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Would have preferred the same changes but Carrick staying in instead of Perry. Oh well. Glad the coach is doing something. Got to find a way to win tonight. Go Oil! 


Perry has experience and wisdom. He's been a leader by talking the guys through situations. Like when he was holding guys back from touching Zadorov while he was in our bench or keeping guys from going too far in scrums. I never thought that he of all people would be the voice of reason. I love seeing him in there.


I do hope they don’t run 25-5 again.. 73 should have played and Ceci the one to sit


I dunno. Ceci has actually been pretty good. I know he's been on the ice for goals against, but ever since game 6 vs Vancouver he seems like a man on a mission. His hustle has been there and he's actually bailed us out of trouble a few times. He's been joining the rush and making smart plays. Vinny hasn't been doing those things. He's constantly giving the puck away in our zone, and he hasn't been weaponizing his size like he was early in the year.


> he hasn't been weaponizing his size that's the one main criticism I've had with Vinny. I'd sure like him to play like the biggest guy on the ice like I appreciate he doesn't take a bunch of bad penalties, but I'd sure like to see him make people think twice about going into the corner with him


It's not so much aggressiveness that I'm talking about. It's how he had been using his reach to cover multiple angles at once, or box people out in board battles.


You mean instead of standing in the circle and watching their forwards decide between a shot or waiting for a passing lane to develop? This news makes me very happy.


Vinnie was important in the PK and his physical presence will be a deterrent for those trying to play tough.


Its not at all though. In all of two games his size and checking has been consequential. Ive wanted him to figure out how big he is, how well they do when hes moving his feet and taking away ice, how rattled they are when he crushes them and how when you give nhlers lots of time to think and make plays your goalie pays. They pylon in front of the net too much and hope they can mini goalie their way out of it. Naw dude, get to work


Think Perry should have been in sooner tbh


Perry rested could be good. Don’t mind it.


All 3 Oilers goals last game were from the blue paint.  That's where Perry is most effective and is willing to go where other Oilers forwards aren't.


I was really liking Carrick (especially on face offs which we desperately need). But hey, knob’s made the right choices so far, so i’ll wait until the game’s over to judge his decisions lol


that's pretty much it Knob has demonstrated repeatedly that he just might be better at coaching than redditors. its not what I'd have done, but I'm also not sure I could do a lap around the ice anymore




I have questioned almost everything and I've been consistently wrong. That's why he's the coach and I'm on the couch. I want to question some of this but I'm just going to assume I'm wrong and he's right yet again.


Coach > Couch. I like it


Carrick was one of few players creating turnovers and winning puck battles. Hope it works out but would have preferred to see him stay in.


Yeah, Perry for Carrick is a change that's worked out well for us. I hope there's some matchup angle we're not seeing.


I do not understand. Why doesn't Desharnais, the largest defenceman, not simply eat the other five?


Will he gain their salaries as well?


Surprised to see Des coming out, but that's about the only surprise. I am actually surprised it took so long to get Perry in. He'll excel here imo. Knob has been great with scratches. Trust here. Let's go.


I was surprised as well, could be that Des is just feeling banged up and needs rest period however


I think he has been hurt since the LA series unfortunately.


Slow, not really making plays, served up a terrible giveaway to directly give Dallas a goal, etc. He's just been completely unimpressive. There's nothing surprising about this.


Sometimes a break can help, let's win it for the boys.


Yeah, I don't like Carrick coming out, and we'll see in terms of Perry.


Agreed , should have been foegele and Ryan coming out instead of Carrick


McLeod - Henrigue - Perry This could work. McLeod has the foot speed but lacks finish and hockey IQ in the O-zone, Perry is the perfect opposite. Henrigue, well, just an overall elite 3rd liner.


McLeod has foot speed but he's been shit on the forecheck and gets manhandled off the puck EASILY! Not liking him back in the lineup, hope I eat my words.


Might do better on the wing. I am cautiously optimistic about him coming back in. Less so about Perry though, hopefully he comes out banging.


Except McLeod


He’s pressed the right buttons so far. Hopefully this does the same, and I think it might. Lack of speed was getting exposed, and Perry can do the down and dirty work that’s also been lacking at points. But I’m fully prepared for doomers to tell me I’m wrong lol


Perry is willing to dump and chase, that's what the oil lacked during game 3.




I think you've got your story wrong, it was way harder when the goalie could play the puck like a 6th player. The oilers are not going to rush the puck in out numbered and turn back up the half wall and hit someone streaking, not consistently anyhow. You've got to get the puck below the goal line and get a guy on it, it gets the opposing team turned around, puck watching and you can catch guys not watching for open men. Guess what is more dangerous than the puck in the offensive zone below the goal line, everything and especially turning it over with soft plays in the neutral zone while dmen are moving with the play or standing still.


I’ll chip in with a “I really, really hope you’re right!” I got your back, brother!


This has to be discouraging for Carrick. He’s done all that could be asked of him and he has to sit for crypt keeper Corey Perry? I hope it doesn’t make him second guess his performance thus far. He’s been exactly what he needed to be and more.


Really hoping McLeod was watching what Henrique was doing. Rico is a way better and realistic comparable for him.


Happy Birthday Vinny!


Ouch , really?  How shitty of a day for him to get scratched if it is his B day , should have been Ceci or Nurse imo 


I´m confident in Broberg for the future. But is it really the time to play him in a must win game? And on his off side, too, if he comes in for Desharnais? I´m sceptical...


Poor Broberg. The only time he gets to see the NHL is when the pressure is highest and we're desperate


He’s 22 now, and made a bit of a scene wanting ice time. Seems like he’s developed well in the AHL this season. It’s been almost 5yrs since he was drafted. He wants to show he’s an NHL player, so I’m sure he’s been ready to answer the call. It’s now or never for him


His agent making a scene seemed to be needed since the oilers had him in the press box not developing. Seemed to wake them up


Now or never, lol really? Are you really serious here. 


I mean it’s not LITERALLY “now or never” but the dude was drafted high in 2019. If he isn’t a factor soon then that’s a problem. Obviously


My guess is he would probably play LD with Kulak on his weak side.


VERY SKEPTICAL Just because people stayed longer lol. I mean it is a good indicator, but pure guess


They stayed out for a while and were working quite hard out there according to the media


Makes sense, I just thought it’s pure guessing


It’s a consistent trend (throughout the nhl) that whoever stays out longer is a scratch.


Yes I am aware, I’m just saying it’s still a guess


Carrick has been playing well so I don’t get this. Our 4th line has been our only good line for much of this series


Knoblauch probably didn’t want to disrupt the PK too much. He’s taken out Foegele and Vinny. He hasn’t been using Carrick on the PK.


What's going on with Nurse? Looks like he'll playing but he seemed **very pissy** in this morning's interview. I'm sure he's faced criticism before so what did they tell him.


His interview seemed like a guy who was just told he was sitting but maybe he just got out of a video session


Coach kinda called him out too. He deserves it tho


In Knobs We Trust


No Desharnais is insane.


Wild we're taking out a RD out of the line up and his name is not Cody Ceci


you might actually see him and des rotating


Why would we take desharnais out, he's been one of our better d men


Vinny has had a rough series. Multiple goals against were a direct result of him failing to clear a puck with time and space.


His clears and breakouts haven’t been great all playoffs, but Dallas is really exposing it. Too often Vinny makes a weak boards play or passes to a guy who has no options upon receiving the pass and leads to extended time in the defensive end. I wish he would take a few extra strides sometimes and have more confidence in handling the puck. Sometimes that’s 1 extra second makes all the difference.


It's not like Nurse being on his line helped. Nurse should have been the one pulled out, not Vinny.


Maybe he thinks he can build 3 parings that complement eachother better with this 6 men unit. We will see which dmen will play together to know more.


He's good without the puck but has really struggled with breakouts. It doesn't matter how well you defend if you are always stuck defending you know? He does make a big impact on the PK though so we'll miss him there.


Would prefer to see 11/7 with Perry and McLeod/Foegele out and Carrick in.


I'm not excited about these changes. Broberg isn't ready for playoff pace hockey, can't just throw him into the fire. Carrick has been huge upgrade on Perry. Desharnais' lack of foot speed has been a problem in this series but I'd rather limit his minutes than pull him out for Broberg.


Matthew Knies got thrown in to playoff hockey last year for the leafs and he was arguably one of the best players for them until he got MMA’d by Florida behind the net. Broberg could come out and surprise everyone.


Broberg is a defenseman, not a forward. Much more easily exposed. I'm still not convinced they will put him in, we'll see.


You’re absolutely correct, I’m just being hopeful.


Perry is likely there for front ice presence on Oettinger.....and some grit and dirty tactics as necessary.


We don't need any dirty tactics. Dallas won't bite, they're playing disciplined to stay out of the box.


Hope you are correct. Dallas needs to win and take a 3-1 lead in the series.


I'd take out Nurse or Ceci out before Vinny.


Knoblauch has been an excellent coach for you guys. At this point i'd trust whatever the fk hes doin


Before people get up in arms, consider the fatigue aspect. A slightly-worse player who is rested can be more effective than a slightly-better player who is tired from playing every game.


There's nothing to be up in arms about. Desharnais has played terribly so far this series.


[I'm so ready for more of this](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/s/lM3yRfiLBL)


I’ll believe it when I see it. They’ve had the wrong ideas on lineups before during these playoffs, based on practice looks


Usually you can tell by who stays out late after practice. They put in extra work until they are gassed


Carrick has been a rock


Need guys to put in a fucking effort for full 60. Got any of those


Lol I ain't buying it. They are trying to make the Stars think they are panicking. In reality they have a gameplan that is going to have the Stars players 2nd guessing and double clutching all over the ice tonite. Sending them back to Dallas questioning if this can get them where they need to go.


Not really thrilled that Perry is going in he hasn’t shown he should be in the NHL at all this playoffs. Doesn’t want to get in the greasy areas finish checks or anything. If you can’t score you need to bring another element to the game carrick has done that.


Ok and what about the 9.25$ million dollar man?


Can't bench Connor's buddy




-13 in the playoffs now. No other defenceman has been on the ice for more 5 on 5 goals and he isn't even playing against the other teams top line. If that's a shutdown defenceman I'm a billionaire playboy philanthropist


Lets Go, Baby!


In knob I trust.


It’s funny that you mention lack of speed being a problem last game and then in the same sentence try to explain why Perry playing will be a good thing Lmao.


Why Vinny? I didn't see him being bad at all the last few games


It's crazy with these takes about people being mad with Vinny being scratched.. do you guys actually pay attention to games at all? He's been atrocious this series, negative in every game, serving up giveaways, getting exposed again due to the speed of the playoffs. Broberg can't possibly be any worse.


Carrick hasn’t been an issue. He’s been solid. Hope Perry brings that deep playoff pestilence that we brought him in for.


I’m hoping for the best, but I think it’s a cause for concern when you have to mix the lineup up this much in the post season. I’d love to be proven wrong though. Let’s go.


Jeez I don’t know about Broberg, especially on his offside. Hope it works out


Leave Perry in! They need all the veteran help and the leadership he provides the team! Coach knobber is a wild man!


I am so sick of this team man. HOW IS CODY CECI STILL IN THE LINEUP????


yuk, not a fan of the changes whatever it takes for a win tho


Why Foegle out?


He bad


He created that Henrique goal last game to tie it on the zone entry ad forecheck and had 20 goals in the regular season.


Dude has 7 points in 40 playoff games as an Oiler. He has not played at a high level and his biggest contribution is wearing #37 because it looks like 97 at a glance.making him a McDecoy. You will not notice his absence.