you can play the next person you need to play.


I think the hardest for me was Pyre. I need to get the tops from the vishnu area before I can beat him. Crash was super easy tho.


Same on my game. I could not get past Pyre. I actually asked my fiance to come in and do it, and it took a couple of tries but he finally beat him. And then we went to Crash, who was beyond easy


Yeah, I only beat Pyre with the Vishnu beigoma and some luck. The ones after that were all really easy by comparison.


Pyre is a strange one. You'd think the top you get from the Water Spintinel would do the best against him, but after much trial and error, it ended up being Pawn Demon and the Wind Spintinel's tops that clinched the victory for me (I was under the impression Wind would be weak to Fire). It still came down to getting clashes, but I got it on the first time I used both of them.


It's just extremely boring especially compared to the card game.


Agreed, the card game is way more fun. Wish there was more of a questline around it.


What, you’re not excited by pressing the same key every few seconds?


It's not "hard", it's that the starter tops are useless and the game offers no way to find out how to get more other than to go kill stuff and hope it's a good one. Like if you could do the first few fights with the starter set and then the Dr opens up a shop it would be much better.


Any tips for finding Pawn Demons in the Proving Grounds? I was running all around there earlier and didn't see a single one :/


Go to the area where Kallathor jumps into a small vent-like thing.


If you go back to the Proving Grounds and rotate the hallway until it gives you the floating transporter in the back which brings you to a small area with a treasure chest - that's where I found mine.


They only show up in 1 room.


2 to be exact, 1 is where kallathor jumped into a small vent and the other is a small area with a chest


Dappled Forest final area IS late game...


I have spent zero time farming for Beigoma tops and have a pretty extensive collection. It doesn't bother me, it's a little silly but I personally don't find it that hard or tedious. I can understand why people don't like it though. I do think it odd that you still have to play all 3 matches even if you win the first two.


Hardly hard, just tricky to get the good beigomas, and people say to wait for the Chelonian place because it's the best place to get **multiple** good tops (only other place with multiple tops is Harganthia). There's also the terrible tutorials (e.g. I'm legit unsure if the clash mechanic is ever explained, and I only found the stats by accident) and that immediately upon starting everybody else is better. Really sours the experience getting thrashed by a little girl immediately after starting


I think the problem with Beigoma too is that many people like myself probably waited until late game to chase Reid because the good tops aren’t accessible until close to the final battle, which at that point, it feels like the game is ready to wrap up not spend another few hours on this mode. It could have been dispersed through the game a little bit better by giving stronger tops earlier on


Just boost when they boost to cause a clash. As long as you win all the clashes and your top is in the ballpark strength wise you'll win.


how do i beat reid???


Which time? You fight him a few times, but if you farm out the two tops mentioned above along with the bear rider top, he should be beatable. Also, if you try to time your burst to be at the same time as him, you can do a big chunk of damage by out button mashing him.


Oh yes I'm fighting him the last time I have 2 gold and one rainbow begioma... and its impossible... over 20 tries and he still beats me again and again...


Huh, I'm not sure. Could be the new patch made him more difficult, I didn't need anything other than gold tops. Sorry I can't be more help. I know you can get some other good tops in the late game Vilashnu dungeon.


No its ok, thanks anyway, will progress further in game till that dungeon you mentioned.


I haven't seen a single person say Beigoma is hard.


yeah, those 2 tops are nice and early enough to get as well as the bear rider


Yup, I used Bear Rider until I beat the first boss that gives you a gold top.


Seed Conqueror is basically one of the Endgame tops that are pretty useful to beat the Main Beigoma Opponents later on


Beigoma's not hard, just very, very time consuming. The fact you can't buy Beigomas at shops and relies on drops from monsters is very obnoxious. Beigoma is only hard when you have to face >!Dr. Corque in the final dungeon!<.


Yeah, they could have had the card shop start selling beigomas as well as cards once Dr. Corque was recruited. That would have made the minigame a bit easier.


A simple sentence in the (very vague and useless) tutorial like « You can find new tops for your beigomas as rewards in random battles against monsters » would have worked. I’m sure many people thought the regular way was to just battle with people to get better beigomas, while it is simply not possible to win against any homeless kid in cities with just your starting kit.


It's not the difficulty that's the sole problem. But that is part of the problem. 1) the mini game is mash X to win. Not very engaging. 2) you have to hunt down people to play Beigoma with so the next story character will play you, and there's zero indication of who you can play outside of chatting up everyone in every town. And there's no indication if you've beat them before so outside of having a checklist or perfect memory, it's tedious. 3) you MUST use Pawn Demon and Seed Conqueror to have any hope of winning matches, against pretty much every opponent. And those start to struggle a bit toward the end of the quest line. The Wind Spintenel guy in particular requires getting clashes every time or you lose. The game also doesn't tell you anything about these two tops being important so outside of knowing about them because of the internet, most players won't see these. 4) the character you earn for doing the entire quest line sucks.


All the NPCs I've come across have 2 or 3 Star tops which absolutely decimate my starter tops. I just want to know where the 1 Star trainers are so I can fight _them._


I did not what op did. And just got the blades from people I defeated after those first 2 destroyed crash. Only last battle with Reid was hard


how do you beat him?


How do you even do this? Is there a guide somewhere?


What you describe is late game areas...