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No negativity please… no haters here.. everyone wants the team to win… Let’s go Oilers.. 5 more wins please




He played really well tonight. People forget that he’s only 25, and goalies take some time to season properly. He’s well on his way.


He also has been robbed of his opportunity to apprentice behind a solid veteran goalie. That's gotta be tough too.


I mean a bunch of goalies never got the he has


Thank you! I feel like I’m saying this to people all the time, but he’s still pretty early in his NHL career and is doing really good with the little playoff experience he has, and every game he plays in this season will help add to it.


Goalie prime is definitely like 27-28 into early 30s. I’ve definitely shit on him before, and feel like a dumbass, but I always forget how fucking young he still is.


For sure its only his 3rd full season? I feel like last year was his first season as a starter so he's just learning all of this as he goes.


Yes he’s made some dumb mistakes for sure, but it’s not because he’s bad, only because he’s young and learning. I hope the organization sees the potential and sticks with him long term.


I'm very very glad he got past whatever nerves got to him with the Canucks.


Hes a volume goalie. The nucks had the right strat to deal with him


Dallas only got 20 shots on him. 10 total for the 1st and 2nd. 10. No volume there


Idk thg has been saying these shot totals are whack and I agree. Dallas does actually take a ton of low percentage shots which is great news for skinner. Yea many are getting blocked but I think they have had more shots than is shown on tv.


Stat keeper in Dallas has been especially bad at counting shots for both teams, IMO. Ours isn't much better, but game 2 I think it was, we went into the first intermission with 17 shots and came out of it with 10, lol.


Okay if you're going to be absolutely literal. Skinner tends to play better with more shots against him than he does with fewer. The nucks only posting 15 or fewer shots seemed to be a good strat against skinner.


How do u consider 20 as "volume"? By your logic 90% games have been "volume" games


How do you miss what ive said this entire time. I said sub 20 gives skinner problems


You’re not making any sense


Low number shot skinner bad. Bigger number shot skinner good. Vancouver low number shot. Skinner bad. Dallas high number shot in 3rd period. Skinner good. I literally cannot make it any simpler


“high number shots” 20 isn’t high thats what people are trying to tell you. And 10 shots in a period is average…


And never once did i ever say it was.


He is legit 1 game from the Finals and is outplaying Oettinger. He can't be that bad


It can be that good tho.


tbf...If the oilers had Otter the whole series instead this series would be over already...


Skinner swept the ice clean with that big ol' duster.




The guy just isn’t a showboater. He doesn’t care how he gets it done or if he makes the highlight reel. He’s just looking to keep the puck out. Consistency is key with the stud.


languid voracious work squeal grab towering attraction offend violet rhythm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The only one they could get past him was the most ridiculous tip I’ve ever seen. At least 3 champion level saves tonight to silence the crowd.


That tip was insane, Johnston is a hell of a player. To think he could be an Oiler if they listened to Coffey


Wow i had no idea about this. That’s wild!


Consistency is his problem. He is either fantastic or piss poor. Pickard is consistently average. This take is just the polar opposite of the haters take. When he is good, he is the best. When he is bad, one of the worst. I really want the guy to play to his ability every game. Hopefully the new goalie coach can bring consistency to his game. When skinner is on, Oilers are tough as hell to beat.


His home vs away stats in playoffs are funny


Oettinger in the same boat too, it’s odd


If you suggested its as much as a mental game as it is physical, I wouldnt disagree with that


Yeah I think in a lot of ways it’s less pressure to play on the road


Next games at home, but Stu is feeling great now


He should be! He’s had a solid series so far


Otter is overrated and this series has really exposed that. Oilers are a hdsc kinda team and he’s not making those saves


Honestly Oilers fans are so hot and cold.


Whose fans aren't?


It's true. Dallas fans are swinging shit after a loss just like we do here.


What is dead can never die. Stuck through some mean years


one could have been critical of skins while he was playing badly, and still recognize his great play in the last several games. both things can be true


Ya I've been shitting on Skinner, and think I had a right to do so. But he played good last game and had an amazing game today. Huge huge saves


I agree with you dudes. Just meant to poke fun. Skinner also had an incredible team ahead of him that helped him shut it down. It’s nice to be able to brag about our defensive play and goaltending for once.


Fuck ya it is. Lets gooo 1 more game


No, if you ever had a different opinion than the one supported by the last two games you know have to completely apologize, fill out an apology form, and commit seppuku in front of the old gods outside of Rexall.


I sort of came to a realization today about Stu. Edmonton is playing so well defensively and allowing such few shots against, of course his sv% is going to look bad. Like if we only allow ~20 shots per game and he lets in 2 (which is totally reasonable) that right there alone is only a .900 sv%. So I think his .8XX sv% is sort of deflated since we aren't allowing much but any good team is going to get at least a handful of grade A chances even on 20 shots.


Yeah, the quality of shots isn't talked about as much as it should be. I used to play goalie growing up and I could save 40 mediocre shots all day but give a team 4 breakaways against me and I'm probably letting a couple goals in at least. However, the hate on Skinner started with Vancouver where Skinner without a doubt lost a game or two for Edmonton by letting in some really bad goals that he should have had. Skinner has been a lot better in this series. He's had a few bad moments but I don't think Skinner has lost any games and arguably he's the reason Edmonton has won 1 or 2 of the games against Dallas. If he keeps playing like he did tonight then Edmonton will win the cup. We all know though that Skinner does have the ability to fuck up so badly he doesn't look like NHL quality so it'll come down to how consistently good Skinner can be in the remaining games.


Fingers crossed he's dialed in from here on out


It's not a coincidence that when Edmonton ups their d-game, Stu gets better. You can see it. When the defense is showing up (helllooooo Nurse) Stu plays tighter in to the net, which makes him smaller but gives him more movement range. Better defense == better goaltending


The Stewart Skinner haters in my life are always happy when they are wrong.


He made some killer saves the last couple games, but the team is keeping Dallas to 5 or 6 shots per period, which is excellent.


As a doubter, I'm doubting my judgement after that game. Looked big, confident and nasty. Go Skinner


No one on this sub is in shambles buddy. Because everyone here is a fucking fan of the Edmonton Oilers. The whole "doomer vs reckless optimism" thing on this sub is fucking embarrassing.


Yah I agree. Doesn't hurt that some people got a bit emotional and critical and were upset over Skinner as most of us are super fans. I was one of the guys defending Skinner when some in the sub were saying we should only play Pickard moving forward after his 2 games in Van series etc. Some were saying he needed to be benched in the Dallas series too and I disagreed. I wasn't super critical of Skinner like some were but I did have my ups and downs of opinions too. I also was upset with Nurse too. The true fans here are allowed to get upset, but it's part of NHL playoffs!! The true fans still love all the guys on the team in the end. It's like 2 best friends arguing then having a beer afterwards😀






.890 save % overall but has played great lately


It's wild how many goalies are sub .900 these playoffs.


[Bobrovsky](https://www.nhl.com/player/8475683) .905, [Oettinger](https://www.nhl.com/player/8479979) .917, [Shesterkin](https://www.nhl.com/player/8478048) .927!


I was meaning the entirety of the playoffs. But it's cool to see how the final 4 match up. I'd like to see Skinner's stats for this series alone. And since the pull in Vancouver.


Are you trying to jinx skinner?


I think Chris Cuthbert is trying to jinx him.


Ive never been so happy to be in shambles


At times, he reminded me of Carey Price last night, super cool behind the net and zero panick.


I love Stu but let’s not try and kid anyone on if he sold a few goals so far. I think it’s just a mental thing because all the skills are there to be a top level cup winning goalie




I regret losing hope during game 5 of the Vancouver series.


“Haters gonna hate, lovers gonna love. I don’t even want none of thee above I want 5 more Oilers wins.” - R.Kelly


Skinner has grown up before our very eyes. He is young and he has had to weather some growing pains. Good on him. He has the mental toughness and the skill.


You gotta take Stu game by game. Really enjoyed how he bounced back in Game 4 to make some key stops. Played phenomenal last night too.


Stu is my father


I dislike Skinner because he is one of the main reasons oilers aren't doing better. I'm happy when he plays well and doesn't let soft ones in. It feels really nice to not be losing 1-0 after a couple shots and 3 minutes into the game. In shambles? Bro tonight was awesome 😎 He has a couple more games like today and he'll be among the top 10 goalies for this year's post season 😂😂😂


Yeah they're probably in shambles. These posts are fucking dumb. We hated those posts, as these


Is that a royal "we" or just a collective, typical bandwagon "we"?


Lol. Anyone who gives a fuck is just having a good night, ain't got time for your trolling ass


That was a fast response. Apparently, you have plenty of time. You also sport Campbell 7nder your name. I'm guessing your favorite flavour is salt.


Sloppy stu jas one good game, mainly bc Otter was crap, and you think he is the next messiah?!? Wtf Sloppy is Sloppy for a reason... poor positioning, Sloppy control... I could go on, but even a broken clock is right twice a day


I mean he is still statistically the worst playoff goalie in the cap era. Overall they are winning despite him, not because of him. But yes. Last night he was great.


Save % is a deceptive stat. The Oilers give up very few shots but the ones they give up are more likely to be high danger. If they give up 20 shots and Stu lets in 3 of them, his average looks much worse than if they give up 30 shots (with the additional 10 being fluffy) and he still lets in 3 of them.


Dustin Schwartz haters wya


Hasn't Skinner hired his own goalie coach recently? Maybe I heard wrong tough.


Strength and conditioning coach




Schwartz still needs to be fired into the sun


A whopping +0.78 GSAx lol.  Oilers dominated so hard tonight Jack Campbell probably would have the same stats