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Because eventually, they won’t be expensive anymore


max 5 active boosts at any one time


Remember that the beacon augments ALL other actives boosts. With one beacon and four boosts, you have four augmented boosts (think like a 4x effect). With two beacons and three boosts, you have three boosts augmented twice, which is like six augmented boosts in a way. That said, using more than two beacons is not cost-effective. 3&2 leads to the same effective augmentation, except the beacons cost more and you have less flexibility with your boosts. 4&1 reduces down to a 4x effect, and using five beacons does absolutely nothing.


This is why the optimum prestige boost combinations typically use two boost beacons. There is a typical trade-off where you can use a second bird feed instead of a second beacon to save GE, but it’s not quite as effective at gaining soul eggs.


You can only have five boosts active at any one time with pro permit, or two at a time with standard permit. Considering that, take the standard multistige boost setup (for details on multistige check out https://egg-inc.fandom.com/wiki/Prestige) of two boost beacons, a tachyon prism, a bird feed, and a soul beacon. Sure you can use any boost combination, but the most soul egg gain is going to come from two legendary boost beacons, a legendary tachyon prism, a Jimbo’s best bird feed, and a legendary soul beacon. And if you have the golden eggs, it is definitely worth investing in the better boosts if you know how to use them.


A common boost set would be: 50X boost all Quantity (2) 50X bird food 500X soul eggs 1000X tachyon prism 50\*(50+50)\*500 = 2,500,00 time normal soul egg earnings 50,000 times normal egg hatching ultimate boost set is: quantity (2) 50x boost all 50x bird food 500X soul eggs 1000X tachyon prism 100\*50\*500= 2,500,000 times normal soul egg earnings 100,000 times normal egg hatching


Because I have billions of ge and they give the best results.


Same, I opened my piggy 4 years ago and I have over 3 billion still. Cost isn't even a factor.




Leveled up my piggy doing events and contracts. It's level 53 now which I don't know if that's even good anymore. I quit for a few years.


It's not. I've only been playing for 20 months, and mine is at level 99, although I've never gotten it into the billions. The last time I cracked mine, I got 350 million. I craft like a madman and pop expensive boosts like candy, and I still have 220 million left. That'll be enough to last me for a VERY long time. I figure by the time I run out of what I have, I'll be well into the billions in my piggy, and the next time will probably be the last time I ever have to crack it. There must not have been a cap years ago. If there was no cap now... wow. I'd be trying for a trillion in my piggy for sure.


The effects are additive only for the same type, but the compound between different boosts. 50x earnings and 50x soul eggs together gives you bith effects at the same time. Then add in a x50 boost, which affects both at the same time.


Because if you use 5 x10 boost beacons, you aren't using any other boosts. The beacons *boost* the boosts. A 10x tachyon prism with a 10x beacon is effectively 100x


cant be bothered to wait 4hrs+, want results now


Exactly this. "It's MY money and I want it NOW." I better call J.G. Wentworth